The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, July 13, 2004-19 * sleblanc@ I j r At left, Jennifer Porenta churns through the water en route ta a sev- enth-place finish in the 200m freestyle Thursday evening at Etobicoke Olymnpium. Above, the local swimmer flashes a big smile Saturday night after taking third in the 100Om freestyle. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE Local freestyler's Olympie bid fails short Porenta disappointed wyith resu its at trials BY STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Maybe next time. Jennîfer Porenta was left siih ihat thought this pasi weekend. following a solid but unsuccessfl bîd ai the Canadian Olympie Triais ai the Etobicoke Olympium. Milon's 19-year-old pool sbark reacbed tlhe finals in al îbree of ber freestyle events, but jusi couldn'i deliver tbe qualifying standard tUai would have booked ber passage to Atbens. The biggesi pilI to swallow came Saiurday evening, wben she delivered a fierce finish in tUe ID-metre but felI nearly a fu second sby of Canada's lofty 56.06-second bencbmark placing tbird in 57.03s. A poorly-cxecuted tum essentially kepi ber oui of top spot - and perbaps a trip 10 ibhis sum- mer's Summer Gaines, altbougb winner Laura Nichols misseri tbe eut-off as well. "Having my best event aitbe end of the week, t ss î lard tir sia\ riertally tough. -rer ailed Poretta. a secoiîd-lime 01iynpic 'l'ri aisý enhi v aid dirkhouse cinteiîder to ads ance ni i ther the 1i ourr 2(X) iii. -1 tried tir put iliai aside. but il ,ifftetd me.- Saîurdays bronze-medai slîowiîîg came on the heels of seveiîib-place efforts in the 2()m and 5mi liccsîyle Thursday and Frîday îîîght respec- tively. Porenia actually led for much of the 20D)m final, hut neither she nor any of her chiel rivaIs enjoyed a strong enougb sîart to legiîimaiely hit the qualifying time. She faded down the siretcb tor a raiber disap- poinîing 2:03.381 performance. A 26.50s effort tbe next nigbt set a new per- sonal record, but again was well off the Olympie mark. But tben tbat was tbe case for more than a few top bopefuls, wbo were the vicims of Canadas strict swimming standards this year. -Yeab, I think tbey were kind of strict Iis une. 1lIl ths ssere 2(X1) souid bhe goinL, Do fthe ( i llshased on lion 1 s\ss i.-Porenti expiained. l \s kind of r dirulous s%;lien y ou have people like Liora (Nichoîsi seitiflg Cinadiaîi records and stili flot qualiiying.'« Meanss hiile. tlloss Miltonran Krislin Mcllroy also competed at last week's Canadian Olympie Triais. The i7-year-oid iested lier mettle in lise dif- lerent esents. ssî,th hier besi efforts coming in the iliUmi backstroke sswhere she placed 43rd. She rounded out the week wiih performances n the 501m freestyle. 20(lm Ireestyle. 20D)m back sîroke and 10D)m butterfly. ,New hockey league starting The newly-establisbed Milton Aduli Hockey League is set te hold its inaugural registration Saturday frorn 10 ar.ito2 p.m. ai the Milton Sports Cenire ThIe new league - open te ail players 21 years of age and older, regardless of skiil level - is expecied te include about eight teains and will take players or groups on a firsi- corne, irst-serve basis. A draft will be beld pior to the season mn order te make the tearns more evenly-rnatcbed and, subsequently, make 2004/0)5 play more competitive. Gaines will be beld Tbursday and Fniday nights ai 10 and 1 1 p.rn. ai Memorial Arena and Milon Sports Centre. Entay fees are $325 per player and $4,875 per teain. lite league's regular season will feature roughly two dozen gaines, with playoffs to follow. For mor information about the league, cail Tirn McKee ai (416) 573-1574 or visit www.miltonadulthockeyleague.corn. Summer JR. Tennis Camp CIinic AF A For beginner, intermediate, and advanced kids Ages 6 to 18 ( M I4m Week-long summer tennis camps feature on and off court training, tactical training, F L A competîtive situations, free play, basketball, basebail, soccer, technîcal feedback and1 corrections, drillîng and weekly tournaments, ail in a fun-flled atmosphere. 9 m 4 m TENNIS CLUBOtce(9 ) Petr Svoboda, Club Pro Offce (95)875-9911 Celi: (905) 699-9939