Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jun 2004, p. 36

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B14-The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 25, 2004 A CoçmrcRçafFnop The Lord's team was playing Satan's team. The Lord's teain was at bat, the score was tied zero te zero, and it was the bottom of the ninth mnning with two outs. People ini the grandstand were sitting on the edge of their seats wondering what would the outcome be. Freddy stood next te God in the dugout andc watcbed the coach's every move. Suddenly, a batter named "Love" stepped up te the plate andc waited for the pitch. The dcvii threw bis best curve bail as his first pitch, but "Love" connected with it for a sin- gle mnte shallow left field. "Love" neyer fails. Satan battled the next batter Up. "Faith" throwing ail kinds of junk - the fork bail, the sider, the knuck- ler - but "Faith" kept the raily alive by adding another single up the middle. Faith always believes for victory and responds best after "Love" is on board. "Wisdom" was the next batter Up. Satan wound up andc threw the first pitch. "Wisdom" leoked over the devil's high-beat fastbail andc let it pass. The umpire called, "Bail one!" After three more pitches, "Wisdom" walked because he neyer swings at anything that Satan throws. The bases were now loaded. Excitedly, God told Freddy that tbis was the moment he was wait- mng for. The anneuncement was made that "Grace" was net enter- ing the gaine as a pinch bitter. "Grace" is the- very best in a pinch!" Qed exclaimed. Freddy Ioeked in unbelief as "Grace" stepped up to the plate. He thought te himself, "Grace" sure doesn't look like much!" Freddy wasn't the only one tbink.. mng that way. Why, Satan's wbole team relaxed when they saw "Grace". Thinkisig he had secured an easy eut, Satan wousid up andc fired bis flrst prideful pitch. To everyene's shock, "Grace" bhit thse bail barder andc furtber than anyene bac! ever seen! The crowds went wild as the bail contisiued over the fence. "Grace" had bit a home run! GTod's team was victorous! , Afterwards, Freddy told Qed that be was a littie worried wben be saw "Grace" corne up te tbe plate, espe- cially after watcbing "6Love", "Faitb", and "Wisdem" do their best andc!only get singles. "Wbat mac!e yeu tbink tbat "Grace" ceuld de il?" Freddy asked. Qed patiently explained His strate- gy, "If 'Love', 'Faith' and 'Wisc!em'bac! gene in and won tbe game, people weuld be tempted te believe tbat tbey can doi i on their own, 'cause every persen bas a lit- tdc bit of love, faitb or wisdom. But i reality, it is only i 'Grace' - my grace - that cam gel you borne!" Freddy smiled and nodded. Hie remembered the worcls of thse Apostle Paul, "For il is by grace you amc saved tougis faitis; it is net your own doing. It is God's gift. flot a reward for work done. There is nothing for anyone to boast of..." In a pinch? Nced soco -tohelp You fisyou wayfrhsu.7Cll on (7od's graoe to hep you Viit a local churcli dbs we*k. alk to if are published ini thediroctory below for your conveniesice. SubmlWed by Rev. Don R&sge, Senior PaMor of New Life Church, Milton. --4 4j Mlton Ba Isf Church 900 Nipissing Rd. (905) 875-1626 Sunday School 9:45 arn Worship Service 10:00 arn Olympic Son Gaines 2004 Vacation Bible School July 19 -23 9 am -12 pm Gamnes, Crafts, Songs, Snacks, Bible Stories To Register call Janet (905) 693-8586 www.myvbs.com/miltonbc2004 ýx. A Church for Your Heart, Mnd & Spirit Sancfuary and VOU! Sunday Momlng Service 10:00 - 11: 3Oam Milton Senior Centre, 500 Childs Drive (Near the Mail) Assistant/Worship EttherK.est or outh/Outreach TIm Stevens 9 0. M. - Early Worship Service 9:30 a. m. - Sunday Schoot for ait ages 10:45 a.m.- Second Worship Service WHA T /8 YOUR NEED? 6:30 P.M. - PM. Praise Pastor Tim Stevyens THE RETURN 0F THE KING CPIN *'G P a IDEDF- NEW ADULT BIBLE STUDY More to lite than burgers & dogsl Begins Wednesday, JUly 7at 7p.m. Website: www.newlfe-miiîon.or - "ELREO. * C O OE" We welcome you to... ST. PAUL'S ( UNITED CHURCH 123 Main St. E., Milton ONE CONGREGATION ' TWO GREAT SUNDAY SERVICES at 10:30 aml Sunday, Juno 27, INTERGENERATIONAL WORSHIP Youtti Connection & Chuich Ne-toy Summer Worthip haus atan'JuIy 4 ai 9:30 amn untit Sept 12 &Rev. John Benbam & Rev. Gerry Hofitetter Church office: (905) 878-8895 wwwstpaulsmilton.org 2850 Derr Rd.E. PO Box 332, Miton, On L9T 4Y9 ~ ~ut sidC 905-878-5664 outhside a.:905-878-6676 hk. ýdo fOfice@snuthsidemirhon.ors eAChurch of The Christan and Missrunary Alliance of Canada S un day Wo rsip 9:30OAM -DULT BIBLE STUD A study of Paul wth Lois Wiens 10:30OAM - WORSHIP SERVICE Pastor jack Ninaber Baptismn Service plus The Climb Graduation Lgouthside Yoth Mhstries Have non flalahedforth. Soeumur Mad Mi dfl m saeagmu in ueptumberl ÇRACEWAY 'BAPTJST CHURCH 103 Martin Street 905-878-1629 Pastor Walter H. Ihaak 10:00 arn. - Sunday School 11 :00 arn. - Morning Service 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer Captain's Crew for Children (ages 6-12) "You'il aîways find a friend at Graceway", www.gracewaybaptist.org Milton Bible Chureh PreRant&c... 200 Main Çtmot L. 10-.90 AM Coffo. & Convemttion 11:-00 AMl WouRhîp -qumice C!hildren'.ç pogram tunning eoncuripcntIy A INew Chum'h foi a New Qanêatlonl www. MuIton BiblpeChua.ch.ea 9OS-1?76-2qSI' MILTON GOSPEL HALL KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WELCOMES YOU 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 170 Main St. E., Milton 905-878-6066 Minister - Rev. Joseph Gray 10.00 a.rn. - The Lord's Supper Director of Music & Children's Ministries - 11:45 arn. - Sunday School Sonja van de Hoef 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Nursery Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Suonner Sunday School Age 3-8 10:30 arn Prayer and Bible Study "Growing together in the grace of Christ" The Father sent thse Son Vacation Bible School July 19 -23, 2004 to be thse Saviour of thse world. Cal) Amy at 905-878-9873 1st John 4.14 5 Wheelchar accea and wahroosprovided so GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Clergy: 317 Main St. E Rev. Dr. Mark the Church on the Hill McDermott 905-878-2411 Rev. Carole Langlotz Father Mark CurtisY105 Services 4 0r Sun. 8:00 HoIv Communion 10:00 Sung Eucharist followed by coffee hour Thurs. 10:00 HoIy Communion Iollossed by Tea and Sharing & Wheelchair Access Through Parking www.gracechurchmilton.com 4L Eu: mure infurmairun shuor uur rerr'rce and prugram, pleare cali. -j- ______- ~ I I MILTON SEVENTH-DAY AbVNS lur res youu ru our ueukly rahharh servicers a Hugh Fumter Hall, 43 Brown St. Milson Sat.'9:30 a. n.r Sahhath School Sat 11:00 ar.. Divine Service FREE BIBLE SCHOOL Drrcovr thrie amazug Birble anîrners ru lire'r perplexing qruestions, and rhe recre: îo a happy lhie. For FREE BIBLE LESSONS, wrre: PO. Box 23012, 55 Ontario S., Milton, Ont., L9T 5B4ý On the INTERNET, http://wwww.vop.com and www.anazingfacs.oirg/bibleschool/schooiniain.aspi PASTOR: A DaCirsta 519-835-8301 1 1 -r

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