The Canadian Champion, Friday JuIy 23, 2004-25 CLOSIFED HUMIN: 9058750000 CWD HURS:M*uoftàé9. mS.«0pm BIRTHDAYANNIVERSARY B ".(ý OSIH ENGAGEMT GRADUATION Shawn Sosnowski Congratulations on recently receivng your Bchelor of Educetion t fhe University of Western Ontario, as watt as your Bechelor of Arts (Honours) from the University of Guelph in 2003. Shawn han accaptad a taaching position t St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School in Oakvifla stering in September 2004. Ail the bes! lIn.oar new carrer! ve, Mont, Dad and il Private Sale: $260,000 4 bedroom bric bungalow in older section of Mlon. Large mature treed lot, close to chools and downtown core. 3 bedrooms upstairs, 4 place bath optars Many upgrades including: new roof, window ktchen floor car- pet over hardaoo floors. Open concept klichen/iviog room. Recreetion room includng kitchen, 3 place bath- room, 1 bedroom and aundry faculties Separate side entrance Basemnent coulit be usait as a one bedroom apartment. For an appontment please cal 905-875- 0526. FWANTED TO PURCHASE One bedroomn Condo in Mtlton. Flexible closing. 905-875-1194 or 905-875-8060 L - No agents pleasel ,Love Brad & Joel ANNIVERSARY, The love you have gien taoane anoiher has inspired us ail, anad we admire and henash you sa tery mi,. Thaa for suc. a perfect famihy. Sharon, CoUeen,. Michelle and Kevin and ail the cesi of the (alla, Unols or reni riay 25 & 40f, 1,60 3,200 sq. Loedîng docks & drive-in. Phone t1-905-277-9347 or 1-905-275-8834. 5-VA @ 5.20%, Also equîty morfgaga programu regard. feus of income or cradO. Oelil HRIS @ 1-800-328- 7887 or oîot us t ww.sin- Acton Apartments t & 2 BANK foreciosîng on bedroom epartment avait- you7?? e a py mortggeabele Now anit for future. erreers/bed itabt, repaîr Frîdge & Stone, iaundry creitit & seve soma home tacitities, No dogs 5194853- equity. Oeil 905-690-1660. 4374 open 7 iteyu/week saeaday epprovel. h1J'~~L~oe ACTON one baitroom apt., IL4ILV Ifl M $550/mth +. Cet <(519) 853- 5352. MARRIAGE Dr. Amy Scherer B.Sc., D.C. I Paul andiLnita Soherer of Mifton are * proui tof0 nnounce thet their iteughter I A m y Lyn o S he e h eu gredu tedj * from the Oanadian Mamoria Ohiropreotic Oollega in Toronto. C onga1laton d beat1lhes cbeginnlng an exdaing and successful AUUN. One oeoroom apr uGEORGETOWN 1i-ued- $550/mth +.Oel t1-853- room minores f rom doan- 5080 or 519-853-5352. lown. Includes appliancas DOWNTOWN Georgetown, and parking. Avalable Sep- large t-bedroom avalable fember ltf Oeil Laura Augoof 1sf. $760/mth plus 905-702-8249 hydro includes applianc- GEORGETOWN 1i bed- es/parking. No smok- room. ncludes heat/hy- ng/pefs credif check, dro/cabie. Aaiable July frsciast/rfrencas. 00l1 lu. No pets/chîlitran 905-877-4427. Firt/laut requirait Oel DOWNTOWN MILTON 905-702-7649. Milisde Towems 82 Mîllsie Drive. 1&2 Beiroom Apts. , GEORGETOWN Ose beit- Close to Downtown. Bus room 850/ml h incusive stop at Front D[or 905- itdBachelor $800/mth is- 576-1249 www.realstar.ce dlu"h. (90)873-330. GEORGETOWN RENTALS 1, 2, & 3 bedroomo. Check s ouf wab site c w whaftuîhiluîn f iso GEORGETOWN RENTALS 1, 2, & 3 bad- roomu. Check ouf web site. GEORGETOWN, amazîng new ose bedroom apt. NO, $750/mtfi utlties included, August/Sepfembar. Non- smoking 905-873-0361. LARGE 1-bdrm, park set- tîng, uflties, parking nclud- ait, gardaning priieges. No umokers/pets.lot/taut, $750/mth.Oel 905-878- 1960. LARGE t bedroom apart- ment, waiking distance f0 Mal $800/mth inclusive, firstit st. Avilabia imme- dîataiy. Smokars waicome 905-873-0770ý MILTON 1 & 2 badroom avalebla. $945. +, lean and quiet building. Oail Jacki 905 812-0195 Avait- able rmmedataiy MILTON. One badroom apartment for non-smokar wOth no pets. Avadeabla îm- mediateiy $78000 uI les includeit Itfrances. 905-1 878-2737 CARLISLE Sami 2-hait- room home. 2 btfrooms, famiiy room aigus treplace. Waik ouf prioate patio,' son- room. /A. ON, sngle ga raga space. Avalaba Sept ltf $1300/mth, utilises in- ciuded. Perfect for protes- sional coupla. No kîds/no pets, non-smoking, 905- 689-5109, 905320-314& MILTON 2 story home, close f0 ail amanîfies, am- ple parking, 3-bdrm, large lot. $1450/mth. Avalabie Asg. Oall 905-875-3750. 3-bdrm toanhouse in Mi- ton, garage, 2 bathrooms, $1250/mth, plus utlties. Oeil 905-878-5444. MILTON 3 bedroom. 3 ap- pliancas, end unit, private driva. $1250/month plus utlties. Availabla Sept. Cati 905-875-0878 or 905-691- 2762. MILTON Branit naw Town- home for rent, Sinclair & Main St.E. 3-bitrm, 3 bath, 5 appliancas, & fînshait basement. Oeil (416)936- 7197. NEWLY buit 3 badroom toanhouse in prima Miton location, Patio, /A. fancad yard, garaga & lendscaped gardas OClose f0 pianned park, schoois & shopping centras & 5 appliencas. Avalable October tsft. $1400/month + utilties. Fîrst & last. 905-875-4698 OAKVILLE 3 bedroom townhouses avalabie îm- madîafely through Sept 4 appliances. Hopedala Mal area. Lakeshore Manage- ment, 905-876-3336. NICE large rnom, mnodem HOUSE f0 shae wifh sin- sectuitad country home, gle person. $600 + 1/2 heet Guelph Ln. & 401, camp- & hydro. Reauiful yard. 0f- beilville/Milton $425/mth. lice possibiity. 905-876- Oal 905-854-0359. 3182 EOWARDS, Chris and Juile (nee Ttreault> of Milton are pieased f0 ennousce tfhe birth of their daughter isyla Christine weighing 9 Ibs 4ozs et Miltos District Hospital os Friday JuIy 16, 2004. Weicorned by bg sis- fer Madisyri and the resf of ffhe famify Many thanks te the nurses and especially Dr. Hunter (again)! '30 YigAR' M1ýRCD1TI-] DANC9 CL-NTRL R9UNION MLTON CENTREcFOR MUSIC5&nTHEAREs AeRSI Thurs. August 12, 2004 7:30 - 9:30 PM Milton Fairgrounds Corne Visit & Reminisce Miss Kim 905-875-7674 SINGLESGET2GATHER Singles Social Club for 35 + Comfortebla gel togathars. or cali 905-875-2384. and ahter school. Sam Shereo areaOel 905-875- 4202. HCCR regîstered home daycare. Spaceaaalabla for JK/SK , fui/part-tima pranchooler, bafore & ahter uchool. Structurait EOE progmam. Activitias induit- ing creebive, circla hime ouf- itoor acttvities. Nutrtions snack and lunche pvit- ed. BS in Education. 10 yeam espeitence. Contact1 Ageita t 905-575-1520 WARM loing ca fo lu agas. Hot nutrîflous meals, ae appropriafe uctroties, OPR/poiica check. 905-878- 7317. ANNIVERSARY 9Hppy ihAnnver3ary\- Dad & Mom (Randy & Kim Adkin71