b 6- The Canadian Champion, FrîdayJune 18, 2004 *Commenut T he Canadian Champion Boix 2-18, 19 Mîltoil. Ot- (905) 87l' Editorial Fax: Adverising Fax: Classified: Circulation: Ian Oliver Neil Oliver Jili Davis Karen Smith Wendy McNab Tim Cotes 1 Charlene Hall 1) Teri Casas )1 utS man It V. The Canad tue Champion. ptîbrrshtî e cenuesday dart 'tirtay t 191 r -t. 4NO Md'ntS E Mileut(iii nt L9T ON9 <d'en 948t is cire ot The Metoaniti Pltflg Pubirshrrrg & Distibutîttrj[ititgtrîr4t(if subornit commparues whitît incldes dtax/Pickerniq News Aderfiset lhstoneHerald/CeuretBarrie '8 m234 1 Avne, Beten îrorise. Brampton Guarîtrari. irigo otBOrg Shopping News Cii. Parent, Cty Yrk etGuardian, CoiliigwoiteWasaga Ceerrectieri East Yrk Mrroet riri Advecàte Couete rteotes tegrooke 905-8784943 Guardian Flamboteuge Review, Foemer Young, Georgetown 9O5-X76~364 tdependeriîtJdcitt Free Press Hatoti Business Tirmns, Huroîrra Busness 905-87-2304 imes, Lidsay Thtis Week, Marktrarn LIonnomînt & Sun, MidiaidPenetang- 9O5-75 300 cshene Mrror Mton Shopping News Mssîssauga Buisness Tîmes, 905-87-3300 Mssîssauga News, Napaeee Guide, Nassagaweya News, NewmaketAurora 905-878-5947 Eta-Banrer Notiumbertand NewssNth York Mtror. akvitte teaver Oakuitte Shoppinng Newrs, Odtîmers Hockiey News, Oritta Today, Publisher OshawaWhitbyçiarîugtontPort Perry lTs Weeii PeterboroiighThis Week, Pîctrun Couniy Guide, Richmond HilhornhîittlNaugthan Lberat, Scarborough A iuiurte Puh!iiher Mrror, StoutivietUxbridge Tribune Idteti-'ij Adertîsitîg s accetded on thic ondition tIratint the eueot iof a typio- Eio-iiClil graphicat error ihai portion ut the advedîisîngs sace occupied by the erru- Maîîgingi tact neous item, tugethet mmiii a reasonabte attcwance toi signature, wîtt oui be charged fot, but the balance of the adverisement wttt be pailor t thlie apipli- nderi iri.g Di)reî Crci cable rate. The puiiishee reseNees the ight tu caiegorize advedîisemenis or Produieieun Manager, decline. istributîea,îManager Office Manager tire Mitun Carrauian Chramrpioe s a Reeyeiabie Peeduct 'I *w We're stili deciding Tuesday night's leadership debate oid lit- dte tut help us decide whot shotuld Ire leading ibis great couintry uours. Il xas our houpe that the perfoirmnices oit the parly leaders winuld point us in the rîght direcîtion. But s'.e, ike mra sorers. are st n rthe ittde- cided category. Cyroicisio huis ptayed a lairge rude in lIre campaigîn ihus far. Voters. sot led Lup %'it broikeio prominises, rhetitric andI persistett scandaIs. ure li twoideriirewbx ivthex sbould esein Iother castinge a bliloit. Ilheir voiees. they say. are neser beard. l'bat per- sisteint ibread oitcyriism cain be linked toi Ontario Premier Dalton McGîîînty. His signed etection ptedge lot avoid raisîrîg taxes was obviousty inot worth the paper il was written on. This has tefi a bitter taste in the mouUss of the etectorate wbo were looking for reat change when they ousted Premier Ernie Eves and the Conservatives. As the final days of Use federal campaign wind down, tiis newspaper witl evaluate party platforms, individuat candidates and their leader, and, of course, ait those elec- tion promises. It bas long been a tradition for newspa- pers 10 select candidates - Use person whom we thrnk wil dIo thie best job loir orur riditg uts wett as the eotuntry. Even rboiugb m e rnake a ebîcîce every electioti- m bether il lie imounicitpal, proinciualtir led- eral - sonie readers secint genuirîely soir- prised (tmer s angio ib tat me prit ur tropi- A biture edtîr il m il1Ire Iasedon ttihum loceal canidoates presoinied ieiosel os ai suitiois ex Crois tri oîrd ibe riolîn o. inpti Iroîrîthie edittiaitstaflfm'bi base iter- s teweot andolAm rîteti abouti te candidates as mdll as hum elleetis e me tlîîrk itocîr leaolei wu'!1 Ire for(Cattarda. Did the candidates ansmer aIt the ques- lions directty oîr were ttey evasive'. Drd tbey inake expensise promises that me know tbey won't be keepirig.! ilt tey rep- resent Use interests of their constituents in Ottawa'? Can we trust Ueru? Wbat s their vision of Canada 101 years bence'? Our editorial won't tel you bow to vote - only you can make that decision. However, we wilt take a stand and explain 10 you, our readers, Use reasoning behind that choice. This is an excitimg tine in our countrys history. Make sure you are a part of it. * Our Readers Write New sub-dîvîsîon resident agrees that Iack of parking space is îndeed a serlous issue l)ear Editor: Tbis leirer is i resporrse toc Ritiald Bees, Juine Itler l- Ile edittîr regardirtg parkintg prillernos rit the item subdiv isionîs. 1 totonaron a resclerritutf'otie iof the new residential sub-drvîsîonns in Milton. Two nights it week nny mother, wbo travelo lrom ont ont town, stays ovemigbt witb us to help take care of our I 5-month-otd daughter and help alleviate Use cost of daycare. As a result, we park one car in Use naraie. ione tirar i the oInsemay arîd a tirol car io the sireCi -stînce tiiee 's ttinoire mniotîn tihe drivec- 1 doirti kîîîu abonut the rest ol yonu readrrog thîs paper. but atter payîrng att ont our taxes and putting gas in my car at 92 cents a litre I dont exaetly have a lot of disposable income lcft to pay two parking tick- ets a week. In my opinion, the builders and Town planners are too busy crowd- ing as many bouses as possible on as ttile space as possible. and arenti pions ding arts connon area loir orvertttgbt parkirng. If baîf rnnymoney didiniCgon romard payrng Attot my taxes atnd parkintg tickets. 1 nnigbt be able ion alford a bouse wiUs a bigger drive- way. t agree witb Mr. Bec. TMis issue needs to be reviewed. This town needs to provide more parking. not more parking tickets. Rob Current Gowling Terrace E-mail your letters to the editor to miftoned@haftonsearch.com. Summer can be afun time, but a dangerous one too Milton's youngsters are no doubt getting antsy as Use final few days of sehool ick by. It goes wiUsout saying Usat summers an espe- cialîy fun time of year for eilîdren and teens. But il bears mentioning Usat it can also be a particu- larIy dangerous period for Uose wbo spend long hours on Use Intemet wiUsout parental supervi- sion close at band. tt's a depressing fact of life Usat a tool Uat's become s0 monumentally beneficial to Use way we communicate and colleet information bas also opened up new worlds of opportunity for perverts and sexual predators. But Ua's Use barsb reality we live wiUs these days. Anyone wbo believes oUerwise necd only look at the countless cases of lntemet-oriented sex crimes and violence Usat lilI our newspapers on almost a weekly basis. Recently, some of Uese stonies bave bit close 10 home - a little too close, 'm sure, for local parents. Fortunately, Milton bas a crusader of sorts wbo's working to belp parents Intemet-proof Ueir kids. BoUs a moUser and locally-based DARE officer, Conat. Wendy Moragban recently earned a commendation for ber Intemet aware- ness program, wbicb bas been taugbt at many sebools in Milton and across Halton. Deveîoped last faIl, Use program- one that's not yet available in aIl conimunities, but certain- ly sbould be - aims to bammer home just bow easy it is 10 become a victim of on-line stalkers, and wbat can be done to prevent this. 'Me biggest problem, she stressed, is Usat many cbitdren are lulled into a false sense of security on MSN Messenger chatrooms, and consequcntly give out personal information - sometimes 10 undesirable receivers. -1Tbey tbmnk tbey're tatking to a friend aind i's really a 45-year-old man," she said. "You sbould neyer give out information about yourself or agree to meet wiUs anyone you meet on-line." And as bas been made all-îoo-painfully appar- Use amount of time spent on-line. She and ber busband bave an alI-encompassing off switcb in Useir home to probibit Intemnet use after Il p.m. - and try 10 discourage prolonged G surfing. As sbe puts it, a computer sbouldnrt be a Il/JIn ~spitte Io10Const. Moragban carlier Ibis ,,,,o week, it would secm Use tougbest part about com- Ont bating acts of Intemet sex crimes and violence is -: getting people - adulîs as welI as eilîdren -10c shed the idea that Usyre sale because tbey're at cnt, predators know just wbo 10 target. To Usai bome. That's a notion wc simply can't afford end, young girls in particular sbould bc carefut nowadays. Danger can strike anywbcre, even in wben a cbatroomn acquaintance is a little too cager cyberspace. 10 disb out Use flantery. So parents, pîcase make sure your kids exercise "It's often girls wiUs low self-csîeem Usat are extra caution wben going on-line Uis summer. the victims," noted Consî. Moragbîm. In a very real way Uis means giving up a bit She adds Usai parents sboutd make sure com- more of our innocence in order 10 safeguard our puters are kepî in plain view - as opposed 10 in cbildren. But Usen a little pessimism is - sadty a cbitd's bedroom, wbere mom or dad can'î mon- enougb - probably a bealthy Uing for today's itor Intemnet activity - and Uink about Iimiîing parent.