The Canladian Champion, Friday, Juiy 16, 2004-7 Man arrested after knockîng* URR ADR WRITE out bois terous house guest K.WA1U 1'Ttu' (Ca;î.îtlc' i' iti t('ts tif iititjî vidItd tutpaetitte tu tiin liti, t tî JuIv 1903 On Friday evening A. R. wenî iii W. W's, bouse and, being sumnewhai exhitaraieti. made su much nuise that W. tîrdercd hlm ouni. He refused lu gu anti a scrap ensueti, in which A. R. was knucketiuni by a bitîw frum a club wbich cut bis heatibatdty. Chiet' Coînstable Bradley appeareti un the scene, anrested W. anti tîuk hbu tu jait anti i s atiegeti, afber geîîing hini there smasbeti hlm uver the iîead wiîb a "bitly" thtîtgh said smasbing was unnecessary. W w'as paratieu belure Maytîr Dice tit Tuesuiay. ehargeti w 1h "assauti, uccasitîning btîtiiy barni." but His Wtrship. iti bearttîg tue ex ideiîce tisirisseui tbe case oii the gîtîtt tîlutprincîple ihat a Brittutus tîîîîsui ts lit casile. [litittrrusu tîîtinthile lte tic i ottllt su Il .tppeai belit SIt iiteiL iîîî' îttet w ib ait ts,tttt ut \n W.tttsiîttttîg bîîtttli1 iarniî. "lieut tonttîtattiit ,slid I \lfis l Co'tîîsble Frazertotitilit' iiinormat ion ofi J,îîleî "aiîatletî. So lar R. lits titi becî pi tsecttt. terhtî, onttitht'-,roîttii(lttttt lit' clubbing ic rece t\\uaslst tt )un- p tshnieît itîr 1, ltsilîîtt' ('ttsalle 't tsi ii Brattev w as tîîînîitetlfotrirtl andti lt w Ias atecepietiltir luts ippeartitte. T'le "hi lly"in questîton w asaboii ut oti t tic,. an inch in tiataer, cotueretl w itleailier and tuadet it'îb eati ai the tîtter end.t'llite coînstable iesiifieti he receis etilt Irtni the chairman tif the tiw %n coiitîîîîîecabotnet years agu. He has been chiet ctinstabte (tir about 20 years. On Mîînday mumîng a train arrivcti ut Turontu fnîîm Muntreai bearing I(X) itrni- granîs and there were 2001lanmiers tir iheir deputies waîtîng foîr tbem. AIlthte i-init- grants were stîtn etîgageti, giiriîg wih the highesî bititiers. and cîînîracîs vwenî as hîgtî as $22 per munth. Wm. Ciemenîs came Ioi ttwn irtîi hs Ciarksun farm un Tuesday. He repotns an enunmuus yieid uf strawberries un ithe shure. 'Me raiiway statioîn ai ('taakstun has heen cruwded daity wîîb teams detiverîng bernies and he has seen as many as 710 craies in a tuad, each crate eunîaining 54 buxes. The strawberries came in about June Iti and picking is stit guing un. The lilton Capsules htîge raspherry crîîp is asi cumîing in. The land at Ctarksun was su; pootr a icw ycars agu tha t iwounld hardty gî uw white beans but mnany carltads out nîaîure iroini Turuntot were duinped there daity and suid Ioufatin- ers f*îr the cusi ut transpurtaitun. The lanti s nttw wuid(ertilly rch andi Mr. Clinenîs says ihat as much miey cari be matie uit 101 acres in the neighburhuut i ut ('arksun as uit 1 (9) 1turher hat'k rrnthe lake. Lanti w ihount but ltigs t s \w tith abouti$ 140 per acre. Yesiertias was theehuttesti n tmusca tl'le titticuri to [uttt bs satr tIiit al ()2.Jîil\S Xi uis Ille hute tv,tast\ct I lict ciipciatiîic u as >ý1 )1. ~ltl i? suis t iipL1ltî111(1 iWatiI oii li tItiis îî nc pilltnii laChe t oi1 ,0 Sîl) l t culi f il lletîttti andîtale alt Ilie tittoleik s ,illîte tThe toiîîtîttl t titelsteloi teiiueis antîttu utit wil hbc ans d îîtthe wrk t îinttieit'etas, stttîn i,îspussibte. Eci. Syer. wbutfitas becit ai Wvtiiig itîr stiltie tinte. h,îsreturieti toINMitîtiti Itria- age the t actiryoftihe liaiatitan (arpet (C'ut his hrther. S. Syer. betîîg husiîness rniaiag- er. Mr. Syersrnîany trientis are gladt ttha\ e bun w iti ibeni agatît. Mrs. S. Sser.w httse bealtîh s telic,î ti Mttskttka. Yesterttay inountiîg htilat tu it /ti otui,, belîîgiig I ilt o ni itui îeits gt t tnttf titcîr pasture fieldi andtt ere regalig ihern- selves n Chici* Constable Bradicys untcenced eabbage gartieiî tn Victoria Si. They were rtîuîdeti np and dris en to ihe puund. The damage was tîxeti ai $2 anti was being pai amung the îîwners tif the cuws, whîch were then reteased. This iauti'ial i ass.emhlu'd oinibe/ta/I ti te MitnHituirtal Suutets v uJni DtlLu, x-hu tait be reatIed h' e-nmail ai jdills@îu direti-.. cont TH CNAIA CAMIO I)ear Ediior: "lie t nit-page articini ast Friay's ('hamtpioin tescrîbetiflic Niliisic! ioi Etitcaitin atlowing schtîîl botartds I iiittlti titiclusure stîdies. 'The article staied, "Oi thlist sifi putentiat cttîsnre/cînsoîiîdaîîion dis- cuîssioîn is Martin Street Schîîîî." 1 wîînld like Ioi siate categtirically that Martin Sîreet Schoîîl wasn't tisicd as a scbtîtl ltir cluîstîrc siutiy bettire theeHauin District Sehîttl Boarti ai us special mîeting, hcld laie last îîînth. fil ()cîîîber, the Martin Street Parent îtîîîucît -w îî the stuppot ofi C'tlîiBesi ,andt inyscli- brîuittIorh irsu ifottrmiationiî iiitt lboardîthtai ttait stihotu edtMaini Stre'et t slîtîtl su Inîtbc iitpticteil 11iti11011îl 1t t Mris slc Sýit tttl u iill i lit itt suti iiititl the Toîwnî of Miltoun had matie ltital ticcisitîns on the Sbcrwuîîît Survey. lthai nmttiontipasscd. 'Te simple t'act is that we necd the scats availabte in Martin Street Schtîul tut nîcc the deînands uit rapiti grîîwîb. The bîtartis plan cnrrenty dîtes- nit have any sebtîtls scheduted lu be built i whin the Sberwtîtd Survey. Obvîuîusly schtîtls wîllbe buîtt un the survey stîmetîme in the future, but 1 hase cvery expectaitun tuai wc wîtl hase ncw ttolks mtîv ung itttithai arca wiîiîutîre years. andtiwc alintitiertaiily wuî'n'î sec a new schoîtl in ibat arca tioi 1I() sars tir sut \1Mîîî linSet Stiîtis jusi I.3 kin i ilieîi', tet iiieiiof' th tII l iii Iws tliit the îbrec potables atrcady ai the sebuuil. A scbuitl tike Martin Street, wbicb bas a FrenclitImmersion stream, is an alternative ftîr parents whu want a smatler, mure intimale leamtng aimusphere fuir their cbild. Each time a schuut gels identi- tied fur cinsure it burts that schuttîts cummnnity. Thaî's wby t have foungb against ctusîng Martin Street Sebuut firsi as a civitian and nuîw as a trustee. Ai tbe speciat meeting uf ibe huard t annuiunced that l'tt bring tuîrwartt a motiun in September ibat wîilt cstabtisb a new' ctmmiîîee tu sitîiy tbe accoîmmodatioîn enîsîs iti wcý'îc tacitg anîd the crîteria ntter \wiîîb chemîghl tctîse t) i'fIliec(Chamntiti. please dtîtî telI stîtîr 1itatitis 1Ithib elttittl is îîîîteî lrttesîtîus ýhen ini Iacti i Paul Tate, Milton trustee Halton District School Board School board's optional attendance polîcy fia wed I)ear FEditor: Ini .\Prl-lit retîuîýt'st'l îî1îtîîîî,l ,îtinJeîî toîît ii utsfhuit \,ar tItI tildt iiMauit Sîreet Stituul. tut- o tate, uts cýi\ei 'ibeeti graitct îlîîîs ut n lits t bcen iadiseul Ioi suait îîîîîl aller st bîttl sians tn Scptinbcr. Sjitakiîg catiitilsusNit the seituttl prîtît t pal. t gui te uimpressîîio ttînr tcbances ioi gettiîtg ii areti't gu îît. Optîuînal atentiatce s% a policy ui thlit ,liun District Scîtitul Hoardt,w hidli tat litates tlie transter of- a chîtti outt ulit iîr htîne sthiîttlI a ditfereni sciîîîul. T'his pul- tty is accesseti bv parent,, w'bchn ibey penceive tbe besi inîcresi of'thebe tlîli s sers etl by sîuîuiîng ai a scbtîtî otter itan their gcuigraplîtcattv-tiestgtaietl hume Rt',uîers titih iîîk."Su su liai s the big ttal .' AlIt ur Mtiltîin shutuis are excetlleit. Senti stîtr kîi tut unr butie scitîuî." Tht' big tialis tai uur buttme scbuîul tiîesn'itîfier French Imnmersionî-- a pruigrani t want l'ur my chîld. St in gratde1t. wben tbe Frenîch Immersîtîn pruigraîn begîns, sire w itl be attending Martin Street Scbtîtî any- way. But pruîviting a stable schtîut envîrunnient dîtes- n'i figure in tut the uptiunal attendance puticy, su if t want my child in French Immersiun, I have lu upruut ber in Iwu years' lime, when she's dune kindergarten. Tht bîgger deat is that ber ulder sibting atready attends Martin Street Schuut. In my upiniun, keeping piitars .tge ctlîtrcîî Iruinthic sanie amilv tugeiber in tt ,ainet stbîîl stîîuîld be a prtirity fuir the schuooI boardi. Luienty. ut su't. t believe scparattng my vtiugcbild truni ber sîbling can utnly lias e a negalis c impact tîn ber schuîulîng, as tan muî iîîg ber iii a new; scîtui tîaler ber kintiergarten years. Perbaps keeping French Immersiun ebjîdren iro tîn tîentiing ibeir target sebutut truin day une, t feel, itakes tbe business tif running tbe schuuts casier fur atinisiraitirs. Sadty. uts ai the expense uf the chul- tiren and ibeir tamittes. tue sptîken tu many scbuul huard empluyees, frum scbuîul princupals tut Edncaîiun Directîr Dr. Dusly Papke biniseli. Es ery une sympaîbizes w itb my pligbî, bt not tne cati telp. Oite stice sutîn't change pulicy, nuit even a putîcy as tl,îwtt us t betieve ibis une tu be. 1 knuw there are tuber tamilies in the sanie situatioin, and t wouud urge then Io lutt their local trustee, Paul Tale, and vuice their cuincenis. Tugether we may succeed in ensurtng that families are scbuuted tugethen and bidren aren'î frtvutuusty dismupîed. Better puticies that put kids firsi means hetter educa- liun. Ibis is sumetbing we ait have a stake in. Carol Dougherty Milton j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ZfW ZzM ZOO ZOO ZOO ZOO ZOOM ZOOM ZOM zoomO ExcumIy AT k«u MR km JULVIS TRBUTE MONTH11.ATACHILLES MAZDA DDnetimn The Redestgned 2005 Mazda Trîbute GX includes:Sytm Icld ! V/ Automatij Transmisston c p luVPwrWindows Ken vFr0 VPower 0/ck V 16" Aloy WtheeisA V Tted Windows V Air Conditonîng -7 V Roof Rack m 357 Queen St,9 Aclon V Keyless Entry mua amaaaa V Bo1 13dy Accent Packag-V rhdDDRmoe hi~~~~ N.h.III Engînielmmobilizer 5l9n8 3nu2u w Vu AM!FM CD Stereo inIo@chillunazi.c v' Fog Lighis The Resigned 2005 Mazdai Tributs G Fr6ms ___________________ V 60/40 Split Rear Seats Verv Weil Equipped at onlv $2 #M M 3, 00 Ou balership ia nt th Bimgst. Oi #NI is te be Mhe Bst! VPu uhMrei rD ntoa~