Champion Country, Tuesday, July 13, 2004-15 Nominees sought for rural awards Rural Ontario's hest-kept secrets will sixth annual Awards of Rural Excellence gets underway. The Awards of Rural Excellence recog- nizes and honours rural coînmunities. organilatit)ns and groups that, thrtugh pro- grams, projects and initiatives, act on their vision of a beiter rural Ontario. Nominations are being accepted untîl July 3 1. -Celebrating success is critical to the health otI a community,- said Gary Davison, chair ol the Foundation for Rural Living (FRL). inspiration. "The stories remind AIlof us that il is possible to make a difference, to make pos- itive change, to prosper by working togeth- er and to strive towards excellence." Seven ditfférent categories There are seven award categories: excel- lence in community leadership, excellence in formai co-operative models, excellence n economie developmenî, ouitanding voluntarism and/or partnership in the vol- Applications being accepted until July 3] Photo by GRAHAM PAINE A look back Sherwood Hume stands beside a 1917 three- wheeled farm tractor - believed ta be the only one left in existence - buit ta, run on kerosene and water, and now converted ta gasaline. This one-of-a-kind tractar wiIl be one of many tractors on display at the Antique Tractor Show this Saturday and Sunday at Country Heritage Park. You've Got a Frsend In the Body Shop Business Collision DO Friendly, Courteous Service in ~gp~ a New "State-of-the-Art" facility YosàsmcfO QAm875-3208 885 Main St. E., Milton Units 7 & 8, Main St. at Thompson Rd. Panasonic ideas for ife HOME THEATRE 5-DVD CHANGER HOME THEATRE SYSTEM t. 1000Wtt DVD HmThatre System 2. BuIt-i 5-Dsc CO/DVD Changer nth O<,ok St,,,, CD Mode, 3. Optcnl Dgital Inpu.t for Satellie Roior Digital Cable Box 4. T4esecopic Front Speaker System w<etb 5kH,, Frequency Response 5. No,, Drectonoi Ooo&ost<" Soround Sound Speaker Sysier, 6 Molis te-Master (or Hgher Quality Audio Repodcton 7. 4801to 480P Progressive Soar Video Output Modes 8t Coraposite, SMdeo and Cmsp ot Vdeo Outputs 9. Six Speaker Systeer oith AepIified Suberoofer Stadrd etures: DVD-Ado P5syb,, k " DobyDigital Dodert- D TS Deoder s *H gSMAT À *CDCDRRW P'o ak *MP3, WMA, PEG (onrCD-RRW) $79999 I SC-HT920 M Mr-lM M "N 'Mwa Milton Colour & Sound 18 Tllhnl)soI1Roïid WSetoco 905-876-1175 RewsoÇlfS@J WbatWedllmiIoclo î '-tl.l t er»St$ -- oodLife~* 1 T E S LU liitSo" atidy J 17, 2004! GoodLife Fitness Club ln Parking Lot of Women OnIy Location 409 Main St. (at Ontario St.) Family Fun Kids Events! Kids Bouncy rooms, Kids Putt Putt Challenge, Dunk Tank, Crafis, Mega Blocks. Cycling Fundraiser Cet on a bike & get your day started with a great exhilarating ride. Tent City! Cet great specials from yen- dors. Pepsi Taste Challenge! Popcorn courtesy of BlockBuster Video! Aquafina samples & fun with water! * IBarbeque! Amazing Bake Sale! lOam - lpm Silent AuctionJ In support of: Goodlilo Fitnos: Club - "Kt ww #JOCoed Location (905) 876-FITB Goodlifo Fltness Club for Women (905> 876-FIT3 eA special Thank you to our sponsors: Media ~ nt untary sector, outstanding rural youth achievement, outstanding philanthropic action and outstanding partnership with n communities with a population under 50,000. Amalgamated municipalities of small towns where the population may exceed 50,000 are also elîgible. Nomination forms are available from the FRL at 1 Stone Rd. W., Guelph, by caliing (519) 826-4126 or by visiting This year's awards presentations will take place October 18 at the Four Points Sheraton in London, Ont.