Funding news on the way The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, JuIy 20, 2004-5 By JASON MISNER Special ta The Champion The Hallon District School already allocaîed special educationi funding or if it needs o bfind il somewhere else 10 ensure il bas a balaneed budget for 2004-05. Educaîjon Minister Gerard Kennedy told The Champion his mmnistry will sooni be announcing special educaîjon funding follow- ing a comprehensive review of the vast number of requesîs this year. "Tbey (the requests) are 200 per cent more tban whaî boards asked for at the beginnmng of the year," be said. "This is sometbing that is extraordinary and were going to, make very sure tbat tbe dollars that leave this minisîry are to belp kds very specifieally the way they are intended for." But he wouldn't eonfirmn if the Ballon board would gel the $3 mil- lion in anicipaled funiding. -Thaïs part of tbe decision we're going to make so l'm not going to put that out Io one board ahead of lime. 1 tbink :ll boards are goinc' 10 have been cooperatîve. -We've been trying t0 keep îbem as closely informed as we ean about our lbinking rigbt up until we make our eonelusion so tbeyre in a fairly good position 10 estimate wbere their board is going 10 be. Tbey undersîand we bave 1(1 do due diligenee on these kinds of claims." Mr. Kennedy angered sebool boards wben he deeided earlier Ibis year to bold baek $102 million of speeial edueation funds already approved by minisîry officiaIs. Rising cosîs and eoneems about the proeess prompted tbe move. Last monîb tbe Halton District Sebool Board passed a $329-mil- lion balaneed budget, wbicb included spending $44 million on special education, bo serve about 8.20(9)students. But $3 million of Ibat money bas yeî to be released 10 tbe board from the ministry, from an earlier com- îniînmnt, If that miinev diiesri't the shoriali wilI bave tb come from somewbere else in tbe budg- et. Board Chair Mary Cbapin told Tbe Champion in an interview aller the budget was passed Ibat the yel-to-be released $3 million was neluded beeause the board is bold- ing tbe minislry bo ils word. "I believe were rigbî 10 budget 10 use tbat money and if il doesn'î corne tbrougb Iben il will be the minislry Ibaî's put us mbt deficit," she said ai tbe ime. Mr. Kennedy said no board will be in a det-icit situation beeause tbey dont bave bo submiî Ibeir final budgets 10 the minislry until the end of August. If l-unding alloca- tions bappen 10 come in lower Iban expected for any board, Ibere will bc lime bo make adjustments. be said. .,RCHRDON HE 1ET TC-T MIA Mau' /0',,J Up Tu BOnios, 0,)n Virtwaily Alch2004 Mocis Chevy Silverado Ext. Cab Base SmartLease I 2853*per month 36 months 130,000 kms Down Paymenl or Trada $5150 Siiverado R7H - 285-HP Voryec 4800 V8 Engîne -4-Sped Automatic wils Overdrivn -Dual Zone Air coiditioning - dockng Diferennial - ABS - 4020!40 Split Front Bencli with Custom Cilth1rim - Tilt Sînnrinig . AutomatcHnadights - Pull Instrumntnation inciuding: Tachometer. Engne Hourmetn, and Drivnr Message Centrn 2004 4z. Chevy flaliazer Starting From Plus Freight & Taxes lTaiBlazer 4x4 275 HP Vorono 420016 Engine - Autn rac Autornatc 4WD Dual Zone Air Conitioning.- Power W inosocks Heu nd irrors Locking Diterential - HO Trailering Equiprnent ~2004 cash, pucaentpre VnFE-F ,VNI TS Va L E CEN AN NOS B ENERGU DE. Venture Value Van RWB R78 - 3.41 185 HP V6 Angine- 4 upeea Autornutic 5-Yeat/100,000 km GM Powei'tfain Warranty ih $0 Deducible' - Integral Chît4 Seat - Air Conditionig.- Remete Keyless Entry -CD Stereo Hwy 7.8LJlOOkm (36miIgaI) 2004 ~~ Chevy Colorado Starting From 0 ~8,345*MSRP Plus Freight & Taxes 175 HP Vontec 2800 DOHO Engine - ABS - 5 Spee Manual - 2 Position Locking laiigate - 15" Wheels - 2WD Ask Our Sales Ropresentatlve for dolails CBE VRO&LET.OLDSMODILE .eS HWY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON SServing Milton For Over 3 Generations DryR The esbl ra to buy a car or truckDe0 d um em.. Ma i 1 1