14-,Champion Country,, Tuesday, July 13, 2004 Truck inspections in village Mountsberg goes to dogs By ROBIN DOWNTON-POIRIER safety lanes will be put in place involved with truck inspections for If yau've ever wantcd ta watch work- MegaMuts of ElMira, featuring their Special ta The Champion early in the moming and, through- nearly six years, said tihe initiativ ing dogs ffs acion, Mountsberg Wildbife Aguhity ansd Obedience Trial Champion Committed to making aur roads oui thse day, Halton police and the has been extremnely successful. Centre's upcomîing Dog Days of dogs. and highssays sifer, Haiton OPP wlIpltnicks t-104(1 h ( 1 io t in a joint effort with the OPP I-ighway Rangers, Ministry of Transportation and Ministry of, Environment. "Right now it is a matter of co- ordinating everyone's sehedules," said Const. Pat Martin of Halton police. "We are dealing with so many different agencies and it's difficult to get evcryone together." Although dates haven't becn finalized, a teniporary inspection statioin witl be established at Mohawk Racetrack as well as a few other places in Milton. The i ucks ar e Iiisîeuîed loi. lly tlefects, improper licences, viola- tions of log books, etc. When a vehicle is deemed unsafe, it' licence plates are removed and it's towed. "Sometimes there aie smail infractions and the driver will have their company corne right to the inspection site to repair the vehi- cie," said Const. Martin. "Most times, the drivers are very co-operative and are glad we've înspected thcm. Thcy do not want to drive unsafe vehicles." Const. Martin, who has been iprîioaly7(0 pic centtif tise trucks that we stopped off the road l'or infractions,," he said. "We try to stop a lot of thse local truck traffic because they rarely get inspected on thc highways. We can usually stop and înspect 40 to 5t) trucks in a day but it depends on how many inspectuîrs we have with Lis. "We also have the Ministry of' Environment with us just in case these trucks are leaking any sub- stances. It protects everyone învolved încluding the property that we're on." 1 iic cveliO, 5511 Ill111 c Ociti iuIy - from 11t ar.. o 4 p.m., is a great oppor- tunity to celebrate man's best friend - especially ones taaincd to heip humans with their daily work. The event wiIl showcase various groups that work side by side with work- ing dogs including police dogs, which will demonstrate how thcy help officers apprehend criminals and aid in scarches. Also on hand will be dogs that assist the vision, hearing and mobility impaired, herdîng dogs and bernese mountain dogs ready to give young chil- dren cart ides.- There wil sîso be a show by tise tfirouglîou thie day, as well as ongoing encounters with various dog groups that will explain their programs. Storytcilers wiil also be on band, and visitors will be able ta sec farus animais at the historicai Cameron Bans and thse Birds of Prey exhibit at tise Raptor Centre. Ise PlayBarn will also be a highlight for kids. Admission costs $7 for adults, $5 for children aged 5 to 12 and seniors and is free for children four years aid or younger. For a map or for more information, visit tic Conservation Halton Web site as www.conservatiopJalononca * y -Adverto rial- Milton Welcomes Dr. John Kim You neyer know how important your health is until it is gone. This ks a harsh but truc reality. Even though we have msore information and kriosledge about healsh and diseases than ever before in history, people are conitinuine.( to dlie v<îung. Pollution. overuse of drugs. and stresses are just a les' of' the many problenms contributing to the current suite of' heaîh in tor society. 'Flic purpisse of Ihis., article is to, provide you with kcv informiation lis sake responsihilisy of' youi ow..n health. 1 '.vould I ike to sake this opportunity to introduce myvseif. NI naine is Dr. Johin Kim. 1 an the new Chiropractîîr in ta\'. located on Wakefield Road just off'tof' Ontarioi Street across the street ftrom Milton MaIl. I am '.'.arking in thec prof essionai building. Wakefield Place. My mission in Milton is to help everyonc achieve optimal health. I attended bigh sebool at St. Michael's College Sehool in Toronto. Later 1 attended McMaster University and received a Bachelor of Kinesiology, the scientific study ai human mavement, and a minor in Biochemistry. McMaster is where 1 started ta deveiop my respect and passion for health and wellness, which helped ta cultivate my eventual career and lifestyle choices. I then chose ta attend Cbiropractic Scisool because I had a deep desire ta belp people be as bealthy as they can. Chiropractic would allow me ta belp others achieve optimal beaith andi wellness naturally. I went ta Palmer College of Chîropractic in Iowa, the first Chiropractic school ever. I bave been practicing in Naperville, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, for the past two and a haîf years, in a high volume dlinec where I cared for babies, pregnant mothers, fathers, children, seniors, and athletes. Mucb too often, people base their heaith on how tbey feel. Heaith bas nothing ta do with bow yaufeel, but rather is, "A condition of wboleness in whicb thse body is functioning at 100% ail of thse time." (Webster's Dictionary). Many of us were taughsta believe that if we don't have any symptoms we are "healthy". Unfortunately tbougb. tisis is a not always true. A cavity in a tootis develops while we are fieeling fine; heart disease builds whlejèeliing great, and cancer deveiaps îhout anY indicaition. This is why it is critical to maintain your health based on how you are functioning, not on bow you feel. ln order to do this. it is important ta understand how the body warks. Every organ. tissue and ccllinii the body is controlled by your nervous system. The spinal cord and nerves are housed in the spine. Unfortunasely. due ta circumstances, including birth itseif, childhood accidents, sickness, car accidents. surgeries and nmaiy other mental. chemnical tor physical stresses, the vertebrae in the spine can beconse misaiigýned. This resuits in pressure heing put on the nerve. which causes ners e interfercoce. or a s'ublo.saiun. A Chirapractar is the oit/s doctor îrained in dcteeting and eorrecsing subluxations of the spitse.When pressure is an a nerve. vaur body begits .ta dys- funetion symptom free. A Chirapractor can lacate the cauise of the dys'functian and elimiinate it, thus restaring the body ta praper functianing. Subluxatians are dctected in aur office by using a camputerl7ed -surface electromyograph. a digital biostriactural exam, bilateral weigbt scales, static and motion palpation exams, range of motion testing, x-rays, and a bandbeld tisermograpis. Cbiropractic is a natural approacb ta allow the body ta beai itself. In a world wbere antibiotics are over prescribed and yet new diseases and infections are continuously appearing, .d Chiropractic Care is a breatb of fresb air. It is simple, safe, effective and natural. It gets ta, the root of tbe problerri rather tban masking it. - Many people believe that tbey sbould only sec a chiropractor if tbey are experiencing back pain or beadacbes. This is not tnae. Chiropractic is also about prevensative care. By correct- ing the subluxations in your back, it allows your nervous and immune systeins ta function optmmaily, tberefore, eliminasing or reducing the number of coids, infec- tions, the flu and otiser sicknesses or ilînesses. 1 truly care about people. 1 want wbat's best far tbem. It is my goal, in writing this, ta encourage each persan ta be as healthy as they can. Fram my extensive schooling and experience, 1 have found Chirapractic Care ta be a natural and hcalthy choice. I arn here ta serve the people of Milton. Please contact me if you have any questions or would like ta find out mare about an evaluation af your beaitb at (905) 878-2333. I j