Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jul 2004, p. 22

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22-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday July 13, 2004 A PRAYER TO The Blessed Virgin (never know 10 fait). Oh mas! beaulitul fower of Moun! Cannai,' Imittul vine, spien- dour of heaven, Blessed Mother o! the son of God, Immacu- fuIe Vrgin, assis! me in hs mp neceooily. Oh Star o! the Sea, help mn and show me Serein pou are mp Mother Oh ý' M'îMî»'- jr, ,r,îiîrieai foejiiaj ranj wîjf stand pour power, Oh show me Srejn pou are my moîher Oh Marp, conceived cîlhouf sn, prap for us who have re- Course to 'lhee (3 imes). Swnaf Moîher f place Ihîs couse cifhîn our hando. (3 limes). Sap Ihs paier for 3 conse- colîve days and hen pou mot publîsil and i wji be grant- ed fa pou. Sgnnd PLO I il MOVING & COLLECTIBLE SALE Sait. JuIy 17 - 8AM-NOON 569 Beaver Crt. Maies (VHS), Aniqoes, spors memorabîfia, fomîlture. Muti-FamiIy GaragelTag Sale Sat. JuIy 17 - 8AM- NOON 8790 188 LUne Campbellvllle Aniques, Pottery, Fumîfure, Kids StuCf GARAGE SALE Sat. JuIy 17e, 8AM-? 21 #3 Sideroad (Between Peru & Tremnaine Rdas) (Mlton Heîghts) KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BAKE SALE & GARAGE SALE DURING FARMERS MARKET ON MAIN STREET SATURDAY, JULY 17TH, 2004 8AM-NOON DONATIONS ACCEP TED FOR GARAGE SALE ITEMS WEEK 0F SALE 8AKING - FR1 NIGHT 7-9PM OR EARL Y SATE MORNING PLEASE COME AID SUPPORT DUR LADIES UNITS IN THIS FUNDRAISER BLUE HERON WOODWORKS Annual Vacation Sal-e 300% OFF 4das only! I Fni. Jaly lSth 1lOam - 6pmn Sol. JatY 17th 9am - 4 pmn 11998 Winston Chtarchill Bled.. Georgetown, 1 112 Miles N. of Matieid RdiRiver Dr. RAINBOW Vilaga Daycaa has spacas analabla for chldan 18 monlho 10 6 peaso 905-8787552. Voîf us s! a inbocndilagaday- care.com A Dining Hsom, Cherry- wood, double pedestat table, 8 chairs, boCalt, Sutch, doveail construc- ion. New sit n basas. Cas! $11000. Sacrifice $2,60. 905-567-9459 A King Pilistop MaCtmo Set. Nec in plastic. Con! $1600. 905-567-9459 BED, Amazîng bargaîn. queens rthspedic piiiaclsp set, sac in plastic, wsrrsnty $150 905-567-4042 vciii de' iver. Bedroom Cherryrcssd, Bea. chas!, dresser, 2 nghtslsnds. Daselsîl Con- struction. Neyer apaneut Cas! $8.000. Sacrifice $2.600. 905567-4042 1000 rds. of sac Stan- master & 100% nylon car- Pet. Wiii do livngroom & hall for $389. Incudas car- pet, pad & insalaton (30 yards> Stase, 905-639- 2902 CELTIC VTAS. Rama, Jsiy 3lst Skydome, tîmtad spuce laC n privala bas $175.00, pice indodaes buf- ft dînnar. Coul Dace e 905-876-1602. Hot Tub: 2004 aIt options, wterfatt, Ozanstor, RedI- waod cabinet, nover ased, stitlInb crapper. Cost $9,995. SeIt $5000. 416-953-5197. KITCHEN table & 4 chaiim $50. Computer desk $50. Gidar rockng chair $60, Excellent candition. 905- 876-2037. CAH pai o r atiques ana coiiectbies, china. fig- arnses, teweitersi. fumitare, coins, etc. 905-878-3145 oel.: 905-876-7950. Hatonsearch.com ON THE INTERNET 1992 Cuvalier for parts, 225,000.1miles. Heado done, nec tires, dnoven onitif Jone faf, 51,00V oBO. aalomafîc, tlo[y foadea, 198,OOOkms. New tirasibrakes, f itte to certifp. $2,500. 905-691-8751. 1995 Chrpslar New Yorker, Iouded, 170,000/krms, $3,000. Pieuse caf i 905- 877-3473. 2000 Chrpalr 300M, fJoad- ed wîth options, including suoroof & premium osteres. Hwp drjoen, aakîng $15.900 Cou 905-854- 0488 RED 1980,Porsche 924 certified excellent condîfton $6,000 (ana car on websîte) cufl 416-420-2902, Looking f0 celebrate an Anniversary? A Birfhday? A Graduation? A Birth? Looking f0 seil your car? Looktng f0 buy a car? Want to seli any aI those unwanted household items? Want to hîre someone? Want to announce your engagement or marriage to the world? The sky is the limits with the Champion Classîfieds! Cali us today and put your ad in! Phone 878-2341 Fax 876-2364 E-mail: classified@ miltoncanadian champion.com Deadlines: Monday @ llam for Tuesday's paper Thursday @ lien for L Friday's DONT MISS Our Ail Ads must be prepaid. At the office ve accept cash, debit cheque, coedft Burlîngton Curling Club equires a CLUB MANAGER r The Burijaglon Curling Cub is neeking a mnaagern il1f tj l j j , u j uajj jjlj, a l udj jjf ill'Vj(' pijj ' n club management aod be pfepafed Io eork willi arî sigtifimonlh cootrocl during (ho lîrst pear, oiatijng Seplember 1. The dpnamic esperjeoced manager wiii se coîspeflentin maoagîrîg business processes. inierperoonal skiffs, ead- ership SUIlS, Problem slving and decision-makîsg. ReportinqIog the, President of iheBosard of ireciors, he managefr îi essore effeteo peralions ander a buîdget, facîlilaie repaîrs and maitenance, employ, bupervise. schedule ardotrinaf and îons r smoo[h operai ions of ail acoi ofît hoejclob alil aile os a piî ositivc' cia liojshi,n we/h ohîfjo )ail lci[iîs i rioso jjinersid arc, isked W incliîde sonàr xlhcialiini' wiî iiîhîir applir;afîii riîly iiîose luho îiefieeod mil bh oncaicfd Reply lo Burlioglon Carling Club c/o PO. Bas 5010 Station ICO1, Burlington ON U7R 3Y8, ornait' tharrisonl@cogeoc a STORE MANAGER *Flex Hours - Fun Atmosphere Experience Required Appty To: Ptay t Agaîn Sparts 3315 Falrvtew St. Burlngton, Ont. Permanent P/f AZ Driver wanted With cross border noperience ta Cuver vaca- tion tîme wîth Oakvîlfe fîrm. Suit retîmed dri- ver. CafI Tom 905-338-4003 CIVIL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY BOOM TRUCK DRIVER ""i--905-875-3225 j JOBS OUT THE WAZOO! Immadiate Poaititons Avalable for: GENERAL LABOURERS FORKUFT OPERATORS MACHINE OPERATORS Psy ratas star! between $9 - $13 Pu son, Part- Tîmeanad Tamporary Oyyonuvniies Wîlhîn Georgetown, Brampton and Mlon Pieuse cali 905877-1466 for immedîsta appointman! Or tas reoumne tb905-877-2411 WALK INS WELCOME Iosbseo-rgywnQN 0eprssmonnai çom Mi ic, L ww exp-resspersonnel.cmm CARRIERS REQUIRED) To deliver Sears catalogues once or twice a mnonth in Oakville. Please cali 905-469-4135 Paperman Distributors paperman@paperman.on.ca Part-Time jack of Ail Trades landy parson raquired for f gSI industrp operalion. Ost hava good mechasîca akitîs and be able ta oork wjth minimal supervision. Valîd drivers esce required. Please opply in persan to: R.A.M. Ltghting 300 Brante St. S., Milton OlIy conaidered opplicants wi)) be cantae!ed. FULL TIME OPPORTUNITIES able. uedicated and safetp conscisus persan? V in a fast paced production environment? The following 2 position openinga are for good eager luajoim, ur production facility TEAM in Erns Or LICENSED ELECTRICIA! PACKAGING OPERATOR fwuj rime Pfac5'fq gOperators r'2 7 . 'a r c ncs l P E t ri1a r pr ' aý i ox "rn îrî. , Gjf r dian" -'oh rgls l'opp' 4 f ' har'j CanageSqaed r-..ki for friendly. energetic, cuolomer servi ce oriented perrons for the following positions: " CI ISTOMER SERVICE MANAGER " ASSISTANT STORE MANAGER Applicanrs mus! have asod communication skiffs and be flexiblen in work shifts. Pravios exprience is a defisîfe aura!. This bs a ara! opporruniry to loin a socceraiol !eam and furthnr your cameer. Apply To Reg TernI In Person or By Fax 0905-878-5152 No phone cois please NOW REACH 18,000 MORE HOMES PI nase On advised nia! ALL fIELP WAI'IED ado are NOW being put intathe GEORGETOWN INDEPENDENT paper Gaina sur Customers an ADDmrlONU L18.000 Georgetown homes! i 'ALL ado willba BOXED. AJso AU APARIMENYS FOR RENY ALYFOIIIORLS, RECREAllOIVEtIOCLES AMn NOTORCYCILE FOR SALE ii also be indludad in 15,5 additsona circulation raaI!! Cati today ta geo! rad nIbta the exten d etê= of lreade,,! 90"478-2341 FULLTIME CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SPECILIST & CAR ATTENDANT REQUIRED. r 'f G liceflnea rbt rr0 .., rjn to DISCOUNT CAR & TRUCK RENTALS 905-873-1 079 MILTON PIZZA RUT NOW HIRING Esperience as assaI sot s reqairement, training provided, stsrting cage $8.25/hr. Full-time/Part-tjme Shilft Manager Espenience in the food industry requirad, excellent training progrsm. opportunitias for sdvancemaent. AaPPI3 directly wtth mosnte te: Milton Pizza Ht Piease no PAone Calis FREE TRAINING Drive 4 Us. Sehool Bus Drivers Wanted Caîl 905-877-4448 Laîdlaw is an equal opportunity Company 1 Wa do our bas! la carth inistakes but Are au deend oe tis! aarasa. r Nauld pou enîop working gallng what, yoa akd for. people like ou Who are hns if aria. irp-jp construction r! An OrY'ta o I Y & Service - Electrician You wfil have a Cerf sf Quaiificaioss (309A) and a oalid clear r' i ' ' Afvef's lîceose. riiog Fax application ta: i ' 905-335-6298 0f jnjcjrorpph CAeoep. fi'î rte Lccao Tire &Lube Express looking for tulI-tima ?3rd, 2004 and prt-lima Technicians PAldapo, wknds. & 0 'b C enenîngo Most hase u oalîd Drfvers Lîcenso Those înteresîed apply in person aI: (Dundas/Appleby> REliE WE GROW AGAIN Wa are curentlp saeking the foiiowîng: -Eoperienced Service Adoîsor 1 ls! or 2nd pean Apprentce Mechusîc -Lîcenced Technicien For APePOntment PPlei Cal] Jude Rarros a!: 905-878-8877 or Fax Reaume te: 905-878-6553 or Resala Te: aervice@mIiîoochxsIer.com es pa oo e e. ed p.. .feen.- A iyqdl r-q voxavrj ,afacp r. i n h fîi We ajv pre.ea5Iffy jjijg prsdr.r'ffr. Fiexo Prîntîng Press Operator Litho Printîng Presa Feeder Specialty Gl uer Operatr * Shipper Raceiner fo.In i'c farnily fîke olmosphere of a growirg & îonoraljv fam Pleuse fax ivoume tle 905-2388127 Canabtan Cbawtoti's Employment Section! or visit us on the web! Need A Job? WWWMlitOMoaadichampioncom Hi 1 1 1

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