The Canadien Champion, Friday, June 18, 2004-7 iuune seriousiy flua as train lumps tracks near local station OUR READERS WRITE 'T/me Capsulles' are genî.s of inli.tiroation esti'Oc(ted /ronî past issuecs nil 'ies sided to p/os(e the situation in c'onteit. May 1903 About 2:20 arn. Monday a double-bead- er freigbt train of 55 cars ran off tbe G.T.R. track just east of tbe base hune between Trafalgar and Esquesing and about a mile nortb of the Milton station. Seven cars were ditcbed aod some of ibein were badly smasbed. An empty car was tbrown over tbe feoce. A wrecking train was sooi5 at work, but tbe track was not clear until evening wben îraffic was resumed. Tbe only mnan burt was tbe conductor of tbe train, wbo received a sligbî eut on bis fore- bead. The cause of tbe accident is a matter of speculation. Alil along tbe lunes of tbe different railways tbe beat is playing bavoe witb tbe rails. la a number of cases tbe expansion bas been as great as tbree incb- es. 'Mis bas tbrown the track oui 10 sncb an extent tbat it takes bours for repairs. Trackmen are constantly engaged patrolling tbe lunes to straigbîcn tbe rails and put tbemn in ibeir proper place. Occasionally it is necessary to, cul as mucb as one or two incbes froîn rails hiath(ey may be kept in tbeir proper place. Finlay Cisbotm of tbe Massey-Harris Co. bas sent issues of tbe Calgary new spa- pers. He says tbe company is doing a large trade at Calgary in agricultiral implensents and be is selling a great many wagons. Tbe Calgary Albertan reports that an exceptions- allv large number of desirable setîlers are loeating near Calgary, more iban doîuble as înany as in ans' previous sear. The great trotuble wîth ibeni is tis get hciuses, and some are moving l'urtbcr onirtoihat reasssî. Tbe open air concerts given on the îwo lasi Saturday cs'cnings bave gscon-ii siîcing prool'tbaltihe band is pIns cîsg bei ter îbaiî ever helore. Foi the hîglî standard 00W attained tbe chiel credit moust bce gîven to tbeir capable leader. RE. Golliiss, vho, besides being a fine cormet player. brings to bis duties a good musical training. it bas been plain for ycars. on accoutît of tbe increased price of lumber, tbaîtbe mak- ing of permanent walks was economically notwitbstanding tbe greater cost in tbe first place. The recent rise in tbe price of lum- MIton Capsules issue, says local MADD chapter presîdent ber, however, has been so great that a wooden walk now costs more iban 5(0 per- cent of tbe price of a pavement and our town counicil bas corne to the wise decision tbat it is time for a change. A bylaw for Main Si. watks, howevcr. lailcd to pass thiid reading. This does îlot mnean tbaît i was voted down. Tbe difficulty was tbe proposed variation in the widtb of' the walk. Sucb a variation is unavoidable in the part between Broîwn Street and Geo. Laings store as tbere is not room l'or an 8< foot walk tbere, but this is not tbe case in front of Knox Cburcb and Dr. Stuart's resi- dence and in tbe two latter portions tbe pro- posed walk, if only six fee widc. would bave a very peculiar appearance. G.H. Harbotîle bad a very successful barn-raising lin Saturday last. A. Coulson and C. Gunby were captains and a spirited race was participated in. Mr. Coulsons side winning. Mr. Gunibys side. bowever, gave tbemr a close shave. Hiall Gunby was tbe framer antd for a person wbo bas been out of tbe business f'or t15 years it s certainly a credit to bim. Thc bam is 501 by 72 fect and the frame consisîed cf 95 picces. On Mondas .C. [-cathersione pho- tograpbed the fafuly group of' Mr. and Mrs. Wins. Howard, oft Nassagaweva, andI their fificen cbîldren. June 1903 On Mondav escniîg the th %is n bcci1 passed flic pasvement hbs ý Ia iibsc aneiidcd itso .as tc îpros dc lor a n 1kc i cL1Ii fcci widc mros Broswn I (bai c'. ,ticci excepi (for a short distance atil,, '.s îiii1endi v.hcictha cuas ailah1ci,, s su -is ectiv, ide. "ihe pi oposal Io ni t\\inoýilca1ck opposite Knox Church and Dr. Ssnisreis idence ,%a'. droppiad. (tliiay bc takeis hi' granted that as the woodcîi sîdcssalk'. iii otbcr parts cilthe tuîwn vssar oui tliey w ill be rcplaced by pasvements and that in a 1evs years Multons walks will compare las or- ably witb those ot ail other progressive towils. Titis nîaria'io/îs osscnîh/u'd on i ellfo/f the Mi/io, Ili.sorîca/Societ'rs lis' oiDi//.î. w/b con he ' îe/cd a rî/(acî Dear Editor: As active members of our com- munity, MADD's llalton/Peel cbapter wants to ensure ibat our local candidates in tbe upcoining lederal election make impaired dîîvîng a prionity isssue. lt's reoarkable ibat tbhe iumber one criîainal cause of' deatb in ('anada doesîî't receive more atten- tion Irons our federal meîabers of Parliament. Drinking and driving costs stîr communities far too, mucb pain and suflèring for tbe surviving victims, tbeir family members and friends. lits essential for our members of Parliament to act on MADD Canada's tbree-point policy agen- da. MADD Canada supporters are looking for a clear comîaitment frsîm our federal leaders in regard to tbree specifie areas. -Introduce a new .0(5 per cent Blcsod Alcobol Conîtent (BAC) Cniminal Code oflence and sanc- tions tbat will reduce impaired driving fatalities and create safer roads for ail miotorisis. Tbe MADD Canada proposaI for a new Criminal Code offence would introduce mensures tbat would get impaired drivers witb (07 per cent BAC readings and bigber off tbe rsîads, and tbe impaired motorists wsuld be ticketed with a summary conviction offeisce. -Enhance police powers to better enable Canadian law enforcement agencies to effectively apprebend and cbarge impaired drivers. Police must be given tbe necessary tools -including current tecbnology to deteet and apprebend impaired drivers, as well as the appropriate statutory autbority and a stream- mcnd charges process to ensure moiire effective eîîforcemenî and prosecutioîs. -Address sentencmng issues for impaired driving tbat are making a mockery of' our Canadian judicial system. MADD Canada wants conditional sentences eliminated for tbe crimes of impaired drivîng causing deatb and impaired driving causing bodily barm. lmpaired driving reinains tbe number one criminal cause of deatb in Canada. It kilîs an average of four Canadians a day and seri- ously injures another 200 daily. la our own community, impaired driving bas caused irreparable grief. 'Mis crime is a national tragedy and it demands action from our elected representatives. There are impaired driving solu- tions that nur future members of Parliament can move on. We're askiag our local representatives to commit to stopping tbis violent crime during the election campaign - and act on tbeir commitmenîs once elected. Jeft Gareau, president MADO HaltonIPeel Defendîng Ontario Lîberals for their broken promises shows absolute blindness: reader I)ear Editor: Perbaps The ('hamupionî shîiuld bas'e printed John (Griffus', Juise 1Iciter iii red. sie that would be the onis' w as bis Lîbe-ral bias s.suld b... more clear. It'ciicczinig the Liberals on their brskcîs tax promn- csc'. shciss s igiiisraîc cf*tîsathîusatccs and shcirt-sight- cdîtc'.s. tIssu dclcdiîg Iiheinsi strcly show s abssslite Alicui al. f)Ontasri NIP leaîder Hlowarsl Haiipton ,hlicns d thI ((ii '. ofConsinisia CosltIanst'st ePsîn dIc fic oi tIse t.îbeit ,s duit inidî.atesf a defisci as hi gb as 'sbhilionî. Yct ecn îiwils(iiiintsatiîi exorbitanti i il"ssci ad ciasl boust iiiii rig, Is axe'.. "cccii Ici's loock ai Ile ('isisaiseliais,', as Mr. iji i ti s icithcîsi. 110cWw îîsuch revenuecc was lîssi duc tsia drop cii oisni assiicîaicd \w th laast yeau 's SARS siuibreak? Iliovs isuc.b înruticipaied l-Undisg \vas rcquired by the healtîscare ssttî(o deal with SARS'? llîw inusc asîditiotial l-uîdittg wAas requîred Ioi paix for last sumn îîucî's blac.kout? Altbsîugh lits certains the Liberals will blanse the Couservatives foi these events, the math stîll adds up tsi a significant shotl'allcffunds cssming iii and a sîg- nificrtly larger thaîs expected outfisw of funds. Combined. these evenîs will resuli in a larger than antîcipated deficit. And as the bolder of an M.B.A., I understand botb mnath and finance. If one rcally w'ants to speak of political liars. please explain bow a larger def-icit can be blamed fosr al ihe brsken promises sncb rs iowering 407 mIlls sor stop- piîsg the Oak Ridge Morraiite clvelspiut. As fosr csîeriîîg the (ole li (mvithe bosser prosvin- ciaîl gsi'riinet. wbat about the mess the Coissers tNus c.iîîberiîcd irons tIse Petersois led Liberals?. Nsîw as Itsi ise rs nabout bscsn Io raîse îssssîscvwils- oust rnisiiscataxe'.sir. nibssut rcdsîciise oesioîtîcc conîsultnts. eltîninaicise a sîcîci c.usîpsîrtîcîî of' ihe six-figtire sanlaries rat publicîx fuîsded inîstitutioîns like Ontrro Psswcr Generatissîs rnd eliinatiisg unscees- sas-y paymcents ici people w'hoi abuse the welfrss tecm. The Liberals sbould also usake it casier to do busi- necss in Ontar'io tri incease the tax base rand brng accounitabiiîy to public works projecîs. While perbaps tnt filliîsg the eîsîire void, ibese practices would cer- îaînly inake a significant start. Jim Timbers Milton J; ZOM z ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM OM j JUNE 15MPVMOPIH,ATACHILLES MAZDA DVDEntmtinment Àa CHmL LEs 2004 MPV GX with Convenience Package ineludes: V Powertul 3.OL Engine ~4J ~v' 5 Speed Automalic Transmission V Power Windows V Power Locks v' Power Heated Mirrors V Cruise Control V AIIoy Wheels V Towing Package w , V Air Condition/Dual Healing 35 Qel S.9Acton V 7Passenger Seating 8 5 3 0 2 0 0 V1Tumble-under 31row seat iu*o ou ~ V VSide-By-Side 211row seat V Engine Immobilizer V AMIFM CD Stereo lii s@chlhoi.ziaca V Tinted Windows 2004 MPV W~ V Japanese Buit l Vu"vWeil boui dwemipsule Noes. Our#NI is tobe *e&st! V/ P lus Much More Systm Included! Xw/Coovem dtoage ipp.d at onWy$U~ For 60 nios. M20 Lt .41w5, TIIE CANADIAN CHAMVION 1 JV^ &magma& ýmýou JL--:- 1 nce Po