Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Jul 2004, p. 31

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The Canadian Champion, Friday JuIy 16, 2004-31 BIRCM, Donald <WW Il Navy Veteran, 36 years SKALSKI: Phylls Mary Margaret (naa Payne)* service et Former City of York Fire Depart.ment> Ater a engthy baffle with cancer on Wadnesday, July ,JJ1 7( iJ \~ S )li t Peacefally ai Soothiake Fegional Heaith Centre, New- 14, 2004 ai the an Andersorn Bouse. Phylis Skalski in H market on Monday, July 12, 2004ý Don Birch of New- I her 501h year. Loing cite of Richard. Beloved moiher ~.i i1~ A ' marirt at 0 eca ii, i. li eu of Enri and Amanda Friendo wiiI lie roci evpd t lie J., Maietie ci Mitonî iJiorsriod Puppa ifiJasonr tOisa- bath) Brch ana Heaiher tMicnael) Jackson, Brandon Maiette (Melissat and Mchaeel Malete, Dean brother ni Shirley fBih) Searle. Dcîn ciii he lnary remerichored 0n hls niece, nephewn aan anp riends. Don was ai- cays wîlliîng ti reip chers ana miiicontinruaeIo, because he lias donated himsei to nioedîcai science ai ioierni- oY nI Toronto, Frînnas caled i L natîriaîgue & Skcarclioh Foirerai Home, 30 Sîmcoe Rnad, Bradforda(1-800-200- 4803t for nîntatono on ihursdap, Jury 15, 2004 frmr t1:0p . ntirlime nfia Mnmonai Service in the clapet ai 2:00 p m. n Dons memnry. donations n ithe Heart & Sirnine Foondcatîonof niDtario coula be appreciaied. MACKAY, Adeine Louise Peacetutîn on Sundey. Juni11 iith, 2004 onlier 2nd ea, Beinned ientf the laie oberr cnnîng moine, ni Mer- garer f(David Warner) and the laie Barbare Des, Oreodma ot Andrew and an Wamer Predaceaned by her parents William and Bartiara Franer ana broibers Alexander, George and Grant Franer fihe aie nvy). Loy- îng aunn and greal aunar o ber niecen and nephewsoin Canada and the iUnied Staten and lnn survned by ne, nînlern in-law Crace Franer and Ann Maolray anrd rany coasns. Fnendn may nil ai rhe J. Scott Eariy Funer- ai Home, 21 James Street, Milton. ON, on Tiiursday, Jury 1518 from 7 10o pm, A Memoriai Service iii 0e held et Knox Presbi Chorch, 170 Main Street East, Milon. nn Fridae0 Joîn lOiS ai 2pm, Tonne wîsh- ing may meke donetions 10 tna Mlon Dsinct HonFitl Foondatîono <non Pranhyterian Chorchn Mlon, the Heari and Srnke Fnendtiîon orsa cheriry ni choîceJ BRIDGES, Theresa Ai ihe Milon Dintric't Hnspital on Tenday, Juin 13th, 2004. Thresa Bnidges of iMlon, cite ni Coriy Bridges Looîng mobar or Dane, lansise ana Jay Therese ciii be greaiiy mîsed hy han 10 grandci'luiren Famiy and firendn meyvisit, ai flirc McKersie-Kocher Fanerai Home, 114 Main Si., Milton 905-878-4452 frm 2- Foi and 7-9 pro on Tliarndav Sîigîl service ai 8 30 pmý Foneal service wiii Se hlid ai Hein Risaiy 3oman Ca- rlic Chorch Miifoe on i dan Jsl iy m2004 ai 11 OL am. Il danred, memoriai uonioîns 0inaeArOnlîs lic ciety coid Se appiecîatFca 0v rhe iamiiy LAPLANTE: Claudette Lucienne nee Jotiail Peacetalis. in lie presence niflier lamilv ai lier hnome on Wedoesday, Joiv id. 2004. Claudette LaPianie ci her 6i0 near covnnu nilier oi Kîmberîy MIlîs aria lis vantner Roy n1ayser, cynne NaabeOl Lorraine ana ha, hoobanît Niî'a Aiserd and Dale Joiy aird ho crie Kvong, Predleceaned 0v her son Ricard Jc v Sadiv misses 0v lier sîsiers Faiine Smiii anadL'ann" ' achancaenso ng daughier 0 -lac of Ciii ara Jeannette Joins Lovn îng granainter ni h granocliraren ana 2 greai grandclidren. Dear innaoniBernîn Cvn Friands miii ne raceîeed rnm the J. SCOT EARLV FUNERAL HOME, 21 James S.. Milon (905) 878-2669 on Sai- orday, Jury 17 ai 12 00 PM sonib e ime uft ha Memo- rirai Service air1 ou PM rom the Fonerai Home Chapel. As exprennions oi nrruoihn donatinns man Se mode to tha Horion Wnmans Place ARMSTRONG, Jeffrey Stephen (Jeft) -SUddprrty passed avuay early Fnîday. Jaty 9tn. 2004, af the age of 38. Reoed nucand and lest rend nf Aranda 0nev Poirard). Cheid and devoted tather nf Arusfin. Braedan, and a Chîrd fa 11v. Treasared sCout Gerald and Jacqure nee Short> Dearly oned brother of Jerry and Patti. Paul and Leta, and Dayie and Dnag Rocs A vry speciai oncle ta Ryan, Jarrod, Erin. Mark. Bradley, Wesley, lJayna, Andrea, Stephanie, Jordan, Victoria and Alexis. Much laved son-jo law at Mel and Jolie Pollard. Dean brother-in-aw of Tracey and Scott Arseneao. Wili be farvver adorvd by Gram Gvgeny. and besit riend Dan Goldsmith. The tamily receîved trîends at the McEACHNIE FUNERAc HOME. 28 ld Kingston Road, Ajan (Pickering Village) 905-428-8488 tram 2 to 4 and 7tIo 9 p.m. Monday. Fanerai Service was held on Taesday Joiy 13, 2004 al 2 p.m. al St. Georges Anglican Church, Randali Drive, Ajax (Pickering Village). Cremation. Inles af lowers, Jeffis tamiiy waUid appreciate donations ta the Ontario Headi and Strake Faundation or the Children's Wish Foondatian. Fanerai Homne Cliapel on Moiiday, Jais i Jli i 10:00 AM.rterment te tsIioc aI Eoergren Cernicery As eapressions of svmpaihy. donations may hec rade to ha la,, Anderson Hoîrse In NMeanoriams in the form of donations to'The Canadian Cancer Society are deeply appreciated. 258 M lnmwtoam in -#AnodIm Jrrbrn-4d1.'i' Rihrrror, Julvin .0/r2000< (( I i ,"r,,,î h. -c-à r DAVID ERTZLY n memîrs .iliavidaE rllv;nd hi, hwoi îî,.îi, Ri i t, kn, ndodtf Gau >fi) ied ai'aragîiilioe irci ià.ai on .Sîilirdas, Jliii 17. 1999 bo tiniîîkoi iichmt ir ias r ail hiir, .,us czsi ie holds a, mars'fce., tiîîeanti îtoîine.n Jîî, ti ink iof iheor a, le:I rig i aceaîviniband it oiiri olierv ii,', re arnodean , ai,. Fhn o tius i e îii îing bhal ce ennid hnîîw iidav. oie nîîlbîng baito, adircs,, cari resu vpasseau. Ana tbnk onI henm lsivirng n tbe bearis of thaie bey liocbed. torn nîiing lived r., st and 15ev' erre lnned ne muS Lave Nam, Dad and Faut Thme baya avII ha remembered ai Maua au Saturmta, Juty 17, 2004 et 5:30 at HIy Raaary Church. SoPae orAdTdy Cail: 90"-75-3300 or Email: classifledltiiltoncanadianchampion.com lit 0 N & Wl'il" fi f 1', 268$1 peisonai For 5.0 WANTED Amerîcar, ivi SEAT Sae' irshlen op War Encort fer rc -' .ci' voor diicin ingrvvm mntDanDermeAug 2ur i Pet chair sab a SpSletd tab- ceen dli-55 îîo0 Smr)kn i rîs trnm S1irj5'eca Seat counry tynen liSes iîao"i rîîrcasnînns quaiiiy inarn re- nisiory, moronlrghr Sa ho qplacement 1,rorr SA95/a dînnor & mors Ciii Fields Fumitur. and Fab' lord/Niagara ntri he ,- nînris,9-9 dai 'nOS 532- arsa. Rapin te Box elîîtl5 9090 CASH adfratqe oo moand cletbe hnfg- HOME Dapcare availabis urines. recelieri lamnîtrra Sepiember. Hacihom Vil coins, etc 905-b78-3145 rage, Meais & snacks pro- cel: 905-876-750 oided. ion slmuciored pro- foe& atfe noo e , 310 For SuI# 1992 Cava i .r fr vants, 225aoo ýmue', Haads A Dînîng Hnom, Cherry done, nec rires 'Jrivpn unl wood. double pedesial June Itt.S51 000 DBD table, o chairs, bhonei Cai 905-875iut hich te dcoreai cii, .n ew i i 1994GMCJîcîr'i,i T 4x4 C N ewsi l c inaa 'r lice a4 3L.Vorlen i aicer înienvr, S2,600 05 567 pocer seal is c nocs and 52,68 'nS 56 mdl' icks AM/Ff,1 asssecriSh A 5 ' i,i(j iilclcc M r 10. ru dic ,il -ranger. 'c SLtNec iri, $1r00r0Si 00OA- IrS esi oef s1600 i-r Cali Brai. n lý" r J1517 9(1 ues 45 r 90v599 BED. AOmaziri î.j,î 1995 Chli-J"i '-we Vuker lic li;, Jic, i 'nrr ,laded, 'i , rJnms si,! ne.'.nu inlst i c i. S3 000 iP'-st: ail '5v 1i' 5r 1>6 7. S .0 w i, 77 3473 cr1997 10e, '-'1.15 y Bednnom Clii'r,-)1i 5910t1,ris e'iî& E rl, , sled 55,Q" Cai CARPET i i raëve sc inis re' isking i 'iL crujs ' S!i5.~900 -54- "sl'S100-.,ris imr 048& p-r \N'i J' icil' " 2000 'Ho' 'ri 'udoe hallifor S389 uncluits o C i.air ' i.rePd. pi" pad & irîstiati, 95',un0uakm, Asing yards) 'Olni' 0' . r 5t sa eiP e aisiy 21112 Cali Janet . '878- 5404. DIRECT from Mc Scaitilul mosai, r"odiat 'uiitiure, plus anrtrni?ii urors ameis, givewani îi. Fran #o95-0332 u 114 ESTATE SALE ir loei'ii ratching cnair. sîde tablen: iamps 5 aixo coc0c table, Dinirir .l iu, n île, 3basket chars, i inero Dîgan, AssoIiedr'rf-ss"-i Tcii les eadtmarilsCe- dar criesi licivol TV' Stand. Freezer, 2 Thrme rvgs liîij ni Baioen Myiar, Arr Condi lînner. Carnet, Dryirrg Pan, Traiefor siiage,1Talîes, ' p of"i neîli rMens sats sfroes Sa'S lin Pick- Ups Cari Janet û 905- 878-540a. FREE Estimates. Gel enti bly chars. irad ivokîng eoed unises? Fîeîds Cus- tom Wood Refinîshîng and Fomîlura Repaîrs. B9-9,905- 632-9090 Hot Tub: 2004 ait options, mater/au., Ozanator, Red- wood cabinet, neyer used, stilli n wrapper. Cost $9,995. Seii $5000. 416-953-5197. MADONNA Sun Juin 1810 @ 8pm. Section 103, Row t6, Seal 15 & 16. Askîng $500. eanh cash. Cal 9os. il76-2056. POWER caddy g1olfcr, 4 drawer laierai ilt cabinet, eneculive daSkwîlh nom- putierntale. Cal 905-878- 3958. 6202 WALKEPS LUNE, 8URLINGTON 905-335-2515 Ready Picked &Pick Yaur 0wn Weekdays 8:00 - 5:00 Weekends e0 Tuesdaysuntil 8:0 www.hutchinsonf arm.ca BUSINESS MANAGER The areas largest volume Nissan dealer reqoîres a self-motivated, energetic indivîdoal with a proven track record in F&I sales. Neat, ponctuai persans with a great attitude, who enjay warkîng in a busy team envîranment please .. cail Brian or Phil at (905) 681-2162 BURLINGION FAIRVIEW NISSAN Burlîngton Curling Club requires a CLUB MANAGER 35v Burlingtun Guri g Clulb s spekrng a manger ta cuita01 n tesuccesses enperienced On a fult memhership of delicateo ana vntnusidstrrc rrers ranging hûm :ch ren to sen OrS1Th deat candidate Ysut have expe' ýences cn clab management arid le prepared to wsas with an e i-ol, cut nira: lirr 'g the fsi evoaltting septembert ne0 ds' amîu experier' ed ranoger smil ce compertenn inanagin cu ness prouesses crerpersana uvîilis. ead- Repurtinc !0 > 1ePisinJeril 'he> Buard ofDirectoîs. ne c ipores and mirrerorcrc ern.pl supervise uflegul' naiiIrair staff ana ensure umaurs uperatîvris ut ai! c uc 2au' sOieesra11ishno apusîue reta- r1,,Sý or I p r ne unbe 1 e',týr j Chuce rîereste iýcî aukea 'oIo mlde saaiy expectatians 011'Y 'nuse tcI n:r', ne -a eg nrtucÉe Reply tao urlington Curling Club c/n PO. Box 5010 Station LCD1, Burlington ON L7R 3Y8, emnail: fharrisnnl@cogeco.ca (, <tir--Dr.IW Currantlis reoires a 'S" Clans Driver for or Mlton location.Thics îosition raqoîras poo le trayai the Milon analie ssîrondîng areas deirvenîng eqoîv- nrent arra rîîceiiriq or coniomer s deadlinas. You possens a dlean drers abstract, annellent crîtien and orai lssarrd the abily te drive ntandard transmission vehiiles. Waefen cellenr nom- rensation, lieriefirs and a pension plan Fax vour renome aicrn ilS pour attacheS drivers absiraci teý Humiiîait Ililiiiii 1I1t1ltliars-uî-r Rte4tol Iiurl.mîgln, ON 91 Iîiail addîrs., Balti' led lR@Tortonî)it onî îî rr l'ax: 905-333-1 1 15 'NieiPPhone,'Cri/la Plrrîn Ie' iîrrr'rone w/mo aeipp/wa5 onl:vir éi/îrr.nn-c daolnrs ecr'îîd fotr fil inros mgrill! /rconî<îr'îî'r. Permanent Pl AZ Driver wanted With cross border experience 10 cover vacation time with Oakville firm. Suit retired driver. Cati Goldie 905-338-4023 FRExpeswyTRAc IING (AD Dsono xres4y Uk. Srtet Wa reon h kol to r canersmîneîîd a eloi urlma isurn eqt ealo opirsrrwOi it oig aidni *EnprePayCeTrPesMon (A DivpsnîoEdTrocssayierucs aelo Contat Bra HnRssOratilon aae capriecertxsswavotvrPronnel 3 eOTrucgeocan sLvsoknlc MîcîinooiCce rcoyan Sîmp taffnî n orîe rie ncd orucnkzed. Tterîtcadaewr e Conttîn 1 hrpi îihe attofferecpion daatter. Gnw edrge town5e f ied Lc indsiry aGndeingbîn gol areketing aCeom hp s teingmayn eloIo Pleasecaneidat0 enomhae oollînng 0î nerienof nicdesaft byftae ogrm incldingreter ns and l Aary exp elo y uty 2abe3rd, it-ls2004.ea wligt e-maut it: h@gn allotions.ceom uis VOLTWORKFORCE DESIGN Is looking to place over 20 light industrial positions in the Milton area For further in-formtïon contact us at 416-306-3390 ext: 222

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