The Canadian Champion' Friday, JulY 9,'2004-11 That was one mighty irritating week, I must say Iws A ,1ff4 d - - . -' Li as (iiiiuitweex on the iriTtation scale. Normatty il doesn't gel above two or three, but last week il was up aronod the eight or nine level. Il startesl oust as I o tite i itientfos :ta i 1 i ii, kio ic i llu i îd ellîlîcu ioto il in ront of'ome. 1 bceped my horo. but lie didrft eveo look, and t steamed as t waitesl for another one 10 open up. When t got one, t1sveot ito te store. graibled the giiy bv the scrt iol* thicncck and pulled himi outside. Then 1 tied hini to the hack <il is car and moade lio stand there the resu ol the day ii i nake sure that nobody stole sooiehody esc s pi-kîiiig spot. Okay. so tiat îay flot lie exacly h l osst bp- pened aller rny parking spot vsas stien. 1 did go itto the store, andI piaooned on saiyiiig sornetig. hsît then I o tsn ýl'ti i c 1Cle ncsss bt liniet lie OAas on rnuch less that lie stule my parking spoit so t dido't bsther. But mnan, thazt's irritatiog. It was lke on Canada Day. 1 saw two lags on0 Together with the grîîup's members. women .Nhho show up for the Summer Sitîg Prograi i oi leani a song - as oeIl as perforrniance andl sîîgîng skîis,- and then perlorm il at Miltoin MaIl Jsly 27. Wuîmen are o elcsîîîe tos luo up lfor au'. or aI to eksii pi uî grami. Fotrnmore iiiluîmation onî the S hîîîîîîeîS iii Prsîgrani. cati Jane Pruýi lisaui (90)tl842-5494. A Cappelta Shiocase cotapetes eiuch sprîng i au area cootest agaiost olher Harmîiuiv tc. griiups iii sîiuthern Ontarti, Pennsy lxatia antldlioii. Grsisps, that quatîty then gso on to csuîpeîe at an internationaîinîî- petition. In May. A Cappetta Shoo ,case wo<n the gîîldl medal at cars that day. One was Greek aod tlhe other was Portuguese. They cosîtdn't be bothered with Canadiaiis lags. but ibey bad no probteri proud- I ~ ~ ~ d (Mial ucîoda ie C,11-I: e syoui Canoada lag>' Then I chased him stoon. puied hini oui of bis, cii. lied hiri o iithe back tender andl put a Canada laLg betoccu his teetii. Okay. su bhat rmay îut bu' e sicily' ili appcel. 1 I sîuyei I.1)but inaybc he oA as kîîîsf tar as> asvlui ieai nie. Aiid tiien on SaitiirsLa\v the' M i ltun \Macii(ers o ,eîe ieauing 17-0 os eî ()ak il le. hut 'tairted Io tlaller iii the secoind l la . 1 kiîiî tiiere 's iinoulecr- ing inthie press box. but tbe suin't liav c precss hiox..and I1o anteu l tieni tiio ii. Aen ()aks lic inauleit 17- i -1,I ul aul ciii îiig. ulanciii tdoii lin thc tielud. ib1îi saiiiel Oi i ui01111Ctleh- ger ghîys and reail1 theinuthe riot act. (Jkay. ssi that ioav fut hase lî.ppeied exactlv lîke tîtat, but t oas wo rried foîr a ohile. s, On the loose wihM RAYTW SNI And theîî 1 tound out that ceilain hockey pub- lications 1I oîk lorduuring the sarnrner hase cao- clltia'il prie eohooks bLccaîîseot thc poteno liai labuli i, toppage. 1 iliîok a can al] agree thiat prol'essional hock- ey plavers are vastly underpaid and manu of' iliniare jusi harely ssriivi ng. buti1Ivoas irritatesl amu av.sSo. 1I a cnt loiiking for Tic l)orni.Whco 1 Imind hoin I gave him a c rights and then a couple Icî-ts unil lie lay hlubbering on the groLiod like a baby. is area cilutestin1 Rochester. N ,Y. fîîr the lîiurli con-i seclîtîse veau. Last Nosernîer. tio lin the situer niedl althle intetuoalaicooîpeîtîuîuî iii t.ia . NS.Ifor ftue slecOridl tirncliets Nus eniher. ilisCl îîîg lor ftie gîil at A I. .ppcii.i Stito\%'1c s ulie ils fOrsi (tD. A Capiipeli la l in 21(X)2 On Selttiihberi ilte u i rus a ill prescrtt ls 21(X14 cîlruaIlleiises îg Arts Centtre in Misssuigi ickets ciist s525 for iorchestra anid uress cru'le scats andsl :20 fIor balcon(lissuais. Foîr tickets. cait Auiîrcv Mirrav ii(905) 8i - 7 19. h/u 1(111/ il iiiiititit /(1imnupwI(o.uinr Su i er e , nIy ce Corne and loin Scrapbook Crazy for their summer camp for kids Ages 8 and up We wiII be teaching a variety of techniques including card making, chalking, embellishments, fearing etc. $75.00 per week 10:00 Arn - 12:00 Noon Limited Space, sign up soon!! Cali 519-853-2401 SCrapbook~ S k #2 JuIy 12 - Juty 16 Wk #5 Aug 16- 20 20 MILL ST. E. ACTO N ,Wk #34Aug 2-163 6Au 32 51985324 1 Teen classes for Monfh of Augusf PHONE ORDERS ARE ACCEPTED sm ae SWe Are N eo r ies Vm dte Wth CreauZ t ae d ois IATme is 1:30 - 3:30 Pm Same ces p Dr Si et Bacchus ('er tzJzd (irthodoll,,t eiacL 1iV1 Smiles that last a Lifetime DIX., MSc., _BSc., FRCD((') Now accepting new patients! Braces for Children & Aduits t lexible paýîîîeîî plans* free consultations *no referrat necessary *cali t ouîk xour conîsultationî *doctor on dut> uon Saturdays & Miuiday' O sffice open Mion.. Wed., Fni.. Sat. 311 Commercial Street-Suite 209.Milton TeI.905.875.2995 GRXS Chorus going for another gold Okay. maybe that wasn't exactly what hap- pened, but t did say a few had words. Finalv. 1owas n tiîju pi ker iournaîmiit andi ie t was sloîog well and iheré were ooly 20 play- ers remaining. 1 ptanned lin givîng my wiooiogs Io starving hoîckey players ancd thîîse who can't afford Canadian flags f'or uheir cars su t was muttis ated. It was Texas Hîîid Eîn poker, suhicli you may hase scen un TV. Suî I ocot big ssith my îhree 1îî .Itlîoughî oobody oouid beat me -I1oas goîîîg ait the way to lirst place su t cîîuld buy Tic Dîîmî lunch. tnsîead, ;orne vaboi pcked up a straiglit on the final card and 1 oas ont of the tiiurnarneoî. Weii t kepu iiiy cocl, but soore ilevci es er il pla\ poîker again. Ansiibat's exactiy ohat liappeoed. except 1 was hack playing hall- an bour later. Yes, it was one sof thuise irritating weeks. And now l'vc irritated you with my mritating stories.