Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Jul 2004, p. 10

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Saxophonist long in tune with passion for music By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion While many young boys dreamn of being cops or firemren, Chris WiIles knew pretty early on he was destined for something différent. "Ever since 1 was litte, 1 figured Id go into music," said the 1 8-year-old tenor sax- ophone player. If 'going into music' means participating in music festivals around the world, study- ing under a Juno award-winning leader and being accepted into the University of Torontos jazz performance prograin. its pretty sale to say Mr. Willes was right. To say music bas taken hum places be neyer would have gone otherwise is an understatement. Just tbis montb. Mr. Willes embarked on a wbirlwtnd trip to several music festivals including the North Sea Jazz Festival n TMe H-ague. the Netberlands, troin whmcb he retumed last week. "Its tbe biggest indoor jazz festival in the world," said Mr. Willes. wbo bas lived in Milton since he was three years old. Mr. Willes performned with Oive other high school students, ail who attend the Humber College Community Music School. a weekly music program tor young musicians, Tbe band was granted the coveted opportunity after sending in their CD. Mr. Willes has been studying music at the Humber prograin for the past twmm years. and this past year has been in a band led by Kirk MacDonald, a Toronto-based saxopbonist. "I-es probably one oh the be-st sax play- ers in Canada and flie world," Mr. Willes said. The ba.nd also played at the Distillery Festival in Toronto last month and flew straight to the Atlantic Jazz Festival in Halifax, N.S.. fromu the Netherlands. "We got to Halifax a few days before we had to play, so we jusi relaxed." In the Ottawa Jazz Festival, n which Mr. Willes also played this month, he was awarded the Galaxy Rising Star Award. which cornes with a cash prize of $2.000. "I thought it wa.s great," he said, but admitied, "We were more into the music liban tbe moneyl." He said tbe money will go toward bis tuition at U oh T. wbere bell be studying tbis faîl. First took vocal lessons Mr. Willes' firsi instrument was none otber thian is owmî voîce. As a cbld be was always singing. said bis motber. Penny Willes. She enrolled him in a music prograin lor ioddlers. and iben i privame vocal lessons. fi didn't take long untim be caugbm the musi- cal ibeatre bu,,. Ms Wlles samd. and ai the age of'Il0, Mr. Wlles siarted getîng leads n vanous communîts' theaire productions. But when bis voîce cbanged. ibai chapier endcd and Mr. Willes dscovered a new- f(iund passion hor instrumental music. Mr. Willes frsi siarmed playmng enor sax- ophone n grade scbms4 wbcn i laime hme oh<i huto choose an instrument hor bis music class. Tbhere was no looking back t'romn there. Ms Willes said sbe and Chnis' father. Bob, couldn't be happier about bis cbosen patb. Sînce tbey're boîh avîd jazz fans, Ms Willes said its nice Io be able to go to, jazz clubs as a hamîily witbouitbeir son being embarrassed. Sbe sîressed il's been ber sons bard work and ambition tbat bave gotten bim wbere be is. Altbougb she and ber busband bave heen supportive every step of' tbe way, sbe said tbey've neyer pusbed hum to do anything be didn'î wani to. Ms Willes saîd sbe tbinks i's impotant tbat parents let tbemr cbildren dîscover tbeir own passions n lite. 1I dont believe you can force tbe arts oni() your cbildren." sbe said. To young students barbouring tbe saine dreains be bad (fl becoming a inusîcian, Mr. Willes ofered ibis advice: 'Jusi lîsten t(i lois of musme. Il'you're into jazz, listen to jazz. Listen to as many diflerent types as possible. ImîIl make you. as a musician. more neresting. Nexi hrday. Mr. Wîlles wîll perlomin ai Manbiattans Jazz Bistro n Guelpb witb tour (liber musicia.ns tromu the Humber pro- gramn. For more inomation, visit www.na.n- baitans.ca. Steplanic 'Thimm's.on can hbu îchemmd ai .ilJe's.o'n<e »iilton<'<iiadiaiuitýiampiini <om, Theatre camp for youths at fairgrounds has spots open Are you bearing tbe proverbial 'inm bored' phrase froin your kids a lîtîle ioo oten ibis summer'? Milton Youth Theatre Productions still bas spots open for its Theatre in the Park' suminer camp. Taking place ai the Milton Fair Grounds, tbe draina camip s hor kîds aged hîve to 12 and runs untîl Augusi I13. There are mne and two-week sessions from wbîcbh o cboose. Every second week ends wiîb a variets New and cohgionmmnet childreh'13 Ctothmng, WOW JT'S TIME' FOR DUR GREAT STORE WIDE 12Price Sale The WeathenauapssAmonta &Septuee te be thes heftest mentha? Lot's hope bels rlght! Do propared wlthloo et facool eclos Ail NEW Hats & Sandals 112 PRICE! We also carry Robooz, Baby Banz & Stroller Weather Couers W lokoradI eiatoro idcins netig' reit o Mltn show perhorined by campers. posare stîli available for the session beginning Monday. as well as tbe hollow- ng weeks. Jusi wbat does tbe camp include? "Anything froin vocal to draina. iinprov. musical tbcatre. song and dance," samd director Kim Belvedere. Tble lairgrounds venue bas proven invaluable, since it allows for hoîb indoor and ouîdoor activity. Ms Belvedere said. And althougb draina is the camps tocus, iberes a little sornetbing f'or everynne. Ms Belvedere saîd. Tbere are outdoor sports. Ch ris Wllles, 18, of and eacb Frday is tbe camps Fun Water Icseping Day. b usy The next variety sbow wîll be beld dom Thursday froin 6 to 7 pin. Ms Belvedere Ing et said parents interested in sendîng ibeir chil- rels dren to any of the prograns rmn by Milton t 1v a I a Youth Theatre Productions are welcorne to adj attend, as well as people just looking for a clufib s. little summer evening entertamnieni. N a x t Tbe evening will include a barbecue. Frlday, "Corne and watcb tbe entertaininent he can wbile you eat dinner," Ms Belvedere said, e eu adding the sbow will take place mn tbe rnid- a t die of tbe track aithte fairgrounds. located Monhatt off Robert Street. asJazz For more information, caîl Kim Bistro In Belvedere ai (905) 875-7674 or visit Guelph. www.rniltontbeatre.ca. Kindermusik at Music and Me Call Now To Register For - Fail Classes! (children 0-7 years) 905-875-6867

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