$$ EARN EXTRA MONEY$$ BELIV E EMW UPEPAOS TELUS ORETORIES Mr and womer) 18ypu suar' 'ier - Sv P' duyi ghi saurs per iuy andcgel pu S witir r48 houai upýi sýuccessfui csmpleeson of yuur route Caili 1800 979- 7978 beiceer 9 'POurn ud 5qo0prri M-,' Peler Io ioàt9025-C Fuit & Par-Time Postos ufor eadng adies wear & bndal w shops. ntervewing a Admirai Inn 148 Ganguesist. N.. IPease aMINoR, ON Ke y l Mu.., Joue 28 4-8 3Dpm of ll Fax rmine to: Paper CONSTRUCTION SITE FOREMAN REQUIRED IMMEDL4TELY -10 years experience *Bnidge Ffehab experience an assei -Ability to read drawingn -Concrele and lorm work experience a must Fax Re%umc la>: <95-3-52N Junior Service Technician irmediate F/I postior for u mechanicaliy iîciiec 5,ý e Osai for indusrial arc"umpressur company TPs ps, i mut possess a strog CoOlehicennusism e!iah uCI usd bsc computer oils Wr lng Io continuousiy eurn & develop SOCIS are un assoni !duhDL a orriusr Respunsibiities ass slisp & field techricans & ssop ceur ýp TPsu pos:tir *rhles ý ,r i vancemenl & promotion Fax re 1 ste 905447-7197 LOOKING FOR %WORM? * M-n t eta kta5en~ql Zi S'e ,""g. -k -il-. TEO.tt PLU TIE PasoNswXoe. ii T* &GSX INV eGDwi O 'RA&An c--905-873-9291 At Minas, ce'te known as THE( autumotive atermarket speoulist' We nove upenings (or. STORE MANAGER LICENCED MECHANICS Vve have a lot ta 0(er Calil Us, Pieuse appiy rn conidence Iu Mike Aborn 519-870-3347 M D 5 milmdnt.c The Canma apon Fnday June 25,200O4--i7 s isoking tor thie folowing: Trimsawyers *Spray Rniser wu MeaPohisher -Cabinetmakers Assembimr (DaysiAfts> Pinehurot Store Fixtures Fax: 905-629-0630 a g s ý Parl a 0 a onsReevbeiaataCeh Fax: 519-853-4279 Oakwood Retirement Communities The Village of Tansley Woods Fufltime RPNs Oakwood is seeking energetic indviduais for the ' ositions of RPN - days (12 hours shifts), andS pari-time RPNs - ays and evenings. for our contnuum-ot-care com- plex (Long-Term Care Facility. Retiremnent Home and Seniors' Apartenent) in Burlînglon. Oakwood is a dynamic and innorarpe organization commited t thie hghesl standards of seniors care in Ontario Appy with resamne and cover eter io Jean VanderVea, AMN 4100 Uppe UddIe Roud BuffnIgbOI, ON UN 4W8 Fax: 905-336-7143 Athouglu e tha* ai caniatas. ony fhose seied&lb' intervm Ewiba cotnlaed. No kiihoS e ruies piam The VOCA of OaIviNe is seelang EA.Y CNLOGoeBNMT0M torit oUler, Prl OlPopM Contracf & Supply position TEACM & ASSSTAITS Required for children agies 6-12 Applicants for ail positions must be minimum 18 years, Cnminat check & medical requîred. Pi ease submît resume Supervisor ofi PliginWood, 410 Rebecca Si, Oakville, 16ÏK iki Fax 905447-96 Email: supervisrj.ilgriniwood@ymca.ca Resurns w 0 e acceptes uripositions 3,P (hecp DENTAL ASSISTANT CO^ LEVEL il, (proforoe-d) Raq,>a.11 rimer b. oit.ay prn PlDa -a.tiy , DR g.ow VEALCUES e/D. IoTý f, R ntcati ssERCTL EPC'RCC.pi Qrl5r ý Poê't Forgetto adverhse voir Gaae SUWe Cal m-1s4ro1l ht voi Éearylhang Masi Gelf! Rias or Shuaae 580 Farmstead Or. MOVINO SALE GARAGE SALE Sat. June 26 - 8AM-2PM Sat. June 26 - 8-NOON 868 Maple Ave. 445 Ontarlo St. S Fuisitaa £ bosaloMlie,,,SOm~eai taforerymn GARAGE SALE HMG HOCKEY TEA Sat. June 26 & Sun. June 27- 8AM-3PM GARAGE SAL MO0 - 534 Thdeau Or. Saturday June 26 - 8AM-2PM <Mvi. off SonyBM.) llOIfpSOI MOIDOIaAffSM Usshotat items, iiiauiàase mm a ers <ThaÀm Rd.uM. utbelow Ma iSt. GARABE SALE CHILOS 1DRIVE STREET SAL.E SAT JUNE 26 - 8:30-1 PM Saturday June 26 - SAM-NOON 152n Evau Tenface <NamIhmw Viliamo) Der & 4th La. Troasuros feeverytme! kbt o, Y aw,t sais vfe als b o EItea y &tesWAls i CONTENT SAL MGVING SALE Sat. Jane 26 9AM-1 PM Sot. June 26 - 8AM-1 PM Sun. June 27 9AM-NQON 716 SyerDOr. 996 Laaeaster Blvd lHusseboid &MiWtemsainmach mmrs(off TrmdOmi S"ou f Sonry) Ta tefhlu se.eth~ cbah, PMati e àm Imi GARAGE SALE CM UT GARAGE SALE Sat. June 26 - 8AM-2PM Sat June 26 - 8AM-1 PM 329 cabbCres 4M Ptffei Rd HsabM lidamslet Crusesaitun £or Suse IIRTI FAMY GARAGE SALE IMIflAU Y GARAGE SALE Sat. June 26 -8AM-1 PM Sat. June 26 - 8:30-? iiaywa Cme. syngCevts-vdÀ frw--l GARAGE SALE RIIGHBOURS SALE Sat. Jane 26 -8:30-? Sat. June 26 - 7:3OAM-3PM 5151 6th Lino 3053 &3041 OerryRd (btw Britamma & Louer Base Lai.) (cOffonm on & Guelpi Là.) Damag i sot, dbi, vau oati.boosoma»ýwras. tfl SeMnmachics à table, di&b»w Sfe~ctietablas, and mach mmr ot aiskitchemma sB. ctaci ola b GARAGE SALE SUPER GARAGE SALE Sat. June 26 - 8AM-12PM Sot. June 26 e 8AM-1 PM 693 Roseheath Or. McColl Cr. (Off Syer Or.) Hoanhoid 0gois, lois o sperts emupaslen.somng fer ~Em"îa, GARAG SAlISat. June 26 - 8AM-9 Sat. June 26* 8AM-12PM 394 Maplewood Cres. 773 Coulson Ave. Lig vrarey of urtices iaclaisg waaagmachins, Boite, tot, hanitars. daise,,tuais, à morsgraNt stff bforbam aalvarslyolioea glasswrs, gym oqp sitc.stiaienl movino away G A R A E G A R A G F 4 1JA M S A L E S tAe2R AGE-SAL June 26 & 27 - 8AM-5PM 481 Woodward Ave.149GelhLn Camping goa, etsctronhcs (forth eoftMe4M1) Lois t guo shahNeutielit tractor parts, tuai, wuad shrsalder. clatfies, shues. dishes. tos, larnihare, tua many itemsIou ilsi. GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE St June 226 - 7AM-1 PM Sat. June26 - 7AM-1 PM Abboft St. 617 Beaver Crt. (MainS.5Vllae) ins cluthlg -5>i, baby items£ Main t. Vilage)mors m