8-The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 23, 2004 JuIy 23P', 2411 and 251h, 2004 & Sunday Onlyl1 Wo s g.,' 10 id AIL Patio Sets AIL Pooe *Ofun melbtd.hPrim AIL Patio Trablewe Summher Cnyand ftfl Sais or k 14U FcI*ÎY8 e PriCes are in effeci FridaY, Saturday and Sunday, JuIy 23rd, 24th and 25th, 2004 uni.s ottuerwlse stated>. Soiection may vary by store. WhIIe quantities last. Sonry, no main checks.a -oi AU. TOMt buideDOOR Crashers! JuIy 24th, 2004 - -,, - M 49.99 oý* un gotka ÊN a % *UU "0' Roduced 4ljbýM rrEe