ýHart Jr. makes pro boxing debut tonight LUYài ILL L L'LA, The Champion CelIil a new beginning for Mati Hart Jr. Tonight the local pugilist will start prov- ing himseîf ail over again - doing so wiîh his Iong-awaited professional debut in Edmonton. "I'm pretty excited and ready for the challenge," said thse 27-year-old welter- weight, who ended his amateur career ranked second provincially and wiih an overall record of 17-4. Hart Jr. 's jump 10 the pros was expected 10 corne a few months back, but funda- mental differences wilh would-be manager John Melich of Brampton poslponed the move. Explained Milion's outspoken boxer, "Basically he wanled full control over me, so we parled ways. The only person who's going 1o bave 100 per cent say about Mati Hart is Mati Hani." Now dealing with a handful of different managers - inciuding Hamilion's Dave Finch, wbo helped arrange bis first pro encounler - the local f igbier is set 10 lake on Caigary's Anthony Lassard, wbo'll no doubt have tise home crowd advaniage. But Hant Jr. points ouitishat bis upcoming opponienl bas jusi recenlly returned 10 the ring afier a tiree-year absence. "TiMat's a long ime bo be off, wbere as I was in tisere Lonipting. i thînk tisai gives me an edge." Witisout a points sysîem ai the pro level, iHant Jr. will > now have lu con- centrale on punch qualiîy raîher than quantity. ing seven or eight- punch combina- MattHartJr. lions anymore," MaltHartJr. said tise impend- ing pro fighîer, wbo's sîill working with longtime tramner Billy Mantin and sparring witis sucb seasoned veterans as lwo-time national champ Brian Mackie. "l'm waiî- ing on my punches more and trying 10 make iisem really count. "My training bas been going greal. 1 know l've gol 10 prove myself aIl over again, bull feel tisat i'm ready for il." H-ant Jr. expects to make rougisly $1,000 (bis expenses are paid) for his four-round pro debut, and down tise road is boping lu gel on a card lentatively scbeduied aI Mississauga's Hershey Cenîre in September. *Anything close 10 home l'Il be ail over," be stressed. By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Heading into lasî weekend, tbere was some debale over the Senior Red Sox' wor- îiiness lu be included in the Newmarket Toumamnenî. Nooy's quesîioning tbal decision any- more. TMe only non-A level enlry at the 10- îeamn showcase, Milton more tisan iseld ils own - winning two of tircc round-robin games, the latter over thec defcnding provincial champs. Unfortunaîcly that wasn'i quile enougb 10 advance, as tise narrowest of mun dffer- enliais knocked the local sen ors ouI of tille contention. But measuring rip 10 the week- end opposition no doubî pr wided legitimi- ste solace for George Mo( re and company. 'We definitely proved we belongcd IceHawks fali short Oh, so close. IceHawk bopefuls camne witin a few minutes of securing tise consola- tion tille aI lise annual Ol{A Referee's Tournament Tuesday eveing against Huntsville. But iwo late goals less tban half-a-nsinute apari - one on tise powerplay - allowed tise opposing Otters to squeak out a 6-5 decision, capping an explosive third peiod ai thse University of Guelph. Mutais battlet back from an early deficit before being etiget. The lceHawks reached tise consla- tion finals by winning two of Ihree preltminary ganses - knocking off Camsbridige 5-3 andi dismantling Guelphs 11-3. there,' said tise Red Sox manager. Miiton's lone defeat came against Leaside Saîurday moming. wben a wind- assisled bomer in tise founth inning broke a i-i1 staiemate and spoiied a compiete gaine four-bitter by Adam Finkbeiner. T'Me Red Sox were lawless defensively, wbile Taylor Lawton lied tbings up on a Leaside error. Sandwiching tise round two setback were iow-scoring decisions agaînst the isosîs and Markisam, Ontario's 2003 goid medalisîs. Tise latter win - by a 4-i margin - was hîgbiigisîed by stellar fieiding and a com- piete-game gens from AdamnAisearo, wiso surrendered just six bits. Tise defense and pitching were fantastic ail weekend and evertbing came togetiser againsî Markisam, inciuding our bats," stressed Moore, wisose charges bad a dozen bits in the round-robin cnding tri- umph Saturday aftemoon. Deivening multi-isit efforts and dniving in one mun apiece were Lawîon, Chris Cougisiin, Andrew Coe and Dwayne Johntson. Debuling rookies Jordan Jeans and Jeff MacLeod - who are expected 10 give Milton some added speed and deptis in tise outfieid - cacis had a bit in tise building block victory. Milton kicked off tise weekend by edging Newmarkeî 3-2 Friday evening. Initiating a compiete-game toumament trend, Ian Zettie went tise full seven innings and stayed strong down tise sîrelciste, ailow tise Red Sox 10 raily from a 2-0 deficit. His five-hit performance was compie- mented by sharp defense, wie attise plate Kurn Mitchell beited a single in tise fourtis 10 score bots tise tying and winning mons. Tise seniors can pusis tiemselves over lise .500 mark in league play tomorrow afler- noon wiîh a double beader sweep of Brampton. Gamne one stants aI noon aI Brian Best Park. Midget Sox exact rez3venge Paybak la always sweet - but especially so wben itcones against a teandi ta ercled you tis t fini out, and allows you to club over 3M0intthse proceas. Suds was tise cms Sunday evening for te Mkdget Red Sox, who mtuck ealy ansd oflen te oulduel Branqmpt's it enbry tens "6at Brian Best Pask. Offensively, Marcas Gray andi Nick Vxpond ecd wesst 3-fr-4 andi scored a mun, while dee cadre lineup executcd the littie pisys necessaay to -pl ite upper-eclielon visâors. ManTlhornsosi got lw inew wilh a -fd six-inig effeatwblle pick- ing up lte mae wuaSm Wt Thse victoy pushetitie mitige t 5-4 in oieuplay. Meanwbile, thelJunior Red Sox gave up cight murn thse lm tinning andi fel 12-9 te tire Missiasauga 'rxgenlbeday nigisa. A hantidful<erris andi grand lafni borner spoiled wbat shioulti have been Milton's first wi in four garnes. Conan O'Brienx and Liani Tennani hit back-to-ack homers, but bot struggled on the mounti ai crnmchldme. Now 2-7-1inh league play, the local juniors will look te turn things arouisti Iis weekend aitishe Byron Toumarnent. The Canadian Champion, Frday, June 25, 2004-23 See more local sports o n page 30. boys & giIs bel ween the aglsof YKN<,TT 5 andl151 (ail le vels of experienoe $wiOtne - from first time players to aspk*gBec*hear! ~k en~soft~e~~N CAMP LOCATION RR#1 Mion, ON (Bêtmmn aRd. Rgl Rd. 25) ~WMUiY SESSIONS J* a-huly mt à4i121ht- JMy 10h JiiyIIh- Jufy23rd J*iy» - July 30th Au Agus-~g 13th Aug 1t- Aug 920th Aug 23d - Aug 27th *Contacf us for avaitabitty CAMPs 5 Ful-days(am. 4pn)$140 5 Mominga (9sm - i2pm) $ 85 5 Afiemoons (1iPm - 4pm)$ 85 WIour te, LPh: 905.876.0715 Fax: 9587.68.1~4sce'e Sr. Sox hold their own at Newmarket tourney MILTON INTERCHURCH SOFTBALL LEAGUE STANDINGS AS 0F 23-JUNE-04 TEAMS G w L T PTS 1 ST. GEORGES 6 6 0 0 12 2 KNOX 6 5 0 i i 3 HOLY ROSARY 9 5 3 1 i 4 BOSTON 7 5 2 0 1 5 SOUTH SIDE 7 4 3 0 8 6 ST. PAULS 8 4 4 0 8 7 MILTON BIBLE 8 3 5 0 6 8 NEW LIFE "A" 8 3 5 0 9 NEW LIFE'"B" 7 1 6 0 2 10 HILLCREST 8 0 8 0 COOL OFF WZTI[ *OAC, see us for details. TeÏrryqoFRowIey- Mechanical Ic. 925 Main St. E., 0"QIû~Oo Unit #3, Milton (90.5)018-> 19~7 1 1 1