Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jun 2004, p. 25

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CLASSIFIED HOTWE: 9054754300 or- HAPPY 9Oth BIRTHDAY MARY PHILLIPS JUNE 25th, 2004 -.UPCOMING MARRIAGE BIRTHDAY PRICED BELOW $300,000 S$MONEYSS 100% 1sf, 2sd and 3rd Morgages. Bad credit OK. Cail Ontario Wrde 1-888-307-T799. 5-YR 0 5.20%/, Aiso equity mortgage programs regard- ess ofiscanne or credit. Cati CHRIS 01-800-328- 1460+ sq.ft. on grounri ftoor in Dorset Park. A 7887 or visteus 51 crerean- ras bungalow citti 3 v 1 bedrooms.1000 sq.h. daircodkbura.coro full height basemeot citi 4t bedroors and 4 pieds wastiroom + 400 sq.ht. crawl space. A Wort et Home Job Oversizeri eppros. 50 s 150'pie shapeci lot On1 Your with cherry and eppie trees, raspberry, goose- mptJter, berry andi blacki - cannent buehes, pus roora toc Training Prosîderi a swhmming poolt., r Contact John 9059878-8510 oen Acon perunen1 & 2 bedroors apartmenl aveul- abus Nue and for future. Fodge & Stuse, auodry faciliries, No dogs 519-853- 4374 open 7 days/wesk saeasday approsel. ACTON large 2-bedroors apariment, $775/mth plus; 519-853-5080, 519-853- 5352. ACTON ose hedrooni apt., $550/mth +. Cati (519) MILTON 3yr od semi 3- ____________ brns 2 12 baths, CA, fesceri yard bait is dsh - casher $247500 Ci - 905-876-3485. .REASONABLE Induthiai NEWLY RENOVATED, 3 Units for rest Hry 25 & brns 2 bath tocotiome in 401, f600 -3200 sq. Il Georgetown. Waik tluGou Ladng docks & dosve- s CYBER-ASSiTANT $174900. Piesse cail 905- Phone 1-905-2779347 or Looisng for sscretaoial or adinsitrative asusstasce 7029185 1-905-275-6834. for pour busness? -Report crithng, data entty aspreadeheets, booing appontients, errande etc? CAU. 905-875r-4641 HOURLY RATE $25.00. Open Hbuse Saturday & Sunday 1:00 PM to 500 PM- 132 Manley [anc Best Value in Miton!' $239,990.00 2-BEDROOM apartreent ACTON sery lrerenosat- Pniced thousands Jess! for rent. Parkisg, cable, 5 ed 3beriroor spt. n is- loren ares. Firotîast, rater- Parking oncluderi. Entoy the ences required. large backyard. Onip $875/month plus utliies. $950/mth pies hydro. 416- 905-877-8813. 931-1219. ACTON 2-bedroor apt ACONOs $700/mth ircusive. Asail- -CO. n bedroonef abls Juty let. Uthfiesn h- $550/mth +v Cati 519-853- dluderi. 905-452-1734. 5080 or 519-853-5352. 170 BRAMPTON Die & Wil- lias Pkwy Vsry pleuvant, brght, uarge. 1 tedroors trusersent apurlment. on quiet sîreef ih privaise - rurce & posvaIs patio. Full ktches, seraî-furnîshed, wssher/dryer, parkrg, sa- bis, C/A, ulîlîies, stsrage spuce. Hi-speed internet ares. No smokers/peîs. $800/month. Availatie ira- msdateiy 905-450-5467. DOWNTOWN hILTON Mîliîde Towers 82 Mlisîde Dosve. 1&2 Bedroors Apts. Close 10 Downlown. Bus stop ut Front Duor 905-876- 1249 wcwreassarca DOWNTOWN Mlon, Georgetown, Acion. Buchelors, ONE Bed- rontas.Ail renovateri Es- celent CLEAN accommo- dations. Stase, frige, A/Cý Availabis immedialeiy. 416-606-9430 or 416-606- 9432. GEORGETOWN 1 -hed- roora apt, downooc, Juiy lut., parking, isuodry, tisaI- 59g inclderi. $750/month. Retereoces. 1-905-737- 8749. GEORGETOWN 1-bed- mors basemnent apartssst, recsstty renosateri. $750/raooth mcludes heatittydro. Firstlasl. No smoking/pets. 905-873- 4060. GEORGETOWN 1 -ted- roors, sia-pies, $825/month, ulities incud- eri close to ail amenities. Rirst/tesf, no-pets, 1-park- ing. AugusftIsf. Retereoc- es. (905)457-9216. GEORGETOWN RENTALS 1, 2, & 3 beri- muras. Check out web site. SuthngMaltng Lalianno MILTON, tw0 sorey seri-N delacheri Greesparir 1500+ sq/tf brick home, 3 beri- roors, 3 cestirooras, 5 ap- plisoces, air condifîosîsg, firepiace anri garage. Minutes lu Go Train. $1500 plus aiities. Nos smoking. Availabie Augasl 1. 905- 330-5027 GEORGETOWN 2-bed-S roors serai, oewviy renoval- ed. $950/mth plus alilities. First/iust/references ce- quiredý No smokng/pets. Juiy ltf 905-846-5449. OAKVILLE - 3 Bedroors lowohouses available îrsmediately through Augusi, 4 applîsoces. 5~i~î Hopedule Mail ares. ~7 Lakeshors Management, LARGE 1ibedroors spart- ~ ment. $750/mth plus hydro. , Frstj/ast. Availabie Auguot lti905-877-2698. MILTON sew rg 2-bdrrs trsmi vyt. Ulilies, catie, flli bath, separale entrance 2N0 peur Unversity of Wa- incladed. Avalabie June tllion students iooksg for 19, $900./mlh, ca/i 905- foarth persos iv share 875-3501 townhouse in Waerloo. t $5400/month, ail ultes and MILTON. SUITABLE for hugh speed inlemet inciad- worksg couple with nos pets ed * Avalabie Juily lot. Ca/i Ires hedronr aspartment. 9(5-875-3322 or 905-878- Avalabie Auguotlslt 0018 5880/mo.tisaI inciaderi References reqaîre. 90 5- APARTMENT, 0wn bed- 878-6795. roors. ail facifities. 450/mo. inclusive. Availabie imme- NEW sparosrrent os faim. dialy. Fernais preferred. trepiace, nac appiasces, Cali Jason 905-875-2015 sIsils, hiorse people onip, issue message. avaîlabie îmmediatliy. FREE rent in country home 5800mth. Ceil 416-2191- io esctinge for chid cure. 7055. Sud senror or slay aI hume "ATTRACTIVELY decoral- single mors. 905-875-3478 ecr large ose bedroors with LARGE carpeleri base- sasmors. Pienty ot slorage ment ours (farsished?), and cissel space. C&A ose $400.00/month. Near GO shupping and GO in Station. Cali Laurs 905- 893-98M. Georgetuwn. Yard, paring MLO e xctv and 1diiesinclded No Townhouss tuistiare. A/C:' pets. Avaiabs Augasft 1st. starmi andry, privaIs S725/month. (705)799- roors & bath, $650/mth on. 2586. durve. firsIlasI Calil905- - 875-4875. FURNISHED Retreal 3- bedruum, 2 bath, situateri LOST Biad leather paras. îon 17 breathtskmng acres Orur Lady 0f Vctury School. minutes tram Camrpbellviile. Great sentimental value. Ponds, #Wcng streans, ta Cati 905-693-8495. treesa abandance utcf dlide, uairty tamistiroga throughout.$2100/month. 6 motti minimum. Reter- PSYCHIC peint ut viec- socs reqaireri. Campbellt- Paf, Preseot, Future.,, vileII RIn tc. 905-854- Speciaiizisg in reaoiting 2M. lasers 1-718-224-3771 1- 718-749-2711. HALF house, charmrsg, dlean, Adtn.2-tedrooma, 3 fluors, 4 appisoces, park- ing $950/mth pies, Aagus 1ts. Cati 519-8S5-3223. WALDORF traineri teacti- rEC.offering crestise MILTON 3 bdro, 2 Story sammer cors for your chid, sntmi. $1.450 pet monthn + 3 yrs & user. Fait or Part atlites. Rirst/last, remorec- lime. Cali Gaif O 905-876- es 905-8543228. 9031. MILTON 3-bdrmn town- hoase, ktches, 25 bathe, garage, A/C, iaaodrp, close lui ailameorties. Basemeol owner occupieri, no smok- PROFESSIONAL Makeap ing, esaitatis 1mow. Cali Artist, cedriioge, gratis, 416-561-4291 parties. Wii coaetoi pour home. Cait Christese O MILTON, 3 bedroorn, 2- 905-878-669. atorey, 4 appiieces, frn- iaheribasement,8mlet $1350. pies uUttte" d$Mno JuIy 905-876-331 6 ater oe ta 8-IIOPM. 'i 1. WIUSZEWSKI: Abigail, along w thher parents Mark and Knista, is tiled to announce te arrivai of her littie brother Iaaa WaIt, bom Wednesday June ltith and weighing 8 Ibu. 21/2 oz. Isaac is aso wecomed by grandiparenls Doug & Susan and Gene & Jeannie, Aunts & Uncies, and cousins Mackenzie, Aies, Logan and Gavin. Many thanks lu Dr. Sharmna andi ail the ours- es ut OTMH McGinnra-Waynie and Tammy are proud 10 unnounce the birth of their dsughter Rachel Elizabeth, lhte sioter Io Samantha bom June 5, 2004 weighing 7 hoils1 oz. Specîi thanks lu Dr Cvetic and ail the OBS stuff ut Milton District Hospitl. MACLEAN, May Evotyn Catorno passed sway ai her residence on Monday, June 21, 2004, ut the age ut 58. Beioved wte ot James Mac- Lean. Loving mother ot Debbie Bumos ad her huobanri Mike, Richard MacLeso and Heather MscLesn. Mary s survived by her brother Bill Campbcell and hirs wite Paf and their chitdren Julie (Morgan) and Jessiter. She wiii be remembereri by her ssters i aw Disse Grahams (Raymond), Pst Lytte Ç(Wiiaim) ami brother in 5w ian MacLean (Lnda); and.their tsmires su ot Nova Scotia. Predeceaseri by her parents Murdo and Evetyn Camp- bell, and brother Kenineth Campbell. Rested i u Corbet Funerai Home, 95 Dundas Street, Cambridge, where the tamiy received ftnends os Wednesdsy 2-4 & 7-9. The service was heldl n the fuserai home chapei Thurs- day June 24, 2004, eti1 pm. snteronent foitowed ai Ev- ergreen Cemnetery Mifton. In Marys memory, expres- sons of sympathy May be made to the Canadien Dia- beies Association or Canadian Cancer Society. STOCKTOII: Brles Gerard Suddenty, os Thursday, June 17, 2004 Brias StoctIton n tirs 49th year. Loing husband ot Anse. Devoteri fa- #he ut Matthew ami Andrea. He wi be sadty misseri by hsparents Jim andBety and his brerJim. Bries %Miremamnnthe hearts of many. Friends willbe re- cerved at the J. SCOTr EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 JamesSIL, Miton (905) 878-2600 on Friday, June 25th (today) trons 2-4 & 7-9 PM. Vigil prayers vÀti be rected at 8:30 PM. A Mass of Christian Bonis writ be held frors Hoty Rosary Roman Calholhc Church on Saturday, Jase 26 al 10:30 AM1.Inlies of ftowers, donations to the Hos- pitlat for Sicti Chidren Foundation wouid be appreciated by the famity. YEARDYE: Joan Peacetuity surrounderi by her famiiy at Mifton District Hospitai on Monday, Jase 21, 2004 in her 85th year. Betoved i cie of the sate Wiliam Vearclys. Lovmng moth- or ut Richard and his vcite Etessor of Oskilite ami Ses- erty Murioson 0f Miton. Grasdmother 0f Noei, Adri- enne, David and Jenniter. Dear frienri 0f Tom Buttte and the sate Fers Bute. Juans estenderi family inciud- eri Chares and Cheryl Battis and Lauren and Megan, David and Edna Momuios and Brad, Kastyn and Breanse. Visitation was heto at the Ostivie Fuserai Home, 56 Lakeshore Rd. W. (one bktck estof u Kerr) Osirvtie us Thursday, Jane 24th tram 2-4 and 7-9pm. A FanerýaI Serviceiwil t ielhsin the Oakvierw Chapsi os Friday et 2pm. Rev. Dr. Mark McDsrmufl ofichsting. Crematios to follow. Donations tu the Schizuptirenha Society Of Canada would be appreciaferi by the tamity. th la f i I ha h The Canadian Champion, Friday June 25, 2004-25 I j.""'ff IM O( I - I Iom(mll rewer t1920 sq. nt. spactous înree bearoom execative townhome! Gorgeous ceramhc tOsd entry. Elegant columna and haff caîls. Large master bedroons with ensuite bath teaturing jacuzzi tub. Bright eat-io kitchen cith entry to large patio, 4 baths pl(us (replace. Protessional fnished ec rooro, Move in this Ju(y or Auguat and enjoy! Cail 905-691-5105 for fU) details Cbainpon e 0CLASSFDHBOURS: Monday t Frid 900am -5S.« pz r BIRTHDAY UPCOMING MARRIAGE 1 16

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