Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Jul 2004, p. 21

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Start It's flot always clear where to begin. Whether youre Iooking for work or starting a business, job Skills can guide you to success! *4f% 905-276-9675 Toit Free: 1-866-967-5929 wwwjobskills.org Servis5 ilse commnunites of Duffern, Hait., & Peel S..'es tiervices proU idratno conissue smgsoyed isellvduals 0 job SUIas Empinymnent Serrvices at jb Silus arr tsnded by the Goernrsrsrof Canaa Retafl and tto$ptoity pasodemay Inctu d sl.,eecae e. ete. lev.ut.e cleffL tad servIs. .h...~..coshin. ndth.,. Requlrements: Information- Yau musitue ln Haton/ Laalng for team players Wha POeE/Dutfeeln. cirm cammliied ta poeiicpatkng You munihave <~dln sIn nl tratlng pogrom moi You mst hve a isabltn.lrudes arsthe-jat raining. You must b. unempioyed. AN placements bocated ln fte Haltlon/Pee/Duiiesn Regian. Yau musi meet pragam eigibiiy requlremnents. Training wttN occur ln Missisaugo. Spoces ac» Ibitesi $0 contact w tOdsovi Co-mmty Padiwht, to R.t-A.L. RmptgobWuy Speruoresi by the aneto Oa bbtttm kWport Preoin Enptoy.ntsupport - - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday July 27, 2004-21 haun immedîxta position for Residential Operations Supervisor We are iaaking for a high-energy, resatta-ocosed indivîdoat wh's responsibitities wotd inciade: inatal- ltion schedating; instatlation measaring; oapervising and provîding tectinicat assistance ta instattero service technicians and manage inventory tevets You Otier: -Soperior writen & verbal communication skitts -basic compater skitto inctading otlook -G2 & OBT2 and a retrigeration andt air canditianing journeyman licence -an exceltent understanding ot nytemn contrats undt wiring diagrams. -Esceptianal interpersanal/problemn resotutian skilts We0Offer: -Campetitive Satary -Comprehensive benefft package -Ongaing training & pratessional develapment -Company vehicle -Grawth opportenities Ouallffled applcants are aaked to fax resume ta the atnion of Bien Jack @90"-89-M03 No phase catis pieuse We thanb ai appicartts for their interesl, but on4a those setected for an interview wiil be contacted :m Lakeshore Rd. At Bronte, Ookville R uemmt Hring Full limne positions only Availobie to work a combination ot day & night shits Must have own transportation Competitive Pa & Benefts based on work eop Apply ln persan or Fax/E-mail. Fax: 905-319-1648 - Emait: ueif5Ocogoco.ca COURIER VAN DRIVER Dedicateel Route -Onvers Abstract Requtred MalU s orne o Burington, ON L7M 489 Or fax ta I uý 90519-3M3 NOW HIRING Part-time staff for our exciting N EW MISSISSAUGA LOCATION <WVinston Churchil & Hwvy 401> - Apparet - Bakery - Cosmetics - Dairy/Frozen - Deti (Cotd/Hon> - Eectronics - Floral - Front End - Grocery - Housewares - Health & Beauty - Leisure - Meat - Nanurat Value - Night Crew " Opticat " Phatolab " Portrait Studio " Praduce " Tobacco " Seafood Corne visit our Job Fair 0 Meadowvale Delta Hotel McCallion Ballroom 6750 Mississauga Road (Mississauga Rd & Argentia Dr.) Tuesday, August 3,d 1 p.m. - 8 p.m. Wednesday, August 4", 1 p.m. - 8 p.m. Att applicanne atnending the Job Fair wti be tnterviewed. Your waitsng ttme may be extended, dependtng an the number afitnterested appîtrants that attend aur job fir the ruai Canadian Superstaru ta an equai appartunity employer. LOCAL MILTON BASED COMPA] Requires Shunt Drivers fer night, aternoon and weeed work. tnterested applicants must hetd a vaiid AZ iconse. leas cati Kyte at 905-693-2253 or tas resumne and currant drivers abstract ta 519-8534194 Cafeteria Attendants 333 Market Drnve Miltoan, On FT/PT Days, aftemaan, midnights, samne weekends. Fast paced, brtght, cheery, madem cafetenia. FrInge benefta e Full tralnling Equal opportunlty employer Oeil 416 566-9347 Or 416 576-9908 s t. à.-o hi.11s.cs MW nmS aseo su q5y sf V, dSlst, or eWstsis àt d Towns of H"i..5 Its âs s!e h-r aimd &W"-s st the Bt= uâ Ted ao isCre&l Rim vn&y. lit HALION HILL Temporary Labourers Two apporrunssica mxiss ro work vnder te direction of Public Works supervi- snry staff, using your municipal experience se, pesform general road maintenance activities. Yaau will supprtr staff using relssed maintenance merhods xnd procedures. Good wrssren, verbal and lisrening communication skiUs are key, as xre demonarrssed abilities wsrb public relations xnd cussomer isquirses. You mus alan be abte su ift UP t0 20 kg, effecrively traad and weigh maserixl wirb 4-wheel drive loaders, snd main- sis xnd operate compactors/s'ollers, wraod chippers, single vide truc.ks, small dump rrucks and pickup trucks witb ptow, inctvding insrslling wing xnd plow, loaders, smali tractors sud atachments, and hand and power tranîs. Knowtedge of the ~rper use of personal protecrîve equipmens and safe workrng practicea is essential. 'Ibis position requires a valid DZ licence, sud the aillingness tri wnrk shifts, standby' sud overtime, inctuding weekends. A high school diploma oîr equinalens, sud winter contrul experience are required. Current Firsr Aid, CI'R, chainsaw and WHMIS certification would be ideal. The braurly wage foar ibis position is S15.47 (usîder review), as specified in Scbedule A of tbe Collective Agreement betwecn ibe Town of Halton HiEs sud CUPE Local 73. We offer s igbly professional, progressive and supporrive work envirrumetit. To be an integral part rfounr growing communie>; please send s detxiled resumne iusing ONE metbod of application, only), rncludîng references and a cuver trer in yosr owu bandwriring, qsraing Pasting #200422, by 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, Asagust 11, 2004, to: Ms.Jacqueine Bawles, Manager of Human Resoueces,Town of Halton HOUls, 1 Halton His Drive, Hahaon HUis, Ontario, L7G 5G2. Fax: 905-873-0431. rashak a/i thors wha spp/y, bat asa/rct, tat as/y thorca pp/ss s e/ect'd jor an, rnterview,'rc '/i b,' cotated P,'rarna/ i!jrrmanatrraa ,rectr'd under the aut/roro f the Municipa/ Act, 2001 (S 0. 2001, c.25),ad wa// bc usaita se/ect s candidrate. tVa-are air Equai pprtsniIt' Employaer MACHINE ATTENDANT Kelly Services is recroitisg us bebait ut uur client ton 2 permanent poitions. Must be able to pruaide a fabourablo tbackground ocreesing, minimum grade t2 andt wurk rotatîng shifts. Strusg mechanicai okîllo. Usdorstasiting ai cylisiters unit pseumnaticu. Guait at truubieshoutisg, utle ta ditagnoue and prubiem-suive. Appiy ta: Fax 905-842-7436; or Email: ks7619@keiiyservices.com cikiles Customer Service Career Fair!! Wednesay Aug. 4th and Thuraday Aug. 5th lOem - 7:00pçm Bey Are. LaamlngCnte 00Heetngton C Not your average Cali Centre... Are you tokn fraunique, fun and rewardîng career? I=~utrv in a tast paced environmert, tove toi surf the internet, and are witing tai go above and beyand ta hep custonsers, then cansider a challenging career wifth Circies, a leading loyalty marketing services company expanding te Butlington, Ontario. We are teoking tar conscientiaus Custorser Service Pratessio-ais and Tearn Leaders te jour star new Catt Centre ttnat witi be apening je September. The Sernice Professionat handles a variety oi personat service requestasach as dising resorvatians and suggestions, fiowers, git baskets or inquiries about tickets, travet or tadging. Responsibte tor att phone and ornait correspondance with oar castomers, as wett as candacting internet research and intorma- tion gathering. JOB REOIJIREMENTS: The qoatiied candidate witt have strong verbat and written commanication and organizationat skitts, as weii as the proven abiity ta, pravide quatity service in a last-paced environiment. Requirements inctude two years ai castamer service exporience, and knowtedge ai Windows 95/98 operating systemo, Micrasoft Word, internet searching, and keyboard- ing. If yo are anabte ta attend the event an Augusi 4th or Augast th pieuse sutimit yoar resume and caver oSter ta hr@circtes.com. To learn more about Circies, please checks oui aur webslte at http://www.circes.com We look fon.tardtot meeting you in Burtingtont FREE TRAINING Drive 4 Us. School Bus Drivers Wanted Cail 905-877-4448 Laidlaw is an equal opportun/fr Company MATER W. HANOLERS $1O-12IHR. New dstnibution centre tocate is Miltton needs 10 peo- pie tur temp. ta perra positions. Expenesnce wosring in a warehoase recevn environment io an ASSET. This ta a 4 AM ta 12:30 PM sift. Satety shues are o MUST and su ix a GREAT ATTITUDE' The maximum liifting weîght in hOibs. Pase cati The Recraiting Edge ta arrange tr as appainsment. The Recruiting Edge 25 Walllne Avenue, Msissauga PH: 905-56-877 Security Officers needed for event sccurity 100h AnniversMr of the Bell Caada Open Fax resumes ta: Intial Security 905-578-6993_ Ce O ERRIE Gerrie Eectric, Ontarios argeot independent etectricat distribtor as as opening for a mtiaated individoal to join our grawing teao. Tbis position is basait out ot our Bringtos rancb. CONTRACTOR ACCOUNT MANAGER You wll ha resposisibia tor effective salas effort of ail products siild to Custractor Accounts in tha Brl sgton/Mi Iton rvo We ottar basalit package, cr altowance, basa plua com- mission ramonratios os oeil as opportosîtias fun advascemast. tf yoo are areao highly motivotad indîvîdual euth 35 yaars elactnicol soies vapriasca, and ara întarasted i oising our dynomîc ondt growing compony. pleosar amaîl rsume stating reeresca # CAM/01 toý EMAL HR@gerri.com e FAX: 905-681-1774 GERRIE ELECTRIC WNOLESALE LIMITED 41014 South Service Rood, Brtîngion Ont. L1L 4X5 Aitn: Homon Resoorces Manager Oly tboua uvtactad yor interview wlt ha cotctad GENERAL MGER We ara a watt appuinted, independant Seniors communi- ty lookîsg for o dynamîc manager You i hava excallent leadership skiiis and o flair or commonucatisg wîlh seniors. Respossibilitias isclode ossambling on Altetam to pruvida lrt ciss services soch s tood and baveaga, bousakeaping, octiviias and maintenance. The position wii manage the day to day upeations and supervisa tha soccasstol marketing effort Wa proolda terrîtic support rom a team of prolvosionals in o craatîva & progreasiva environnant. Pleosa aasd rsrasoma olary avpctatons to iorward resumes@yatioa.ca OFFICE MANAGER ieqoired îmmediately Auto Dalership eperience a must. Reynolds experi- ence an asset. Competitîve compensation, groop isaur- once beneits and Passion Plan. Rspond by e-mail oslyt l amanssy@oakvillvhon do cvm and jacqoasli@ditawrigroop com Thinking Hosda? Think OAKVILLE Honda. WAREMGUSE WGBKERS NEEDED Pickv /Checke puaition aatabla Perm. FI/PT posi- lions also avait. Mon. ta Fn ,810 completa Ail applicants must have good wrilten & oral English skîlîs. Attractive t benelt package, protit sharing company, Please apply le persan or by tax 905-825-9709 Atention: heanie Jones 2226 Souill Service Rd. W., GaWatle, Ont. 1

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