it"mi.f <1/ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 k i P '/ f- 0 o oî The Canadian Champion, Fr day, July 9, 2004-23 wdln t>ue t-arînga j Rn ftOs eeencng ThtetenMachnaci moan foîm Rgt inem tht sia the pressure on thet doutes geai as in-îotontîng. Dplan Skeroik scrot mthîn iS seones ant set theestage or len010coîcig pedformance, Skoryk soeo2ut 2 eon tie!hait geais tee Green Park ted mac matchet ni hie talo ho Ncholas idînniaA magniicere iet hait tspito as cempltebOhTaie Sharp mho scoeet tom ire penalty sot mth a cicocai ninîke Io coako the scoeo7-0OOscar Fshetr btedreen Park goal nad a uet! hait homener or ont thîeatencrg occasion mate a nptontcd ane lbm to hic lti t change n goal toi ho scont Otlf apparedt b gainanîno Zololer omonor conlînuot Greon Park pronnaie keol the pay toto rn tht Routers hall Dosîlte srong rmes froro Nck Mîgîco- Cherry olliedta Logie (cart onet o and tariadLiaiii K101 (ltidntir r tt nurg teciore lfileiorerai o fretc oiig GrenPark oet e c o ork iafor me rriacîru g, gotls ont aPctce encrelie fastlliait liai rick articis oct 0o0neroi eteFoie naooeoccalmentior alsongoscr) Grtr Park ldocîs ADOoy Panicîsa fuir0e iruts Rili ncng theenughoni ire garner art Nosîr Gordonc futrlue secoot hallt sot ot art asuo o an Lake aied ara oni tntetirteoam tifornor gevnng ot Raiubuw Village g Agpple Aida Glass 13 i ac a gîet!nîght toi a 000001 gamo andt botte as pieoip et action c0010e fclt A goot game mac octoot Oo ail, Deopîto somoe remertous sauts 0h Raenoo Viagos Damsn erBal; and Mtfiesa Carter ihoy coulan t froit acC the ety ontnnscaoicc epple Auto diaso teaoc Appito goal sconoîn ncluttt doîemy oussean Mcatl assoteidti Treune dico MaîbOeMore Fnil y Reotiti art osMaffhtm Oeat goal iondcng y MichatluZ assoiflat and osMaTOoheu epet keep tne Sali nul ni Applo Ato Ditoss nero Dunie's inea 2 f Dicoeeenp Tuys 2 Domino s pozza anltei c scunnc;i ons piaidaOO nie colone ait enctung tance Toi final scure nia lied ai 21 TOre as amesorce goal erdang On Maae ,Ilit oI artNilcokola o iodor Dom oS i ci Odr i ro'ii i t Ncolan Maclinenn rton oi ci ,r,,rci ,c e tleid veto lord and po att super eii ire vnia rjýtor as0WeilasiJustinertIOlu rlOn aDm i cula Fn i taw i 3cnuec.r .î ii iai1r~' Demiuee FPinea Nadaltu Eteolnet 2 gaule Aunaio g goa eding sk O ul. ii Cmliii., joi Iin.rskaisD..iiad ai l:! oi cn ji, 3p10 ituis bri oeiiîOî Ces ipfna i"1r rali1G gaietscîsou eiiin.ccCceiaait ce,,,tn2 gear Néie n bciDfcreo eati lda rurhi nice ntakaoday P, ean tan îd r ciao Dûa and MrcnoftfianNadao n Crea inýuncot .r gr Nad0noD s ranusandaDowi Rou Nacauud oad Wart go k.ds gnn n ik or oulreipýic ru Hurt Clrpler Jeep 3 Frestu Fele 6or Ieas ahot addn i gOinPea l ou.Sîsierol w1100 Hut COyior aîcd Frecst o olitunk Iciifîie l and a naagain rol tPool os nid/rd air aidinnosý smc g anETe nt gaieps in anCreu in 'un nn Caravaggio teoun Lic adtScot Hares Tee goal nifera PresooolsoocooeuNaiehan Pie anoiauf Mauîcmu ci eIr soul gua coerfo ihmîCrrer v ch nalitartoc' g oncle 3 goals ardth1e goal sciorrorInnPreso Pools n teep Mcooti Polo; T0 oue Trou g Patter aOorr dictei Looccai mntionsro iOg luNatenFines aod SoutaK Maîcoaccu trnm Prooto Fouis for a gîeti amu 0aedc i Conrtatio lnis to ii ire e1c oinu loens or a greait game pir Nadalie Etoinit B Tim Htlni'uT2 An intense gtiit oas pudord olvneeru Ndddumî Occ art Tcm Norton n PolO iramo ayee oer;0 ucil alun r s oey ant dtttnoieingî ufthedtie sr îefftot hnu Nagten, ascsiet Op donatian Breoks, n lthe 0er ent, RIat Faim's Calote Ficher mate centrai gîet sanen belote Oavid Hopkins scoete ten ut ep tor i Trno Tino. Daînng lteseont porctdJechot Sgoires sceret for ien s Ciao art Thomas Ratoen onenet tn p tee Stato Farmi mth Oms socont goal et the gamre. Trace Pieu nenor lest 0ne concertration mn not lot Stato Faim ant Jocha çDaTocia mac tieorce to Ot rocuenet mautun not tee Tuon s TinOub.Special mention 9000 te Jasmune luindtMarco t annzi the piayot notre meeilfot Cio nO mlb hit Jonathan Brooks art Rmtgrcgo Agacret mo t eîntrc mmnboîs of the Diabe Faem team Scos B. Fnier-Blemnau3 Ainswortht 2 Tht gamne beimeen fle ononlo oaichet Ocuti R Pncur Neneat ait Ainsmorth mmc man t rail Otet mOTtReonat Cing un ic e lirailMinuteo Do a score of 3-2O inesor luitmdiougOhguit a liai brick scrntr One rgnucfluth umef oileMaînl enicuru oi so utun aul tý oi Answonorth lic goal ior Fuillb outre Outhei i CJae,,ake innnnrereand ake esageovln mnnet Onfssir ncere Aeiaceta Rhetueo Nathaîn MamlcKienio Tia Hunier's 3 Bplimiul Club 3 lue a ciloypityrd o aicOTrmnio oton s aimatlue Optirnirois Octyet to a 3 to 310 LnSptrO goal ienrcrg 0o Lamantna PlaneadtBriant Joommu of bteOpimucoînand honni0 Cogina an rit nînaroBano leom Pin Norton s Goal mcurets loit-Om Nodton sn ciCtet ConnutMiter art lotO RBarkiey Dpi ninsigode scoren e metFrances McTaii and Aex DînniExheolendtotead hasietfroci CLane rieoec Piadsccaw and BRrmttcc0 Manko orO te10 Dpim nin tnt Nabarna tunochoonun dt nance Poneoe of TimNorton nS Ainsworth 3 State Fanru routante i Ltte Farnui nonraîce Cameneaiod g outilf 10e gai' art dummairtd olay tarin Thtienieenlesos elune unennammo paît off mimerGrog C;olCa ni Giate Falni[r mm aicesuion orisou Ramle; Promo 'm er finAisitution0 Oa yîtail uinernisennooviessheiscmlia cot rng doul i.Oiî Ore AiînsothO ognat roinddirpaioncuredi egue lu1 gjenlenbe Surneie as;ciiifCeeruoie Ce N on d t innia. ichel tOiCcane l oaf lmquaa ienIýq tlaie Narre mnsurac iu fna tIii r.g riecncuu noTeli oSier RBut vmO lsOc muc ofrnctie, km, imula nu u - c o r tu f,, i h a , r l . i i r t. n ,r r ;, t» u i Milten Toyota 5 Sillonnia Fartesi lu ýi<i010n,,dlnimJIoset Onl ', ,u i ode eeldofas t aileu îC, moCih ni 14rfieiidGcnmb a a M G is mn i ne gua' lue G.m mifolFnup Ioniî l e )'Wc rien sanes ahnOe Otentet nietho r e ni i A tcelturDenPku epdooTu OîîO i Ou0, e(' hi aloLiitecentr 'clir tiiC n îOO ii A ojrnai nIf, ýIt n e mcFane ý '.iit. C, n tan rjt ri'pprr 1icuPltr'cti i Peeie l raed JLhW 'c S boit tainil Comta Imfile ga ine O flme ýniasiIcf( Save', Tne greol sofisbdc .1 (if lin ro defffeiGurciaoiand Mrgdneie îtitoiouver a iretoc Illicc ion limeir uoooce'mlc 1im uu . iaM l'e fý Clii di iiOclive Hcken also voar roi uaiu il girot Offemise in ileve ski is 60< Teur Wear B0 ueoý% b/DarnelPeiu ssn Oiextiller nMutmfaan I ana OuirMtsioeanî scriguoceinr.nlr and ri Mdrisid Rusells ol nuneket îerv liandeit keuouuug eC l: eain Weu alndk tno noutne'mt vnoie 10eiregneagoambtPn V' gnj Goi os for uClu tean ditear iOn vorlud er,ienaid e 'iuoeeogverertiitroolngisia; Stuart M u t C ri D BnckieyofetMýCD0 oeetio tht turc! hait agauncst Luate Healy attendîng net tee g LC Sauina Jackson ont Chue [port Baîtep tetentet tuternet oeillbut mere ne match for thet DC scotoîn Jeffrep Ment Joseph Tomelceox2. Darbo Palooti Christ Boabassus tmen Etismere ont Othoolman Borain Honoetble menotleMtchell Femier omît Brionna Greughton ol Milton Chepsier Octge Ferler Erterpnies N Nature's Fine i Trenot Muepho lodth1e Cao muth imo geais loriteore Etterpoisssqogat and onbsegneni goals fiotem P aN hamargo ndtrea Dominion, Boan bSkinnot tot NalitO Kuassem put lOt Nature s Fiet tam n ie oa dtep opt00 al deopuie ltît rgailnt effnrt conut rot tmg ont ni Justin Gchaeffer notrcco thetfolie marieruoro Nabte s Fume art ampole tlO inalescore hiie gnartenterg tandtennfi liMai Kluauuergs oadiacuoNRondeau mire niellai Manhon Wrerincime Rin ptai r ontul ai Nainne . Fine pidoot miet ra qe scio o'ieu3e iqit usujI nas FianinnCer and Anidmu o Cc nui of CPorier nmerpinsus nnhs 01d;id gridiil qaîtîdi lu 000 urneNar .Fume luamuai nay ClonagO iM snunmî up oorinihescore sien Porter o mulrnrsus RN0n MurpOyon s loi strmngel player or eie uemieofinhe nan Rer, -Fo-rtR-emat 7 Ireesens Omue5 ni mas t ton gaine bhoimonRoon Fark Roman ont Iirveniors Gînup Bunnngaop ltelielt ont scerng Omet timon for ton Furmu Nenacto as luatlion Carroilldicteria LaîkînRNachel Turgaît Marina PuriN and ComelinTntack tach ocoret gîetigoals 10 gmt Nommaxfine vncciry Gcnîmrg for Inonbnen Goup 0 Por sotBromn er oecca Corconan Megaru Gorton art Ghngtc tHomai 0 ffitogoal mias scontd ON huil Megae anda Ougafi Trie btavo gnales for NounuN erneat vIere Tasncdy COatn tot Adien tinttrcini0mcTeivueniors Grnuo gîtai goalhes more Gitan deloadntdinîo r;o;mtk A spocan trer flit aon ongeluetlino rthmera Lnenaîc. rouin Fenar Great dtfndrug oo Nehurca luiogooiu aimagond ponstin id ý O, i ia Reinier Or unir stotoGroin liait Mant tI; hJn Ouinail lur efreteeig mue goure Raeeoe tut3 Miltoen t-wkepeu -' On Sueur Janp - Optumetniet 3 nluuuuiodioi le0'0,0 t n' i me -uulne nd M ý ,i',lim cin 'iime,ei iii y iri dnîr rthur Eletrlrît3 MAM Meat shrops 1 Mb ý,M,ýj a , iC e 'u . p "J cýIoiiauf qi' C 'lai c 'r' 'none Otina eue !uiageJ Cio n i uei Oai ua ioiduni w eh an!u ,id i O i ,n 0Ieou tpclI Kahe mn ir ip Mesom 4 Pesit o re n icenoiencý0tovycca fte tli ý V.s r,3 ii L SFdeo dot,riu i r3ai - e hnnn Wli 'il li cain 0u'pes,, e. i l ii ý 0'iie Cooper r laeges sire mrue tantildl o15 iOC sGra;auni Nesbimugir laC )g rr cinie r Foi ont Notiîgamo tOiný Oren Giliii iaiong oser ;eC"ndc îg sutres o A'ustin Mmmci ti iiOn ii mules of mine chango hescoîc n,,unuopumv-lic oneg nq tinlugaiFate o *vul i onun Oack vntr n goal hmn 'u Len MMu ueo Oui by tue tocnido tenrt nall esone hatdoocoîiet a sou- t etensietpueait llgamne. dSteeeu Resurce Gneeep. 3 Asotote eoctung gamo, Fursi tîme ibis seson tbaiAct lecu n sale badtoebaffle toi tho min. BN tht non te ht b hait Amin Sale more ieatcrg t-O Bn!tmetO th talofatet second haitth1e rln eil oorenerood teensrouep camne uront very nlîeng ont go! AimefiTeck manN timoo mmt t ybacu agaunot the goal Tht geaies of bobO beams mate hspectacîlar sales TomerBirontndScott Port more bt ilgoalmos foi Stonens Reonco tntd Jananitd ouce IlScadife for Aum Tock ru Date A playersofet eth toams t estent opecia menbmencrg butotariai putr n otegamoe moîere.Grog Fot. Man Andrsno nathuan Pruncot vThoman TOcnrhLCke DuCOarne Antnem Gartroffo tiadColneToiCa dgîptainer n match for tletslp oon(iers cris lospe Ot e ai if boume Great sh HCRC 6 Brydeu's 4 ditO onu1 h o ayoersentoiePrytor omsieanc 10 on the NGCCsidte 010 is got a goot morkosi me a garne hiayOtd ulo t Deopmte bte acu nI splarts poninsites playot naît for tent lli10gbnif the ganie The hall tîao- oued up ant temn thet uitof n ltepitcOas termaits mokoth1e hait belmoon ttem te try te gel paci tht teeesmot pitoors Thte eeseoft hnsites sanot somne Jgeet aToempîs. taîneng the caihock on Most occasionsý Teehe o des moto oeil matchet ant placet a clese g ame NCRC got tht lurst geai tIoo minutes unIe the gamo oni a tint shet Il Brandon Roîmsaeicbut bIs mas goîculo ansmonet hy Tonon Machniau juni imo minutes i aber Bboitt o TyoneMucouau oedtagaîn ontaoreaku 1amay bomardo the erofn tteOal l oitomet Oh totoor unanomeret goal diruenin ho Brîten n Cennor Appleon d acob Tee NCRCosoi Ort llgodie tumammONMary; Allereaanompîs Ait t nIoftînrthailthOtore oiood ai Omret goals 10ontrieas Pryttens carniet thet rotiaît Ploden s Genrge Dianîtpifd aee moi Oecng in position Ion sonne gîtai ceintscon goal Wdioth 1e secone hall npened NCFC gnmcklo anomoiredth1e dotuc! i vile obong nidi nudma oua; n; Jnrdan Schneider art hoeduGenoer cro guitehemut dartnd idgoamlueforNCRC dito the score cOting il vin nlothsites soblud nin reecmimng end etl eue aciosue CNC o Mitchei CarSor Col ePepao ,oued inr sd efrls t yenosgoe Collmu0 Oaitad ýGC OL nr!. Ood i pou 000edu muonfvern cacoed .1 i Oi kelu 0 ime mi scinu. toýTimare Ilîe a r muftie ga' e ' ci ne.a, un ne i ein Gý erneri nuhca T;[r t lu a, i 1 1n IS i l !ru niof Pruten anu 'I,,, nia turde ourea C a'. icreamnt Oipe e q m 1,,.lic r M. 1icfal0,vricacgor teîîChC ',iJ, iO u eu ifniinit I uc sooennae i lic i lel ne iioagnn ne. ir; ouý,i l)-ru r .0 i[i SLa Oeae ine ie notn en c oa ni cudre t rm Cgo i C '. n er im r ibm 0000 bi. Parc i ýfV1gOinf keci,,lOe ti e muni tl sBrnîuo ogriîuad Ct, '30ri01 nteeCtC 'ijInvteînPin Coacr C I -ý.C p Vl, 6 o 4 o jces Meudap Jure 21. Niagara Faîte 2 Miltoen Meridap Jure 28, Leene teield: Milton Mugit 3 Waterloe i Tht FPai-or ,' udcr 1O o,,s topean n r oiId Niagaaims lot rnuchof tieomatch oui narruown i[edr nrain goals rmunili n Nlaadinso roorua D- dicoT; Fiain cd mulflerregolar ketoteroa'k-up bridons Maitorno M Phad ontdhEc Schoder veresolutdi 010109q Ony onte goal taon min ontOgoals ho ng vmrtnaiiv omcsinppaeie Mimtn e dttoco mas strong and the ton- onaîts threaitu td Oui t ri unitoatolo bhatletweeieri Do bN irai unliss on gond gotentcng on Nuagara s part Cameren Cnt. Rotinl Mikelicc ontDanrilBubr luer Lindsao Mcaten. Geffing Pie boit pont IRe Mcaren 'CeeopesMark Oundet hoeeen ont Aaren Ruelan more Rntrem Bacon, RpanTLa Pote.randonî aggat oant Danno Stokes. Heatîng the scerîng paradr for McLaron mole Jason Murpbo ont Daniel Scoognzer oith 2 upeece, mOle Henry iptap dJuntin Ratio ont Pamen Kenneto ecantet eut the scercog. B. BRacug N Chug & Vaeden DoeeerEngineerng 3 Gîet effert by bo teamo mute tort gîet gamne. Kayia Nient sconing 3 geais ton PRB Raccng as mit as destine Paratis mtO 2 ana Juian Miol mith i Goals sceret toi Oong antd antoer Doler Enginerng Oo iuit Gagnon ucsuca SPin sand Atioa Garcia. Polo teams oaghi hart Thanko in JeneuferTrnooetmgîeti ootmetk ait ng in nountal goals for PB8 Ram mg Speccai menton bo Teir ntnruan lF0noron gîtaitoteonuve mark lot dnung & ander Ootton hnginoerng hoot game girs'm Shrne Club 3 A Designens Tuucb 0 Net mnterc Amura Nasan ont NaialatoScoautor more Cept bOncp mgofnieuochallengen huom NcoeWPaffer P2goaisf ont aa[letmarker teraiAeantra înhoîro. Shrint Cubs detece hat thecu stiongos! etting yett mth Jennîter Arnclrnng, Taylor Maociem and luipstai Foeeî piaecng greai A Pesignors Tnnch offenco mac epi ai OaN in net mentors Sarah AotînoointndontEmma TamîorieGtlgame b00ai Shine Club 4 Chuug and Baudenfoleter5 A Gîetioffensive gamo playot oy motO ltes. Sonne CloOn net mondem Emuflo Roman atut Brn Thomauko mate somo gîet a caon tth Emifo oioppnng a penalty ohol Goal ocoroîn Ncole Walter Alxatra Penhemîn Gameeta Biantar ont Kelly Manning oi hat gîet games ChuandontOuntorDotions g000100 ciosedthbOndont on mher Lriot Tinb Offensiot pomer lailee uonnine co no outed a at rick I3n in Jososa Opais pottr c2 Lindsay Molaren-Reman Total etviou Landetape 1 Tne qe Oibs stoay ont irans inn Ca.s lu iOn ooum 0Eý) a Oarisialdtilngsce iD vinaoaul M,1 0iisa pecalty, 001 Kylo uikurne kcion or ueCl tkteredudnmitO arragetof sm osntiiinonayRt c Milr outlumwedth oinalacoof , jr mie ins Mcaen iaimuatNaihamu Maotevone dmoeiOneDam. 110 the nom daso %el oais James Thomas ano Gr0 Mounri cOnkea Oiardtomn eep the bai ncvno n inr toamnîtbo- MiCe Miai ait Ncck Naruear ont Offdvnte felbru odei Tihoual mon iomicafaon as octonus e McLaren s BruT '3rgu naron necorna n mn n ls mirtofl brueguals lue n'e,:ftTomal sMaTt FauConana Gary Carnachodît a greio 0 a' pottitonmg lteio nd niflteieldt Ne 01 n 'rani" ion teogo neoi of Dakota McLarrntieerne a gnal Inn McLareneTToi ains mal; shomea somo cr a I-. olbrui ool and 010 assng Playoîn liCe Nck Dgiau ado Anc OutOoen ana Matil Ctek foi McLaren art Casey LugOinhai MaT lut'n ndierion Asenia ton Total doit Nnau Wde Ocacne kerpor foi Total ne carnet respoct ON sioppcng rmac fini rhois lion Moareru s toam Marmo Litnonsmas remangea mcii a goal fou lobal aitor nîanyepert kckso ta i pîni-roteceMcLaren not. 3000 Wite oant JacnoMalocki finreOothe ooeng mn in a gotl raco ion McLaren arnmomietedtht game for lmn tiare morlu rgtais y ivbr n iiîyînCngratuaionsîn fo r îîîîefors' Pîîîaenonid ualinrfine secornd aît tangue siattea te take t oi Follomving Iltrmatch agaicisti Nagara the Milionaknoter argeSueChr1 1eTi Noron plyets îed oue ta2-ton "dCIO Doîraci oayeo aur eecepiîooal gaine irluGe Teain War ün he escon ii iane mjose pl vers oiere on the oc OsDo ere detlerorrredt 10ed noirvrshort o3siog(storyerad Car&nag e qariCint ry Despito Nadalin EOitic n deltosîne offorto Niciolas gîtai efot'Final score fne theeganier*ao O-0 Mationi, for ainct ieneontlet gditeaNogate aris Ores di t cintat: mith an exposn iie 1ocoy00 inLc aeLuie maagtb cooon ea drogte iclhatand Joe eîe u1 MoMilien caileccne strorg irO tegoalo and an assîsi Watrlooai Lion s fidthefliii meeok P mîtO wl scoret the second goal durirg the inteneoecord hall Paltwy Coairneerteeîn3Payn Bot AlssaandSamel angedta avea sutotRaffi îîg ack imini me ronncog oui Wtocoîîîntrade s010 rote iojures aot fliathe Paîntoco untor iOn playet an Carnage Sguart Thîto and Aîm Lock ant Sait pito mhio n goal toîTîm Hortoîns Juliarna Popp art Marcon TConrerElus asisto d ii o rro dli go ga.lfot traînvalanîscoeîuîg artempîn but onilu imo oftiheo mort aggressîveegameofotsoccorminnîng mont et the lui bai- meathen shertened1i1 i le.dicth teeo e amo and a Minaîeîc layet exeptioiiaii; moi ringoal lot Natalrn Paihmay o 1Wdelîroso Willam CrîntigoCas hot' reak doe 0 uid Otrnah tote Nrtgae oiDcoîîg le ad îesuîîr Wteio al eeîogMieracnaloFrtoortutoonîg heo otodie in sheîito Electic ant maraged to stop nouerai atermpin 0o the Tîm a vaho and a tuai Faseto hîîrned at hîls uni reak aablIm ite ac oth anoe Nor dicnt te AntîOm m feutad te inallerlafiertet lape eut gnîcki a Th Norton'soffense Excellent sri tîng Do MaalaiaParker Cao lake Sîcîith Cas gîeti n goalanadr on h t oiPrc an iîn t ari lfor c io n e de ain ano ack toli eil up i-i ont naît shot t tetcerner Ob iepoocotiryucl trt goa h led te oottai lonuie ram toaît tho Tîm Horton sBDarîtîlen TrstanaikerAl ofnoerkedm treaci'îTh harderc coantonsMaiclhadrna uhreakth goal, Savnnah Wilson also lot Natalîn Eectic i son na ao estral timon Pernadente Latoa roiade a g ea endsGeaiterdrdco mh ch onitintor cerGoen sîrîk -1 [aooioo a ssîntMit oOhdromgme put ogîossoeptthe laîm Tirse mîtO drofgthed i tihoîr ral atempats toscore effort Wdirgnie Corne ao a draieffort roîo Tye nd Prne a tod dentoneNeoogeFrtior Ntor n lOtindr ima soipeia nzetbrton moultnorne ;i easgaekopwi eiao r hîro sofntcelO uîtno Keonedy GanroiPereuheatuarmnaedos n a lsoren Ponehad a super gamne art kodlosgo 10 yar Laro to tfarcorner ahter receîoîrg a tehount Off fils omrTersn em rsay Wdirnarand Nîckîo Whdomwood SiatoFard GauraceelTimMon u banSara is losre mOn omade soritgreat dol inoooes ir hîs uni gaintecornetrikick Mîtielter MaffoonsNanter mo uit ber put kopi tht aîl trom reachîng r 10 epr ahGra utt am nuaceTn rros1 oteîsasue aller rtcetiioaving a rani lreyoued trou'10e gaineouot of roacOtoirdWaterloo wmOncaîrr Oon rn te epr a lae Liuuu Club 2 Autuin Nuble Iroutance Brukers 6 is amm dh et imioules nO pcl ee deîîeî e tiiioinknn o rs i10tro atTls Omotmngat AntO tennis ecrkod vr rdmt naclîrnea 22di e Lin hSniîu egoall eidie oMichaelNoîîier niof cciii 'Nadulite Eteotni cihlOanoc sgcî a o n îsng epfoigelno te nair a l AiLoksa koepo D aageon n Cluo Rachel Luce as erclentincegoal tiîîg thee rosiNoble Cool ociseao rn the leat ltrai icefi rt naîtnlire Tim ur llueu(orange) 4 uirnai 0la0aîîd dcerned leffort oomethcrg tlOatiMlton Lindsay Fuîck ni 0cm Lock repicod ce kîcît mdh a geal ni poîot adteld tit ae Farîr le ont gual Oh Thoas Mcoatli coîed tretgoals hic Fage naut10e !oneThIis eci lOt srconr iet mont mn leanro hane ent ItOnousi do consistori oie 0e cme îcea lttpmiOtom u h at ieevoîertmrersao cnekrBoryTe Ntond ousoote gîtai door ienc enocanon and il nas a pe sîcai one JacoGtt irmLuriodor cotdto aî cghi ntrg coorîrt eath allparticipants agîetu10cail il a dnam The hrtrm Poit od Rceai O railîtoi r cm Horosisoert Oagaîrîsi Nadai os Adîar echam osMorgan art Corîner Rarienonîr necg diesltu _________________________________ But__ anPoa aiaeco g play 0; Nadain s Rani Grahame & roaci-Monte oas alsn srug as mvas alerîcaîteteenter remaich so e aOespectacle 10 Dthocd' Nyi Mort son lu gel lice hall10 Ercîsoif Chambetrso1luti ainrsiag-Sheock Carniage Square Chiru 6 Milieu Jepoues iscore agairs oin ertieîar keol ltie garne close Gecond Cu tee i Perler Eulerpriseu 2 iait riad aciinr'd goals uy Ti Hedon s Gregory0 ChmTo soîug eau c lahen lard acandat i a iig h i r r Layorto igaicol Goda ii s Mioleeci MacDoncalo nul Dr, Auget hka Ituelth hrTair iesiooD nii fteoan rrorMipi laotd a gîetainaîtNadaice Olditis ketlTrfi oltie c goulu Riad en Miluen IDA 5 Eelc ndD m i re oni nd tbcheer Ilt earn scîryteguloTiJacleins eiiT ruitoiii 'n timri ni 1mec. lu coinC 1, iciOn ad EinnaA,'eir, ch M Curp! ie s cùi sGoltofgtheiooksNonuKal YOurg I 0 rt eni. Mo ncaco lied FiCici iii or Mils i ii i e ae asic ,dtl CrlgfrCir ta Ps $te-O ouelad Chrcisinei rPoilern . c.Ficl)ot i io gain co/li Reain Tînaseri Jll rWo d uiPCinle r e'in h rsaWd !iro~@eîec i ita, Great gcampiîy oulîiia1l utMCiTo 3id 1 il]SeicdoWYahrt r i n o e rî idsap Molaren-Rernu7eaiI! or rienaousai oacîrspetbehr ogtg ftntsmiitOnmo, - n n il idqua c cpphiie"iune 'c i curtorce onVie ScottsFiler- RemueTra"gi o41 OxiMtCm Rfend Leerieg Ceunes7 nuire iilu, oaiIni Hnnuuc go]ikceers tin uart OWi le htuiris acdcuoncditionesiakiigcI liii unîreTaaEqe ni 0GrlP-Ai Csi dc Or deliver ta Milteu Chepler Oedge 1 Kne rdOu itoeut du a gtai100 îgncng it ialu ar lielodrsperfeormangmoesa forb ians be Prrce td 99Coanada ao ceera,, i.ueu m ad soc iii onol tegoal, y Hurt Fut FPhoto NBidîn McDooaîd ut Nge kepitiefanson orthe dgeth snne smhot acor on fhoeLndsdo Mono .Laura rsa ahei tvno n 5 9Vcn'ier Drive, cre^ontCI ouask for M lin cCi rosier Docigi aooo a Fini Picolo id a cscporroD as ltir geaikoopeti Giioali oton leout soanitcg Ta; Oh Bîatlon oio;t Loti an as Locusoot ada go an o araeSur guoo gaine agaursidOford Carrerg Crotre cam nmentoiclesgoto lu ck Jackecar of Timo for hîs gîetiShuaar and Maffhem Pouiitoi on ctPruor ano Thîro rie FTotnenls page ic a 1et t atoertîsemerîî ho the Miton Touth Soccot Tilubf