Fr~mm hnmw F~ é9oMdm baiwpmil j -~ -~ ~~l l li , 1 WWOIII&Ultlilai, !f,9fIlflilfilf 1 Il ilestones ~IIIII ~ I i I ENGAGEMENT MILTON. 3 bedrooro. 1 rav- ovateit bath, re. roorr, 5 apeliances. C/A. garage, Avaiiable Augusi 1. $1450/m. + utiltte. Trafal- gar Real Estate. 905-339- 1130 2 Sedrooromain tom 0of Itoms. Wa9s ixdowntoari Mon. Finit & last $875/mio. + utilies. 905- 858-8723. A Work ait Maie Job On Your Trae-trig Prosdt F/, P/T Code M4 $SMONEY$ 100%/ Iti, 2sf art 3rd Morgages. Hait credif OK. Cail Ontario Wîde 1-888307.77995 5-YR @ 520%, Aise equiiy moltgage progranis regard- iess of income or credil. Ca)) CHRIS @ t-800-328- 7887 or rost usait mw.sin- ciaircok w.o 1-bedrooni loir aparlment in country house, ram) y reo valed. Parking for 1, ns smokng, pers segoliaSie. S700/ilS pies Seat. Ha))- may belmeen Gueph ard Ens. Ca)) 519-8332385. Actait Apaitnenta 1 & 2 beefixei aparimnert axait abIe Nom andl for ftre. Fnidge & Stove, aundry fauifien, No dogs 519-853- 4374 open 7 dayn)meek sa- day approval- ACTON large mne Sedrooro apt, $650/montir. 905-301 1450 or 905-469-118. ACTON oie bedroon apf - $550/mur +. Cail (519) 853-5352. ACTOd. On Sedrooroapf. $550hn8i +. Cal 519-853- 5080 or 519-853-5352. BRAMPTON Dixie & Wd- fiamePfney Very pleanarilt brligui, large. 1 betroorn Sasemeni apartreent, on qiet jftreet mdl, pevate en- france & private patio. Fufl kItofen, rami-fumihet, masher/diyer. parking, ca- ble, C/A, uities, sirrage npace. Hi-npeed intemnet ares No nmohers/peis. $800/month. Available an- metsately 905-450-5467. DOWNTOWN Georgetowen, 2-betrooro aparimeni murh C/A. aontry faciies, fui) Salir plus poader roors, parkang. $950/mertir+ utii ies. Avaifable îwmedîaly Cal) 905-873-2539 DOWNTOWN Georgetown, extra large 1-Sedroors Sasemani Jsly lit S725/monlir plus 1/3 utlii ies. Pariing/appiuncesin- ciued.i No smoling/dogs, referencas. 905-877-7461. \UPCOMING MARRIAGE' 4. Dennis and Marilyn Gonneau of Flesberton are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Cheryl Joanne to Roberi Emem son of Terry and Sandy Crowther of Parts. Wedding to "e place September 25, 2 4. ANNIVERSARY Dre. 1&Vtiedroom Apfs. Clone to Dowtoan BUS stop af Front Domr 905- 876-1249 aiea GEORGETOWN 1 -Set- roow, six-piexo 800/mur, utiliSes ricudeif cone to af ameniires.Firstlasi. no pets, 1 -patloxg Augublt1s. References. (905)457- 9216 GEORGETOWN 2-bed- mon, parbrient, firepLace, large yard, $1000/montir plun ubleen. Non-amokers. Axgust lot. 905-873-682 or 905-838-2743. GEORGETOWN 2-bet- rouis apt, mals 100G.Du- plex. $650/mfli plus mater & gas. Inciotes frialge. store. aundry, 2-car park- ing. Augunt lot. 905-877- 4416. GEORGETOWN 2-Seif- rooro basemerif apailmeni. $900/mth induites alih-1 tien and applotaces, laur- dry facilitres, yard aned close 10 GO. Aalabie August ltt Ca)) 905-793-9845. GEORGETOWN huge 2 Seitrooro on GuelphrSSt $860/mth plus heal/irydro, firstllasl. aduif s oe)yNo pets, non-smoking building. 416-570-6578 GEORGETOWN RENTAIS 1, 2, & 3 Saif roomo .Chreck out meb site. iv haohîlsiais o mRenit todayiinathre GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 &irnteSbust saud,4M*M 58e ame nom accepttg applicafions for 1-2 bedi-oran Avai Jizie 15 3-1 bedroois Avait.Juiy 15 1-2 Sedroorri Avaï Ji.iy 15 For more kifonn.Uion uYor ta niioe an Pieme cas 905-878-5375 Builing Managers Leonard & Penny LARGE 1-beroroapart- ment. 5750/mur plus irydro, Firstlaot. Avaiabie Augunt lot. 905877-2698. MILTON 2 or 3-bdrn., lOOsq.f6 apt. mmediala occupancy. appiasces & parieng. Cal) Phîl Pres- tidge, Meadomiomne Reaily 905-467-2700 or piipres- MLTON iuly iurnssird basement bacirelor apart- mert Utiiteus & parking in cludaif, 5850/nitir Plea salI (905)878-1500. 2 BEDROOM main floor o) housa. ma)k 10 DiT Finit & ast. 5875/mo. r uutlites. 905858-8723. MARRIAGE ýl Holb &- Lurie liazen of 'Aillon ar, happý Ro announc.- the marnage 4 thrir qlatight4-r Siephanie to Patrick -Fi of Ua.%n4- and Sandra 4 mi.lliýlatiga. Th.- iook place ai Crac.- Churf-h MaN 22niC 29M)l GRADUATION MILION. SUITABLE for moei0sg coup~le -ah nonpets twx bedroore apariment, Avaitable Augunt 1lot SM8/Mo. heat îndutded. Reierencen ret d.905- 878-6795, Amon. pai1ap pikarces ickxIeet.avaitalil aton- diafely.$l30ûhnffie+ uti- tien. Cal 416-802-0582 or 519-856-9191. GORGEOIJS Country Propeaty, manMmlo0f 2400 sq. fil ranci bungalow. 10 acres 0f rees ovefoolo pond. 4tie, 2 battis. liv- ingroorn. uningronrn. famify ronan, moodstove in kifci- es, main ihoor auntry. C/A. CN. huge, dedi. Appbaxc- es indutdet. 4 car garage, non-nroolern $I7SOlmth + tilitiîen. County Rd. 34 near Abefoyle. Axalable îwroedîaiely (519)821- 9331(519)763-7676. HALF houne. cirarming, dlean, Acton. 2-bedrooros, 3000ors, 4 appliances, park- ing $l50lwih plus, Augunt 1lot Cail 519-8553223. SOLD! Monday 10 Friday 905-878-2341 AVALABLE immediafely brard nea f ornhoune, 1865 sq. 8t 3 becIooros, 2- 1/r2 battis, firimfiet base- ment. 5 appliane $1375/nwh plmu blities Contact 11if H 905-456- 1000Oeat 3432. BRAND rie oser 1lOOsq.1t.3 bedroornfown- houseinuMilton. Wd 5 aR:ilaraes. 2-1/2 battis ant hindeetbasanant. aol lent locab on, clone 10 GO Sus. $1350krnfh.Cal 905- 456- 1000 eil 3444 Renias MTON Brarit netoan- home. 3-rdrm, 3 bathfin- ded eomc rooniAvaifable ,lsiy lot 51550/tt. Cal 416-936-7197. OAICVILLi 3 bedroce toarifiocsen aeaitabie ire- miedîely tirougit Sept 4 applices. Hopediale Mail) ares. Lakeshore Manage- mont. 905-876-3336. NICE large room, modem sec)uded country home. Guelph Ln. & 401, Campbe)liî)e $425/mtir Cal 905854-0359, LOST YelloteLaS an- oes o Tucker Rahtes- sake Point Jure 12, Rfi WARD. Call905-876- 2777 CORBET- Mr. ant Mrs. Evereti Corbett (ne McCuliough) of 26 Cirarles Sf., Milton are pleaneal f0 annourice tire birfiroff unir son Daniel Robert, meigirl 3 bSe., 3 ozs., ai MilHon District Hospital enJufy 3, 1964. ICLUCSARITS - Mr. an rt M Franki Kiucsaris nea Pal Cauffielit) of 130 Anirbroofi CL i Mlton are pleaneal 10 announce tire binfir of thir son Franis, maîgirt 8 lirs.. 8 ozs., ai Milton District Hospitlioe Safurday, Jufy 4, 1964. Bolir SIM - Bob and Sirliey Sim of 372 Hughisde DruseMilon are pivaseci 10 announce thre Ortir o) tilar son Davud Warren. meugirl 6 bs, 9 ozo . ai MilonDstrict Hospital on Sunday, July 5, 1964 A broter for Debbîe Keir andl Gary PHIUPS: Mar8yn Ekine <nuee Pattu =n) Surymgided iy fier iamily on Tuesday. June 29, 2004 ad Milton Dstric Hospital, Marilyn Philfçs in fer 651fr year. Cirensireit aie of Rlon Pin8ips for 46 years. Loving miother of Starr and t«e husSand Greg Marchant, Blier and tan aife Gienria Pirlips arnd Stacey arid fer fius- banid Tom Shields. Greatfy misseif by fier giandcfil dren Taylor and Morgan Marchiant, Brait Pi.ffis Bailey andf Gresjson Shields. Predeceaseil by fier parents Jack andIf rene Paflerson arnd brothe Roi, Pattersnr Friendls were receieed ai fihe J. SCOTT EARLY FU- NERAL HOME. 21 James St Milfon (905) 878-2669 on Thursday. July 1st. A Fanerai Service Mdi taIse pfaoe t1mw te Fanerai Home Cirapel on Fniday. Juiy 2nd ai 1 PM Internient ai Evergreen Cemeiery tf 101w, As ex- pressions of sympatiry. donations Io tire Mlon District Hospital Foundation or thre Canadien Cancer Society wonid ire appreciateit by tire iamiy KING: Shuar Aylne After a courageraus battle art cancer ai Miton Dtinct Hospital on Monday, June 28, 2004, Stuart King iniis 64tir year. Lovng irusband of Lnda (nea Hanisen). Cirershed ftfof Laune and fier ironband Johtn OConnor, Sharon Kng, Tricia and fier husSard Chnis Simpson andl Dan Kng. Proual grandpa of Tanya, J.B andf Randy OConnor and Bradyn and Caeiey Sirop- son. Sadiy missed by iis brolirars Ron andfhîs mile Joan and Ceci) and iis mile Marna. Predeceaseif SF iris parents Harry and Veru andf iis brotirer Jack. Frienits were receieed at tireJ, SCOTIT EARLY FU- NERAL HOME, 21 James St, Milten (905) 878-2669 on Thursday, Juiy 1 t.iAi htuarts raquent tiere mas no Fuserai Service. Cremation liowed. As expressions of xyrnpatiry, donaiono may Se made btire Miton Dis- frit Hospita Foundation. A Dnng Roorn, Cfh"r. wood, double pedestaf table, 8 chairs, buffet, irucir, dosetai) construc- tiox. New stiii in boxes. Cosi $11.000. Sacrifice $2,60. 905-567-9459 IITCHIEN table & 4 chairs $50, Cormputer deoli $50 Giider rxckixg chair $60 Excellent condition. 905- 876-2037 A Kng Piloafop Mattress Set Neaw nplasic. Cosi $1800ý 905-567-9459 BEO, Amazing bargaîn, que-i ortiropedic pilomiop set, new in piafc, marraniy $150 905-567-4042 Miii de- lise. Bedroore Cherrymodi, lied, chant, dresser, 2 nigirmniando. Dosetail Con- struciion. Neyer openeif Cool $6,000 Sacrifice $2,600. 905-567-4042 BRAND nam aiectnc bicy- cie miii a charger 36 V sie, amp battery, range up is 32 miles. speaif 18km/hi. Cali 905-86-5 1 679. BUYISELL blairlirfts, porch lifts. elexalors. mireaichairs. hospdlibeds, scooiers, etc. Cafl Siiver Cross 905-847- 5504ý CARPET 1 irve s eyerai 1.000 yrdn 0of ram Staîn- risoer & 100". nylon car- Pet Wiii do liiingroom & irai) for $389 Includes car- pet, paif & 'ntai aioe (30 Yards) Sieae, 905-639- 2902 CONGRATULATIONS, YOVJRE APPF1OVED. Gel a MDG Honzon PC ior only $899 or juot .81 cents/day. Free Lesmarkfi 3w 1 Prfer, FfBe Digital Camera, Freei CD Humear, Fme Micronoft Word, Free 17' Samsung Monitor. No Money down, Cali Todayi 1-800-510- 4042. FRIEE Esfimaf ns. Gotardu- bly chairs, t ired looktng Wxod fln5hes Fids Cus- tom niWood Refwnhing andt Punise Repairs, 9-9, 905- 632-9090 GOLF Clbs & bag $45. Hanit strung tenniis tacIxet & 00 $50. Cal 905-878- 9321. fla Tub: 2004e ptionis, Um.d, atM in aropper. Ceat i@U. Sei $5000. 4164-O197. SEAT Sale) resSer sp your dinetie/desingroom chair neats w/seeced fait- ncs fhmit$1li.95ea. Seat cu.shionsm ithfy 109wre- placement hon $29 95/e. Fields FunurioandrtFab- nies, 9-9 daly. 905-632- 9090. SOIPVChenyaod lmi ture ehed suie, nigiti- standx, dresaer/mîrror, 1ai) cheot $12500. mir esale $4190. Double pedesiai 108" dsrimgtable, 8 chairs, Suffe/huich $16000.,mirole- raie $5005. Oueen fno fip piikiw top maliress $1290, ahoienale $645. Notirng aine comparas. marahoase vieming 905-265-1332. CASH paîd for antiques ard coiiectibles, china. fig- urnes, îeweiiery, lamitara, coins. etc. 905-878-3145 cai). 905-876-7950. il m la The Conadion ChamoivL Fvidm à&& 2- 2004--27