24-The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 16, 2004 Vince's newest horse impressive in Blainville By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion ilisiey 'Vifcc i A show jtiiipnii. or tîake that t.I*itv, S 011t. HIC 27-\ iii , uiT 'SuItîîîri iiitl u icicîl ~ici iuiÇîii raiiks ilbcbticrIl)ti tut ilîîx IIIII li ii.lIi. ii ccTîblc aîhliîîIIi itti.. tearîl. TIili IIIýl\ie coi cîinîl ird 'up ttiiitic iuiitli\ aticriloiîîî 11 IctIi \I'iî c i\LIcîîuiti I loi 1011l' i cîc aI Idot, Iiîlîî iit ( .1lî 22 Pai t îl cIIî 'Litiiîîslî iii Bltx lc. (.) i i ,b tlc-d- \liîc jiliiie£ litiuclii, citî Pli IIaI-Ii ýili jaiî kcltp Stt Grand Prix c h a in p ion, alier privail- ig Wit C atchb 22 laiî ', oinl il (ii sappîiitiil dcTîtiifig lir ilTic Lii Ainsley Vince itill Iuitpc smohrct tan a lttlc ecu'iragcd about Illc strimnjut hoAxs iti hi icr11- sci îartricr. "o ic xiisugi<iilic Tuas bccn Cnitiii i 'xc k. i flttiilthc i tic( ýInadidIt'4 I S i- Juirrpingo i .iiiiuii i illi isa\il'nt t11ai t'aluxai s ic MixliaTtrs xt iîouip I iilsi iiý,j uîk sixtit plaic hlîîupîî In îî ilatix ill c (>T'ct JîîîîîpCi iiixhict tcarnitai' Peewee Red Sox edged in semis Triiîn a spriutg ,inlur-y. lînîhd ,ce- OniT ti)i Terra ( t ', hriî Pratt and Markanii Whilc rutît r'-arhing ibth Grand Prix iiurl.' nil. ( atch 22 ha,, had his shirt iii ",. thl scavmir 11titlLi(Iiiig a itII\ S 7,5.tl{t C'N Girand]Prix ]nii r iiBruimit QuU. '1 hcsc cituinus adi] tiiVinc inîprcîsii c tratk rc(itrd ini Quehcu - -ttc that 'hioulîd cointinue i tii ait all-important thîrd Mîount oit licr BHai incg thatltiîrd lhorsce i c tieti'li ilcjitli cutiicci loli a lîti ,cstt hc ,aid.It ailîtîx s yîîu 10 rcst titi tc Tiirsstutuandt hcîî util îlist iritrca,.c'. îi'iir tîhancs iithc hig cx cnts,. Anit utsnitc t imbie one ofi thc hîîrîs Li Tti,, a ý igl ti t iantihli ithcrs iii protitILt luit ii c Cîuîîplcniuctîî 'Scîî i.tliixx \liltiintiil Cri nu Billard al.si iciîipcîecdiii BLai ilic ast ix cck aidi hni sliti Ttul ini Satiti taN 5 m>> (t Citaliltgc Lcsatiis 'Sudificî NSTih Tutu s utîcc hi i sbiscball inattitiilusti siiarc iii pi utiiiiî i i iast x cciisBratti uni t.()II iltiticit 1-but titi quiciite nutu xhcn tit iattii d Tacitîg Hamtiltoni ii1itIllecscuttifinal 1s SLiiitay. thc Red Stîx cittdit't i îîd uth tlcsintt ithecnctinnttg aitd xx0'l îîuîi iTiTsitig 5-3. Thc gainetc cîtti t ruiy hcart- brcakitug fashiontith iia riietr ai thirti bcuîung pîtkcti oitl tati a iiibiccjiîct îîrikcîîîî cruîhing hopcs lor a las-it ttuttciuncbai.k. Thetc iio iln 1iî%sî mirriîcia ,scond îi i ind l<tsi ti [1attitloii. xx icb îîuîk te initial tclash (t-4. Satidixicintht iis itarritixe ticica xxa a ý1 imaisaci c ioi PeterborouigTh anti a 15-4 tnuit o- Straftortd. Mtkc Roîbcrtsoniistîîti outi in boîh biottîx nuis.xîh tour Titsisn ecd anti a tottal of rneîî RBT. Tyl1cr wcni 4- 1 îr-4 iin thc lattcr mtsttuatch. wiih a homer. lm o douîblcs andtive icRBT. Thc Rcd Sttx ftliîtxd up îhcir soliîd toumament pcr- Itintancu xx îîh an il-6 decctson oser thc Niusisiauga Titans MiiniTav -or thcin uisate-nigttvsiciot-y ii txii vcars andti hînsecond] îuraighîisin os cr thc Titans. 7> -Local cager makes Ontario cut Miltan's AI Allilovic - a standout with bath Bishap Reding and the midget Madd Dawgs this past season - was nameci ta Basketball Ontario's Under-15 midget squad Monday. The 6'5" hoapster i8 one of 12 team memnbers wholiI be in develapment for the 2005 Canada Summer Games; Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Mini Golf in a Whole New Light ~. Hwy 10 & Courtneypark Drive (905-564-8808) Burington Power Center (905-315-9155) QEW & Winston Churchill (905-829-4055) For oiher locaons visil www.pultingedge.com Indoor GIaw-in-the-Dark Mini Golf sleblanc@haltonse'arch.com