Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jun 2004, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Chamipion, Fnday, June 25, 2004 *Comment W The Canadian Champion Box 248, 191 Main St. E. Mitton. Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300) Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Niil Oliver A'r nu are f'ulh/uh Jili D)avisIiîw t/u Karen Smith i Adiiiinoidnî Wendy McNah b Ad%îîî iist, Tam Culer, Pidiî,r h,îu5î Charlene Hall !)iinsri,, fui Teri Carsas O//r 1,Ikii, The Cacadian Championpiibhstied ruer1 irrsray ait trdav ai 191 Mafis S E ,Milton, Ont ,15T 4N9 (Br 4B)ý s one of The MeroIand Printng, Pubishing & Dstibuting [id group of sutrnan companirs ahici inciudes AaK/Pirern News Adveeniser Atisoon Healditnusier Barrie Adance Boter EÉntrnse, Brampton Guadan Burlioglon Post Burington Shopping NewisCity Parent, Ciy ot Yorki Guandian, Colingwooîiiwasaga Coniinchio* East York Mirron CErin Avocat/Country Routes Etobicotie (ruandian EtFaintirnugh Review Forvir Young. Georgetown lodependentiArinn Fee Press Hanon Business Tmes, Huronia Business Times, Lindsay This Week, Marktram Economist & Sun Midiand/Peietang- ushene Mirni Mton Shopping News, Missrssauga Business Timnes Mississauga News Napanee Guide Nassagaweya Nefs l, ewmantiee.Aunora Eri Banner Norhumberland News, North Yogi Mirron. aioite Beaver hatilite Shioppinig News Octtmers hocnkey News Oitia iodlai OshawafWiiOSy/Clariogton RPorCPerry This Vteeir Peterbonoughiiitîs We Pecton County GuinteRihmond HttTtiornnilttoaughari tiberal Scarorougii MirrorStoittvitinlirhnudge Trbune AOunOtisiig is riceptedi on triecorndition iaiý,thee niniit of i typo graptiisai erron that ponîsuofofthtie aluveniingspace oto uedbý ipe rns mious l'erintogelhttîni ar auiasonaOiie atihiralie for sigiir ami rî i e charged tor bit thehaaîice ofthtre aderntîsenner!ul be paîl for aithtre atoti- sabir ralm inhe ulmhi ir re's rt r'gr glil i udvrýrnrilrst Tire AfttorCananOan Chrpro s 'ia iR'iycâibkn 'reodici * a Decisions like these____________ make big difference *Our Readers Write Monday night's decision by the Town's administration and planning commincte to send a local developer back to the dravving board served the town and its people well. As reported elsewhere in this newspaper, a plan for a condominium building on Ontario Street by H.D. lnvesttnents was tunied down in ILS present state. Committee members opposed to the plan cited concemrs about the esthetics and height of the building and how it ftns in with the rest of the residential area on the street. The changes the committee are asking the developer to make may' seem minor, but they're rcally quite significant because they set a stan- dard. As Milton continues to grow and these types of' building proposaIs become more common, decisjotg' likc thcsc v\s11l have Io b,-tmade on a frequent basis. Each proposaI is individual and should l'c treated as such. but dcci- storîs made now, will affect the estbetics of the towsn for ycars to comne. Let's get it right. Miltonians want to live in town tastefullv and thoughtlully desigtîed and that takes good planning. Champion -s endorsement tough to swallow )ear Editor: So Thek Champion hics cone out and endorsed Paul Maniîn and the Ltberal Parts in tic upcomîng elcc tion. Bs endorsing Paul Martîn and the Libe>rals syou arc thriiss ing s our sup- pilî bcbiid the nmait and the parts înîîst recspeittsble fuir des a.tating the public bealtb case ss stem acrriss, Canada. lis ,the ilicies uund actions takcinbs \rMarMtin àa, intîance toinî ski crthatlihas,,cated cnisspiithîto OUT loc.lth s are-sse. l'o1ist~ thé Ltbctalsrnocaits 'hc Champiittoni suppilrts thtrupi glis entitciîî. Sitto'ilo îok aii te ýuaidal ss hcre buîtdreds of mgillioîns if tas titllaisrserc drecîed Io tibéral ad agencies, and political trieiids-- nootes betier speit Oit health caî'e. Endorsing Uic Liberals means l'he Chiampion endorses the wasting of billions of tax dollars on such boondoggles as Uic HRDC program and Uic useless and inef- tective gun registry- money that should has.e gone towrard education and social housiiig. 13v eidorsing the Ltberals. 'Me Champion supports arte encourages poîtiticians and political parties Uiat ntake proinises., during an eleetion atod theto breaks, thosýe pronhises atter the clection. The Liberals proniised to scrap the C,51 andthFe h ceTrade Agreemnett aid prîîoised .anational thîlel care prograindt to elimînate chîlel poseits. Despîte being it pos er l'or 1IlNsears,. ihe bas e yetIi fttIlf ans iif those elt-ctioîo promis- es. So as 1 sece i. the editortai staff of Thie Champion is endorsing a party tha*s responsible for muining our heaith care system. is eorrupt, has a proven record of wasting and mis- managing billions of our tax dollars and has broken so many election promise, s \imiposs;ible te rememi- ber them al. Let us hope Uiat on Junc 28. unlike the editorial staff al TMe Champion. thesoiers ofil atonÀcitll sas no> te>corrupt ogcremnent. nto e Miasteful spending. no to Paul NIartitianti bis Ltberals and as\ ses, tel a [iesi aid better Caitada aitdl sote fori the ngbt Martno ekan Mantin antd the Consersative Paits. Rick Malboeut Milton Thnink voting's fot worth your time? Think again. To Miltont residents pi ho doi'tinormally si re. 1 have a message: This Monday, vote. Noss coming froni a relatively inexpertieed reporter in ber mid-tseîtîies, that plea probably doesn't hold imuch cseight. It 5ertainl\ \piouldio't for myself if 1 piere blasé tov ard the %Àshole dem- ocratic rigbîs thîîîg. Bot 1 bad the pleasure of meetintg a gentlenotu the other daý sibo just mtgbt have mire pull. Ileck. anyone sibeto could recssî is clhalletnge ton vote should win soinco iofnlttopbs lotîpaths. ilitstoatne s Beil\Wallon, anod be lises ini an tiiassumning bouse ni 'aii otpblls îlle cwtit bis %,,ué. ,Jean. He's li0. sbe's 76. 1 visiteel the Wallons ai their bouse Tuesday to interview hi> about is recent tip to Normnandy for Uic 6MU anniversary of D-Day. On Jonc 6 of this year, Mr. Wallon was a iourist sm ith a caniera slung îvreî is shoulder. citjui îg somne loitg-deserved recogniuto. But June 6 (0 ears ugo. Mr. Walîoît ssas a bareds 21-year-old pilot iuthUi air force eiogaged nii the baffle onf his flte at Juitt Beach rite of 1 s cung minifrinoCamphellvilc ssbto b ad eîlîtcd three rieurs beleore. Fonlutoatels, he surs isec tri tell siortes ahi the das. îîîltke rntof clthe toen nutfltc air fore.t \sttitto ciMr \altlt on62 pcict cothie Caioadian a.ir tforce lIt t eir lises in uic Setctd Wirrld War, Vs ile poi tiig tier phoctos NIs Vutltoin tadrI it- sy arrangeel in albumns. the tîpîc crf Motîdas 's led- eral election camne up. Mr. Walton and bis ssife btx)h etspressed ibeir dismay over Uic hîgh percentage of peoiple ssho don't vote. "tI it hadn't been for Uieir sacrifice. pie would- A round town Mr. Walioîî added ooaot people losi tlieil lises ftghting againsi diutatorrrhip. and fighting for sýimple freedoîgos like te nght to svoie. Not voting us lAce a slap n their faces. Mr. Walton didn't say that. but 1 do. What Mr. Walton said a ent someUiing morei like hits: "Every vote is important. I'm flot sayingi 1t0ss to vote, jusi get cruithUere and do il. lIts flot piho lyou stoie lfor). it 'i jusithUi idea thai vou critrcise that nobitý Il 1 hadî'ti ben able to truthfulîs look Mr. Vr'latriii tc es e uttelrespIond ul'unttuirs A\l ici bi tfuestio ofcilpi eiber 1 soie. I1pi ould'Ne left bis biiusc that das feeling ashameel --bamaed ibat 1 bacî îakeîo tie fî'eedîîoî ic bhas e tîttla\ se liigbîly atod treacd tilsas oetiig that cainue cheapis. lîke a tninkei lieut a Luttballnoachîtte. Bccause. usv,'1us etinded Ie ntlti otrîbîîî rettlOUld e ittýrsî Ici the trth. Ilirce dasslîciiotn ss please rerntember Mr. \Valtlo and the inany brase )ciung mnt andl vutioen si iii eieig'î v. lling te> ssýaitb iicîr Irce- doîms be eîodangered. Votîîog s a pnivîlege Uhi shoulel be cherisbed, not cast asîde in fasour of whatcver's on TV that îight. E AND IHESE An SMOKERSOOO Mil"

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