lO-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday July 20, 2004 Volunteers needed Local college student honoured VON Halton has a number of volunteer opportunities avai- . able for people tnterested in helimg others in their comu10 fr hi , academic acnieveinenrs ty Opportuniies include offering companioilship ro a ioneiy For mnore iniformnation, cati (905) 827-8800, ext. 2-310. - - EU OPE*N INE Fe O *Paish sausages - Varety af cold cuts a " Delicoas breads & * Fine pastries & ie banscae " Home-made , Sandwiches made ta peragies order and mach ___ " Cabbage rails much more.. 885 Main St. East, Unit #3, Milton* 905-693-0913 M-W lOun7pm *Tluws-FrI San-8pmn g ai Sun-Up Prfesýsional Groomning of A Breeds In'ish to theiail 1111v istotlw(Is o'ert/w( la.sî 15 veai-s. Afld ni.viî souil /the hest. a1s l'ni tt'iif li p orth. My shop wiIl be closed as of JuIv 21/04. (ood Byve. 615 Beaver Crt., Milton e 905-876-2224 Mcarcuîs v'ilkiîssski liids Iîijirîsecf'ili îhîi,~i î,î xliiîî,iiiii s as i I l oi li t i Witi xx i Governor (Jenral's Academic Medai loi having the highest schoiastic standing ol any student graduaaing t rom Sheridan Collcge. Compieting a three-ycar computer science and technology program with a 4.0) gracie point average- that inciuded AilA- pluses and one A- Mr. Wolkowskj topped graduates a ail three Sheridlan campuses ti secure the prestigious award. I figured 1 had a reaiistic chance l'or the Silver Medai as the top student n my programn, but this is ahsoluteiy incredibte" he said. Gîven ont to tniy the top graduate ai each coliege, the Governor Generai 's award may he Mr. Woikowskt 's scholas- tic highiight. but i's not hjs i irst taste ol academnic recognition. While attending Bishop Reding Secondary Schoil he recccised the cuhîputcr science award. Mr. Wîîikowski sniim ssiirking l'or a ,inall Weh devetoper comnpaiiy in B-ramnptoîn, vwith hi>pes <il staring( up his i mn cornputer-hascd nîî csiitIhe icar ifuture. Marcus Wolkowski, 23, of Milton shows his Govemnor General's Academnic Medal for having the highest scholastic standing of any student gradu- ating tram Sheridan College. Classic car event downtown Fni. night t)î M tis litîiîmiilhe lilieti w ith shinsv machines sure tIo nake te striîngcst oli men -and ,oine wlme.tîu s sate Friday night. [bat 's mhen (lie NMil tîto )iimnits n, Business tmpriiscmient Arca (tiBIA> mý,iii lioiiits secoind annuai UCraisiiiton a t-oit Surirnier Nigbit' car extras agaia. 'l'lies cent miii take place trin 6 to i10 p.m. n tMain Street, rainîor shine. Parking on îMain Street mii lic priibit- ci from 2 pin, andi Main Street miii heý ciîised tii irallie iriiin 4 to i10 p.m. Manyvi hissn Milton businesses miii bc oipen late foir the piipuiar evening esent. Foir more information, cati the Milton I)BIA office ai (905)i 876-2773 or e-m ail The Milton DBL4 Presents: Cruisiff On A hVT Sumnwr Nigit!, Friday JuIy 23, 2004 Main Street, Milton 6:OOpm - I 0:OOpm Corne See Classic Cars Like: * JFK's 1957 Mercedes Benz * 1947 Cadillac Convertible * 1965 Austin Healey Featuring Rolly Rocker & the Hemi Heads & Kruz Radio If you have a pre-1976 Classic Car & would like to register contact the Milton DBIA @ 905-876-2773 or info@miltondbia.com *Registration imited to cars and pick-up trucks only, no commercial vehicles will be allowed Main Street will be closed to traffic and participating businesses wilI be open late!j