Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Jul 2004, p. 20

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20-Tha Canadlan Champion, Tuesday, July 27, 2004 CL4SS HUM:D OTLN: 0.75.33 CLOUR BOUS: Moda to Friday e 9:00 am - 5.0Pm ~Cassified GRADUATION BIRTHDAY Kathenna & Dave Pulford are proud to announce thse graduation of their daughter KIM MIKKELSEN (rom the Internatianal Academy of Dealgr/Fashion Program. Km han accapted a poniton at Cougar Shoas as Astistant Designer. S Congretulations on your creative career choice. ove MomDave &Fam-Hy We Love You from uenon, Cauneron & Daddy x x x PRIVATE SALE iACTON 1 bedroim, avait DOWNTOWN MLTON Ths 3 sperious bedrone ' able immadiateiy.Fnidge, Mifiide Towars 82 MO"ird loicaied sn Mions mut stove, tiiben htctuded. No 1Drrea. 1 &2 BedroomAPts- datant Csmpiea. pets, firtlatan rfrancesi Clone to Doiistoen. Bus Fînisheit besemeni, 1 1/2 raquired. Cati 519-853- stop at Front Door 905- battis, A/C, sew windows, 3877. 876-1249 w .reaal5arca tieriwooi oanr Sertis on ts prvate homes. ACTON 2-bedroorn ept. GEORGETOWN 1 -bed- beautifulty andscspad $700/mth plansfiydro, As- mriu em s from cdown- For on eppoistmnrt ptaan gant Itf,. Large apt tocs. Inctuctsan ppliencs cati 705-645 5272 Eai. 1289 $750/mfh plan hydro. 416- and parking. Aviabla Sep- or ahter fours 705-84e 4863. 663-7756. tembar 1tnt. Calit Leurs Acton Aparlmnle 1 & 2 905-702-8249 bedroomeperftsent avait- abeNoie and for future. GEORGETOWN t -bed- Fnidga & Stove, teundry room, includan heat/hy- - -YR 0 i eiy failties, No dogn 519-883- dro/cbe valbeJ 14374 open 7 dey/week cb.Av itel uy' morfgege porms ngrd ady aprol t1sf. No pets/chitdren. REASONABLE Indiastriat tam0of incoma or credif. BRIGHT 2 tiacruna tsse-Firntitant requirad. Catt Units for ran. Hwy 25 & CabCRS0-0-2- mn ptset ase- 905-702-7649. 40,160-3200 sq. Il.CaiCRS018(32-netPrfl.eaae Loading docks & trive-in. 7887 or ivait an et www.sin- -Itra-ce.Parineg, iraPlea, GEORGETOWN fange ana fenced yard. Avadt. Sept tsst. be<lror p.cla & Phione 1-905-2779347 or ctaircoctibus.com $950/mth 905-878-4565 oo ap.ctn& 1-905-275-6834. quiet. Prefer single older -- COUNTRY ivng, naetti. persan. No srsolong/pets. decorated t-bdns suite, s- dadaes 4 applianes, & ubl- Saptember tnti Reiterenc- fiasAvedlabla Augunt lst. as. (905)8T7-1209. No nmokang/pets, lStlant GEORGEiTOW Osebed- ciffi referancas, matura, W . A $3-SK/caek isooime po- proteanionat wantad. room $850/mth inclusive tentiet from home, sot ACTON, 192 Charchill 5875/mUs. Cati 905-854- and Bacheor 5800mUs in- MLM, persona] devetop- 2083. claive. (905)873-3303. ment training, -800-0- Road, South. 1-bedroom,,DWTW eret , GOGTW 470 valaleSetebe ltlarge 1 -baroorn aveitable RENTALS A Work t Home Job On $760/monif utiiias includ- Augusitn t. 5760/mUs plan 1, 2, & 3 badrooran. our ad. 2-bedroom, evitabte hydro inctuden eppienc- Checki out cati ite Cispuler August lt. $860/month as/parking. No neoti- www.hatnhîilsrntals.com Training Provded ingpets cradit checki GEORGE TOW N F/T P/T titihas inctuded. BatUs ih rtlast/rfarancas. Catt RENTALS 1, 2, & 3 tsad- Code:n4 betcony. Osuit B.kng, n 905-877-4427. rome. OCheck ouft bitne. ww.MQPJbcm pets. 519-853-1281. __________ GRGETOU IWN tco tied- room apt. August 1 st. Firstitast. Eveiything înctud- eit. Quiet ares. No pets. (905)877-0023. GEORGETOWN, amazing new one bedroom apt. A/C, $750/mth utiliSies înciuded, August/September. Non- smoking 905-873-0301. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Branla Street, Souths, Miltoan We are noie accepting applications for t & 2 Bedroon, Aparments; For moire Intornion enco to mfake an appoint- ment, Pléeeai 906-I78-5375 Builing Manager Leonard & Penny LARGE 1 -idrs park set- ting, utiliSes, parking induit- ed, gardesîng pnsiteges. No smokers/pets I sldast. $750/mth. Cui 905-878- 1960. LARGE 1 -bediroom sapart- ment, cahuing disance to Malt. $800/mUs inctusive, hirstulast. Available imme- diafety. Smokers celcome. 905-873-0770. MILTON 1 & 2 bedroom avaitable. $945. +.Ceari and quiet building. Cai Jack 90M 812-0195 Avait. able issmeitly MILTON 2-Tco bedroom apartinni 800/mU, + hy. dru. First & tant. CatI 905- 878-5000. 3-bdrms 2 ntoray house Millon, appliancas, C/A, larga f ancd lot crUs dec:k, garage & dot"l dnvecey Avaitebte Juty 1tst, $1400/mUs + ubittes. Cali Famando 905-878-3067 or 647-828-2646. ONE badroom lanury con- do. 100 Millsîde Dr. 51200/mt. încluing at ulitias. Plan indoor pool, Spa, gym, parking, storge, 5 appliancas. Aveileble Aug Itt 905-878-1631. ONTARIO St. S.Milton.Top 1/2 of bungalow. 3 bed- -Si- NEWLY builh 3 bedroom toienhoue in prme Milhonloca- tion. PatoCA tenced yard, garage &tundscaped garden. Close to planned parti, schools & shopping centres & 5 ap- phiances. Avaelable October 1sf. $1400/month + utlites. First & last. 905-875-4698 OAKVILLE 3 bedroorn townhouses avadlatue immediatety through Sept 4 appliances. Hopedale Mail area. Latieshore Management, 905-876-3336. m -SrSCM Heather Jones andi Paolo Toscano along with bg broth- er Andrew are pleased to announce the amrval ot Victoria Paker, bon at home on July 15th, 2004. A speoiaJ thanks to midwrves Sandra, Wendy and Diane as well as Sue-Arn, Nanna, flm and Danne. Victonias arriva has deighted Nonna, Nore'o, Grandpa, Nanna and meny Aurts, Undes and couans. es OPENHOUSE %10 in lelsration oif their V sods Anniversary 4î the farnily oîf Agnes & Wilfred %Nevins invite Ailtheir neighboruri. & qs friends inti tiseir home at 20 26Miles 'St. Miton y Saturday July 3li,2004 a 1 PM to PM Bain, Dorolhy Suddarity at home on Sunday. July 251h 2004. Dorothy Bain, Belovad cita of Ken. Loving bo8er of Amande and fier hunband James Green. Sadfy minnad by fier s9nter Paf Molciaon and farrofy and brother Bnian (ickson and fanify. Fansty andt friands mey vesit at ie McKealeKocler aneai Hme 14 ais St Mlon 906-879.4452 frcrn 2-4 pm and 7-9 pre on Thurnday. A privata fuserai nervice crf talia place on Friday, Juty 3M8 2004. Cremeatron to folow et the Mifton Evergrean Crematorium.As anprasaronn of nympathy donations to 84e Heart and Stroka Foundahon coutd be aereated. room. Necw tiattroom, isrrNure Vitage ueycare casher, dryer. Baclîs onto han spacen eveitabte for quiet park. No pets/snsok- chitdren 18 monfhs f0o61 ig. $1150 + shere utlities. years. 905-878-7552. Visit 905-864-7355 us et rainbocvitlagedey- cote.cora FOR two children rom- 3-tidry townsfouna in Mit- mancing Sept 3. Ose 1 tan, garage, 2 bethioom, i schodl age, anealternative $1250/ssîh, plus utittiesu. deyn et J.M. Denyas Cati 905-878-5444. ochools. Cati 905-878-7417 MILTON 3 bedroorn. 3 sp-I pliances, end unit pvae dnive. 51250/month plan utîtte. Avilabte SeptCaiADng omCh 905-875-0878 or 905Ca1- A Dinigdoloestatd 272.table, 8 chairs, buffet,ii MLTON Brand sec Tocs- hutch, dovataut construr- home for ranI, Sinclair &dtn. Newc 5h11 n bones. Main St. E. 3-Mdm,, 3 bath, Cont $11.000. Sacrifice 5 appiiences, & finished $2600. 905-567-9459 basassent. Cal (416(938Jt- 7197. o MILTON. Nec 3 bdos ____ towshoune, 4 appliencas inctuded. Close toan bua, $1300mts + uhlitfien. Avaiable Oct. 1lai. 647-298- 1713. A King iioctop Mattres Set. Nec in plastic. Cont $1600. 905-567-9459 BED, Amazîng bargaîn, queen ofhopedic piloctop set, flacin plastic, carrenty $150 905-567-4042 cr11 de- tuver. Bedrooni Cherrycood, Bed, chant, dresser, 2 mightstsndn. Dovetait Con- Mtion. Navet opened ConI $8.000. Sacrifice $1.900. 905-567-4042 CARPET t have several 1,00()oyrdn. of sac Stuis- menter & 1001% nylon car- pet. Will do taringtoom & hall for $389. Inctudes car-i pet, ped & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639- Hot Tub: 2004 att options, caterall, Ozenator, Red- cood cabinet navet useci, sOIt in crapper. Cont $9.995. Sati $5.000. 416- 953-5197. CASH paid for antiques and collectib as, china, figurnes, îewetlery fumiure, cosetc. 905-878-3145 ceil: 905-876- 7W.0 1992 Cavalies; for parts, 225,OOOJmiles. Heads done, new tires, drives untit June tnt, $1,000. 060. Cati 905-875- 4460. 1994 Od Cutlass Supremne SL, PW, PL, Cruise, 11ht, Leatti- ers. 193,OOOkms. As is. 905-702-1478. 1998 Windstar GL, 99,OOOkms, qsad seating, dual air. $9100. Will certffy. Catt (905)873-9808. 2000 Buick Century Ltd., 50,0OA/ms, t owner, PS, PB, PW, Kepess enfry, AM/FM Cassette. Mint condition, $10500. Cai 905-876-1665. 2001 Chevy Matîbu, p/w, pA, kaytass entryc fints/spoiler, up- graded C-playar/speakers. Certifiad/e-tasted. 78,OOOloss. Watt meintainied. $12,OOOobo. 905-877-6648. NEED Whees? No Credif' No Problemi Contact Andraw Donnahea tCredit Spaciatist" at Georgalome Kia. 905-877- 7818, (Ce)416-735-8424 or email @adonnahaa@ya- hoo.ca 2003 Situer Dodga RAM, 1,500, 4x4 Hami,,,, quad cabi. 62,OOOkms. $34,000. Roll & Lock ratractable cap $600. Confractors cap $1,500. Cati 416-984-7288. GLt eWayv FWghlitwc_ We are an P . snCompa- ny specializing is (ho planning and c -ordination of Sround transportation services throughsul North Dispatchor/Logltlcs Plainer We csrreatly fhaoe an speninq inOtr Openstions depat- mont fst an indînîdual cho enjoys (h challenge and pace of a busy dispatch office. We offer a superior cork envi- rosment, secare empisyment, job training as coil as a competiline cage and henei packge. Trassportation speraisns esperîence could ho a dofînîte asset, but cms mîlment and (ho ability (s corti as part of a team isa must Accoumit/SlosExscmtive We are lsskîng for as satgoing, hîghly motîvatodperoro- mance drives sales profossional 10 joîs our sales team. Weo 0(er a competitivo salary, benef ifs and) perormance rolalet) bonus Eperience in tho indusfry sol ssontiai, ce are cîllîng (o train (ho rîghf prsos. GÊvIllo, Outno LME 2M Fax:906-842-M40 ob, allte: hr@atnayfrlou DUMEMOSTAC1TORCI Fusa lrlsrvcekiffs taenca mfeapust. peity Fon nareluitoevrsen.Ms baveCOUNTCAR & TeC rb temdaLSe fa a905-707025 M M. m 1 a

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