The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, JuIy 13, 2004-27 Contst Rles he bllot Guess the logos below trom local Milton Businesses and win great Prizes! ConestRuls:F111 out th altbelow with the correct answer to the corresponding numbered logo. Drop off or mail your ballot to The Canadian Champion Office iZÜUÙ4. n HeMiller Wili üe diinouriceù Augustj in ilm 1e ier de s weii as ami mortetÀ iùùs üümiijilaîi Hainues. i iuc Yi mmu jirize wîïi nciuu d à ý> îù giC~Ii ïrui a participating business, & A Family Day Pass to Country Heritage Park. Employees of Metroland Publishing are flot eligible to enter. w _ _ _ _ _ 4/' ~ s ___15. ___16. ___17. 18. il , --,- o»0 1 EL I iLi CL - i e-j