20-The Canadiani Champion, Friday, JuIy 23, 2004 /Vewet1an~ jf 4e MftOt 2/44 occe't C14i Nadalir letria rinieonioanoegasArotOne maIfor geli011 Nudurîr hectoîs s Mavyra JOianha. Mas anvosyleren100t els Cinraviatiuiisar ail ioras mte aointot stinet theîo stnsng offensive skllu Dp scoOiO Che Mtoia stgoals L i ete:Clgub aiisI nOyd inot hl ui atr Pstîr uiiscnd A goals and Ber peselved tht shut ilnaFo;3 st in Che secoddIrait. Pnscen Cub mage an ail-round soliî5efot aecet binies y Talsr and William Jeona and GRposhoardenthusi A sisal game cas suto Dp ythe fn tue 1 Le ises Cu ia es onhein gsu-erdrng afiliestoillonna armu tams tttenvnrore 51ed t10 heitnvacechair A close guse resartes in a iilory toi illonnl a Pvns TJ BoMîlia Nadaie Eectela 4 les the cap ils two goals ans Jonathan Moikosai closes ton garm Deis WIresPeatucta tlic. 3 waltO a ltgoal oi illonna arcs Rachet Luce sconts a doal hI Thne lty Ot pay sontnues Io improve cth rush passîng ceea te Lions ClubDthut evelyon trhoughicorne aca mght Dr le store Tre non-stop action elceer Nitastî ecrnîsans Davis Aime Tne iet hall sac Ire aceoGts duo oS Maroo Stuooi of toe n [o Poducs sudari e spectatos chernrAal gase log Th cosoîe Cub vos Lias Sapes o illonna arcs stop sevenai sholuei aotaks trp Davs Wîe Pîogvcts provdes the oppsTvîî pforton et guce lest paced Innesecond Olles blonde goatenning dic Alyssia Dias nd Bmunda annîsîeîio lu moue te on goal ails evcof oRahchet Dutustepe of1thr cons Cisc ang ratakBuBofnI Sllonn scues cth shors lu sonner o thenet 0Cr offensve pessoune Dp arcs suoses tht ecodilhsave auher taon Davd HopBins aid NaslnAin croîc as nest usevanip recundes ur Mo the otstung Ppuî GEggeî Diyens v riulgaineovi0tio0alt tri torsardsr ng goal aeenpng Dp Mkapru Bople Truss Moorera t other soo close goals uns Mvnoret Poehmer and Parick Molati haaser- guse te deenese Ion Nadalîn EAisoîrt PoîtesTratîtoc mDavis iis grce oi Ilrîr rosî Wire Povcîs thrasete nersin cth a huedsishtMue sertIlluent Club1 tPlough th gratatepen s legs A nec goal sorngh pocw erge s 5cmCeHoiens3 dîthne aduir leic, ean utsenteyn places Ico tests eond the eachofoltht gualaeenpnnTom Weste tan o d o ruheonsîve The Kînen SDus ld is Horonrs on Moern reis irtoefnslhll cove Gp Ire spposoî rTee hOe lrg tSas fesc stdn oal cite Tpler Johnsn timaaîng a cousit o gotod ae n rthe sait o y Mrcus Mîrnuevîs eoesure icu w goas ncivhîng the game trhe g il cas tht intete Cubfrtiu vk tfast scorigrre wîrren Makapa Paraer and Aeander Jalva esueed tht vctony se erg of the fmt huit At rall ice Coach itrît Garracap rallies t thrsugh their great eft inn gue thBrrrlraos dnip compîtîrs troupes and lhep case sut liyg in tne second hacîth Jessica Pre iOr C t n rfhe easeuone aîgni roe Mir ring the game Ter Johi nmade an rvatuaGie saut on 6 a closeneange penaltypsiho fanit eepIegane lied Ten Tii tDicuiTop HorPons William Asigo Isard ire Gcit oI the net wcrht Iesgoals taimcmleeeJeep P oedîîîng Ter Johnsîon cîlh he ssitoth1e fast guet Osen ailthn Ieuwsea erp eiven match cîth Haro Chepoten Jeep cîrîeîrg bGpl molc oos and the inssen Cub piasa erp o5germe asd goal icraerp Pys heilur Rienerr andJacoa neu gsi hen Irst soold e cossended osterrplay goal orthe seasur and Justr Wheham lgort44PuorPunI ChrpsHnr Jeep Bradon Buchesun and Michael Manîmnes bthgso pur2goals and ath Hearriyler Tassun and Scot Henis each gort 1 iOxord Loaeebee Centerte,4 Goaies on Punt Chepsien Jeep wceeMet tmterttBrin ysons iii Cetis1 anA ScoT Paris ioverTOys gelites wce n eirPaeso A xeln an lydb ohtiiOe lseew h and eluh RierrSpecal sentionrfor eam otis Grace aBtieofitemaespa e tuysDote 4eems fcen xfordmen i 1 Msynagh ton Hunt Chrysier Jeep and DGscsuerpTOys cold îrae 0 Id eer ohi fosrsTastesorowretegon SraOn Rlearnînb tep CngratuatisnsPfiBrEwar Millet on ecumin a ipg roth Trie cyr trGolngoroiric norions cen De n r 0 LpCPoere ttisisitie NePM Ceetit i Halep Gaam. Pctoles ewisand CamrenrJacasan Specea Ob-Myueoey 1tmention to Ran Mci A. aron Modorand Japsoor PansofoSTr Dh ite g pt m tuo anl oreystr5 àa goal i he fmt minute Dlo ysHors Ca e rge JeDeey More SertiparBarath ait papeda Justin Wretham htvras trer tolosede SpaegoaltfissJoserh ston gagme fortAL C Ceomets. 3 goa so e Brownscand chsppicg 4 goaPo or Lindsay Cedh Ccitt tnt attecy BersoAn itPrelaits pae realy hrd attdrad a geat use Wmiom MentonshoulA PAPA Pre great goal endirg Pue trie HetlorRegîs edi re a2 rr ol i cfe yAa eaC Pest corrtour tiene cas Mashea Eano, Rahiar t ssn ardMies aCrdn C free r eatesueg fcuta ai t C rdlcrJeui c Jacksoe Specet metiors Io Bcur Miter arA VrgunLa Whle Gcad rcSgttoesoSGnIrVosCdhCee Goutes cent Wyat Couppuli n thetrset aofad BsdpJagoe B Goutes. GSset Nvns-Common and enp Muhea ere lougO Bre ttnmste rAo eaturtGPWescums O Gian aikins pot S goal paIStest ano Bria Defo in2ndVictorArteBemînuaispt a greet 5555 n GoarunoSos Wescom APO Itiube.0" Gever Procorowcz sand Andie riShepherd cooCed trd' wumt Eceeterupong ry Wescms Caroine Mopenu The rîghtcas bsut&Gos cas the actiuse as AppeArsoGass pplid co 2 Wecom PThe Cescos Goartengurg oees of James PintAMihael teeter tuOMt0 Je a &Bm vesotnget saensome u vble sasves as Appe Ato Plart diraieo trie net scunîng 3 goals ec ern Jeremp Waten epot huA geur goal tenAug rg os Breannu Crane and Taylor Rovrsaial& AosMaDthec nth MeatecMoore & Michael PocsTh stescums ngoures MhelA Scota sharvout cr50 Pyen Hassaipitri eiprg thtriatmout culS a goalre a Suel Kerrr& Huknsand ergoOhuu Suns gerat stopuos Cai Manaeetoi BsutliaPRuertu smade susne graSaver 10 preseretee si 5otîfor culer Dirotauo leston the ent as cr11 as Cunîis Pui olo Apple tuto Gâss Oants 10 the cousons t Meefans fr hoSe cohNscoeosSMitcl atonWsicc De Mteum e osîSnc elor og B enouragement durînqtgnnce hisseCuleelPrat ms umto nisOenr Torner Detal ropPater tfetpies 3 rii co tetetatGPecrp)t Aler atigt opening gucn1e o reassi setceen 1Mes, vtuteai TeeMOee4mthdlal die h n r, SoenePara opned te oogules in tit mcourter Srinrg tnth erd ase connreiecalrtnlt feur sate 't '.5 se s 10,Mil1tn sote loi u 5gn scorng Dnrorsiarce, DoenePark aptasoruin th e sre osoestseli OrlisuIoiottl eemrgPete Chiepppe d th e a counerilgeSt ris s ie c "or Di eivru CuiDe1 r a tre gon 000 or "ns pa-les OrIeerte re pssen car arrerentîog 0' hm tocnDenter goal PinTrade tch5e muose f i read su smoand'setnue t as mssth teIn qicI sccession bonCfes SP goals 10 sans roc PHat ostua rDe toe eoe 50 u to - im odnris[frntu NcnolsiSunta (Di ard Dyan rioryka(du Suidmcted eleti 000 oa t uiceonsa to cect tienortoosuZchrapLandus oi ODri muaned a consoation goal loges and Nios uscriseteand Porer toeucuuses PpurPhYoe arier auine Gbrea os mîdfieis PeIn C isurged off10e ta it i ans G duî dardsssel ton amu r Ssa rottie in uest rn second St tht eenrog amng tescor0e to7t-1at urne Tra:Hrio s oienirgg00uotfCoi lr n ami tîC0Morse wcren Oranges nds tabries îcorssueg tone son alaîtenn cr In riottus nergot Dol ovuOr I enD PyatSe ne r os!erbourd triesabse punch as th rilst wlaulneaet rdvduai goal fos Oscar NsurSh i o osard goal os Pogner loteiDe ses Tris cas arr Porter Pisher In trimAhat hoceans GD hud.yplietheir îtuky dicte oeEnGoerprses sourd nerrAattetegoannnding tundem oSfP'ru anSdcîi soird pay loni Gîtis del Papa uadd onneGrodat logent- Buohar ang Chtistune SPoler put upu Dourick ari theetest oS shewau, mn cihne goal eeprng roct Tyler DeGuio manages 1IoteIunTrvor Murphy s secondgogu ale n5te guse seues thee vetie muoy GP tcto Noethmis DP neyeS rienteand yod lsrie Pogerînorses goals ltinmNrhoiuo S rouindrd of t hg rlp se evneors __________________________ cok or 1Gren Park TioAHo ueNs 4 MtiedtBertricies t DesignersceultcttleteCtrn 3 rhe gee as off ou a ucatouTBolS Stucs wcrin erp aggnes Pi r ies atbrnaI So ratth e goa SotruiaCrs tmandou sien attling I oru 0had or tht tooceru.0Te goiots éarenfor- Mgison Te adleo rtheuro To eaI to mnadS eu oli rtheun tuver repo onther ors 'tus Ponon ' scsred îcs goals mulonte fI hal giasc OS tnhue Cnctilor s coagn ad lSo Tp r th frst1 InSs1t hse gase fDpipiaper lhrohar 'A Designer s Touc'luisethIw aualsite avdoo halml' atrir scoe ury ud itiocc gickly sade a costOace y corng tosgoals ut u oc Dp poetr Jce getgal ettOshutwou'rerer ely (Wiltitas) ut cias a close guse 'lus Horos'M hd strerirnuc Dame oletpand sone lunsp gal0e1SnSrOA Dp Tara SouiScoT ecay ard atiuut score and uddtronum So more goals one Dp cade oi un eectrrg hall LindsoupWtson oS Athur Betrus scores pati (esha) and oner y ppyro îhchoiasrî IntetondnoSlutas thetyopng goal lor ad3g3coup upSu agoetlgante Dim Horion s'cris woo the game TOn playrsSeuinl deserue toto i mention are eshu oh thr i Or 0000 hStuc a and William of the 'A Dtsignes Toucr tuc swho seScosl easmator inmou ouTre oS ton ftofttttaaoue Eetle s _______________________________ Wallace Pntiac t edo, Sfegol fon eu ll0,0 55 M acDonaldcOoand. usoUltdlng OurcsS Wigtt': Comner Restaoran5 ~trq oc otsnMichael Hnuer and Bts hadalii.ec r l w KCC Tuate aretu t 5uss hdutun Cecîeîc i Wr sallace onu inc us rît Si ica Dtupite stroog goalendrog op Ethur Donsos, Tomsa urrnsesd ottan and Goulu Rs dhamietknpt Osyin tse Walaoenet 1 AlGt eueroS PCB Wright s ustS BpI eorng Ors and scssturg AsIC caSe sonne excellent suvet anS ades Op a soeur dOlOOsî DOm drtrîece n tht gamn cao the «Wright o soccen doo'is trt eforttrca son Moi, reps Che gasoclose ediDp Ardrenu mng sur Sues. Sabrna Wrssooo3d Jesse Posta 2dans oui trars1 i Dosor aullace moinled severeaiserionsofsve nitieuIsbut Otese guets uuoegtrOinhans sorIt and speed I0 golS muerai rea- gîetigoitendog Dp JacB Sono ard Emeson Chribers eps acayo. Julie Maîusie paped a sîroog game fo PCB atS good Waullace ot tht tooreDouuo Gige goals Dp Jask Goto ard Paut1 deese anS arg kcks. Gso rcorrng os Wrgrt s aut EntakAiebGraam ourdeS oaS trie sconrng ornaSusurreBots emss lad un 2. JackaWhiOrood S and GabrilBeruDe S Robet Lammers ueo ad gspiaes gîtaS sporssanrsupc Typero KenedpsanrId tOn si orSuringht stria': Atota Mttaîr6t Chînly it ftesisB': t SthHionsett1P t cas a coud and crndp dup orfnSOs rtcrtrng same oS soice h Intrt ll oSCris game, Maamyplpayed condeoflripscorrng Brr o Auto aed Lharle inp zDhutesatso verp cosel mutosedS tsar goals Dus Portoos played an excellent gume as anti Dbut hag hougOout the emtion gameiTh0e piapeos ord busd ut Pts roda a buSd ime genirg a goal peso voohua MoMituot Aesomr goal- oS the prsh unS coches and ans anse 0000he tdges oS OmeiS seust td o u n e scnhait Tus Postons. Eous Puge scoreS Crirp PiDawhisiner s scure thrie gols ut Btri Ato rcameC M igega on u SîyGinn nocchi, cas speron mo neS as ubac In Smwo goals ncisdrng on on a penalty shot Thret cnet The Fotnotes 11W tir je l iuO lisp Lil t21olOn aiSir i05.iiiSchnockGtioke te r SBrlas O uo vas Pete 5cr ek JondanSvrobodahat ana oulstaodrog suce os Buans sAuto Cou, sornîs tor L5arle1 ilomustktp rs ert Peut Mundap d3u AdamLacransyd Comr 3 BochetGoakotptus or Coasmep Ptwcsutenps anee ar rissur n uSDaniCash Jordan Roehustans Josiah Ma aS gotargAumet Sd os Churey iepPtssr unai Wtasei3 me Cîîtty Ftawauttia il for PofoitthefrtI ratl010e gaiee Intar i moueclose Atocos nil )e Chare IpPtzcirskeys teest Io3 goals chute scorrog dol0ltus so nS Orlosanateip Aisoms ca utio o Bot acn silo churiep ing iDsOstkeps us tht secondîhalsuit uoe u miuthoe st GreatefftD tu lion coin teamssanst espocafcîupeuts oth Ascoc cho oua Tie sensrcle sup ont suos itte payer Sos ion secod ait Wescom o gouikepees aiene rupson Wssirr5er Trstan Bvas ard Garp ls Badford Gial storeîs ou Assosm ererBrandon Brit Anlhop tl MainoravosGDavpton stessioger ot Cheip PIscoskrys goal- aePeferunJordan P minous ans Daniel Leach Tyler Duren 1 scoredhs 0,0 ltSgoal v of t euton' Dvud Laing scord a Oui trca 3 Cirer goal susor oCharey trtuhskeyss ein Aam Poirier (21 rît Connes Broue uDt Paul Mondue t2OminsAdmsancrsopr Odent tu veellrs t rocnoosuan MaisndZaym otas ie Tim OI Cteca4 pa Dus Hoion s Iakthe SiSdp îseonautO Mason 'te Mohawk' n ose tcsrrng theeOpenrog goal 01ohesgan@arOîr r therst es rm siuves Bt F Cips courS rlot e senceg CIun othersffer stsearrugefor -Cips vcas Ter Serty 000 5scrd B goals Ose ne feenaurg goalsofr -Chls cere Oort Dp RohentManoîngO uans id Benaa Gera-STus Horion s payed a tierce detemmired mai00 wich tialH yetded soncr goals Noter eppersan scoond t erg Boa Baiert cord mis iet tas goals askt 1 e ca setht last rite ates of0the ane Atstardîog goefterding y Boc Baseara 4 MaSOnn oce 0oS Dm Horon s an r Geego mGsrse and Austin 1 Triksen oS B Cirpo Speorer mention goes 50 JacobOMaieti ohB-Clips le ara Faut RuAs erg Carlos Loir oh Dus Horon s rDamsteoaul thee r apes toi sacn anlesritrrg gtanneat epItht anssneherrrg1 s f iepot t ne Cusle oktil 2 al oo Portos Chistan chosperg eeg DarieenPoung paotear outS r standing gain n netleHsrng ErBF in aiîs a e ueBarry ard e Macello MuN Score a surgie goals muse Bore RoceergndMBOthec Croaan rush scoeA e sirgle ans d P etene Roison t e St brefonFood Ponrltlate trieegaine uts D Soes Spencere Lpeprip anA tico Script corki edInt oStosleSHpopncai ripesiai nention ho TortsGrham and slraetmeeres opayet Ds Tough I e aterseSte PooA Por egarntestroog Bsep Opintai eas Ten lteilai (etaibet3 Sue Anaction Ip a ne ueneraiai4.3 vutsryorp uhioSt ser Dus Horion Orange ChroîsWoodson m o rion0eans Thomas erer rOc Puhî'n aecoonated aeoose gel trouve Mserruvens Terdirg goal fose yvfn o ere Mchaet Rureurg anA Mares PerseThe rsSor biade corosserd oS Thosas ad atrt Ceente Micrieli n MOntesît aadordan Srr0 Jordar Wr dr nt erire Socs pou mss nasne.but tu rocunsno ovuare PatrciKaPsoaskr anA Sean 1 Wtale gataedTDHron s nts c geai sari' Greory afonle Idr ergacob Otappi scooes goals B 5100e extrtoggece eailrnaît tGeFrfI uto 1 noru OsrmJIclsa d I rus lo.' Gsuîcodmmuso n do PhIn dt as nesDtor ti rdie l nnpt o orriard ulnt The g llol 0 r thie sec ru 'raisaus , eeieri as ceul cth Cod, Rujinginebfor Gcrcus auu iandtueo miFpPoPoS eMruner tanrmura tsI ol liseuseie-t Cýta ehtes piayedout staeaurg n dstense or P gO 1,0 Photo So--a' mention gars tb MathuutunIetfirhs SII OOttoOr'Ot OnesnesCarnec Gsosimg C ohl cared lo onens,,Ionfuri Sioe C,, uOI Miti Bacher ttti Sol urdgarendn i ApiGet Vos uns geareit nus spur TMires uT 4-0alishe hurt Jeley MCîIeu 121em di B Ast nBderson ans o j k rtis cho gn fr stotgoas os Cue s rIhesecond ran Gotîad c Buosgos on 1hescoee ouerd Oran -et etefrt n ns t uascone V GorrusdAuto OAdites on edsie rta gond paS 0of1Creses-a ors1 hant ol unointabempcoutl nots sfaol s enro er chances e J0000 Moaco atoced orp unegoal s t sg tee orslaues on Gorrsd Latgoals Dp dOOtOp MBrîde uts Joep DePaput !mie n sune ecup Sor ies BusTerSinoS pesml mentionho Justin E Castuorur aid spencer Campbell W00 pub u 3s a t foit osn Guimet sruet and ars Opineleryet uns NaIhn, GoaDes ano rcordos anecemeot ors dtrsîseO eost or GofrîsOAuto Mitiatit Cnerprsot, Cnadien ire w Osclose rneckrng asOurteils oa Mîbîceie tue tnae wh aut iueC mns telorissae Canadrar Omit oom the estrs us Sotn the st hart s Ou gnopf irop Wilson BuimeiO eesor Doaorp Bugh Suaro [0 nu chance n So n gOiOteTetetyplpromossnobas i sduuin jC luit 5n51 15te Ci shOSÉ eins0 as tht e 0aseaci t o isinsay S t milles a iicet tise aDmes lmeRasser lieTand amIpi HtBe cmargedCanaOinrsi t tas tripping iment55 of thlinbouiWit, thsO iucB mtg downms WdSîusOsMegan Auto TîicknO op the sos oair and kIcked ut 0110 tes letItaboom uns bOn pck and mie1 iOe net pool o soeneno Mastersie rias anaSairTDes Palme Croi t ni M senth e ouesdin te st sait triaia Baute epute t Tire 3 Canîade Tre 1 The verrg n o Desbga ogue ook001thueaeurng us bOn ase sas set 10 stus Briens sAOto h Cadet ne SDooascores euutp n tht Srtihait On1l have anaSean Dre s Stera SanSCu fbitos so arlthebsn tuai uStO ortp curules ltaer TOutl poves Io De Canarien Dre s oebp MarBere aotht Brats Autos eusrput tht pressure ormen the second Cuis cr05 goals ront Vtosea Tel NuinergdeTleoria Arod Avalon Prepe anS Hapbey Arcer cene stuong n tse Bran s Buo net and aield Caradru re the rscorebsers ot thetetIofthegaine. Rley Wilson anS Mcaemzie Sa hoard seill 5mlaI effort on the CanaSue rSetainand et sCouiT Pt hoted tut otO boucs shoced ci ns pay tise ntn Isitees Ps BicAtmLact t SaPe t ey Oul uranoc -tio ouamuBots beacs corkrd ealuoetpel ad Gîet ergoal SonOrng Dp Date Mîtisece aid JacobSith or ltoDas ans alAndre a rirelioand JorrempLassue oS Arc Lock a leSoute oDus es goals ceot made Dp Date Murapos yod assisteSD bySachrtpScOuts and unothru Goal bDp SenHrreiHuExtFcellert piaps SooriAis uocB S 3 sale Dp Zachunp aoS Mitchell Orrsh Bot ftramsraes e ea mp metl 1 cul Arc cosa N sale Oad teappes Oued ued GeaI rocaws 62 tpe- Id crut mention gars tu ihîcotutTodosr1ruîs oS Loluce a CtesacCaittre 2 et 00w gurca gsao Dp MuMaxochaes taDmA off Arygnrs OigOOsI 10 sorug effost Ppar AsCiep sage a giet a es s ossot onIte ist go 903 pTsor MuvossaSr sses tOn Ouest oS Sas goalsutin ueost huit 'Y teen Clous KBm Sconedeus îlot goal ofh Sn son Castro cooirr 'Y Oatinst Teck to SCfoîras apSuary SMacDonald ans ohvu Geosun e Osecnod naîtcas controtesDp yBrpdtos Cohe pponomcakug sarp good Tasses and crosses Sudk Bestors mude tOunOul goos deleosvo Drapsys tsaocs wnBopset 1 ee e tOnsus DOke Bepson gos second SarI goars tromc LOis P IM Opsure MusCuakCotise Appleton yOd Gorsge ritarlord Atteatean1 The Seamh sIe eeoipmatohescule Cee garne gomng up and clowrn emied AJithse ooyo pleyed dm h east Tason Machaisa scoed un tee tirsehait hor Brpdtn fnomt a pentickBisun fsort oh Aibatrssenet amendeaDp O horen FuIsmene Nathmn Vis also scoord u n trie Ouest hanl tor dhetoaso scorurg on Coter Ouhtes The score dresered lie Oititattc wminutes ut trie gant cOn PHson hsortd aate Sor Bepaln coornp or doshua HosIe Specrai mention d o1 Bupant oS Sîmuen Cayes and to naylortTedge oS the Gibatraso tees ton detense Goal tering sin tIhall Sou Ohm HiCPC Hornestsrcas Jordan Sheieri ho magevearait CaPtrvaturg Stops aaeurAIAim coca and SuIe Eddp Gerber oS trie HormIls golf a goal tale ftei rSlriait Jairar CocosofoSABusLoca cas trie goutterden hon tre ie rothart and repS trie Honets troc scoureg affala Tht secotA her ot play cas exchrng and bots lems tarletinAarultht end Mecril Cetoon (ir net hou trie HooneOs) nadS serl ettpSainespreventrg any tarnter goalt Colie r i aptgoal r inte second heP hon Bus Lct ningcer totl eSA hmrs gst Gphum Baceprernal ifesoan effost Dp Michael cobbpILCsnner Sedrew ufthre Hrnetr cias rAres. ailrg cPS&Aodp rewrs Pays hon Bus coca Cittot unhflq t Cuelerbrtemali OSe Otanutof hse pgee at Sor trams piaprngnety velt a goal Dp Peilon Machine5 o5 Meresta BacBing couangra Othemsosenturi As trie gantne csrinJed HPen rMachnnng h BaIser BccHstone (2j Victoria Morosc 10,uSd Nicole Hasby (1) aIl sconna goals Ptayueg Shr 0it IsaPck cite asI ick tss Suecia menrion to Varier s CRitaneon Bey cho cpet gouete enmetre guse andaGperI ChappeiHaemnMechrernp o specer merîion fo r dterse Sure toutes erg tisone Woo Puer: Chtte Bid 3 Mtteo Wate hpe c tent5 'aasaàctsegvsne050 ceeunit"rg 0TOUftttfrtOth 'rareTlure cveloos t" . Iuttuuvoaertat cere 14e gas'tu e ts9, orcus essut orv ouerddamCurter pOîue se[ In 'ut' *' ' e,5vd' Uee ne5er GahasmPs uaansd onova, v501G1 ors jo al mof t itMetos Metshocmers ee y,,, OsuIco Ad-a- rI r CoiaIlArt nscn lE,Scauhe ueo Camnror orsi-c '.51er uýertsumLý hts Barclas iid2adiSco.rir ShnceClub P LomTult thsnset singer Putorpe Lutri n yd Corrstuou MulC rin Wect @13cbsp Marang a rosGeî et greal ouvet tucoie Caooîuî and rocetir Dietrichwame snrong tom Compaler Brothers aontrs tEmma LI ansd apuce Muscoospeuueeld tomne god chances troc Shufn o vOOton ho auto Diuyed e goos garme At vv cstrotgsOocig trocniDayloor Miiocuans renoufetArsong and Nuik, ManIon Srie ubCic etersve urne Agireait ees mfont proueslie dierrnce etriticontesi c lh Brîmu0ayWirseman uîth O Aleandra Pioheiro 1SaSrah AsdruDouir. 1SamtSucrBnduri t Sicoe Welltes 1 yod Emma aracoe mulethripes al crruon 50 emi Cheecaro loi usrina Soubr O Os105tn rdap teuttrcu etrDetit Chue Pt lotit Seice Lantiepe 2 Gouthvuna Dentl Cîutîsuand Dotl Seruice oarudscuTe coutd ne Beop domne loisenougu and a Druet Orspiup OS ofcedy i pou see a hpecSatfOftIS ti cua ar ase 055 sOud ut had a good ctucer WOlm o 10 aewatus usho performance vol sas Te Slast oflOnhees rot usaeStIrons tom SoutouiesDental Cuii Tuh t ng viasoa se g ndSur s sltnOTotlDeruice Ssndscapn soutle r Flnse rs ul al Psaler BarierLtans uns Mats Russnllit otli In Men Milton Youth Soccer wisl regards to the famil His long contribution to tour grateful. Many of tour coach ty to have conversed wi with Sue Haringa goalie Theo Villeneuve cho wasS iig in for he aatoig Ssbthvievl Dental Clinic Richard Wamsiep straI gneat haves came about f0eotho Villeneuve und espeialip Ion thee test nime for Geing Goale fos hSe assn Ihenelone. ne receivedfs ris msshutout ofîthe season as Weil Soanoviere Dental Chisi Austin Van Rossvm and Kanl cîson cene makinigreat plaps and keeping theinpstion vieil Tne detense ofS Snvvhview Dental Samson Temeîso Daniel Toshc and Jordan Consiglio wene acesse Tonal Service Lansope Evan Gnoses Casep Lighlhai, and Canlo Pasalino ieaOud in tOer positions Evenyone aid grees and py shouis be Proud Goal tenders ton Tota Senvice Landacapecene e Erse Boruaand MaiT Parker white fonrGSvthuiew Dental cene Theo Villeneuve sonree quanlens oh the garni and Pane Porvet Italend), Total Service Lundscape James Thomas and Toda Masseiait athtedi hots on Soathvsere Dental Clînîs goai Gene Homt bst Aid rot suoceed But came alohg Maiio Llano nrom Total Service Landocape ton tavo goals ie sucssoulty on Gene Horvet Goal sconens ton Southuier Dental Ciieic eeeDaninl Tostikalî ievin Eciestonesos, Dani Lenroi forusa han tnickpenrfomance ans Pane Bisrva(H> anothen hut toisa perfonmance as cel Weil one soeures and goal Scsnos ers onclio v es o nse en5syedthe arnie voteas mach as the snazy artîco Gnlîvered Oy Total Service Landssape MaTt Parken anA GouathiviewDental CirnioGant Horven cho bAth rset occasion- ailp Puked a lin Sun ut1DPliS Paaap hle ssii Gbeing the poules Pou puys anc OvOT chanastens, Na ftesLck & afi 4 HeP s rtf ta ait citA piared nin aar mizr iSeth Ae elemet cent a chaltenge on ttteit oct. Ait Lock ard Sale genre out stsong tA wtt she germe 4-A. Curves ted nosubsisevlettie ard put u a reaet challenge. Bnin Luc goels cen: scsned Sp jenr Pettis. BnAsae Harper, Ctaudie Kenst end Nicsie GilbA erTr Legle. Justine Certir and Chnstire ttennerstarl ofthre Carnes team Pleyed a gArA sewad lise, osingtclame Pr goal Scot- îng aceeal rîmes but camei up shir A gucA genre cas ptayed by al[ Wett dsyee gint Caffiage Square Cbike 3 HeaiysHaltiea o3 theer watO Dents oh action ansdtsitemen au Canage rSquare Ch'r and HeA 1s eantcuting DaTîrO Io a hansoSought 3D3tle HeaJs " oatwoîîead inthe tirsi hafon gals byAmy AvZoopaso aos v etni eîkDe Courihey CouiomDe wch nCousc Pepr Gerîea rsorks-Hansock sove 10o nuetueo adpota tandots but jus! e 'sed i kreigltout cf tee tBetothetOnaSuS rdes Ceet Degar tore il ato iha goal De tul oChampovux uthe ses- Ons naît sit a substlute nov on lotit Dense Chenn Cangotoor eedtais cose usitha ceaseofhavgoal offuadirecttomne kick wvich gouankeper Kalpe Boisonnuertas ns chance seonsista star Thee Pul tee noce teamin fnonStfon the tesititme Dut cîth Ies minutes 10 sTare eadv S cuse roaeîng Dace and tino tht Aamr oe a goa. o, CaîtîînR AObdae cLindsaeystnenham Ratie Daniîng-Mîtshet Caso Lockwood uns Sueur Armeus £0110 dgams5fon Chies chile Caz Wtord Gimone 0Leuans flitueRobidovix diS likecise toi iAli Lack and Salle Naisagaweya it Lab 4 Gaet ton Gis uoOk ceeJennîlet Petone unsd55kmîue aopovls ser Nausagacepa PnitpsWaller ndes uru 0,0cermer ennet Min- tris Brooke naîpet cindsay Punie i2,dShnnnLaing anSd aGoy Polav scoreortotiAis coca CauaStiahion Bsiip WarsaneK iTi unS Nancy Webb scoe lotriassvgaeep A Deslgners Taach 0 CarrIage Sqare Ctetra 5 villiage Gquare came out fiypg pvoîng pressure on A DeAigners Touct Onînîsce 2 gouis asie ucord ile itst hait Sp Carrîagr Squale Anspîte vaGoiîîant effort Opa Designers Touch oaoie Saura- crents Sons Talla3 covragnous effot TpOaîerîe ButantIoutay iO ne game despote sevene pain Caîtiage Squae ept puti ng whiot rstuteO n 3 mole goals in Oeil taîs Goal scosIen toi Caeriage oaîne nepBullthrursiil) PristaWardv111il aura W ini i7orîam ies to express its deepest ly of Dr. Dumencu. rclub has always been very ýes have had the opportuni- coaching his children. Our community has lost an outstanding individual. Our prayers are with his family