Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jun 2004, p. 26

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26-The Canadian Champion, Fniday Juna 11, 2004 PHELPS, IRENE: n leving mamoly et s deaunsita, mthar and grandmanhar mIne paSseni away on dune 10. 2003, OftVie happy ca/s we innvw And raaardad in lovearue the blassings Of a sondanful Mam ika yeu SadlY mineed and always remeMbered by your femily NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE 0F DAVID EARL SARARAS AND DAVID SARARAS ACCOUNTINcG Ai pamsons heving dlaims againsf the astaeaf DAVID EARL SARARAS, commenly known an DAVID SAR- ARAS, decaed, laieote itanaofetBrampton, in ana Ragienal Muniipalify ai Peel, sho dideson rabout ana 9thI day ot Januery, 2004, or dlaims againet DAVID SARARAS ACCOUNTING, ara ntfied te uand anam te fhe undersigneel duly nerf ad, on or bfere tha iti day et Jusa, 2004. Aller this da,te essais of ana aboya named asiate sOll inadiafibeeel mong ana parsons asied le ihem, heving regard only tle laimse et hich ana aneaufars shaîl ahn have notice. Datehe lIaTwn ef Hates HuIs Ihs 14th day ef May, 2004. GILUAN M. TUCK KUTARNA SOPINKA litKORT arrlstors and Soiciors 145 Mill 91,00 Goorgotow, ON L7G 2C2 SolIcIlorafor th Exocuona NOICE TO CR3EDITOR AND OTHIER Att persons haing daims againsi fin easiate et MADE- UNE LOUISE KRONBY, aie et ana Twn of Miton, in ana Regioniai Muncipaliy of Haftes, who diie on Fabro,- ary 14. 2004, are heriny notfiled te send particulars of te samne tlte iendersigned on or bafore thne 2tofitne July, 2004, ater whicin date fine esiate il be distribut- ed, witin regard only le daims of whiah ftne undersigneel shal tian have receiveel. MESSRS. WILUIAMS & PRICE Baristers and Sotltors 402-372 Bay Street Teronte, Ontanlo M5H 3W1 Soliciors for MALCOLM C. KR0NBY, 0.C. andl DR. MICHAEL H. KRONBY, Estate Trustees NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEEING Notice es heraby gmvnstinal ana annuel meeting ef Mftos Millasniam Cemmunfty Rasidancas IMMORI wil ha hel ai Martindate Garnians, 45 Metis Street, Miltes, on Thursday Jasa 24, 2004 et 7:30 p.m. for the purpose et receMvng Reperts and Fînascaia Statemaents for ana pe- riod ending Decemnber 31, 2003, eleton of ana Board of Diraclors and asy ti anr business of ana Annuel Meet-1 ing. Signed ai Miltan, iis 3rd day of Jane 2004. Lary Msses, Searafeny. Invies yutaatnd aur 501H ANNUAL MEETING Wedneadlay, June 16, 2004 5:30-6:00 pm, Catarian Roam Le Donme 1173 North, Serivce Rd. E, Oakville AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction For Mr & Mms Kari Kothe (propsrty sold> Frlday, June 18th at 12:OOM Locatod. i9548 Guelph Liu, Cuupbo11isiIIo, 112 mile north of 401 Cansistîng ot Compact diesel loader tractai and oquip- ment, Kubta AWS diesel riding masen, samo lodustrial woad wanking equipment, selectian of hausehold and Antique items, (aery dlean atteing) Household itemsosli flrst et 12 0000. Cash or choqua wfitl proper 10 day of sais. JI. McCartney Auction Service Waterdown: 905-689-8778 ww.uuctionsflhd.conmmcoartney AUCTION SudyJune 13 at lpm sharp Viwng from l2noon held ai i..1- "-M 1;1 .11c c J:.siu/scc/i/c itc, Ui td.I/, 1 ý " HIHS oiîy carveif sîlh eeqance, AI l t e soif by Atisolcle acscion. Very Partial Lsting...2 etremeiy rare & beauliful Chippendale dining sels fit for a palace, g china cabinets ail carveif s/banquet tables & bail & Caw chairs..muslt e seen, +olher D/R sels, 2 opectacular Spc bdrm sets 1 w/Tposler bed, w/mirron & 2 nite stands, very nîce set, ail sets are in excellent cond. ready 10 go staightl mb Ihe home. Cdd pcs incd oul paintingo, coiieclors giass, persian carpets, antiquie occassioal pos in Chippendala, duncan phyte, viclorian, eass lake, empire Oseen Anne, Frenchn and federal styles, yau name il se have i, desks, working icîrola s/lg brass haro, lu bronze collection tainlîng sofas sing chairs, corner stands, plant stands, dressens, mirrors, antique doli collection, hall lubies, iniaid Louis the comodes, grandtather manlie sali ciocks of uil description, neon signo. tifany lumps, rystul chandaiiers, liqcior bars, soapslane dividing screens, chevelie mimrons, secrelary desko. Ig art collection by Group of 7, t-wagans, leather sofa, cedar cfesto, Ha/I seals 5/mirror & lift base, catfee/ endf tables, parcelaîn vases, set suma collection curîo cabinets, baby grand piano, spinnel desk, library fables, Figure lumps, china cabinets, bcifets, drcim tables, viclorian sofa, etc etc etc Auctioneers Note. Ail 500 +lots have been hand picked & saved fofa this Auctian. - Deliveny is aoailable. Terms: ce,vi, mc, am,. debif. uner 10% boyers premiumi Fuhrdetaîls and pîctcres visit aur sebsîle at www.auctonqualitycom F0IJND WeedwandiMaalts Cheny keys ih leathar fob. Callti eîntlfy 905- 878-1386 FIGFNG Straffia talkais = Ne poista = Na issuace inareasa and se sin or ifs Cali 905-257-1789. HARD sofeing guy seeking famnala aompasionslsp, 20- 35 for hoessiralatianehip. Childran olsay. Miftes 905- 875-6845 an 416-844-8645. PSYCHIC Readinga by Anse. Tells peet praseni, and ftuture. Reunifas laved anas. Heala ana sat and ailing. Helpe as ail prein- lams olfad. Caliller your free sampla reading. 1- 757-581-1677. UIV! inaegnver F/f asx pasiencedfor 3 1/2 & 6yar old. S9/tr, refarascas ne- quîrnd. 905-93-1860. NEEDEO babysOfen er rthe satsar in my hase. Mon- Fni. tram 1.30 Ps te 5:30 ps. 3 ahildran ages 1, 7, & te. Relerencas raqairad, High saheol siadents sal- asse, 905-693-1517 A Omnis5 Rets, Ch"rr- wood, double padasial table, 8 chaine, ballet, huiah, davatal const rua- fias. Nowstsillina boes. Cast $11.000. Sacrifice $2,600. 905-57-9459 A King Pillowfop Maffresa Set. Nes in plastic. Cosf $1600. 905-567-9459 BED, Amazîng bungaîs, queas ontinopedia pilesftop Set, ses sn plastic, sanranfy $150 905-567-4042 sîli de- livar. Bodroos Charrysaad, Beel, ahesf, dresser, 2 nighfstasds. Davatail Con- struction. Neyer opaned Coet $8.000. Sacritice $2.690. 905-507-4042 CARPET i hava savarai 1,000 yrds. ai sas Stein- master & 100% nylon car- pat. Wilde fivisgroom & hall ion $389. saclades con- paf, peel & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639- 2902 CONGRATULATIONS, YVURE APPROVED. Gaf a MDG Horizon PC foral $899 or lusf .81 cents/day Free Leemarit 3 sn 1 Prinfar, Free Digital Camera, Free CD Banner, FreeMicrsoft Word, Free 17" Samsung Monitor. No Moey dosa, Cai Tadayt 1-800-510- 4042. CUTO uesined 0153- os valences, self lises. Vlued ef $2800. $600 or basf allen. 519-853-3353 DOG housa, insslated, ea- cellent condition $175.: Hockey aquip: bar hridga: Astique vie;, 0005 .+ Lin- eer Pîsa baseboardtseiss- cofttng .905-332-7615 EUROPEAN ceiling f ix- furas: Fnitbi, Aurore, and Reggianii. Cati 519-853- 3353 PREE Estimaeas. Got wob- bly chaîns, tired looking wood tacihas? Fields Cus- tom Wood Rehnshing end Fumifura Repaira, 9-9, 905- 632-9090. Hot Tub: 2004 atil opIiosa, wawl oOzanoor, Pte wood cainti novm used, a0lil In wrapp.r. Coot$fl 0. son1 $Slow. 416-0s"197. POND Spectal: fIr Rais- bow Trout, .99 eacIn (sin 100). Speadn & Broswn Trouf secials 1oc! Kondrs f6" aereting soandmil or Offebina's 1/6 hp (120 gaV/mîn) aessior $749.99. Celi Silvar Creait 519-833-2559. Troei eai Manquios. POOL sle matiny& alumi- nus, $500. CeIl 905-875- 3258. SEAT Sala! Frashan up your dînatte/diningroom chair seafs w/selecled fab- ias frets $19.95/aa. Seat cuehiens quaiify foots e- placemnent trots $29.95/aa. Fieldis Futsiura and Fab- sacs, 9-9 daify. 905-632- 9090. SKLAR Peplan Sole and lovaseaf, 3 seat sofa & lovaseaf. navy blu sin ce- erdinafîng fhow aushions. Ganfiy usoed, 4 yrs ohd, $1 .000/set. If infanesfad cal( 905-875-4952. WANTEýda, Sil- ver, Crysfal, Tee Cupe, Royal Doullan, Swarovski, Glass, Jewallary, eld feys,1 aslaectiblas, aaes. Cuti John/Tracy, 905-331-2477. CASH paid for antiques andl colleafiblas, chine, fig- urines, lasellerti, fumifura,i coins, etc. 905-878-3145 oeil: 805-876-7950. 1989 Mustang LX, 150/kms, 4 cyl, auto, air, cru"s, P.W. & .L eanily aartiliad, aaking $1 750. Oeil Oeil: 905-299-0111l Home: 905-876-1580. 1M69Pontia6000LE, V6, Auto, easily ceetihiee, air, tit, pewer inenk, $950. Calil Cal: 905-299-0111 Home: 905-876-1580. 1992 Chrylar Grand Voyager van, body excel- last condiltion and is ma- nias condition. $500. 905- 877-0768. 1903 Toyota Tercet, 4 dea, auto. 190,00OJ/ksrs, ruas goad, certif iad, e-iesied. $2499. obns Cali 905-876- 3485. 1994 Doniga Grand Cera- van Sport, eute, ain, air bage, alley shaess 250,000/ktss, certif ied. $1,750.00. Cal 905-878- 0408. 1996 GMC Salant Van, V6, SLK luxury plsg, P.W.. Air, Ti, Locha, Crossa, 8 pan- sengar 142/Ausa, as. condi- hon. Aalang $5.500. calS- We & e-tasted. Caeil 905- 299-Oit11, Homne 905-876- f580. 199 Hyundafi Scoop Sport, 2 dean, l75kns. Great shape. 4 cylinden, awe- sema an ges. Cati 905- 876-1441. 199 Cavalier, 4-door, Suo, great on ges, 105,000 ktss. $6.700. Contact Sttar 5:00pm 905-877-4603. 2001 Infiniti 0X4 S.U.V., beaufiful condition, iatsala essan, ioadad, sunnool, bIh/fan leathen. Only 56,00/etss, $29.000. cerfi- fied. Calil905-332-7949. MUST SEU. 2001 Sunhsr, 6 cylindan. 4 doar, for sala an taha aven leae, lady drivan, sarun- fy gond until Sept. 2005. Lts of geadies, Cali 416- 735-6633. NEED Whaess No Credif' Na Prebiats! Contact An- res Dannahea "Cnedit Spacieuist et Georgetosn Kia. 905-877-7818 on atsai @ adosnahas@yahoo.ca 1981 Chavy passangan van. Gond condition, ail oysfetss s ont. $5oe abo. Cali 905877-8913. (,anadian SCancer In Memoriams n the form of donations to The Canadian Cancer Society are deeply appreciated. ______ _____ Boy? or Girl? -- Iflell your f atily & friends I CAREER SEMINAR wnih BirtDI Announcernents I REAL ESTATE c~y Ift you cie cci enty ocosrse: ecety i censedff- 5XO~0 Il IA The Burlington Post/Oakville Beavar, e division of Malrolend Publishing and Dislibeltng Ltd., o eaccepiing rasamas for fine position ni ADVERTORIAL WRITER 1This conlract position sMti a Ionre 6-sontin mafarndty leave, with tfie possibilily of an exfension le 12 months. Reportisg le the Spadial Features Editor, lina Adenforial siriter is responsibla for adi- tonial costard andl layouf oi in-pper leafunas, as welleas any apaaial publicaton creat- ad by the Buningfon Posl/Oaleville Beavar. The ideal candidate Mili hava sfrosg ws fng and edifonietslills wsun s proficiancy in Microsoft Word and Ouaatpress. A sorluing knowladga ai Photeshep ie aise required. Fstniliartty wifinMscintsh-bassd ptatlorm is mandetory. This positon requiras a par- sonable indvidual sitin excellent organizational skils and lina abilify to manage mufti- pIe lasitsin a daadlina-drivan anvirosmant. Theasbîlily 10 worh sith minimal supervi- sion, as welleas in a tests envirosmenti s assenlial. The candidate muai ewn a raliabla vahicle es sema drivisg will ina requireel. Pleass axaon mail rasumes by Juna 11, 2004: Mariiena Prias, Special Featuras Editor c/o Burtînglon Posl. 5040 Malnsay DrUnit #1, Burlinglon ON L7L 7G5 Fax: 905-632-t1121 mprica@haJlossaarch.com No 1alaphoe cafis pleasa. Wa fhank att appliaaafs for applyrng, however, o,1fr fose salacled for an interview wil i b cotactad CLU3LINC ClubLink's newest golf club, Glencairn Golf Club n Milton is looking for energetic indîviduals to fi the following Club Operations positions: Tuirf Operations *General Turf Labourers Golf Operations 0Starters Marshalît Locker Stewards Hospitality *Servers *Cookn *Cleaners If you are interested in one of these positions, please forward yoor resumne fo: Glencairn Golf Club 9807 Regionnal Road 25 Halfon Hilîs, ON L9T 2X7 Fax: 905) 876 -0496 E-Mail: lswitzer@clublink.ca AZ Drivers Wanted Fiaftiad Ovendisensional Weif, --Abova average sages, benaftfs and seai alissance. snmitsnly Sout1em Ontanso loel andoieGreat Lake Sfates/400 sole radias. Hase msc nigints. -Fiat tiani ap. pnafenned (icun rain ta, vonta ndO sa), Ta learn more please cml: Enfieid Transportation lnc. 905-876-9232 or 1-800-572-8625 Woill connider Osse/Operaton sont osa eqaîpsent attnea ris semncir. Buiding Supply Vend Requires DZ DRIVERS Heaay lifting involvad. Drivers muet provida cer- nant deivers license sîtin boom truckt aspanianca an asset. Wa provida a compatiliva slarfisg waga and company banefils. Piafon. fBuilding Supplies Liel. 7449 Trcialgar Road/Aabemn Raad (S of 401) Hornby. 19051 875-0279 3 - DZ US Drivers - $60K 1 - AZ US Driver - $75K 1 - AZ City Driver - $16/hour Teama Very welcomel -3 yearai verified experience - dean abstract -positive attitude Georgetown or Milton based Fax: 905-877-0338 Yac Wff Fnt Ou About Whos stinuli cansidar eal asiate (andif shstuli neti Prvirancial lcensing coarse *Royal LePuge training, persoal deaelapment anif suppo rt -NU0 fý a tisane yurincarne Tbwuà% Jm 17173 i Mmim lu.Ctwdcum à BPik LkM" a I~Ch L, Rurgsts Seating la limited cati naw ta reserve a seat' ROYAL LEPAGE Mtoun 905-878-8101 iaeeeaGeorgotwn 005-877-8262 MWMialsuga 05-821-3200 COUU IM B1(8UC., Eolngton s grnwing and look- ing for two new epe DEINASSISTANT Help design & calaun spec fantlwear and components Exp. using Adobe llustrator, Phatoshop, Windows. HandJ drawn lite atd aiilities & crealive - cauld lead ta career as foolsean des ÉnAEr CLERICAL/ SHIPPING/ECEIVING Entny level receivnglshipping sample faafwear and main- taining sample rnam Eap. using Excal/Word. Please send resume by fax 905-639-0090 or e-mail sueo@cougarahoes.com (No telephane calîs an placement agencies please.) AZ DRIVERS WANTED FLATBED - HEAVY HAUL ONTARIO - U.S. - N.E. STATES C.S.A., PARS. & F.A.S.TAPPROVED CUSTOMER PRELOADS DROP & SWITCH STEADY YEAR ROUND WORK - HOME WEEKENDS GOOD PAY up f0 21.88 par houn/$0.514 par mile Border Crossîng Paid. Wating lima Puid. CONTACT BRENDAN NUGENT AT ACTIVE TRANSPORT 800-263-4102, EXT. 8821 -1 1 ý

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