loin the many people inSu agine flot te drink atroholic beverages .and o drive everyone in heur group home safeis, OFONTARIO I. *~*. -. HEFOUNDATION ____________ I - I 14-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Juiy 9, 2004 Potential reduction in funding for school bus transportation has public board concern ed By JASON MISNER I rs aind quesil nmp, the fimess lit ail. projectcîcdt reccc vc $8.24 milion. which mcans bhe public and Catholîc Spectl ta The Champion There are i 3,000) students eligihie for it's a potentiai drop that bas Ms Lacroix boards share transportation tor efficiency, A new Minitoy of Education form-ula to busing and ibats bow many tbe board concemed. but eacb bave their own pîilicy stipuiating determine funding l'or scbooi bus trans- budgets lor. "We've donc everyîbing we can do. wbo qualifies lor busing. portation in Ontario bias ienîatively lefi the -Wbatt i ookss lîke wer goîng Io We're efficient as we can be. To me. wben Wbat cîîmpiicates tbings lurbher is tbe Halton District Scbooi Board witb $1 mili recein tflfuture is al reduction n our i look ai tbis, tîtere siemsta be somte lac- public botard bad pianned tii rvi e b lion iess l'or 2(X)5-0)6 thaî thtbs hall. transportatioin grant.' said Karen Lacritix, tors ibat are flot quite rgbi witbthie for- scboois waiking distance policy if trans- The board diiesn'i kîîîw yet il ibe culthte boards manager oirtaîispîirtation. mula. portation iunding was îîîcreascd. But sinice wiil go tbrougb or t l ii tigbti mean for The board xiii get a 2 per cent tîîcrease -li's a milliont dollars (less« is a loti(il ibai docsn't appcar iii bc tbe case ai ibis bcîig lisI1 scbooi. But some arc clear n i unding l'or 211tfoii brîng iiii $9.2 inoney -potint, a rivîw win't take place. Ms y uneasy about tbe pirospeci t i esset diii- miili oniTh e year aller fibal, tbe botard is Bustnii1ilaltin s att îtiegrated systein. L'acroi s said. "Tbe mîution beltire ibe btard was Ioi undergit pulicy rex cxx il- sscîe n-tl cnbanced 1,Irluiing. sbe said. Ministry of inlucatitîn spîikespersmn ~*~I 1-indla Nicîtistn said tbe ness finîg for- - mula toîr traiispoirtiiin bas bcen in tbe wiirks since 1998. Sbe saîd scbîîol boards bave been asking biwalor a more fair and equitabie system to refleet cbanging transportation needs in tbe ____________ J~IJI1A rex tevx vif ibe formula. sbe stressed. ____C__ ill begin fibe next scboîul vear in save September vI ensure i meets tbe 72 boards' CHOICE L. $30 needsinOtro TOSIIB 27" TV -Over tbe nesi ses crai monibs tbe min- a__________ ,spc at oitodult o istro ssiii cîînsult svith fibe transpoiation ~~#'Eachcian eq 47999mdulat9onrex ie\ coiimttiee andotuber edUcation 5 9 0 "Ech *, *ýi eas eg 47.949.9 .parilnrs Io ensurelibial factorsthal impact rîesstiti del.,ind tuaa.dîustmieni parinceters save $100 save $230 i reasi il naiaîd i ai i' KENMORE easy-,IlaiKENMORE 18? ffiagic i\ls tiox i te btpeîi tteti 'lertri c oivep i c' t 2i lit iai aî 1 ,1 oltt Jhlvc. \ia,i eibete ssiiliebca cb.iitc s it ONLY S20 MONTHLY* ONLY $20 MONTHLYS or.Wî tiilt" e(a c" li riib. is illeic a il]ass ini tli tila sime- sass bere. itss t ait se be usine nitnes ' Ibat ýp, l40% s tuecbîg t)questionî eîe in Haittit.- AIL REG.-PRICED PATIO SETS! 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