6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday July 13, 2004 *comment on today's technology It's disturbing to hear that debit and credit card scams have "become the norm as opposed to the exception, as stated by Halton Regional Police Acting Det. Sgt. Alex Fishbein in a story published elsewhere in thîs newspaper Fraud artists, who choose to steal someone else's hard-earned dollars instead of working for an honest living themselves, keep coming up with inventive ways to dlean out people's pocketbooks. What makes it worse is that, as Acting Det. Sgt. Fishbein pointed out, some m-ethods of debit and credit card scams fraudsters use make it impossible for people to protect themselves. t makes you wonder if we'd be better off returning more frequently to the use of good old cash, even if it isn't as convenient. But that poses a risk as well these days with the rampanit circulation of counterfeit bills. Few places even accept $50 bills anymore, leaving consumers reach- ing for their credît and debit cards for large purchases more often. While technology makes life easier in numerous ways, it also causes hardship when it gets imb the wrong hands and is used to hurt us instead of help us. * Our Readers Write People flot plcking Up their dogs ' business We're the cause of our own traffîc woes shows a blatant Iack of respect for others Dear Editor: lane and one mergo. lane for those t'on and back to the beginning of Dear &litor: 1 live in the Commercial Street town- bouse complex and amn writing because l'm fed up with picking up afier other peopie's dogs. Just reccntly 1 once again found some fresh business on my lawn. There are 110w two clumps of it from two separate dogs on my tiny front lawn. I refuse to pick it up because 1 feel thai since 1 don't own a dog it's flot my responsibility. I have a 1-month-old baby girl who likes to, crawl and play on the grass. Now 1 can't put ber down because of other people being irresponsible. t think that if you have a dog, you should take care of il in all respects, or you should lose your privilege of having a dog. 1 take care of my Iawn - 1 seed it and water il regularly - and it's too bad my family can't play on il anymore. I 'm very disappointed and angered by these people that feel it's okay to do ibis Io others. Mlani. Franzea Milton *The -Canadian Champion Box 248, 191 Main Si. E. Mîlton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver jliiDavis Karen Smilh Wendy McNab Tim Cules Charlene Hall Teri Casas As.nuuiane Puhlies/er Fii n<ihef ileireugins,' disar Ad!înrtiin ir înr a ProdrtinrrMainager Distîr ibnunîMuanager Offir Manager The Canadian Champion, yublisOed every Tuesday and Friday ai 191 Main Si. E. Milon, Oit.,L9T 4N9 (tox 2481, is one of The Meroiand Prntning, Pubisbing & iisribuingLrd, grouy oi suburban companues wbîcti inciodes: Ajax/Pickering News Sdvetiîser, ASibsion Herad/Courier. Barrie Adance. Bolien Enrprise, Brampton Guandian, Burlîngion Post, Burlingioni Shopping News, Cty Parent, Ciy of York Guardian. Ciulingwodtiasaga Conniectiin, East York Mirror, Erin Advocaie/Country Rosies, Erubicoke Guardian, Famborough Review. Forever Young, Georgeton frndependentlhcnoni Free Press, Hairon Business Times, Hueonia Business Times, Lindsay This Weeli. Markham Economîsi & Sun. Mdand/Penetang- usOnne Mirninr, Mîrun Shropping News, Mssssauga Business Times, Mississauga News, Napanece Guide. Nasagaweya News. Newmarkelhurora Eru-Banner, Nudthumberland NewsSNoth York Mrror, Oukuile Beauer, Oakoîlle Shoppiing News, Oldimers Hockey News, Orîllira iuday, Oshawa/Whiiby/Caringlon/Pori Penny This Oreeli, Peterborough Tbis Week. Pîcion C0u00W Guide. Richmond HilfibrornhiiiNVaughan iberal, Scanboroiigr Mîrron, Stouiiviiie/Onbridge Tribun1e dserising ru accepind on rhe conidition roui n in eseni of a typo- grapoical errer rOui porion of Oe dverising space occupied by the erro- nesus item, oither wih a reasunuabie loance for signature, wil notb charged for ui iOn balance of iOn adveriisemen<it ilOn pid for ar the appli- cabre raer The publîsOor reseruos trs nght io categonize urvetisemenis or decline Te Mirrn Caoadian Champion ir a Recyciabie Peuduct 1 always sec many people coru- plain about our local traffic prob- lems.and 1 thought that 1 would gise My Iwo cents on whaî aciually causes iraffic. li's us - the general Miltoin pub- ic -ihat's toicbîne. lDue iii the pour driving lactics ot a groving number <if Milionians. ere the cause uour iiwn traltic w<)es. A perfect examiple of ibis can be seen ai the inersection of Trafalgar and Derry roads. Driving west- hound on Derry on the east side (il the intersection there's one lefi turu lane, one îhrough lane and one right turn lane. On the west side of the intersection there's one through whîî are going night trom Trafalgar southhound. l'vc found that around evening rush hour every day many people seenuiiio vies' ibe right tom lanc and tbe inerge lane as a great spot to speed ihrough the intersection. pass the patient trafie iii the îhrough anc and nierge back in afier the intersecioîn. Lîttle do they realîa'e thai by diiing thîs. ihey*re the actual cause of the slows traffic in the firsi place. As thcy merge back into traffle. drivers iin the through lane have to slow down Io allow them in. As a resuli. the slow down works is way hack through the intersec- the tuming lane. where more impa- tient drivers decide to take the same route - thus cuntinuing the cycle and furiher slow down traff ic. 1 hase a solution for this. We should place signs on the casi sîde of the intersection to make the îuming lane indeed for îumning only. and then have the police visit ibis location on occasion to hand out fines to the offenders. Or people sbould simply slows down. be patient and arrive ai their destination jusi a couple of cars hack. This is a lot saler and would cause fewer traffie problerus. J. P.Delseny Milton Letters welcome The Canadian Champion welcomes letters ta thîe editor. We reserve the right ta edit, revise and reject letters. Letters must be signed and the address and teephone number of the writer included. Letters con be e-mailed ta miltoned@haltonsearch.com, faxed ta (905) 878-4943 or dropped off at 191 Main St. E. Pud by Steve Nease