The Canadian Champion, Fridsy June 25, 2004-7 Bathîng in pond only okay*O,<RÂoisW IT after dark, stresses mayor___ 'Tinme Caipsules' ai' genis (fiin/O) motion extfiiitec' fro(nlpi is li' fIi Esluiaiv niniiieiit 1 i ininie. pif) vded to place the s ituation in conte t. June 1903 Mayor Dice wishes it understood that no bathing will be allawed in the pond here at any time and at the head of the pond only after dark, with bathers ta wear bathing suits. T1hose who violate the aboya regula- tions will be prosecuted. Is there any good reason why the old fashioned verandas which have disfigured Main Street for generations and some of which are shaky should be allowed ta stand until tbey fail down of their own accord'? They should be remnoved and they should go along witb the wooden sidewatks which are about to be tom up. Their owners should follow the exaniple of the council and get out of the old rut and unite ta mod- ernize the town. County Council heard Lou Prentice ask permission for the Milton Lawn Tennis Club ta play on the Court House square (Victoria Park). Another ex-Haltonian has just completed the purchase of a fine residence in Vancouver, B.C. This time it is Dr. Ernest Hall, forrnerly of Hornby. TMe doctor, who for several years past bas been doing a large practice in Victoria, bas lately opened a fine private hospital in Vancouver, and its success bas been so marked that be is now about to give it the whole of bis antention and will soon move over frarn Victoria. Adjoining bis bospital property on Georgia street in Vancouver is thecfime oea- idence of the Hon. Charles Mackintosh, ex Govemor of the Northwest Territories, arnd into this convenient property Dr. Hall wil soon move. The residence is valued at $8,000, with the lots being worth mucb more. Ed. Gartland, wbo worked in thc steam flour mill that stood on Uic corner of Commercial and Pearl streets sorne 26 years aga, is ini town taday looking up aid frienda. He bas been living in Mexico and the western United States since bie left Milton, but bas bougbt same property at Carlisle, wbere bie naw resides. 1 -WC% Milon .5 'sf51. Lîberals don 'qt deserve another chance Capsules The annual meeting of the Halton Farmers' Institute and Women's Institute was held in Milton. The places ta hold meetings the comning winter were selccted. Postville, Appleby. Lowville. Homby. Brookville. McCurdy's. Narval. Acton and Milton. The annual meeting of the Woman's Institute was held in the Royal Templars' Hall in Milton. Membership now totals nearly 5(X), being more than double that of last year. Mrs. (Dr.) Robertson was elected president; Mrs. F.C. Willmon vice president; Mr.. S. Bews sec- retary-treasurer. Geo. Lardie, sr., and daughter Miss Rosalie, of Old Mission, Micb., wha have been stopping at the Wallace House for several days. left for Hamilton on Monday. Mr. Lardie was anc of the early settlers of this town. arriving bere with is parents over baîf a century ago. He conducted a stave-cutsing and cooperage business in the East Ward for several years and afterwards removed ta Michigan, wbere be bas been successful as a merebant and is now living private. Mr. and Miss Lardie called on friends wbie in tawn and bad pbotograpbs taken of thc aId stave factoty and thc bouse be erected, now occupied by Wrn. Duman. Tbey will visit Niagara Falls, Toronto, Montreal and other places in Canada before returning borne. The camp at Niagara opened on Tuesday. The 20Ui Lame Rifles, rnstead of crossing Uic lake by steamer as formerly. went through on a G.T.R. special train. The reg- iment is for Uic fu'st tie under command of Lieut-Col. Appelbe, wbo is a rnost effi- cient officer. On account of Uic great scarcity of men recruiting was very difi- cuIt, but Uic companies are fairly weIl filled, Uic total strengUi of ail ranks being 145. TMe officers, with Uic exception of Majors Fox and Panton, are aIl or nearly ail in camp. Lieut. K.D. Panton is attacbed ta the Division Staff as assistant musketry instructor. Thi/s materiaI is assemhled on bhlalf of the Milton Histarîf aI Societ v bhy uni Dills, wvho can he reached at jd/îllsfya/ mi. Hypnosis is a Sure-ire Way to Lose Weight and Look Great!' It's more affordable than you think! Dear Editor: The Champion's Tuesday edito- rial entitled 'We'll give Martin a try' tells the reader that your Canada is an inclusive Canada. When 1 reflect on the past tbrec- and-a-hall decade', of Canada", history. I have extreme difficulty perceiving very înuch that 1 would deeru ta bc inclusive. My Canada would neyer bave accumulaîed a national debt of between $7(X0 and $750 billion wasted on officiaI and unofficial language policies and practices that have benefited an elite minority wbose economic interests are served by tbreatening Uicernajority. My Canada wouldn't have a finance minister wbo, following 25 years of weak fiscal managernent by prime ministers from a single province, abrogated a federal- provincial agreernent on bealtb care transfers, raided the ernploy- ment insurance and public service, military and RCMP pension fund surpluses ïa the tune of billions af dollars, increased Canada Pension Plan premiums and disqualified an untold number of people entitled ta El byenefits for wbicb tbey paid prerniurns. It didn'î take a sound fiscal man- ager who owns a sbipping cornpa- ny registered in a Barbarian tax avoidance baven ta do these things. It took pressure frorn international financial institutions and credit rat- ing agencies ta force Uic govern- ment's hand. My Canada would allow ail chul- dren ta be scbooled in the language of their choice. ù y My Canada would stop spending 127 times more of the taxpayers' -rnoney ta support the Francophone 1Games as is spent for aIl Canadian 1Olympie athletes. r My Canada would include a iproperly equipped military that's 1not forced ta sacrifice their mcm- bers' lives in flinisy vebicles pro- 1duced on directed contracts. And my Canada includes a vote for Stephen Harper, the fellow wbo seerns ta bave The Champion and the rest of Uic left-wing media wbistlmng past Uic graveyard. In regard ta the way The Champion advocatcs Uiat people vote, l'in remmnded of a famous Churebillian quote, 'You do your worst, and wc will do aur best." Bon Bezant Canada in desperate need of Senate reform Dear Editor: 1 bave came up with a fool proof mathemnatical plan regarding Senate reform that I'd like ta discuss witb political pundits. There are currently 308 seats in Parliament. I sug- gest that the Senate sbould always make up a third the number of seats in Parliament. Here are some other suggestions. - The Senate sbould be proportionate ta Uic number of members in Parliamnent - for example, three MIPs ta every anc Senate member. - AU recognized poitical parties should share in Uic Senate seats. For example, a party wiUi 33 seats in Parliamnent would bave 11 tests in Uic Senate. - In Uic cvent of a majority government, wbereby it could have more than 50 per cent of Uic Senate scats, I propose: AIl members bave a free vote and Urec- fi fths of Uic Senate be required ta pass a bill. This would shlow for a more democratie Senate, anc that isn't favaured ta any anc party. It would alto ashow Uic Quebecois and NDP ta, share in Uic Senate tsts. Eacb party would eboose their tenators as Uiey wisb, cither by nomination or by a vote amongst their own party members in wbatever district Uiey decide. lI ry opinion, this would create Uic Triple E Senate evcryonc is asking for 'Elected, Effective and Equsl'. Fred Rigo Thanks to ail who helped with missing cat search Dear Editor: I'rn writing ta tay thanks ta, ail Uic wondcrful people that bave helped in Uic searcb of aur missing est. After running ads in the ncwspa- per, we reccived numerous calîs with potential informiation, as wel a.s support and tips on bow ta get bim back. It's unfartunate that I bave ta report Uic cat still basn't rcturned. lt's bard not ta tum a blind eye ta s stray est. Msybe we don't notice or assumne that Uic owner bas let Uiem out. Now being in this situation, 1 realize that maybe someone is laoking for Uiat est 1 saw in Uic backyard or crasting Uic road. If yau sec a est running about, take the time to alteaUUcHurnane Society or better yeî, try ta confine it and then cal Uiem, The owners rnay bave a Iast report in with the Humane Society, an is alows Uic relay of informa- tion ta Uic owncrs as ta any possi- ble sightings. Every little bit belps. Animals become important members of Uic famuly Uiey live with, therefore any help when s pet goca rissing is defmnitely appreci- stcd. Our searcb will not end, and weIlI go on with Uie hope that anc day aur PomPom wilI came home. T. Kainz Milton I arn a t'egistered nurse. 1 dt'opped 30 pounds in eight short months and kept it off fr rvso years! Id like ta share mv remarkahle .uccess st<))y vitl vou. DISASTROUS DIETING! Dieting was samething 1 dreaded. 1 thought it wa.s my only way ouf. 1 tricd diet pulis from Uic health food store. I1flied ailier pro- grarns and frozen, Iow-calorie foods. But 1 neyer stuck ta any- thing long enough ta have results. These "quick- ftx" diets wcoe not something 1 cauld live with >7 7 long tcrm. Luckily, 1 learned about Positive Changes Hypnosis Centers. HYPNOSIS IS DIFFERENT! 1 noticed a change in my behavior my ftrst week. 1 was driasking marc watcr and didn't want ta snack betwecn meals. During those first seven days. I easily lost 4 pounids. 1 dropped my entire 30 Ibs. without any effort whatsocver! 1IWORE A SEXY BIKINI ON THE BEACH! 1 went ta my brother's wcdding in Mexico. 1 spent a lot of tume on thc beach in a bikini. 1 heard wonderful compliments from famnily and friends. They made comments such as, "Wow, you have a great body!" If made me feel like a million dollars! CALL IMMEDIATELY! 1 emphatically rccommend Positive Changes ta, anyone who wants ta lose weight! Weight Loss- Stress Management Stop Smoking -~ Alcohol Freedom 35 Main St. South, Olde Downtown Georgetown Ioijc~ile (905) 877-2077"WrReutHpe" n E-mail a/I your letters ta the editor ta 1 TIIE CANADIAN CHAMPION --Jý m