with two games lefi By MURRAY TOWNSEND Special to The Champion The Milton Marauders won their third garne iii a r<tw and impr(ived bo 4-2 on the season with a 28-7 decision over Sault Ste. Marie Saturday evening. The s ieîory was rewarding for several reason', nfot the least of' which was the lengrhy drive to Sault Ste. Marie. The Steeler.; were 8-0 tait season. losing the lea-gue ehampionship Io Oakville. 'Thkitritp is a killer 10 a lot of teami", remarked head eoach Barry Emo. -You're cnîmplei in a vehîcle for eight or nîne hours and you're tired f rom the drive. They'%,t, always had a good home record, and i«;always heen heeause of the trip." Therc were more hurdles to overcome, aeeordtngto bEmo. "Another difficulty was coming off a huge emîttional win. There's alwayi a dan- ger of .a letdown, but the guys responded well, got pumped up. and played aggres- sive football." If tha, wasn't enough. ptssibly the mtt satistying aspect of the Wifl Io Emo was that a loi. of regular players were missing from bbe lneup - including six defensive starters, "We sill wenr up there with 45 players. With so much depth andl so much talent we didn't miss a beat." In the finit haîf. Domenic Camastro had touehdown strike.s of 501 yards bo Craig Linehacken Dav id Joseph necos'ered a fuir hIe and took il St0 yards 10 give Milton; 21-O haîf-tîme lead. Len Watkins kicke( the extra points on each major. not Kei Atkins ai was reported lait week. In the secoînd haîf. Matt McPhail ttît tver the quarterhacking reigni and con necîed sith Bamres for a 72-yant comple lion. with ion Nedeljkos'ic taking it in th( emaining four yards for the TD Nedeljkovtc had 12 carnies for 72 yartds or the day. Defensively. Emo îayî they "man-han. dled" the Steelers phyiically. "We knocked out their fini îstring quan terhack. Iheir second string quanerbacl and their ihird string quarterhack. By tht. end îhey had a wide receiver handing ofi the hall and trying 0(11 li gel hur1t They ha> ai least 14 inured playeri taken otff' tht field." Erno handed out1 special praise 10 Joseph. who was credited with seven tackleî. îack and a fuinhle recovery reîum fora iouchdown: Kojo Millingtîn, who had three îackles for bisses, a f orced fumbli and a îack: Doug Buchyniki. who filled rn for Wayne Sliwirtski; and Kirhy Gînn at safety. Now needing just a split 10 delîver their fîrit winning season since joîning the league in 20)02, the Marauders enjoy a hye week hefore their rematch with Oakville a' Bronte Field July 24. Game ime is 6 p.m. They close (tut the regular season ai home. againit Markham July 3 1. a ýd ln k le a fl 20-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday July 13, 2004 Marauders stifle Soo for crucial road Win By STEVE LeBLANC The (h.amnrirtn end with an exciting exclamation mark at Bnian Best Park Saturday. After coughing up what appeared to be a corn- fortable lead, Milton eked out on one final tun in its lasi at-bat to shade Oakvitle 5-4 and improve to 9-9 in league play. Veteran Matt McCandless provided the heroics, delivering a one-out high hopping single over the first baseman's outreached glove that cashed in Taylor Lawton from second. The aftemoon clash didn't appear headed for a suspenseful conclusion, as starter Adam Finkbeiner gave up just two bits through the first five innings - <uring wyhich tune bis eammates mounted a 4-0 lead with a few key bits and sorte aggressive base- running. However, Oakville would eventually square things up and actually outhit their hosts 11 -9 before heing eclipsed. Returning pitcher Nathan Tami worked tbe last two frames and picked up the win for tbe Red Sox, who were flawless defensively for the second straight game. At tse plate, Milton's production was spread out - with Kevin Cotniski enjoying Use only multi-bit performance of the day. He drove in Use opening mun, while other RBI were posted by McCandless, with a hard-line foui and had to go to Use hospital. I Branmpton Friday night, Use Red Sox manufac- bured a 12-bit attack to sink Use lowly Braves 7-2. Pat Mastrogiacomo was a one-man wrecking crew with a two-rsmn homer and 4-for-S evening. McCandless and Jef Sommer had two bits apiece, while Adamn Ahearn went six sbrong innings to record the vicrory. Getting one inning of relief each were Mati Dickson, Mike Grabauskas and Jef MacLeod. Milton's seniors are back in action tomorrow night in Burlington and Usen compete at tbis weck- end's Lakeside Toumament in London. Meanwbile, Use Junior Red Sox won by default over Burlington Thursday night after a ninth-inning brawl - ignired wiUs a collision at home between Kevin Cooper and Use opposing catcher - lefi Use bost without enough players to finish things out. Cooper and Evan Jeans were both suspended three gaines in Use melee, wbich capped a seesaw battle Usat had Burlington clinging te a 4-3 lead wben tbings came te an abrupt end. The juniors, are in Brampton Thursday te take on the Royals and retuni 10 Bian Best Sunday ati1 p.m. to do harde wiUs Georgetown. A Magic victory in Gold Final ý By SANDRA SNYDER e Special ta The Champion McCaîl M agîc prîîved thai her recent elimination win siais more than smoke and mirrori with a com- manding victory in Friday night'i $1 30,tX)O Gold Final al Woodbine Raceîrack. The three-year-îîld trolting filly and Milton driver Steve Cttndren dclix ered an impreisive performance, siiting on the outside through the last hall tif the mile .nd ltmn drasiing ma n nthe îîreîch fttr a liso-lengîh triumph ii 1:56.3. l'as ottle ZLires> t k t:tîaiî c the fitlItes thriiuilh fractins oti:28, :58.1 attîL2 7.2 hefitre yeldintg It 'vICaîl1 Magic arîttil leitenttal lîtrn and tadtncL tîînti tel eanc lo ii ltîtlise letîgilhi ack iiiStlhtutteDbre.iin antd Ilflîîeîtuldîilk ptppeî ot Milton Aduit Hockey Leagu< "fuor Milîiînian ... h i Mltonians- Registration: Saîurday July 17, lOam -. 2pmn Milton Sports Centre 8 Téa.itLe.igue. Weekntgitts. NoiCnL lniviiualaînîf Te.nt, \VeIitte www.nmiltonaduilthockeyleague.comi (416) 573-1574 behind MeCaîl Magie heading for the three-quarter pote and îroîîed in her wake down the stretch bo finish side-hy-sîdc in second and third respecîively. Die wîn was McCall Magic's third straight on the Woodhine oval. The Angus Hall daughter capbured a non-winnerî of Iwo races even on Jonc 22 antd deliv- ered an Orntario Sires Stakei record 1:55.2 effort in the July 2 Gold Elimination. John Hayes trains the ninner of $158.315 for part- ners Michael Hiirgan of Roieneath. Tilîsonhurgis Preis l'ime Stable and Kirn Kaplan ot Worcester. MA. The Canadian Breeders Citampiiinship cli ninalioni aîre diated foîr July 23:0aiiodhinie. n 1hh 1e final going pîtîlsi ard etghit dav s lit.r. The lhree'sear-ilticroilttne fîlîtes tesîtîtie their 1)55 Giid Serte', ris airs Augitit 6 .ltl.îîiî îîhDîtis i. Kep your funny-bone in shape!J Laughing thas pmm stîuselem eand hhfi benfits. Funny how IthË wds, eh? Sharinra Heai*sý Futue ,, riTI DAâTE1 Dévv 4 Di a t ak pa cAi ((iIî/d i t ii lî ' 0 3(4 Hot Summer Speckdls No GST / No PST until Juy 17104 Telephont:__________ MILTO N MALL 55 Ontario St. 905-878 .-8055 Senior Sox eclipse Oakville michelin.ca Milltown Tire Service Ud. MILLTOWN nRE 675 Steeles Ave. E., Milton m STEELES AVE, 905u878n6785 ý3