Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Jul 2004, p. 22

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22-The Canadian Champion, Frday Jnty 23, 2004 Defensive lapse proves costly for Senior Sox in quarterfinals - . - è ý iiiij i i i ii < .ji c7J./UlILU ' t<iiOlà By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion A familiar foc bas denied the Senior Red Sox yet another championship. Suffertng an ill-timed defensive lapie Sunday momning in L-ondon, the Red Sox coughed up a late lead and were trimmed 7-6 by host Lakeside in quarterfinal tour- nainent play. Lakeside, who knocked Milton ouIt(if OBA 'B' ehanipionship play last summer, capitalized on three errors 10 deliver the comeback victory. "We've got to find a way to beat these guys," stressed manager George Moore. "You jusl cant ma.ke mistakes like this against a veteran team." Adam Finkbeiner was fairly solid in a cotoplete-game effort versus Lakeside, but juil didn't have the lielding support he and fellow Red Sox pitchers have enjoyed more often than flot Ibis summer. Offensively, Jef Sommer highligbîed the Milton-Lakeside encounter with a bases clearing double, while Dwayne Jobnson and Pat Masîrrigiacomo had two bits apiece. Moore suggested is team's quarterlinal exil may bave bad something to do wiîb a 'bit too easy' round-robin campaign, wbicb included back-to-back tïve-run miercies. First to fal by an Il-I1 margin- was Tborold. Dependable hurler Ian Zetîle gave up just oneC bit over four innings, wlîile closing thiîsgs out wa.s Matt Dickson. tng 6-0 Iclad and neyer looked back, with Jeff MacLeod's homer and double fueling the toumament-opening blowout. Also standing out with two-hit efforts were Reese Davies and Chris Coughlin. From there, Milton dumped Essex 10-0, thanks t0 a strong complete-game showing by Adam Ahearn and a three-run triple by Johnson that put things oui of reach in the 1fifth. Multi-hit campaigns by Andrew Coe and Matt McCandless rounded oui the mis- match. The Red Sox, 9-l1) in league play, are now hatîling Oakville and Dundas for a relu rip tn the Ontario 'B' champi- onships. T'hey have nine gaines left, înclud- ing tonight's clash with hosi Etobicoke. Milton closes ouI the wcekend with a Sunday attemoon game in Dundas. Brazen sizzles in Gold Final triumph By SANDRA SNYDER Special to The Champion 13aen delis'ered a corninanding pet - l'ormatice ai Woodbine Raceîrack Monday ee coing Io captur e tîse frsI (iold Final of flic scason l'or tiwo-year-olcI trotting colts. In rein 10 trottîng specialisi ires or Ritchie. the Balanced Image son landed in t'ounbh spotî as the colts p)ois ered aa 'ay lrotu the ,art Ir a :28.1 openittg quarter. Heading lor the nidway îmark. Ritchie sent Brazen 1theli outside ansd the colt irottcd strongly hy leaider Looks Like Grild to Mount a twuî leigtbinsargtn belore the 1:.29 Ilîre quarter panel. Trond Smnedshaniiner trains llrazeti or Atocricait Viking RaicitigStable hic.rot Atrosi.NI. A $30,M)ttt US iurc hase ai tlise IHarrisburg Yearling Sale aaI. tic colt has alrcady camic'rl$ u 5 aii- ntng bshi,, G I lt itintrîitrilaIi seck, ;,s %elt , MtVonda\, s tic rails c final. Brazcir s,,a luIt broillerto villa Le Bart Iter. a ho binked S S~ in7 P) r a', e a Mtao-N car olil. irnuttrtg ,tlIcel In nation andridnoal of- the trli rOtrat oSis Stakes t old Series tlic ntred. V'ordiitbitsctais s ent ltr,/cn ff ',Ilici second uîroice fbehind clriirriiorr 55lilirci iorga jk Fot-turtate. a ti rmade ian carl s break thai kniockcd liititi ou t r t 'l'ie Colt i',, 1îfinle etort reiumed "6. 10 tri thsetfairs \atir) sclected bii tr i an. S 3.51 iii tîrrse a bu likv i his trIo place and $3.410 toi o t \%hos at r ) dn tI ith a rsers atilse sîrri, aa aCet \Illrrieur Kaitn liait S to tiplace and SO()() io shir aind in sîImatigce thIlsirrt llacc' pertiirrce \a as irît M4 i stlia lire î'actrrpaît 576.X<), \0i rie Irle i ,cir î.usirýýrIti '5 1. IP I lrciuIi> Scar îîlrt rtrrre nuL0ItstUItLir r unîtSurlusaLtunr\îrr4-. aMien tibes tlrrr tritSii Sî 'sStikes ,cworsii 'Ile ns rîretal pitgrarîr rs bck i Iiistbirsec \hrgrrst 7, AitIh ( nd Lliî iiriîriis or tire îlrre Necar uld slcinglire Midget Red Sox nipped by Mississauga 'Me Mîdgeî Red Srsx had their s icirr party rained on Tuesclay cvening, but ritî by Mrther Nature. ['p 9-8 rtrMtssissaug.raltrîtutilg tari trios 1ib eir final ai bit. tIre r rc ,il hîuls aci c' scrred inn ta ce in the bi rirrsfîttIre rîîth Soccer camp runs in Aug. There are stili spaces available for te locaily-based Soccer Desrelopment Model Academy. Run by Professor Horst Wein of Genna.ny, die developmient camp is open to children of ail ages and runs from August 9to 13 and August 16 to20. The cost is $180 per player for te ful-day camp, while a half-day program for te ots - four to six-year-olds- cosus $90. Those interested in sigtng up can do so by calling (905) 875-3440 or visiing www.sdma.ca. toiirin giîi/ig Io',ss tirIliclie rîs nat trriia deteat droppxt theru toi 9)7 M.lItîriî riercaîssu'tarisc'paralc' ctccîs beurre lîrsîng the sesa hirdoactrisin1 a sh ly T1cr (race ancd Sean Mathéecach scrrred tîrece ies Iri pusb tIse verdict 10 the limît. Sertît McTraclit aorked cîghî înnings iri the bilI, wbîle the catcbing duties were sbarcd between Jordan Fagin and Nick Vipisnd. TMe Red Sox are back in action Suisday. \Aben îbey bost Georgetownî ai Brian Besi Park. Came lime is 6' p.m. Bantam Mavs thump K-W 2 m series opener The Milton bantam rep lacrosse teamn would have been weil advised to pack a set of brooins for lust night's tip to Kitchener's Albert McCorttack Arena. 11=t's because a Zone 8 'D' series sweep of K-W 2 was, 10 say Utc least, a fairly safe bet. Confintîing teir season-long supremacy of K-W 2 at John Tonelli Sports Centre Monday night, te Mavencks took tce best-of-tbree opener in authotitative fashioti - blastng tce visitors 10-1. John Grant backstopped Milton 10 a solid but relatively easy gamie-one victory, whsle bis teammuates were in control from astart 10 finish. The contest's suspense factor disappeared early, wit a 6-0 Mavericks Iead established before Utc end of te first period. Miltoni even held tce upper hand in tce discipline depart- ment, taking just 10 minutes in penalties 10 K-W 2's 24. Scott Stover led offensively wit two goals and utree assists, wbile Jeremny Price was close hehind wit two goals and a pair of helpers. Doug Kay alto stood out with a bat-trick, with Ryan Willia.ms talying twice and a two-assist contribution given by Chris Crosscy. Rounding out tce scoring were Ethan O'Connor - wbo cipped in a goal and an assist - and Rhys Betts. wbo added a single helper. If necessary, a third and deciding gaine will be played Wednesday aI 7 p.m. at Toneff. TMe local bantamis will close out Utc season next weekend aI the Ontario 'C' cbampionships ini Guelph. Scoring woes go on for Magic girls Ilie leaibreak continues. The litder- 17 Magic guis soccer squad hase had an asilully dif- ticuli îiîne fitîding the back rîthie iset ibis season, and couldn'î do sr t iail durîîsg ast wcekeîsd'sý Ontariro Cup playdosi-ns. Miltronr s as shut (rut in all tour gaînes anid lailed 10 sîsake is sil less, av. iich hase bcen largely the resuli of a lack of produc- tion. "Utsitcrrtuntcly, sic don't bave înuch power np front.' satd head coachs Tîrîy M/aduri. "*A rash ot injuries basnri helpect either.' Despite the aeekeîsd sihiteia.sh, the lccal ladies înanaged 10 keep thîîsgs taîrly competilive againit their bigber OYSL conspe- titiots- baîîlirg Io a pair of 1 -0I deleats against boit Scarborougts United and Ottawa. 'Meir other bisses came 10 Oakville 14-0) and Richmond Hill (3-0). Maduri offered high praise 10 mid-fielder Rachel Horton and back-up goalie Caitlan O'Connor, wbo suffered a fairly serious band injury in round two but gutted il ouI between thre pipes until the bitter end. Also showing strongîy were defenders Allison Cleal, Tanya Maduri and Sara Mancini. Milton is back ai Thompson Field Thursday evening 10 take on powerhouse Oakville. This serves ai a prelude 10 next weekend's appearance ai tbe Kitchener Toumamnent. v -- --- -- - - -ý WARRANTY APPROVED www.oilchangers.ca L ----- --- - --ý ý m - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I9 SAVE $11 OFF: YOUR NEXT OIL CHANGE PACKAGE 5 Main St., Milton At Bronte (Across from the LOBO) e (905) 878-1947 . E T. 11-NG gd I tIu ' VaIid until September 1 2004. Regular price starting - - W~F9 IJ at $2899 most vehicles including most fluid top-ups. Taxes and environmental charge extra. MCC-3 I I I I I I I CHANGERS FAST& FRIENDLY

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