Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Jul 2004, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Frday Juty 16, 2004 *Commenut hew eLanadîan Chllampion Bo lMai MltnOn.19 (905) 878-2 1-ditori l Fis:905- Adverttsinîý Fas, 90i5: classi ied: 9i)S Circulation: 905- Ian Oliver Neil Oliver I lDavis Karenî Smith Wendy.McNah 'lim (oies ('harlen Hlaill l'er Casas Af,,,,,ý titi Stý V The Canadtan Champion ifuL'ý ÏF 4 N t j III A Afj',iýijp .., 2341 Cl! tfoff La 't ),k M irrr F loi ýot)H (,k,, i -87 S4 43 ý;:f lI Il li Id 'l (1 1 jjh i -ýjt-f Y-,,)[,[; in lijepeildviit AI ;-876--' 3, 64 Th;, -8 7 5 - l 3 00 jilie1w Mirrw Milwi Shoppriq ilwi-, ý-878-5947 1 1,vu, tj"rIf: Jak, illic Sflol)l,ýiiii Ntw,ý 01(Jtm i,-rý Hw, kt, f J, i Publisher Pirrý, Thý,, H), Wi-,ýk Pl(tofi Lutillly Gijl(iH fil( filliolid Hill, fhomfd Viii(jItiii ! f)éýr.0 Plllli>%11,,i Mmor St,)tjffvýllu UýIir,ïJqe Triburiý A(Iverttlifig fý ('11 Illi, coliditlufi PA 111 Ih, il 'l týpo jraphical "for Vial portioi (il the à(Jvlrtf,,iiij spa(P !!ic iýiro- Ieoljý teoi ý1iiPi ýl for M I rifi! -r tisItIý Dilcf foi harged tor riut Ille (A lhe %vill b, II)f il Ille (,,ihlp rate Pie ptit)fsl)Pr reu rips ftit, ri(Ilil t(, ý atfý(lorfe rir dof:llillý utioli Vuelil«e lb The Milton Canadoan Champion ýs i Recycàhliý Produci & w New trail to enhance lives of Miltonians Aloîig vkith the fairly recent restoration of' the M'illI Pond and sur- rounding grounids. the proposed niulti-use trail sounds like orle of*te nicer projects the To\,ni of'NiMilton is pro-ias ii l(,for tsdns As reported elsewliere in this iewsspaper. the Tl(oy n las uulveîled plans for a walking/bicvcl nii. rail Itini Jamnes Snoss Parkss ay Io Reoional Road 25. Cooniin wiîh itie "w parks anid Iacili hies mlaster plan. the irail.s we belles e. vw-111enhance ciil*oý nienit of'tle coninlinity for Miltonianis. It %A,1l1 bc a great place 'or- lamilles t(i ciljoy the ottdoii n stogeîlîirdur- toc a leiSure-l s SLindaý walk an dcr oute 1ow do,,t uo\etstoci-i rcse their pets atnd a sale lias i- i'bic cli si Io2ofor a ride. Dt-i n e a tecent open Itouse to show the plans to the puiLtcsize tiiats for tlie palli included creating a de! ineation for bicy illits atnd pedestrians, installing benches along the trail. plaiitiiit lots of trees and shrubs for residential privacy and addressing satets, where the trail crosses streets. i hose are al good ideas. Bravo to the residents who took tîte timie to comne out 10 the meeting and gi've their input. This is your path. Miltonians. Filîer suggestions cati tiade by downloading ai comment sheet fromn the Town's Web site. * Our Readers Write HeIp in retrîevîng dog greatly apprecîated Ilear Idilîir: oLIIIgSIilittt, i t o s t il iti it ( st-, itiilt ý, t' tt,'t t c.W c i ltttit thl tt, i, t il tt ,I I l t at iri Hi titli t,' it~ i II 't() liei. 'ttibeilig asthiiiit, o e tf lith t,,Iiîclit, t itimît, iir. t't'i il t,' Att ýiotîti1)t['11 a' illt, Itle\ tîtîted iii, iliî,tîîît ,, liimore tt'itlie Hi uii h iiHt lie I ilt I u tIle lo ttfoi,,îtciîl 'mttt-t'cît'î tDalit'iilut'ti, t taia ttftl ,crin" tuti t-u d liei tit t c t ultn 't ateepit-tfe i,î,îî ii Lent iiita e ti iil it, Vil) îtiî gttîtî111" lt 'tllthe,1 ititîttît lttîr li c kîttît tii bibi peio \01oiî' it 'iî htiîî \ii u illti Itîtt. ' t', i îîeople t'tend w , t ti I;ulicss tti iit îî itîtio tsaf Diane Stanley T 0 11- 11 Wilzrin l ui . Time Caps provide great window into Milton's past W'tîctThc Cthanmpion fii'st iîîtrtîtutcedtils pagc 7 Tinte Capsýutes a littite oser three years ago. t1ut .s quite excited about the idea. Lîke etitor Karen Sinîttî and Jim Dittis tîo gaibers the intorrmation on bettati o' the Miltoan t]istoricat Society t- 1tbougbt tts'outd be a greai adtdition to Frittay's paper. But there was another reasoît. mucb more setftsb in nature, behînt my ecoturagement. 'sou tee t'or years nos" Ive been on a raîher frustrating andt complteey unsuccsstut quest to upstage a certain bariender pat o! mine at Jeopardy durîng regutar sisits to Oakvitte's H-oiday Inn, Hetîbeni on toppting my universîîy educated toc but unwitting to acîuatty crack open a book. 1 figured these Tinte Capsutes- whicb t tay out and betp edit - woutd be another way to pick up a few poîcntiatty usefut facts witbout a great deat of effort. Aiteilt. Lbat k illr]cit ttinimîity î't'p tîke i'tic Chiamintiealtaloitnt ile Iic at iontî, alt andttinternaitionalt etNisandtt tovvs itite îtiedttt tthe tocat tantîscape. Wett itfs ttîree Hein t atcr aîîtt[lotitîte tuece of inftormtion Vtve acquirett, on a variety ot issues tike prohibitioin to tthe Boer War, bas hrougtît me any ctoser tii victory. Net not t t tiais beeîîin vain- not by a tong sht. For ibose Champion readers wbo simpty breeie paît our page '7 Time Capsutes 'cach Friday, you doîtknovs wbat you're missing, Atways iiîsigtatfut and otten enteriaining, thit section bas become one of my favourite paris of the paper and a source ot some tivety discussions in our newsroom- especiatty when we cao Write bcadtines tike Farmer's parts catch tire after tigbted pipe teft in bis pocket' and 'Rurat father and son committed for medicat evaluation Up fron t tott wM ii g tit r ctt'i m tbeing omnipotent* Granted niiî evt.Ty Tiîne Caps excerpti s comni- cat or întriguing. but to mie there\s enough good siuff iin there -et erytitng front tabour issues to bow crimes wvere dealt with back then - t cep me reading, and not jusi bx-cause it's pari ot my job. And as a reporter, t find iî particutarty inîerest- ing to see how different writing was in the tate btu ictitsîîtîîts tutu titi test, l'tie pcrsoiiatizcît st,'tcand titerary ticenuce takenin ibuse davs ciutdn'i be considereti obec- tise journatistst ,t teast îîot by today's stan- dtards- but it's certaintv gond tor a ctîuckte now and theti Ant ilîe ai thai tulme thiS LOmmTIiti \wUS moire otf'î a hatet tban a si.'eabte tots n, tiltionians stere rnaking sîgniticant gtobalt con- tributions esen back tten, t het you dittni know ttaaitlocal ttoctoîîs and nurses betped treai Boer Wîr prisoners in Benrmuda. or that one area engineer was recruîted Io hetp supersise the construction of a ssater sta- tion in Russia in t90 t. So for those Champion readers wbo skip over our Time Caps cacb Friday, you may want to check it out. Jusi don't expect it Io betp your Jeopardy game. e .AL

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