8-The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 16, 2004 Sofar today, Lord, I've done ail right. I haven'It gossiped; 1 haven't lest my temper; I haven't been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or overindul- gent. I arn very thankful for that! But now, I need your help. In a few moments, I arn going te get oui of bed and get en with my day that's when VUi really need you! Have you ever shared a similar sentiment? Have you ever starîed your day by wishing that you did flot need to get out of bed'? Have you ever wanted 10 sleep your day and its challenges away? Far too many fèel that way each and every day! Plagued by doubt. overcome with despair. over- whelmed by depression. ravagedi by disease, heartbroken by divorce, buried by debt, grief- stricken by death - life's adver- saries often feel like more than we can handie! But the good news is that you do A Church for Your Heart, Mid & Spirit IJL Tefa 'sa n u y and YOU! Sunday Mornlng Service 10:00 - 11:3Oam Milton Senior Centre, 500 Childs Drive (Near the Mail) 9 a.m. - Early Worship Service .930 a. m. - Sunday School for ail ages 10:-45 a.m. - Second Worship Service EMPTY PROMISES? ,6:30 PM. - P.M. Praise THE AIR I BREA THE! Worship as a Way ai Lite supervisait Nursery & Dynamic Chldren's Programs avaitable ail services! of,., 0 1 ** ,# 1I1I0 NEW ADULT BIBLE STUDY More ta lite than burgers & dogs! Wednesdays at 7 p. m. "lusF K.O. - For Kids Ont J Website: www.newlife-milton.orq L ELAG YORCR EO OE" flot need ta journey life's course alone! You do flot need ta, engage life's battles by yourself. There is a God that is willing ta help you! He promises ta be faithful to believers in the good times and the bad limes! He will be with you if you let Hîm. Tough limes will corne. Adversity will strike. Stormns will assail. Bad things will happen. But take heart - God is good! Welcome His involvement in your life and you will soon discover that He will either deliver your from your diffi- culty or He will deliver you tho- our difficult.Often. ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH 7031 (Guelph 1i n- Juq îN. of tXîî', Rd Parish Office: 905-87811363 si s.stgeorgeslIwA iIIttMrg SUNIMER SERVICE TIMES Sunda', Juts tIN. 2()X -t930 o>n IIott~I folflhil[lllflhlf Sunîd.îx Schon and N urser' prots ded Res. Canon (harlie Master., Rector Rn. Jerri' Salloum Assoc. Priest ('hri', Jone% Reach ('ommuniî'. Inam Leader T lough times make us tougher! When golf balls -were first manu- ifactured, lhey were made with a smooth caver. Before long, howev- er, it was discovered that after a 1bail had been roughed up, a golfer icould gel more distance out of it. As a resuit, companies started man- ufacturing them with dimpled cov- 1ers. Il is like that in life; rough spots ofien empewer us te go fur- ther. iSo, in the darkest hour of personal desperation, don't give up! Look for God! Find Him and surrender your life to Hîs wiIl. Take confi- dence in His promise neyer to MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. a 878-3873 1000 arn. - The Lords Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Sludy Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. John 1.29 I 4. ___________ We welcome you ta... ST. PAUL'S s UNITED CHURCH ) 123 Main St. E., Milton ONE CONGIREGATION TWO GREAT WORSHIP STYLES! Sun. JuIy 18, 9:30 arn Corne loi us for worsboîs support- ed by Hinuicftroc itise St, Pauls Worship Band Nursery facîlities available SRev. John Benhamn & Re%.,(rerry Hofstetter (hurch office: (905) 878-8895 www.stpaulsmilton.org 2850 D(2"y Rd E PORBo 332 * Milton On L9T 4Y9 ~$uthsid 9055 878 566,4 cout side Faxt 905878-6676 Sunday Worhp 10:30OAM - WORSHIP SERVICE "Leaving the 99" - Luke 15 ÇRACEWAY 'IAPTIST CHURCH 103 Martin Street )05-878-16s29 Cl à PstîuinWalter H1. Isaak 10:00 arn. - Sunday School il1:00 arn. - Morning Servce 6:001 p.m. - Evening Servce Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer Captain's Crew for Children (ages 6-12) "You'II always find a friend aI Graceway" www.gracewaybaptist.org M I leave, nor to, forsake His followers. He will be there for you! Then, get out of bed, determine to have a great day! Together with God, you can make it! To learu more about God's empow- ering love and how it can impact your life, consider visiting a local church this week! Please consuit the Religious Directory below for service times and locations. Subrnitted by Reverend Dan Rogge, Senior Pastor of New Life Church, Milton BAHAII FAITH " Devotional gatherings " Study circles " Children's classes AU Ile r,,onie -loni mrirufîorrrîutîon uic, tcciil/ 905-878-2923 (local) 1-800-433-3284 ww w. ca. bahai. org Milton Rible C!hureh Prega~rt... 200 Main _qtmet E. 10:20 AM CoffQa & convematîon 11:00 AM WomhIp gervice C-hildtn'g program runn-ing corieurrçentIy A iNew Chuch for, a NJew Cenmtiori! WWW. Mi t i lo ih tiureh.eca ors SOCCER CAMP RETURNS! Mondoy August 9th - Fridoy August I 3th 9:00 amn- 12:00Opm For chi/dren entering senior KG - Grode 6 'I I GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH CIergy: 317 Main St, E Rev. Dr. Mlark the Church on the Hi)) McDerrnott 905-878-2411t Rev. Carole Langlotz FatherNMark Curtis j$ Services Sun. 8,00 HoIy Communion 10:00 Sung Eucharist followed by cofl'ee hour Thurs. 10:00 HoIy Communion Iollowed by Tea and Sharing Wheelchair Access Through Parking & ~www.gracechurchmiltoncom KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WELCOMES VOL' 70 M\ain St. E.. Milton 905-878-6s066 Minister- Rexý, Joseph Gray Dirixtisr ii Musi'c & Ctildren'., inîxitries Sonja van de 1-bei Sunday Worship 10:30 amin. N urwry .Sommer Sunday Schot Age 3-8 10:30 an -Groming together in the grace of Christ" Vacation Bible School July 1 9 - 23, 2004 SW heelchair access and washrooms provided so that ail may corne and worship. Ac, ff N1a-.N e. en4Ç& MILTON SFVENTIH-DAY AbVE STW CHURCH liiteq rot u ot ooekiîSabbat) servicetai Hagli Ioser Hlli, 43 Brown St. Milton Sot 9:30 a. n abh.rh rcbooI Su tý1100) tc 5,oo vncService FREE BIBLE SCHOOL lîoorthe anmnlîng Bibleoiisrsotorifsperplexing questiour, and the secrt rto a hipp), lifco For t-Rt-t-IBtLE I.ESSO)NS, orun- PO.Box 230)12, 55 Ointario, t .Milton, Ont.,9 1 5B4, )in te NTE RNE E1. top://%vwwv.opcomnind %%flriiazitiigfat.org/bribleoclio.ol/schooliiiirn.ap PASTOR: A) Da( uta 519-835-8301t tor more informtiton about out service and progranu, pionne cal. L f- 1 1 -r . - . 1 1. 1 1