The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, JuIy 6, 2004-11 il -1 Corne see us at 550 Ontario St., Pizza Hut Plaza 905-878-8702 www.figuresl .com Physclatvity, exercise, work- ou.Aretee words you have headbhoe They niay be easy to Litsrehin aIl togethier dîffer- et e'faeil exercise is îot an easy task, and atter a iUSY Cday it sounds 1 M ch more at)peal- ing tc> take that small amount of persi>nal time you've eatned te, sit in front of the TV, or on the rouc h with a guod hcook. Exercise sounds gond, and sure we've aIl tried tl hr'tore, hut uiirtLlinately even the' hest ot intentions somnetinies tai), anI its easy to onrlerstanil why. Any exercise program si,,poing to take sonie ct' lx'bfore tiliber es routine, andl lîfrer the' henefits are realized. But with ai tonstint eftfort, a ssiI to sort e'c,a ,îol sup port trior uthr'rs viu will suuin rtc ugnizc' a transtformation i n pourseli. Whether tl-s tii liîsr'ss ight or o it gai n strî'ngth ,andi oi i in( tlO eau vior enr'iîrrps rîl, 5< ii ssii) lou 'tht' ssdy ici tie(l. W\Vli , -oi'tdrt tii sec changes in ourselves we quickly realîze we like what we sec, and how we feel. Its thosr' small r hanges that encrorage us to ciotinuie, and inake exercise a litetirne rrm- ritnent. lust ask îîur fitniess instrurtrr Tanya. Several years agi> Tanya de( icîcd t was tînie to pet setrîrîs ,ahout exerc ise. It was not easy, luit sho' wi il tell you it was tht' hest investitient she (,ver nmadeoin herselt. Tanya tîîîk lier passion one step trnher, aincd nrw rltvotes her tarec'r tii hrlpîng ssorren rer og- nize theit potential. Figures, a new "wonîen-only" facjlity openerl its chotrsin Fehruary of this year, and continues to nc rease its memhershîp hy ofr'ring women of A ages, sizes, and filness levels a place to challenge themnselves, and n an environmient that is non-întimîdatîng toi even those whcî cao hart , ay the wrrds "fîtness farility" let alone even he ini une. VVe are therr' tri ardress any questions or tonr erns, anrd to rfter encrouragement Wvhoi unrltrstincls ssoîîen more thari. wiinîen!rV? k' reî ognize the husy lîfestyles, and the nes ct endînp respunsihilities woien lîvr' ss th us trydiy. 'm/t'alsci rerup- nize the rlesi ru' to ttc)gouc aboîut urrselves. ( )Lir (r îrruit training priigram uttt'ts a cîuick 1t) Minute' workîîut that incorporates lsrth a r arriiivasr olar riinpiinent ss th strength r îinritioniîg. The r'<uiment wo'rks evr'ry miajoir nîcîsi lu' prîuî i n tht' bodry. Muisir plaîys, sshilc a r(rLt' trils yîîî slintiimovet t the' nr'st îîrrr'utferuip)ntitFortthr' novicer j ~2 23 24 2 Fest, FUR , Fi'ess For Net person the equipment is easy 10 use, and its hydraulic resistance is adjustable lu make it a challenge for even the most advanced ath- etc. Its jusi Ihat easy, and effective. We have included a treadmîll, elliptîcal trainer, and ret umbent hike to enhance your car- ciovasr ular workout, while free weights, exer i se handîs, and stahility halls offer addi- tional bodly toning. Our farility is comple- miented with a statf of rertified personal trainers and fitness instructors. As an alter- native to your regular workout, we offer a variety osf fitness classes that are ncluded with your memhership. Our facility is convenienîly lncated in the "Pizza Hui" plaza, and offers heurs from isam- lpm. Monday though Friday, and Saturday 9am-l 2pm. If it is the typical gym atmosphere you are looking for, then we are not for ynu. We have worked hard tc create an atmnsphere Ihat is appealing from the moment you walk in the door. We offer showers, lorkers, and private change rnoms tnt those on the go. So, if you've heen thinkîng for some lime ahout cloîng somethîng for yourself, improv- ing your self image, and heing the hest you (an, t's time. We ail have the power to attomplish sshat we svant; t's ahout making a choîre. Sec you soon. Carriage Square- 81 CHIRGPRACTIC HEALTH CENTRE CHIROPRACTORS Dr Healher Eveigh r ShauDemens RGSTEREO MASSAGE THERAPIST Jenna Goddard NATUROPATHIC DOCTOR Orest Sz,,zurko Shaun, Jenna, Heather, Orest Our Naturopathic doctor assesses the rmot cause nf your llness. and stimulates the bodys self healing process using the following Naiuropathic therapies; -Clinicai Nutrition- Botanical Medicine - Homeopathy Acupuncture - Hydrolherapy - Liiestyle rounseling -Functional iochemicaiîes'iîng Unt2-905-8676-9%987 Unt2-15 Martin Street Carrnage Square Plaza, Mîlto JuIy is French Month. From our à "International Selection" Series. Buy any two of: Chardonnay e Merlot Cabernet Savignon e Syrah $3000 off 2n' batch 342DrontSL S. #2, MI (905) 878-9483 Celebrate the New Woman J ust 35- M0nutes! o Speed p 6 27ur mer ol t h? On0îoSE ICEMîton S zav utoPiaza) 9 05-878w-8702l R URY ONfrrsJl TH ! (,ýr iýý,CiirS r ngl ri igfrW re r .11 0Miuts - iueBdyFtelnces uceTn -1**. *One Time, weekiy, Bi'Weekiy or Monthiy Service *No Contracts, No Hidden Fees. Beneath the cdean, you'il find sparklina customer service. 1 - 1