24-The Canadian Champion, Friday, July 23, 2004 i f)wn- but not out! Life's circumstances can knock us down - but they do flot have 10 knock us out! Struggles at work, strained relationships, stress aI home, sagging income, sickness and illness - what happens to us is flot always what we invite into out lives! Few of us welcomed the difficuli limes of sorrow and grief that we have already experienced, yet some are able to look back on their lives and suggest that they are stronger for the journey as a resuit of their struggles. Those individ- uals chose to get better through the bad times rather than bit- ter! They took the sour lemons of their lives and made refreshing lemonade. They refused to0 sur- render 10 their negative situa- tion. They realized that their A Church for Your Heari Mmid & Spirit SanéJtiary and YOU! Sunday Momlng Service 10:00 - 11:3Oam Milton Senior Centre, 500 Childs Drive (Near the Mail) www.thesanctuary.ca/mllton Chr Mfilatavit Rthe AssistantlWorshlp Esther Keseor Youth/outreach TIm Stevens, 9 a. m. - Early Worship Service 9:,30 arm. - Sunday School for ail ages 10:,45 a.m. - Second Worship Service ON THE JOB TRAINING 6:30 P.M. - EVENING PRAISE THE ..O -FRIKDE nl LagWee www.nelifenmilton Spri. f us.& * o C ifrs success in life was dependent upon right responses 10 the unwelcome intrusions for life! I think of countless individuals who were pummeled by dire circumstances, yet who refused to quit. They had been beaten, but flot broken. Consider: " Cripple him - Sir Walter Scott " Deafen him - Ludwig Van Beethoven - Bury him in snow and give him a seemingly hopeless war -George Washington *Raise him in dire poverty - Abraham Lincoln - Strike him with paralysis - Franklin Delano Roseveit - Burn him so bad that doctors day he'11 neyer walk - Glenn Cunningham, who set a new one mile speed-walking record in 1934 * Cali him a ýslow learner, retarded and write hlm off - Albert Einstein - Cali hlm a college drop out - Bill Gates There are so many more names that could be added 10 thîs ist, names of individuals who had been overwhelmed by not overcome. Success in life is determined by about 20% of what happens 10 us an on 80% of how we respond 10 what happens 10 us. Choosing the right response is often the resuit of having a proper perspective. The way we realize that we are flot here by accident or by change - it impacts upon how we live. When we see that we have hope and a future - il helps us go on. God has a wonderful plan for T J We welcome you to... ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH 123 Main St. E., Milton ONE CONGREGATION TWO GREAT WORSHIP STYLES! Sun. JuIy 25, 9:30 amn » Corne jtnnus for worship support- Nursery facilities available uRev. John Benham & Rev. Gerry Hofstetter Church office: (905) 878-8895 www.stpaulsmilton.org 2850 Derry Rd. E PO Box 332. * Milon. On LOT 4Y9 905-878 5664 outhside Fax: 905-878-6676 A Church of The Christan and Misonary Alliance of Canada Sunday Worshlp) 10:30 AM - WORSHIP SERICE "Often lmitated, Neyer Duplicated"- Matthew 13, 24-43 SOCCER CAMP! Sign Up flow to get the best rate - $39 Monday August 9th - Friday August i 3th 9:OOam - i 2:OOpm For children entering senior KG - Cr6 Children receive a soccer baIl, t-shirt ' and water bottie. Children get skills 601 training, great snacks, Bible adventures and FUN! WRCEWAY 'BAPTJST CHURCH 103 Martin Street 905-878-1 629 Pastor Walter Fi. Isaak 10:00 arn. - Sunday School 11:00 arn. - Morning Service 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Sudy & Prayer Captain's Crew for Children (ages 6-12) "YouiI always find a friend at Graceway" www.gracewaybaptist.org MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. - 878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper 11.45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study So then every one of us shall give account of himiself to God Romans 14.12 GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Clergy: 317 Main St. E Rev. Dr. Mark the Church on the Hi/I McDerrnott 905-878-2411 Rev. Carole Langlotz Father Mark Curtis ylP 15undaysie 7I Services at10arn Sun. 8:00 HoIy Communion 10:00 Sung Eucharist followed by coffee hour T'hurs. 10:00 HoIy Communion followed by Tea and Sharing Wheelchair Accent Throagh Parking bL www.gracechurchmilton.com our lives - be assured! To learn more about it, visit a local church this week. Service limes and locations are pub-. lished in the Religious Directory below. Submitted by Reverend Dan Rogge, Senior Pastor of New Life Church, Milton ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH 70351 Guelph Ln -iust N. of Derry Rd Parish Ofice: 905-878-1363 www.stgeorgeslowville.org SUMMER SERVICE TIMES Reau Corr(nnsnîxîîgathe r Fday evenings ai 6:30 pmn Santay. Jaly 25, 2004 9:30) arn Mîîmîng Praxc-r Nursery and Sandav Sclioo/ proidied VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL for age. 6-11 ocars $l10 per peesîîn Aaguvî 9îh- h 9:30 soarn - 2 non ai Itcgh Ftecr lIal/!Vicinria Park Re%. Canoin Charlie Masters Rector Rei. Jerry Salloum Assoc. Priest Chrîs Jones Reach Communitv Team Leader KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WELCOMES YOU 170 Main St. E., Milton 905-878-6066 Minister - Rev. Joseph Gray Director of Music & Children's Ministries - Sonja van de Hoef Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Nursery Summer Sunday School Age 3-8 10:30 arn "ýGrowing together in thse grace of Christ" SWheelchair access and washroomns provided so that ail may corne and worship. 4cce.xxoff MarY st. MILTON AW"MR& Cm-mURC1I Invites vîîx iii uniweekl ' YSabbath services ai Hugth Foster Hall, 43 Brown St. Miltn Sat. 9:30 a. m.x Salibaîh Schiîîî Sat. 11:00 a.. Divine Service FRFE BIBLE SCHOOL Discoven the amazing Bib/e axswers tux m/ès perp/eng questions, and the secret xx a happy life. For FRE-E BIBI.E I ESSONS, wrixe O.9 Box 230/2, 55 OntiarioS., Miltoîn, Ont., 191* 5B4ý On the IN I IRNET. http://wwvw.vop.comrn ad îwiw.anzngfacts.org/biblechoo/choolmnam.asp PASTOR: A)IOxixta 5/9-835-8301 Fori moîreîinformîatinn aboutîîî nnservice aîîd prograin, p/e aie ca/I. [ hi S- t Miltoni Bible Chureb 200 Main 9tmet E. 10:20 AM Cofîo & Convoimation 11:00 AM WoiithIp ,atvIcê C!hi 1dren'-q pogi-am unn ing eoneuri-onti!J A N.ew Chuich foi a New awCnomion! www. Milton 9 bl@Chu rch.ca - I __________ 1 1 1 IL- 1 1 1 1 q)