16-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 22, 2004 The Oakville, Milton Sand District Real Estate Board www.omdreb.on.ca ~ LunLàluesto ymow andi memnbershu'p f'orse -Uoninued rom page 1 Since its inception, The Oakville, Milton and District Real Estate Board has had a rep- utation for being progressive and they quick- ly eamced the respect of Ueir fellow Real Estate Boards. They forged innovative part- nerships with their neighbours and continue to demonstrate a willingness to embrace the future and the possibilities it provides. Along with several other Boards in Ontario, O.M.D.R.E.B. developed the Win IDS MLS system. 'his system has served the members for over 20 years and the most recent versions of the system are stili used by many members today. A new system is on the horizon as the world-wide-web continues to create the need for greater access, adaptability and mobility of an MLS system in today's fast paced world. But let's not forget that while these changes were taldng place other challenges were being deait with as well. In the 1970's the Ministry of Consumer and Corporate Affairs (now known as the Ministry of Consumer and Corporate Relations) was busy creating new licensing requirements for Real Estate practitioners. There was even talk of the Real Estate business becoming self-rcgulated. As a matter of fact in 1973, Frank Drea, the Minister responsible for administering REBBA, was quoted, after a meeting with Board presidents and Association staff, on the subjeet, as saying 'il's either going to happen now or neyer". While he was slightly off target (it did take another 25 years for self- regulation to become a reality) Realtors contin- ued to pursue the concept and it did finally arrive in 1997 with the creation of the Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO). The staff at O.M.D.R.E.B. continued to grow as the membcrship flourished and although the mar-ket has cxpericnced some wild fluctuation in the past thirty years they have helped guide the Board through the many changes that have taken place. In 1993 Cyndi Amodeo (then Dupuis) joined the staff and has been an integral part of the board since, assisting Marta throughout her tenure as Executive Officer. Marta began that role in 1997 and has helpcd guide each year's Board of Directors through a myriad of changes since then. During her watch thc most funda- mental change in thc Real Estate business took place, the advent of 'buyer agency'. For many years, Realtors had workcd under the concept of sub-agency whereby an MLS listing contract created a sub-agency rlationship between the owner of a property and ail members of a Real Esiate Board. In essence, when you hired one Realtor with an MLS contret you hired every member of thc Board. This unique arrangement allowed an owner to expose his or her property to virtually every buyer in Uic mar-ket place Urough MLS. It also assisted Realtors in estab- lishing a rclationship with prospective buycrs of Real Estate, wiUiout rcstricting their ability to sec cvcry property listcd on MIS. Buyers could work with one Realtor and still have Uic advan- tage of sceing al Uic listings on thc system. Sounds ideal, doesn't it? Wcll, this concept worked for dccades but like ailI Uings it, too, came to an end. 'Me Federal Govemment of Uic day was committcd to Uic protection of Uic con- sumer and felt Uiat, while Uic practice had been working, many consumers were confused. So werc many Realtors. Most buycrs rcfcrred to Uic sales representative Uicy dcalt with as 'my agent' and a vast majority of salespeople referrcd to Uic buyers Uiey showcd homes 10 as 1my client'. Since this was ic case, Uhc indus- hi-y, with Uic help of CREA, began ho adopt Uic concept of 'buycr agcncy'. Realtors arc now requu-ed to explain the concept to their clients and obtain Uieir acknowledgement ini writing. It has taken some time and has created some addi- tional paperwork, but alI involved agrc Uiat Uic consumer is much better off Uian before. As you can sec, Uic axiom is truc. 'Change is Uic constant' and Uiere are many changes and challenges ahcad. But, wiUi a dedicatcd staff and Uic willingness of members to lead Uiis Board, Oakville, Milton and Uic surrounding communities will continue to be well servcd by Uic Oakville, Milton and District Real Estate Board and its Realtor members for Uic next 50 years and bcyond. 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