Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Jul 2004, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday JuIy 23, 2004 *Commenit ÀWThe Canadian Champion L'OS? , i i0iviAin S. Er: aainCapin pbîie vr rrsa o rdya 9 Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Maini Si E Miloji Cut- L91 4N9 (Box 248), s uofetThe Metrolanit Prititî Publislitrg & Disiriioirng LiS grolle of suorbaorrrcomparues winch5 341 icluSes AjaxPrskeriitrj News AdomrtsertA Iisioo Heratd Tourier, Barre (905) 8 7 8 -23 4 1 Advaro.o. Beotton Eteprse Brampn) r di eaSan ulntr Post, Boelnglion Coonectroir Eas.t rork Motir rFot trivoai' toîrti y toutes Fiobicolke Edîlorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Suarian, Fldirobotoug R evi. Forevuet OoorrG eSorgeton Adverising Fax: 905-876-2364 Independeit/ticoo Free Pres Haiton Busioeýss [unes Humrilia Buisires tiies LndsayThtiis Weeir Markliant F inotiis? & Suri MOtiarîSPerrr'arrg Ciassfied:905-75-330 orherre Mrror Mlon Shopping News Mssssauqa tBosiness Times Clasifid: 05-85--300 Mssssauga News, Naparier Guide. Nassaqaweoa News Np.uutoarketiAurora Circulation: 905-878-5947 Fia-Banner, NortitimberlandNews, North York Mirisi Sakuilie Beaoot Oakurie Shropping News Sidtirriers Hocikey Nwbs Sirlira ioday Ian Oliver Publisher Osbaawtirtiby !Clarogiori/Port Petry Titis Veek Pp.trrbooqtiTis Week, Prton Coooty Goide, itrsiiîoîit Hil rthoriiilVtrigaiîLiSerai. Scairborgit Neil Oliver Ai ceci (11icuc/ibiAlcc Orîror Stoottuitie Sxtridge Tribune JiliDavi I'dîeerî,î hut dveetrsfrog isaccepteS oonte conîdiîtirIlai iiithe ee et fa rypir JiliDavi 1--iforin-C iefUapiîcat error tai poronofo te artertisrrrg space oseuiteit Py the ein Karen Smith Olcclsiiilt i, ol-aîreoos iterri togetiter wit a reasorrabre atiorsance tor i sgnature. wîi uli ie ciatgedfotrPrt the iaance ofthSe adverseroiefttwrtt Se palfrti toiaItireappli Wendy MrNab Adve' illî in, ire( tCiccaSte rte The pobistet escrocs itefriStifte categorrue aversererît or Tim Coles Prod tolcecîMocnnucîc.- destiine Charlene Hall Teri Casas Puce, îhîuiceî Manaerec (Iffc< 'Minae'n l'ie Miltoce Caeaclran Champoe rua RScepeaee Pecacel Where's the justice? News item: The Ontario govemment i appeaiing thse nine-montis jaii sen- tence given a Blackstock couple who kept two adopted sons lockecl in cages for 13 years. News item: A Toronto dentist wbo admiîted possessing -many thousands" of child pomn images was given an i 8-mnonO-i conditionai sentence. News item: A mari called a -ticking limne bomb" with nine previous drink- ing and driving convictions, and who was ordered deportcd ils i998. bas becis convicted for a lOtis lime. Tise question tisat cornes 10inind when reading about thise reccîsî court cases is this: Wisat are thc courts doin i sidiîsg out tisese Iîient sets- tences? In tise first case, tise (ro\ss n sougist signilicant jil l ime 'ir the paîrctîts uft ie two boys who were kept caged iibornsc aid t'orced b ltve in îlsetr soosîs tht. Justice Donald Hailikowski. isooever, gaive tise patents tise ligit sClîtîce s:iv- ing tiseir actions were 'und(erscor-ed bv (ood intentioni,',~ i iîcclilsidres.r Makiisg them ive in and caltisceir owts excremct. How are thciee "uood intentions"! Tisank goodness tise Province k wtiisderini tise sainse îhing ansd is going 10 appeal tise ruling. In tise second case, Dr. 1.eslie (Iriesdorf amassed tise Largest porrm collection in Canada over a 20-year period - most of il involving ciidren - and yet will see no ime in prison. Wisat kind of message is being sent ts society'? Wisere is tise deterrent to otiser 'collectors'?" In Use tiird case, isabitual drunk driver Alvaro Malicia is awaiîiîsg sentenc- ing, yet again, on iis lOtis drunk driving charge. He also bas more tisan 2(0 convictions for various offences including robbery and tiseft ye lise isasn't been put beisind bars for a significant period of time or deported. Justice, il seems, is isard 10 find in some Ontario courts. * Our Readers Write Potential quarry infusion quite concernîng l)ear Edilor: Wclîîos aich iC 118outIor flic resm- dent, lit ndli.flitc cris trinisent ut Mltonui rrittt lich tntUsilili tî pieital qunît to it;er.iticcns IIintui Iisiritusîcoît 1lsleslIte rossi Fris s'sîioinitltîiîc Dttrivîquît- 'e. flis lý'ICItiîil ]J 851 trusts pir dtaý i5 îtsquarry in noîurili voc, t' iut'ureugti. s utit sýtratsdlesý M'iltoit's s<iutts ovest bouder. and fittc pruipiseet Hansîn shate quarrvni tîtrtit Iurtinglons on Trernaitte Ruîad. jusi south of Mîtons munic- ourselves? pal bourtdary. ciher n other quarries are wile nte\,orks ior are lo'oking tes expand ohaitus the/ci/i.,osf'tMiltn areni't ciosaic or Wioal are te Ilultics tsoft1Ilitspots'nt tai quarro' tnttir Iosîi ituu 5tsrqualîts. tii oui, env0irulnnicttantdosildtil'e :ant Ioour generat vuay ut lite iil îton'> Let\ 001 just imeasure fle impact o' onie quarry. but rather the coin- hined impact of' theru att. \hat bave we dune, or are ose deuîng to t believe that if we do nothîng, os et1 bc iseaded toosard calt1îng our- selves quanry country and no longer escarpiuent countoy-s for we*lt lia\ e 1o escarponent leit. Cuîuns iloîrs neet tee lcad the charge iof sitizeni cnltîzhtcînienî. l'or earix utsi situation awareness cou- pIed os'th constructive input wilt certatile. be considered as watching olut l'or Milton residents. Bob Beyette Dr. Dumencu wîll be greatly missed by ail who knew hlm i)ear Editor: Hiemosas aiways tîsere tor the lods. Whether il be a take eoervone else. t was deeply saddened by the hockey event or Curing l'or Kide.. bis generous support siealh ot Dr. Dave i)umencu. hetped Ios enhance the experience. Oser the pasîtfeos years. 1 had the tspportunity 10 Million onul truly msiss his. coach tsockey andi curi againsi Dave. When il canse Io sî'ilnsrlstoanship and tair play. he osas a true genteinats. Dale Waller Frobisher Boulevard My suggestions for a happenin' Milton summer tt doesn't take much Io bave a good summer in Milton. Actuatty, t think il wouid take more of an effort 10 bave a bad summer than a good one, with al Iis town of ours bas 10 offer. With UsaI in mmnd, there are a few things i'd tîke 10 remind Mittonians of as we approach the middle of titis great iazy, hazy season. If you haven't been having a good summer, there's stiti time 10 tum il around. Let's cati il 'Stephanie's misceiianeous keys 10 having a great Milton sommer' (in no particutar îorder). i. Explore, explore, explore. At the risk of once more sounding like a Milton cheerteader, l'Il say it again. Milton bas so much 10 offer. So spend an aftemnoon downtown browsing through stores. Support local businesses. Visit tse parks operated by Conservation Hatton. Participate in speciai events. In ftasi, wt o it stail wîthtotiîiiloî s clajs sic car event aloisg Main ti St clil siwils ai <o 1).111. 2. Lock your witsdiws anduldis ailitiglit. Yes, Milton is a t'elatively sale ciiitiitiity, id chances are your isouse i5151 giitg Iiobc toioketi int. But each week ttiruught iiilioisiittiier break-mns occur, oflen bo homses wherc'te li iwters are just a little loci trusting of Milloiios sat'ety. No malter how much of a 'smali-town feet' a coins- munity bas, there are bound 10 be bad eggs. Make sure your home isn't an easy target for an egging. 3. Appreciate the smaii pleasures in life. This is something that, obviousiy, can be done anywhere and bas notbing 10 do witts Milton speciticaiiy. But Mitton sure seems 10 provide ample things 10 appreciate. An exampie? Nothissg starts my day off on a better foot Usais coffee from Espress Yourself Caffé. To say 1 was happy when a new tiavour was ntroduced the other day - Snicker Doodie, as in a Snickers chocolate bar - is an under- statement, as my feliow coffée ui reporter Melaosie Hennessey can testify. And 1 stili dont tire of sittmng by the Mili Pond. 4. Treasure your family. As the Champion's crimîe repcoer.,lVve i'ad rny tilt of sad stories Io report. Over the paPi 10 months îhree Milton men bave been înurdered - one in Milton, two out- sîde of town. Our sincere condotences go out to the famity of Dr. Dumencu, who was obviousty toved and appreciated around îown. We also rensember the Stockton and Manchisi faînities, who are also deaiing with tosses and experiencing their t-rst sommer wiîhouî a loved one. Lîtè is fragile. Enjoy il with your fatsitly and friends. 5. Read Use Canadian Champion. A shameiess piug? Maybe. But how else wilt you know what's going on around town? And please, continue e- mailing me your story ideas. i can oniy report on what 1 know about. Enjoy Use remaining 61 days of sommer!

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