DRIVERS ;20O5Echo Hatchback LESEFOR$1 69* Fuel consumption: Hwy 5.2ULOOkm (54 mpg) Cty 6.7ULOOkm (42 mpg) 5 61,ed ooaýI l ,î,sýl,on - 565 AM/FM 5ereusset - 60140 p /t fl d g ear .sea i tee,,g ..and1,41, >0po Corolla CE LEASE FOR $2O5* PER4 64044$ FOR Au Mu4I41s 8MIN1$2.950 44444 F4EGu$ AD PuF .INCLUDEF ~17,500 MSRP Fuel consunptiun: Hsy 5.3UIlOOkm (53 mp) City 7. ILUII 0km (40 mpg) AM/FM stZOOCDSiennalCE FORA279FOR OR$* Highlander V6 -ER 11011H F048 615 1I -- ".9 D4844 LEASEFO 2 9 FR24,BOOAN PD. .9% F14EU ASEPER AF41FR 8 NFeuE MINu$5,6241414184$LEASE FOR $3991 Fco12480MSPt 1/435. 91Fl8 (42 mpg('30000 MP 2fLUDE4J1444 4486ACeC9L Ct10. 1LUl00km< 28mp)4 .1, 0F4444 2 24 L, 1 57/i Prigri 4sp. da m i t tra iFueconsumption. 434378.ILUl0Okm (35 mpg) 3 9O M RP 1 /eus *A//////tiiig0/l,/,//g* r/44/4 u ,d4 ýs an r/o rrrCty 12.2U1Okn, (23 mpg) *A /M s ro CD cassett - KeI/4///4414144and "* 13--343/L423/0//I uel consumptiun: Hwy 9.OUL00OOkm (31 mpin A, conditio 4 (/n4r44 44/o/,- -C /4a4,d34///// City,12.7U100km (22 mI&) * 65 . ^Ms.terg""' ' &154144e r NO SECURITY DEPOSIT ON ALL LEASES. 400 Steeles Avenue 905 875-1700 REAL PEOPLE SELLING GREAT CARS" Wee you findyosur avueoyota ealr? i4fî544(44us54t -, ',O a.o 81 ()(IAH «/tLa4gus thom rnuTýotEFuuinacil e,nces00 A lOe ,~,4 Il204503l5 h acbac4/0Co/uso 04 2C44o/ 4410/uoQladfLce.rgsfrL445on e, is 4uoooe adaxesos exraeaZ ql ,64u ,,4nd 4P0E ,o6of 96051,0101 $1 >11 0/i6/1 26,Fîan4d (DE 4/,e inMSRP B6*,d on6(414441414444 1,44rateo(6 4% 4on1M084(10644k (Mode JT1O23MA> 646',d444 4ý14isii41631 641 .all 91 %/9%4 %4onCorofiam È y"n",4î6 /84444 (M4i4 B32o BEOKPA30CPA/5P21APMl24414(pWent604($1148/24950f64«97/5.625518041or4,trac e 41 ,et equ,,3 6F4 64641ol 11 44 deIs,,90 0/$7.48 7713 an (444 uC t u 432795/U,45 65 1408 444006/0117,343 00 44443 en4a4maxium o 9 6.000 KMS (12000KMS l, f, 466444 dd,l lKM charge of 01101f 10/ 15/ilabl e M14846S44 ut S2.4Ïi55î,54 /1444444$660 F414144 4644166e$20040al 1 8%3 9% p6f4141 uai$51.444 98458959 per m41u41fût136 mo05, /06 8Oi 1 4 25 a4îlf/466g46u,oî0o28/11225 24 1 4%/3% ol/44 puchas inanc /066or ,,.I,,. 4(46148 ulb e (420444/9414644,4andCmy/Sinn Al deltas4are1,64,4,4 06,644are1/41/1,3lime,044,4 Pleues 64your pa(444/pat/49 Toyoa4,Dealer4for 41(66, Dealer 0 May46 4141 64( fer644 6 , "3 2-Tfie Canadian Champion, Tuesday, July 27, 2004 ,N.INEs RACE IN TODA Y! lKelso beach re-opens for By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion Keiso Lake has once again been deemed safe for swimming. On Thursday, the waters at Keiso Conservation Area in Milton were ciosed to swimmers after high bacteria levels were detected in water samples taken by the Haiton Region Heaith Department. Keiso Conservation Area Executive Manager Bob Harris said two water tests were done Friday and both confirmed the waters were okay again. 4There was an upstream heavy rainfali, and that' s what temporariiy spiked the readings," he said. This brief ciosure manred Kelso's other- wise flawiess track record of havmng safe water since 1996. But, the ciosure didn't scare away those seeking relief from the heat. Conservation Haiton Marketing Co-ordinator Susan O'Neil said a fair number of people stili visited Keiso over the weekend, with many people coming from Mississauga and Brampton. Ms O'Neii said Keiso has maintained its dlean waters through havmng a bird screen instaiied in the beach area and encouraging improvements to land use practices upstream, such as keeping iivestock away from streams. Beaches in the area used for recreationai purposes are tested on a weekly basis, or if conditions change. Keiso waters are testcd every Tuesday, said Ms O'Neii. Haiton Hcaith Promoter Sharon Little said there's a sign at Keiso Beach that stases the water is tested reguiaiiy and gives a number people can cail to find out if the beach is isted as safe or unsafe. Aithough signs aie put up to warn swim- mers of high bacteria leveis, Ms Lintle said it 's not uncommon for people to ignore them and go in anyway. According to Conservation Haiton. peo- pie affccted by the high bacteria could experience cai, nose and throat infections. as weii as stomach upsets, skin rashes and diarrhea. For more on beach ciosures, cati (905) 825-6000 and ask for beach information or press 3 after business hours. The informa- tion is aiso availabie at www.region.hai- Melanie HennesseY can be reached at mphennessev@niiltonc aniadianc-hanmpion.o ni. Women dies in 401 crash A 95-yeai-old Toronto woman invoived in a Hwy. 401 roit-over eaiuier this month has died. Anna Leemta and her husband, 9-yeai- oid Evaid, werc travelling eastbound Juiy i1 i. ast of James Snow Paikway, in a Pontiac Sunfire when the roit-over occurred. No other vehicies were invoived. Ms Leemta was air-iifted to Hamilton Generai Hospital with iife-threatening injuries whiie Mr. Leemta was taken to Milton District Hospital. Ms Leemta succumbed to her injuries at about 4:30 a.m. Friday. Const. Paul Maudsiey of Port Credit OPP said the incident is stili under investi- gation and it isn't yet known exactiy what caused tihe roii-over. m -- i =bý