16-Champion Country, Tuesday, June 15, 2004 Solarium: Sunshine through the seasons Do you enjoy gardening, an afternoon of farniente wlth your famlly, or dinner parties with friendis? Just imagine a peaceful oasis bathed in natural sunlight where you con enjoy ail these pleasures! Have you ever consid- Faaltrctionupt1/ace(,0 m) r* Ppowered by a 50' 10w voltage power cord ered adding a solarium to your existlng home or converllng an existlng room into a solarium? ln 2002, the Appralsal Institute of Canada reported that furter t0 offering the comforts of a living room, a solarium can add signefi cant resale value f0 a home. Are you ready for your solarium experi- ence? The Installation 0f a skyIght on a sloped ceiling Is the most practical and prob- ably the least expensive solution. VELUX offers an extensive assortment of skylights and roof windows in a variety of sizes, that can be put together to suit your needs. Are you looking for a solarium that provides light and ventilation? VELUX® has deslgned sever- ai models that allow the infiow of outside air - its top-of-the-line model Is the VSETM sky- light, which comes wtth a remote control that can open and close the skylight from a dis- tance. To maximize the performance of Ifs skylights and roof windows. VELUX also offers a vanlety 0f manual or electic sunscreening acces- sorles (cellular, light-blocking or roller shades, or venelian bllnds) that enable perfect con- fr01 over lncoming lighf and consequenly over room femperafure. These two factors were identified by author Larry Hodgson as essential criferia when designing a solarium for gardening purposes. This horticulturalist also emphasized that «There is no better way to chose away the winter blues thon to revel n a sunny inside garden. ," (Organic Gardening, Jan./Feb. 2001). Those who are familiar wlth mhe Canadian winter cannot help but agree wifh tmis statement. Astronomy enthuslasts can also beneftt from a solarium; point a telescope directly fowards mhe firmament and admire mhe starry night from your favourite venue for relax- ation... when youre not busy enfertainlng your friends or reading a favourife book, sur- rounded by fiowerlng plants... A solarium con offer endless possibilities! Brighten your home with VELUX products, which combine easy installation and mainte- nance wrth prices mhat are simply.. brilliant! For more information, contact VELUX Canada at 1 800 88-VELUX or discover VELUX ot www.VELUX.ca. - News Canada Buzz-free cottages and boats There are a number 0f steps you con take f0 make your boat and cottage deck bug-free and func- tional: - Keep the outdoor cottage perimeter os dry os possible - mosqultoes, wlll lay thelr eggs in vir- tually anything that will accumu- lofte water. e Avoid leaving outdoor cot- tage lighfs on in the evening. Sensor lights that respond f0 molion are best. - If ot on your boat, check weather forecast for a breeze - mosquttoes prefer windless areas and stf11 water. e lluminate cottage polios and boat decks with the lighf from S. C. Johnson's OFF!@ Mosquito Lamp, a re-useable portable amp thot proteets an area of 4.5m from mosquitoes. For more lips on protecting your- self ftom mosquitoes mhis summer visit S. C. Johnson's www.bugfree- lMvng.ca - News Canada ýYmêlrr ïw>i an4COêtr For all ou annuals,hanging baskets & container gardens For ail your perennials, shrubs & trees For ail your garden decor... landscaping services, soul & mulch, too! 7429 Fifth Line, SE Milton Rght at the east end W of Main Streete 905-876- 4100 ER HOURS: Monday to Friday: - Saturday: 9-7 * .Sunday: 1- * rLoa to rie .Dealer Johstol etrlem 32SelsAveUnt15 ILO (905 878418 888-284-993 -.do