i 0-The Canadian Champion, Tuenday, July 13, 2004 Q: Why should I have ta forgive someone wha hurt me? Everyone keepu telling me ta forgi ne but 1 don 't get it. A: Forgivîog is for piot hbenclîl .and not Inir te benelît nil anycîne else. When pou inîrgive. pu allînw purseli Icilet gît of te pasî and nosve on In n.oynppînr fictînre. Altitagli the people who hase hurt pcnu nnay nont have .îccepted respnsi- hility anci tley ntay 1)1 t have apîlngieci. y udr atiger is nut i tîohieni-t is only' iurting ynnu. tels',aytor exc.iple. poua .re stîli aogry cvitiiiynnîr eX-SPicse fnr cîteat iiny 1 attd levnîg te ntarriaiue. YOUncr eX. lis tns ved inn In flic îîew rel.tiousltip bthou n()imîthe tueiler lî,îd,fre not seepilin s mu are ainto sinit.clt prihlernts andcis miaire di s i ripnon .îs] ynoî mmid.andlieon, fiterids % i i yi sowvîît.nîîls inyrs .attitude. Wlton s heiiig hum by îlîîs ittuet ('le.irly sit nire. A', Iiti as ynncî hlîc onn oyot p.st fiis, on iiite unor ltannlm-N ir. admnissin ofî ni nt. 01i',Onte nlîeî type nlcnîof îs.înîîsnî bhlîns ut. feelioc's ,îhni ot 1nJrseIf ndnihiit ilnlits ares i .îll heittp aifectecib\fine peoteinînieo ini liliie lnînsi ls. ltnnînteci in.Il If 1likc dus ig an:i ciiDo)nî mi loonk 1lnîîîc trituli Ile larig ml.ite nif s orîcinc Io uni "pseindilI ynur inte Ionking naic'e îît s coii,i)f[iermvi i irîîîî linigis titi' ilin 110til t ilt 1,1î.î licheelins iii i- îcîîîl Il dînes nt Ilii.î l.t l ten()filer ic i r lii 111 fUît t sUit Ilf 111s rireaos tai ywun(Io init let ilteit I hitynirt\UtltC Ytii i- cati ittî0%e (iii Isinnîe s 111r fUtaie .îs îînî llniiisc in I speociittg a.nll mnîn eiigs liikitip htvkoniicls. N ii ciltnt cha nîge .nîyone else. 'n mCal.îîis lýcI1llpe s lviiself, lnirtiseiess i5 fliceinpic ofIltitis iiioniiitlis oinitivls illî c'rnîp. lle.nSe Câlil IOr linifler inonrmtin îi i i uac iliilcrvsf ecin ofiiiilis. ..l[V l 1 N<C 'o0 U Il 1, LIl Y 0 l'R Si Il,1 Q. My partner and I are flot married but have been living together for 5 yearu. 1 pay for ail of the living expenses including the house, yet the house is only in his name. What are my righto if something happens ta aur relationship? A Utînaireul cnupls dîtointenpcy the salite righîts Ihalna ried conuples have. Unlorturraîely nîany people helieve that (noce îlîey haive lved wîîli snnmeoe l'or 3years ifl s the sarne as heing nîarried.'Titis s nit coirrect. Ynu c(IFinît have flitc satne riglîts wîiîh respect Inn divîding prniperly cîpsîn separationias rarrîed cioples do. Married cou- îles tui e an eqcî.iI riglit InofIlle valIue of' prîîperîy acquired ciuring thi'î olrriaige. Yioiu lt.nve nil ruglit Inn any prnîperly not fl y mur îî.îîîne fnit\cn itiisî.mnîîig y iciniay liîe firtncîily con-i trifiote Iolinflic turc ln.se onifni Sîiniiiscnslic cittitîcled lcijvlinl sîIires iil i .nmItnriiiiniiIahfomre, ie LnýItcless ii ofiinsoe luinle f[le linise ,iSlicuie \sî nîn tic ur pftnei arc Fo11 iiii I l ci lic unisse mutlishe i uin itns Inn niai p.iliticr bectuLse fils nîills oni f ltle. YOnncI ti.h e hie fui nînke n l.nii . en11flii iii tînt tllie ll(Ilines y nnîî it intoIn fie 'tmii csîîîîlni fe etif1vdIîciliimîîlîcn.îlsinflnlt.if ynîîî ciii esinf I1tlsî lviiy ii îrC (IsI)Cleill0l ilhm. Ifl5 iii1.15v lt lcidreîn. lie %OInitîn fi15cInn jM ChInic lthInîî101-jsfIlikc îîî.nîîîenicounples. \1iCl.vi îijlc-s LAIllInni ciiencîn ()Ileciotifteiicl i sIls - stnspues c"Iii vîcciInn k! ik e lîllic is Iol iiertni[lic t: il I .ic Attf s ic iLesc-i s îîîîîc bcicliiil nIoiin.ti i în.rrîeîi cimltlvlins c finIo igh le lits viiIil lnttfisc lins iicliii frciicier a silI. Il lie lvii c5 in if n hii ins oniIlllIt i lii. 5 iiili.ic fii ckIni fils, sl ,poul . e (i l iles in llIîînt 1ni ii. Iiiee s stil liriction ii lic ii.ivitiim, slinnisc- irllenti crIlcrfle SU cccssninin1I us Rcfli A .cî UIîîîîîîîî II îl UltlS f1,1%eC liisUcil riglts. 'tins heIcnii .1cnnîînîln Lms icl.itiliiisii1îslînulc i kttnnsc eul eleI 1i dits. Taylor Nursery -S O PR 7429) FîitUneflicMltont >X RU 4IA 7 905-86-410 'on Carrnage Square, 265 Main St. E. D N Phi Lnlon905-878-4492 ROSS Hlp! I've got bare spots in my garden and yard where grass and flowers jusi won't grow. We olten suggesi perennitî grond coser pfaoîîîgs Inn on citstiitiers as a decoratîve solution. Many thrîve o shade nie onlere lasso lnigrntcs, others are ideal for prcvenîîog sou ecrosion and Ifor cdnnronîg sweeds. Some fîke sandy soifs: otîters prel er moist gardens. Better sif., many have fol ape thai lasîs through the winfer! Here are some suggestions from Lanfiscape Ontario. For soni or part shade-Bearberry lglossy green leaves; plot iflowers in nprîng; red herriesf, Gooîweed fligli green and white fînitage>. Boglrilower f(bronze, purple, green or variegaîed leanes, blue spike flowers in MayJoneî, Wooliy Yarrow sf ver foliage; yellow flowers in Jone/Julyî. Ladys Mandle lolird or wuvy leaves; chartreusc'-yellow flowers in May/Jone), Crown Veicli fbushy, uprighi; masses of puîîk flowers in Jonel. Snow in Summer slvery foliage, white lowcrs in Jonel. Porpîr Wtntercrrcper (dark ceaves in sommer; lormng brîphi red n fal), Barrenwort (green lraves wiîhrerd/hrooze t1101 flowers in erd, pink. pciiow or white), Dead Netîle lreddish Icaves wîîh sler veinîng, hoodef i plo or white lowers), Grounfi Phlox ldensely tufted sofi ever- green leaves. hlucn pînk or white lowers in May), Wonlly Tlhynte (dense mat of gray foiage. pînk-maove flowers ni Jonc> For foîl or partial shade-Lily nifilie Valley flirciau greenu eaves' fra- graoî swhite flowers n May/Jone), Swecî Woncirullfonhmorîs omut light green eanes; niasses of smaillwhter lowers ini Jurii/Julyî. Baltic mr Enghusli lvy (fast spreaciuog sfuunp grecet lenuses. turnuug lbronze un folli. Japanese Spuuuge (evergreo nîtai 'lenves.' grccuubssfuuîc flouissini upril/Mas . Iris andîlScîmilu Mmmcc birgfuî greuuienmr l iiosycl mîme, îmuîy witue liners ni iJuneu/July . Permo îîklc ("ihiceuî lilium -purple flimusers tri M.iy/Juiicî At Taylour Nursery.- orîîî.uuîîuî ii nesceltîrîlelcuumuî mît pecuîuuus a Il scasonîlonhug mud n eare happy t iiissse psmuu oiii.111gardfciumg ltimmlcuis Q: Hm prenaient n nulenlnv and nm. al are the heallh rink? A: Ohesityc s un fine risc ini Cantnaa and i i is sermosiy nîlecîîng the he.ilth iofCanînnlnnos.Appriiuî.niefs 11e-ihîrdnil Cnnadîao men and ni e-q0,nruer nol (andinutonn are nihese. Alsît 10Iinn 251/( ofl ail tecenager% have .a meighi prnîhlenias meil. Ohesiy hrnngn many ieafth hazarneni onuitif uodnng hearu atuacks, srnikes. high chnîlenîerîl .nnd ciahelen. lu n.uy alsnî play a rmlv10in rhrîis, reproîducti ve cancers, lireant cancer and prostnate cancer. Wheo a pernuonnîn smore tond energy than is needed l'or aliii uhe dayns activilues, the ences body lat wîll accomolate. Over fnime thîn cao iead uni îbesîîy. lnactviîp nnd ponr duel are the îwo 011151 importanu connrnhung lacuors faDexcensive weighu gain. Gencnîc lacliien and mneu.nhîlînnî canoalsîn play ni rote .1 Losîog weîghî cao umnprove pouor healîh. A lu in lnlu nnp5 lui f0% )ii pour hodY wenghî cao Inuer ypuor rîn ni dîaheten or improve hlinod sogar connrof n lower yînu- chnlesteroln redore bfood pres- sure, umprove hreaihing andi heip plia leep belter ai nîghn. Wenghî Iosimpacts nafloaspects ni'pnuur everydaylinfe and in fthc log fenm wîflhave aun nioulcant, postive eflec lin Pour mveral henîiîh and cili being. S occes lI enghn mss mi len reqiuires a lmng-fenn o nitnnenî icn ssîn î euglitu mss.fi recloîres a iestple change Ihatinorfodes vieve lmpnnîg henlîhu cnnînîg haitms oaîtincnirpiirniingavtgfmnlpiof pur daii prouine. As un i mui er chnintcmondit ions. prescrniption ni îfumîinî nuap lic nufipriatc Ior soiinitividuals Bluhonsae miccn iitsOccessluuh iiniffiaili ig a hililiifi ssi git. 'Ilîcue lic i v.ric-iy omît muflcus Onlthe sitel fit lIni lltiy B iii liehilium us oncuweglt. Amui nrealonniy s lient lui consul[ ymor puir 111.1 su ie(lliv pîrclînîsuî ficse, us sointtcc lînîs hanve nt heeut I)în, Rosi, Healtlîwatch îPlarînacist Slîoppers Dirîng Mort, Carrnage Squnare If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian C~hamnpion Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 BARROW FAMILY fl180 Ontario St. S. Milton Email. angebarrowdcChotmai.com How Chiropractic Can Help You Cope With Seasonal Allergies Commonly knon as haytever. neasonal allergie rhintis is a terri used t0 describe flie stuf y.soee/y, itchy symptoms ihai affect 15-20% ni Canadian children and many adulis each vear. Windbomvn pollens are thebing offenders for most hay lever suffer- ers. Synipiims cao develop Ifromtfrete pollen in erily spnng. grass pollen in spnng aod eaily sonmmer, and ragweed and other weed pollens frntm]aie somrmer 10 mid Ovîiiher. Moulds cari aisiicause a eaciio An allergi nccors when the hilys nalural delense systcm reacis tii a substance. such as pollen. liaIi il iioki tins hc harmful. 'Mu immune stsem oierreaccs i he allergen aod pronluces [(i iniais îîeuraliuîîp chemicals insuall: hisamînesi iii coiiîeract il. '.fi o neiieiiireill\ kiiuo, oli\ enie peopl11e haie nllergees Ihere is agreement liai i CDII al linf11h , ndil filii na enilii.lon ni he immune sîslem. Ther, aehon- \iii. peoplle oh.i eies hodoilli )(i ha\ liie n Liiii ýhiiirsn of ilieni Ah iuuiipatiîh dîinuir nlenli dleidivniilionst(iiL, s o nre. tunur Kfini cii cike nrese suich il hrnpýliini5.i eiinIilanfiind iiieiii.hîl l ,ai re piiiiione more sIres ns il i onier inn haie s*ýnmpiims Iif nieficinen i, lo liialler- iiJ rinnii hne ruil iiici ii iiiiiireýdue iolulieili the .iiusenand infniii îe iîlî n: ire ,el hiiîiiîî i îifflimamlîiioen n iiiîiprenrifi le f0rnuhiD i ileilihrii,-, A Iltiii li nplrinni filinLi Ilie i lo iriliiille iur nKK on dno ri iii iee îiiiii ii;j hiîk pinhlenîn. ihben hrea the ier- i ini i i ,iii lnDai lie Dii ýi cn1 ,ien i iile i noiriil aIl lDlvi1iniiul the Nd, 4 ih nlile nin \ i hîol liane ie i .i eithii ,iiihle, Il hiniener ihere in iniulffl eeili ili 1h D i o in lii nltl i ieruno iiei uur si il] ouI i luiclin piopi iii id %il iii i icir] * \i i)lepollen, andi1kl r iirifli l J lergens. Ilin L , i un iiiifus lîlerleilinci a nenehln (jnihlu\Llll"ll. Il nsni ncrjio, lîcalîli li ouf liB cîrrecîing Ihene nerlebral snlulnaliios oilh regnlar chiroprateîicrare. non nMill haie a brIfer chance Io noccessinlîn deal sAith allergies and the resl no 350 Main St. E., Milton, Ontario, L9T 1 P6 (905) 878-6479 IA Princens Anne Dr., Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4W4 Greg J. Lawrence (905) 702-1611 Q. Cao high-heeled nhoes canne damage go my reel? A. Foreseneraf years. chînnpodîsîs have been warniog wmnen that nseaning shmes nith hîgh heels and narrons fcs cao fead to paînfof aod oiien permanent foot defoonnînes. Nons, a study has foond the fient est- dence fihait high-heefed shoes may ai so contribote tn knee arthrts io in omen. For many women. painnul and misshapen ieeu are the ultîmate cosî of a iong-ucrm love affair iuf higli-heelefi shoes. In the Uniîed States, women visit orihopedic surgeons for foc( problems four fumes as ofuen as men, andi uhey undergîn abeot 87%/ of operafuons perfonnefi 10 cor- rect acqured foot deformîties, such as hantons andi hammer tocs. Problems tend 10 developini the fronhaîf of the font ltcelorefoofîl and include huntons, hammer foesc law toei andi hunînnetues. A honton is a hump or enfargement ni the side of fhe foot, aI the bane of the smallesî tue. Hammer loen and clans îocs are defonuntirs io which the toe corîs and ts joints profrode upwardn ollen robbing againsi a shoe and causîng paînfof coron. Foot structure, heredîîp and the efasîîciîy nif' igaments cao predîspose some people mi such defonnifien. But narruins. poînfed shoes and hîgli beels afsî clint ribote. by conupressing thlitcis and încreasîng forces on the folrel tinmidorîng standing aîîd natkîg. Wîtli ai3 1/4 loch heet. pres- suiv oniii flic foi ivts more than sci c i imcs pîeafer (han nmitha fiai stîmîc Newms c eîcc. pubtished ific heBitiîshinicdtcanl journal Thc f aucc. sugesis flai upu lincsets lc mni ail iifor îcskoecs.Nu mile linîlprevsimily suggestedci hi htifîccccshîîcs numphl cîmtrirbuîc Inn kiuec arlnfiis. Huiicceleu situes îrcnt th le ankle frîm uworkîug as t shîotîf Io a nuln ari ianuflic tforcc mmlsakingsimis 15 ssospecced liii tlîcy uligîl rcs uIt i abnomumnut ammunl lfoces minflic kniejoiunt. hVnlkuuîg in ih ls tsends fmm imiiaic n iiiiii's koces ibis ard fIo i niinre buis lcggcd pumsuiiimiu -Mi m m 7,M ý , IMM! M, m 1 1