28-Tha Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 29, 2004 !Bs ss n h w b t ww .m -ch ys e . so if~ MILTON CHRYSLER s Chrysier Canada,, #1 Rated I ~p ,v I I Ontarlo and the #1 Volume Chrysier Dealer Un MiItonz I !ÂIIYA APRCAT s kBUIES' PURCHASE iiAUOF OURcHTF FINANCINGonMebdrs OR LEASING who RECEIVED FREE LIFETIME I CHANGES mCRSH nam AVAIABLEON MST ram MILTON CHRYSLER 0F OUR MODELS1 with every vehiclo purchassi. WRAT w---u 0% FIN.upTo 60 MON¶THS 9*1 AVAILABLE 2004 PT CRUISER 2004 DOOGE DUJRANGO 0% FIN. Go MONTHS# SPECIAL FiAN WU[ fVUf 2004 DOODGE DAKOTA 2005 CHRYSM MO3I0S ALL MODELS * 1 * 1 ï/' 0% FIN. Go MONTHS# FRE8H STOCK JIJST ARRIVE ATTENTION LEASE CUSTOUMS If your current ba8se expires between July 1, 2004 and September 30, 2005 YOD may qualify for Chrysiers 'Pull Ahead Program'. Basically, Chrysler wilI waive al aif your remain- ino payments 10 allow you ta finance or lbase any new vehicle aI today's Iawer interest rates.f Milton Chrysier is your officiai Chrysier Gold Key Drap off centre in the area. You can make arrangements with us no malter where you leased your current vehicle. YOUR CHOICE 2001 CARAVAN SE'S 3.31, V6, auto, air, tilt, speed contrai, power windows, locks, mîrrors & mors. Bai. tactary warranty, Iow low kms. Check out thîs prîce $ 16,y880t YOlE CHOIC 2001 SEBRINO[EXS 10w, l0w kms, all with air, dtt speed contrai, power windows, locks & mirrors. Balance of factory warranty Ait priced ta soit at $14, 8B8t 1 1 to-im à a- edm ý(m" '"e-3 "-tnm,,-M-gm q.nlp--q in