B2-The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 25, 2004 "Tebusiness that considers itself immune to the necessityfo anada D y ce e a ion advertising sooner' or later finds itself immune to business." &M to feature new attractions the place to be on Canada Day. Once again, Paul Scherer is ini the drivers seat, making sure theres somcthisg for cveiyone. "Muitons Canada Day Festival is shapmng up to he thc bcst ever with al Uhc favouritcs from years past returning and with Uic addition of some cxciting new attractions," Mr. Scherer said. The July I event will bcgmn with a pancake breakfast and cnd with a live conccrt and fireworks at dusk. T'he officiaI start will take place at 11:30 arn. with a dcdicatjon at Uiececnotaph at Victoria Park, in front of Town Hall, to rcmcmbcr thc men and womcn who sacrificed s0 much for Canada, Mr. Scherer said. Thcre will Uicn bc an infornial walk to the fairgrounds, whcrc opening ceremonies will include live performances by local musi- cians and picces of strawberry birthday cake for everyone. InanJy ua.livities lrom which to choose, said Mr. Scherer, including livc performances by local groupa, special displays like Uic Birds of Prcy exhibit from Mountsberg, and the Sensational Snakcs display, whicli is new Uis year. There will he a midway gcared to smaller childrcn, Uic Teen Zone, and a beer garden for mom and dad. "Also new this year is a pettusg zoo, an expanded Fun Zone for kids featuning a chimbmng wall, and planners arc hoping to pull off their first beach volîcyhall toumnament," Mr. Scherer said. Lots of food 0f course, visitors are sure to work up an appetite and thcy'll be able to choose from différent types Of food offered hy local groupa. And what would an outdoor cdce- bration be without midway favourites like cotton candy? In Uic evening, more live music Mr. Seherer said, including head- liner Grant Fullerton, one of Canadas premier guitarists and a former member of LiglsUiouse. "Performing live, on stage at Uic fairgrounds, it promises tb he a night to remember and a great way to top off Uic day-long local festi- val to celebrate Canada," he sald. The cvcning wilI conclude with a tireworks display Uiat, according to Mr. Schcrcr, "is noUiing short of spectacular." Vlunteers arc Stijl nceded 10 help out to ensure Uic event is a success. HcIp from students look- ing 10 complete Uieir required vol- unteer hours is welcome. Anyone intcrested in hecoming involved or sponsoring Uic event should call Paul Schercr St (905) 691-4288 or Laura McKee at (905) 878-6347. A complete schedule of activities will appear in Thse Champion Tuesday. I .1 B et th e atm CidensVilae- 'set your s-day admision butlon at any OakvIIe bank beboo 4:00 ktday aid sae $6 off "h.gai MiS! Ctildre 5 and undo.' fres. Me TU.. Roc & Remi ares on si l iwelenmd. a 0 " Have your face painted " try your hand at tennis bring your bear for some tender loving care e take part in the Mattamy Hoe. Sand Castie Building 0 paint a picture climb a walii have a bal with somne theatre games try on your own suit of armour. PLULiS 0*Have sone fun at the our new hands-on water appreciation activity from the Ontario Trillum Foundation. 0 See the amazing feats at the TD Canada Trust Parrot Paradise Show. 0 Find out ail about the Pioneer Camps froni Ian Matin Umltsd. Wte rfrri nf C-A-7 AR