Carpédia International is a management firmn uniqsely focused on providing signiicant and measurabie improsements in revenue growth, productivity, and asset utilization, and frîendiy phone masser, ih the ability and desire f0 handie multiple tasks in a fast paced ensîrosment. Primary responsibilites include reception & general office duties. corporate trasel arrangements, and sales & marketing support. Must possens excellent communication and ôrganîzational skiffs, as well as knowledge of MS Office and internet applications. To apply , please tormard your resume and cssering lenter stating salary espectations f0: HR Adminîstrator Carpedia International, 75 Nasy Street Oaksîlle, Ontaro L6J MZ e-mail careers@carpedîa.csm Vînit Nopi crais u . r,. r oi ONTRsIO CrNTS qf EXcrt 1Oi. t Employment Opportunity Receptionist I Administrative Assistant Materials and Manufacturing Ontario (, a division of Ontario Centres of Excellence, is seeking a ful-time experienced individual f0 join its administrative team in our Mississauga office. The successful candidate wiii have strong compouter skiils (Microsoft Office), excellent communication and organizational skilîs, be a team player, and wiii have at least 3 years experience in a progressive and active office envirooment. The job wili include general office duties, reception and support for a number of senior managers. Pisase fax your resumbe, Attention: Humnan Resourcos, te 905-823-4141 or -mail iM te, by Friday, July 30, 2004 (Wt ftank ail applicants, hsweoer, nnly titose ander cnnsderabon will te confacted.) REQIJEST PERSONNEL SERVICES INC. WWW.REQLJESTPERSONNEL.COM REOUIRED IMMEDIATELY! Or client sn Cakolle ares has an immediate neeci for PACKMERS Day Affernoon shifts, avalabie, $10!hr 420-A Britannia Roai East Suite 201 Mississauga, Ontario (SA .Corner-Britannia Rd. E. & Kennedy) Poe1-877-755-0395/1905-755-0395 Accepfîng Applicafions 9-2pm Mon-Fni + BRANCH CLERK BURLINOTON 35 hours/woek 1 -yeur contract position Responsihilities include providing administrative sopport Ioothe operaions o the Branch.Hall days xii be devooed [o providing clerical assistance and cosiomer service Io the ransportalion program. Assis) wiih )undraisînlg. Eniry evel position. The soccessfui candidate aili have a sec- ondary school dîpioma or eqivalent and heiweeo 1-3 years of reiaied work efiperfence. Please lorward resome belote JoIy 22 2004 ta: Comniunily Services Coorlinator Canadian Red Cross Society 262 Guelph Lino urlingion, ON UiR 3K7 We thank all candidates who applybt only those select- ed for an interview wl/I be contacied ORes-I -ENR EE Good data ontry skills required, ful) time position in fast paced environment. May also include customer service on phono & walk in customers. Drop rosume: Attn: Stacy, 3350 Wolfedale, Road, Mississauga or Fax: 905-275-4113 'MN WPCI Bell World Milton is looking for an enthusiastîc and professional full time sales associaté who works welli n a teamn environment. via Emnail to: wx.imiltoin@vahpp.cp Full imre Salespeople High Base Salary, High Commissions Bonuses, Extensive Benefits, Management Training, Employment Stahility Retail (commission) sales experience preferred Fax your Resume to, the attention of. Gabe at 905-637-5705 Or 416-488-4130 cr al at Or iit tsi ngtee Leoetioe, hàWe fer 5b tht rBtSieon and neew v&iti .qtmow Rm"ateqningdits tat. The Olde Hide House lias opportunities ïfor enitsiasf c. ustoner oriefflec sales assistants for sur Fali seaso Can- ddates musit e able Io work flesible hoors ncluding s weekend shift. (Studenia available fo work boffr weekesrl daysl. Pîsase complere an application avaifuble af theý Customter Service Desk at 49 Eastern Avenue, Action Or fax yoor 'esumne Is Ssan ai 519-853-3232 Saturn of Mississauga We arc seekm-g aWgrrssdy fnenl>ý cxentnced rdes people tco loin our hig)a nergy dynannc tusa. You must bt a selfmotivtee individuai whî thnives on grtel inancijl rcwaý tdtrnn f'or your expertisein Conciwc ommuncation, skirp Iteaing sklts and srong dostng ahility \Xc off-cr ta loçoll'pay pLuis and coissns detn o~Ja to qiLditlic-d iîtbiduaLs. Seling Saturns s not alttosit liavtng teic.0t(D cputtnsc or tncdastatc.uiapttude.. . i(s txattr cspytng lxtoplc atnd dovdloping lonrg tenua husiness rtnshlps mitciacto. IF 1H15 COLNDS EXt ITINe.- 11-I S! [-'mail te3rne r<s or calI Norm Carter, General Manager Wixh aimost 100 voars ot experiesice and a complement ut more than 2500 employees. Saint Elizabeth Heafth Gare as a Canladian, not-for- profit charitable organization that escefs at deliverîng quafîty home care throughout Ontario. We have recentiy been amarded a contract mith the Community Caro Access Centre of Haison tor nursing services. Commnunity RNs and RPNs (Aduit and Paediatric> Haiton Region Competve houriy psy for client cars Flexible scheduling Groap beneftt and pension pan 24-hour clinrai and manageriai support Pinase formard your résume to: Service Oelivery Centre Manager, Saint Eizabeth Heatth are, 20 Hughson St. S., Ste. 908, Hamilton, ON L8N 2A1. Fax: 1-800-940-8553. Extensive paid orientation Paid mifeage Education bursaries A supportive team ensironment Subsidized RNAO/ RPNAO membership Saint Elizabeth The Canadian Champion, Fnday July 16, 2004-33 I SUNOPTA INC. ISIKL - hlsdsq) SOY -TSX I reqoîres fes FULL TIME ACCOLJNTING CLERKI POSITIONS. ose io Accourits Payable and te ils'i Acort c. ubiaThe lvy Arms is iookîng for a "',ve 'J OXýafS In i U"~ 5 arpas K<onwld ge of Oiaa i cmelarge ac- c iuiifiro Sysiemrs a drfimssassI .1Use of MicroSoff Word andi Escel sklls ars required, b fin1 sut more about SunOpta Imc.go ts wwhouiiorpfa com Pisase serd pour reoume o the Haman Resources Manager 2838 Bavaird Drive West, Norvef, ON LOP 1 KO omaîl malbrec or fas to 905-455-2920 KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BAKE SALE & GARAGE SALE BURINS FARMERS MARKET ON MAIN STREET SATUROAY, JULN 17TH, 2004 8AM-NOON DONA TIONS A CCEP TED FOR GARAGE SALE ITEMWS WEEK 0F SALE DAKINO - FR1 NIGHT 7-9PMl OR EARLY SAT. MORNING PLEASE COME AND SUPPORT OUR LADIES UNITS IN THIS FUNORAISER Please drop off rosumnein person between 10-12 or 2-4. FULL TIMEI PART TIME COOK & DISHWASHER WANTED Losking for mature wsman or man mitit experience preferable in Italian restaurant cooking. Good start- ing wage. PleasRH c at 905-875-7653 or 905-878-8511 GARAGE SALE Sat. July 17 e 8AM-Noon 4220 Derry Rd. (5 lHoum of eApplsiiy) $mal ampoliiee, roier bisées, bicycles, houseboid gonds. MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat. July 17 - 8AM-Noon 308 Randall Cres. (ChIIds or. t* Coxs ta Poaren> GralVarieiy. MOVING & COLLECTIBLE SALEGA GESL Sat. Juiy 17 * 8AM-NOON CRG SL 569 Beaver Crt. Sat. July 16 - 8AM-NOON Merles (VHS), Antiques, sports momoi-sbIiIs, terni- 414 Gowland Cres. MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE/TAS SALE GARAGE SALE Sat. Juiy 17 - 8AM- NOON Sat. July 17 - 8AM-? 8790 isi Lins 21 #3 Sideroad Campbeilville (flstwssn Paru & Tromains Rds) Antiques, Pottery, Funtture, kîds StufC (Milton Hsights) GRGSAE GARAGE SALE Sat. Juiy 17 -8AM-1 PMGA GESL 7533, 5th Line Sat. July 17 - 8AM-Noon (Betwesn Main St. & Steeles) 318 Laurier Ave. Unit #8 Houseitoid, chidi-on s crib maftresses Somting for Everyonnet Sometiîng for Evoryonn!! GARAGE SALE Sat. Juiy 17 - 8AM-? INCREDIBLE GARAGE SALE 235 Bronte St Sat. July 17 - 8:3OAM-Nooni Ptne Antque turnitue, toys, books, & more, 155 Lydia Ave.. 100's of items undor $1,00M! GARAGE SALE 4 FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat. Juiy 17 - 9AM-Noon Sat. July 17 - 7:OOAM-Noon 93Cid r 494 Vlleyiew res.Kids books, ioys, h::se»oid Items, dressers, Someihing For Eveyonel! GARAGE SALE Sat. Juiy 17 -8AM-NOON GARAGE SALE 727 Coulson Ave. Sat. Jîîly 17 - 8AM-1 PM Lawnmower, deitumldifiers, antiquos, brasssand so much moro 422 Gowland Cres. GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE Sat. July 17 a 8AM-Noon Sait. July 17 - 8AM-1 1AM 788 Coulson Ave. 821 Cedarbrae Ave. (off Mapis> Chilrenselohing slde, ardn foisChesterfieid set, erc. condition, dresser, Chitren ciihln, sdsgardn misdesk, sters, blinds, exorcise bike, baby temps &8 more. swing, cran1 items, itoosehoié mise. FiSHING F0RAGpREATir;M?? GARAGE SALE SAT JLLY 17 - 8AM-NOON 2423, 20th Sideroad (Just M of Mohawk) Vîsil these pueai garage sales thîs weelend Hockey skates, roierbiades, toys, books, bedoiff r PwW"ý vvwvjsaïntelizabe 1