Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jun 2004, p. 31

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Judge denies man's release 0fromn MAN on page 1 Handcuffed and sporting a buzz of a fantasy mile. The notion thai womian he paid momns to let hùm cut, Mr. Pierrepoint sat in the pris- he'd have $50,000 10 offer is non- S have sex with their kids, somne as oners box with bis head down, es. young as five vears oid. kids, aged two and five at the tîme, tepolice report read. After attempts to sever commu- nlication, the woman received more cails a few montbs ister from Mr. Pierrepoint offering ber money if be couid bave sex with ber chul- dren. Y In November and December of last year, NU. Apel said the Ontario Provinciai Police (OPP) conducted an on-uine undercover investigation I of Mr. Pierrepoint. & He said Mr. Pierrepoint offered thse undercover officer money to heip him make chiid pornography, and sent thse officer expiicit images iof young girls. (111 o rfloor 'uhilu hî, u ri didnt dispute thse siiegations. But, Mr. Miller said, he wanted to make severai clarifications. "At tise time Mr. Pierrepoint was making these offers, he was work- ing at a variety of minimum wage jobs. He didn't bave $50, neyer mmnd $50,000," he said, expiaining the offers made were part of bis fantasy worid and weren't intended to be canied out. He toid court Mr. Pierrepoint didn't create any of the images found on bis computer. "He neyer engaged in sexuai activity witb a minor, and doesn't appear in any of thse photos," Mr. Miller said. "That was something Sat m- Ni 1iItel S iL4ue[sit Vi Pierrepoint bc reieased until bis sentencing. "Thats not something UI' going to do - release a man in five min- utes when be was bragging about having sex with cbiidren. Tbis is very important stuf," she said. I addition 10 the child pomogra- phy charges, Mr. Pierrepoint piead- ed guiity to possessing a controlied substance commoniy referred to as magic mushroomns'. The case wiii retum to tbe same court June 23. Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at sthiessen@miltoncana- dianchampion.com. Survey area covers 2,100 acres from FINANCIAL on page 2 Rccentiy, a report was reieased that predicted a 4.7 per cent tax increase per year from now until 202110o help offset coîts associated witb growth. The draft report froni C.N. Watson and Associates suggested tise tax increase wili stay under 5 per cent if developers pay a $2,000 Ievy on each home and pre- psy some development charges. So far, 3,400 building permits have been issued for tise Bristol Survey Phase I A lands, a required plateau tisat had 10 be reached before Phase i B plans couid go aisead. The entire Bristol Survcy arca covers 2,100 acres. At tise meeting Monday, Mr. McQueen said six of the eight landowners invoived in Phase 1 B had signed tise fmnancial agreement. The two iandowners tisai did- n'î sign were grantcd a two-week grace period to look over the stonn water management requirements, a iengtisy part of tise agreement. The Bristol Survey is one of three urban expansion phases planned for the town. Development. of this phase started about four years ago. The Sherwood Survey, which is in tise draft plan stage, includes more tisan 13,000 housing units tisat could bring up 10 40,000 new residents to Milton over tise next 20 years. The third phase, known as tise Boyne Survey, covers lands south of town and is expccted 10 occur approxi- mateiy 15 years down the road. The Canadian Champion, Fnday, June 11, 2004-- iu cour two wînners ot $bU M&M Meats Gift Certif icates. Tracey Farrows and Wendy Schau entered their names in our draw at the Family Fun Fair held last weekend. Thaenk Yout Christopher Cottingham and James Ponton for ail their help at Family Fun Fair. Christopher & James are both Champion Carriers Support Your Local Carrier AIl SYLC customers can win a $100 gîft i sohrCtiga & certifioete from M&M Meats. JastPon t otn.hm M UNDAIio.u Hyundai OF OAKVILLE 2000-2M01SOtIAZA VO 1120002003ACCENT GL V6, auto air, pwr. group, cas, alloy wheels. 2ta choase from. 5-spd , automnafi from 61 K I' ~ t~ lPM, Cise Contrt, tdroosefr 2M1SAUTA FEGOLS i -3 1 year/120,000 km year/100,000 km year/100,000 km CANADA's 7 powertrain Warranty 5 "Bumper tu Sumper warranty* 5 Roadside Assistance Program B E S T RI,ýý,i,,ý,lý.iý,,ýýý,,Iýi,,,,ý[1,ý,,j,,iil, WARRANTY , , , ', 2 , 111 - : -'l ' Mýli JLJ'! t1,11 H '24 h,,wý- l ;J 1 'Nheli YOLI build thern better, you cati back thetTi better. roi

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