The Canadian Champion, Tuesday July 13, 2004-21 CSSSIFED ROUiS: NM ond aFiday o 9:00 amn- 5:00 pr asif led l BON VOYAGE d -fp(e Msons I OUIN". UPCOMING MARRIAGE BIRTHDAY WORK ut Home. Eam $$$ DISTRESS Send self addressed SALES tamped envelope îo In- Bank comne Solutions 229 Foreclosures. Marthn Cres. Bolon, Free lit of Foroclosure Ontario L7E 4X5 properties in Mlton, 165 Georgetown, & Cakvile. Receive free computenzed pnnt- ouI. Free recorded message 1-888-266-3496 I1#l1042 or go ta Roman 8lue Spings HIGH quality office opace for lease, main and second four avalable wfth elevator access. Located in Mlton, close t0 the 401 ilS top- notch secunity oystem, fimir uccess 10 internet, UPS, generator backup, plenty of parking, lots more' Por more information oel 905- 876-4741 et# 2420. A Work at Home Job On Vour Computer. Training Proided. F/T, P/T Code:n4 vIne MvHomePCJQb.çom $SM JNEY$S 100%0 lot, 2ne and 3rd Mortgages. Bad credif OK. Cal) On- tarioi Wide 1-888-307- 7799. 5-YR @ 5.20%, Also eq- uity morlgage progrumo regardlessofci income or cr6111. Cal) CHRIS @ 1 i 800-328-7887 or vîsif us a1 www.sinicfuircock- 1-bedroom loft aparl- mentlin country house, newly renovafed. Park- ng for 1, no smoking. $700/mlh plus heat. Hall wsy belmeen Guelph anmd Erîn. Ca)) 519-833-2385. 2-bdrm apt., main floor, 3 minues from clown- lown Mifon. $700/mth some utilifies included. Frst/tast required, avalable Augut1 tt Phone 905- 878-4224 atter pmn 3-apartments for lent, spa- clous, bnight t -bedroom in Acton, cerîlral/y located, separate entrance 5725/month ail inclusive, avaîlable Augut 1lut. Bachelor apartment in Ac- ton, quiet 8-plex on-site /aundry 5540/montf, ailin- clusive avalable Augut luti 2-bedroom in George- town close lu GO, incudes laundry, new appliances 5850/month + 1/3 utiltes. avaîlable September itt 905-877-3862. ACTON 1 bedroom, aoait- able immediately. rîdge. tove, utlties included, No pets, firtlast, references requîred, Caîl 519-853- 3877. ACTON t -bedroom utlties includet, nou pets, fimstlast, relereoces, parking. Au- guot lot. (519)853-t753 or (519)853-1880 ACTON 2 bedroom $890/mIS. great building, cloue lu ail amenîties, park- ing, /aundry July 151. 519- 853-3309 or 519-853-07t9 Actaon Apariments 1 & 2 bedroomn apartment avait- able Now andt for future. Fridge & Stove, laundry facîlties, No dogs 519-853- 4374 open 7 days/week same day approval. ACTON very dlean park area 1 -bedroo basement apt. utlîlîies încluded. $750/mIS, first/last. (519)853-3096. ACTON, 192 Churchill Rd. S t bedroom aparlmnent. Aoalable September lot. $760/mth utilies included. Quiet building, no pets. (519)853-t1281, DOWNTOWN MILTON Mlside Towems 82 Milside Dnive, 1 &2 Bedroom Apîs. Cloue lu Downtuwn. Bus stop aI Front Door 905- 876-1249 amw.rea/sturça GEORGETOWN Bachelor Apt. n quiet building near "GO" heat/water încluded, hydru extra, avalable Augusltst No pets, 5560/mIS 905-877-3761. GEORGETOWN t -bed- room basement apartment, recently renovafed. $750/month. Fmistasl. No smokng/pets. 905-873- 4060. GEORGETOWN 1-bed- room baoement apt. sut- able for mature person, non-umoker, v-pets. $750/mth utlties includeot. lmmediutely 905-8778653, GEORGETOWN 1-bed- room, parking, A/C, no pets. $750/mth includes stilties. t02 Main Street, South. Available Auguot 1lut. 905- 507-4982. GEORGETOWN huge 2- bedroom on Guelph Sf. $860/mth plus heat/trydro, fimst/tut, adulîs only. No pets, non-smoking building. 416-570-6578. cl sifle@ e etocaad*achmeo. Co GEORGETOWNa new bnight one bedroom sapart- ment $800/mth ailI inclusive, parking space, Available immediately, Cal (905)702-9091 GEORGETOWN RENTAIS 1, 2, & 3 mid- roomoý Check out web site. h~tniîva0çn GLEN EDEN COURT 'k APARTMENTS 122 Bronie Street, South, Milton ose are now accepting applications for: 1 & 2 Bedroo Apartments For more information andior ta make an appoint- ment, Pleasecatil 905478-5375 Building Managers Leonard & Penny LARGE 1 bedroon apart- ment, $7501mth plus hydro. First'tast. Availabie Augunt lst. 905-877-2698, LARGE 2-bedroom apart- ment, downtowo George- townoin hîstonc building. 10014 balcony, gas tire-place, A/C, dislrmasfier, 2- hattirooms, parking. Heat/water included, hydro extra St ,200/mth, hmtltasf. Available Auguotletu No smokng/dogs. Cal 905- 877-5495 alter S OOpm. MILTON basement aparl- ment, 2-totem, 580/mh , utîes, avaîlable imme- 3989. MILTON/ GEORGETOWN Country, t bdrm ground level spart- ment with separate en- rance. 9800/mm includes stilites & parking. 905 878- 8812ý NEWLY decoruted 2-bed- room apariment. $650/mth plus utlties. firstlast Avaîl- uable avytîme. No pets. 905452-1734. Fr- wd,4o ç 3 bedroom bungalow in Mil- ton, mature area, uvalable September 1 t.tAppliances ncluded. St295/mth. Cal Andy @ 905-878-8364. HAIF house, charmîng, cleun, Aclon. 2-bedrooms, 3 tlours, 4 applilances, park- ng. $950/mth plus, Augsst lot. Cal 519-855-3223. MILTON -3-bdrm, 1 reno- uated bath, roc. room, 5 Sp, pliances, C/A, garage, avaîlable Aug 1t 51450/mo -+ sfltîes. Trafalgar Real Estate 905-338-1130. MILTON 2 tory home, close 10 ail amenities, am- pIe parking, 3-bdrm, large loI. $1450/mIS Avalabîx Aug. Cal905-875-3790. NEW 3-hdrm raiseot bunga- low, on large lot, beautîfully decoraled, near Carlîs- le/Campbellville, 10 min. from 401. Cal 519-853- 3792. OAKVILLE 3 bedroom townhouses avalable im mediately tfrough Sept 4 appliances. Hopedale Mal area. Lakeofiore Manage- ment, 905-876-3336. McGInnls - John Bom May 29,1932. Passed quielfy at the Scarborough Cenfenarp Hospital on Jane 30, 2004. Son of Matty McGnnis and the laIe Thornas McGinnis. Pnvate cre- mabion has taken place. Condolences f0 the family may be sent 10 î Wdimier, Gedbard Suddenly aI home on Saturday, Jufy 10th 2004 on his 491f, bthday. Gerhard Wdmaier, beloveit husband of Vinette. Lovng lamher of Danief, Elizabeth and David. Farsdy ami fniends may vsit aI the McKesle-Koawe Fural Homo 114 Main St. Mifton 905-878-4452 fro 2-4Pm and 7-9 pmon Thursday. The funeraJ serv- ice wîiI be held from the funemil home chapel on Fnday, Jufy 16th 2004 at 1200 pm. Cremahion to follow at Mil- ton Evergreen Crematorium, As expressions of sym- pathy, memonal donations 10 the Canadian Redt Cross would Se apprecisted, Anna, Ese. Stephoonie andlvanni' wold 0kw Io Tfwnk îail thosewbco offerî-d îfîeir lave. fîoip and cendoh-n-eo on the deetia of eur beloved huSband and adored father. John Siekv'rx. Ftimif v and Fru'ndi are nea-ded during timeso fie ihese. Thank lise 1 would ike to express My sincere apprecia- tion to Mîy famlly, nelghbours, work col- leagues and birends for the wonderful (and truly srring) blrthday/rettrement party on Sunday JaIy 4th. It was a very special oc- casion that 1 wfiI remnember wel. Special thanks to Glen and Amanda for ail the extra effort. Harvey Zimmerman RE: ESTAIE 0F JME MAXENE NORRIS DECEASED Anyhody knowing the wlereabosts of neot-ol-kin of JANE MAXENE NORRIS, deceased, lormeily of1706 Lilso Drnve, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada, or any of their lamily should contact J. Lome Ginther, Bamoiter & Sol ictor, #101l-1526t Russell Avenue, Whit1e Rock, Bit- ish Columbia, V4B 2P7, Telephone. (604) 531-9121 or Fax: (604) 53t-8100, in order thaf we may provide no- tice 10 Itose pemsons of the intention to, prohafe the wviII 0f JANE MAXENE NORRIS. Documentary evidence of neot-ol-len ofalus ail Se recpared. Brake - Rab, Janette and big 8481er Halley are proud to announce the birth of James Cole weîghîng 8lb, 14 t/2oz on June t14, 2004. Special Ifianko 10 Dr Cvetîc, Dr Hunier, Dr Pulknor andt ail the OBS staff ut Mlton Distrnct Hospital. HORN - Tadd and Nicole (nee Burneft) are pleased t0 announce the belfi 0f their son Thomas Justin, bom June 21sf , weighing 6fbs, i 3oz. Big sister Jocelyn is tfrnfled afong witft Grandparents Darlene and Gamet Bumett and Bob and Befsy Hom. Molilla Soucie and Jason Whetham are pleased 10 annorince the blf, of thi daughfer Madison 1049h Whethant weighing 8Sbs a! Miton Dstrict Hospital on June 21. 2004 aI il l8am Proud Granrdarents are Janef Soucie, Conrad Soucie, Shelley Whetham and Gord Benry, and Aunt Sarah and Undle Sean oilMMlton. =:il Il 3taq &Poe for MAIME PAVISON M.AN KINêr UMdy to1rIda m - 5pmol al