-No talks set in strike at women 's shelter The Champion Halton Women's Place management has made no offers yet to seule the strike its unionszed employees are staging, accord- mng 10 the union's president. Some staff at the shelters for abused women in Burlington and Milton have been on strike for alnost turee weeks now. lnitially, it was said this action was over wages, but now tise union dlaims i's about dignity and respect for woînen workers. ise shelter's employeea are part of thse Service Employees international Union (SEJU) Local L on. SELU Local L on president Sharleen Stewart said ini an open letter t0 provincial govemment ministers that the only reason the strike is contmnumg is because the shel- ter's board of directors and management are itent on breaking the union. "During negotiations and mediation Halton Women's Place has offered absolutely nothing 10 seule the strike," the letter stated. Ms Stewart and tise union are calling on tise provincial government for help resolv- mng issues tisat led to the sîrike. She requested that anti-scab legislation be re- enacted and community support agencies be required 10 share an increase in provin- cial funding with staff. "If the Ontario LiseraI govemment would re-enact anti-scais legislation, employers such as Halton Women's Place would have 10 negotiate with ils employees rather than hiring replacement workers," she said. John VanBeek of SEJU Local I on's public relations department, sald Halton Women's Place employees essentially haven't had a raise in eight years. He sald addmng 10 tise urden of low wages is thse $450 annual health premium staff will have 10 atart paying in July. own wagcs," he said. -1ils unlair, il's unjust, it's imimoral." But, not alI staff aIt the shelter agree with the strike action. Halton Women's Place crisis intervention counsellor JilI Dowling told Tise Champion she's appalled tise front line staff have chosen 10 walk ouI on tise residents they serve. "Flow selfish of these workers 10 think about theniselves at a lime when abused women and their dependent children need the services of emergency shelter?" she sald. Ms Dowling, one of tise shelter's employees who's not on tise picket line, said tise striking employees are ighling for a 1 per cent raise. Crisis intervention, community outreach and ciild and youtis counsellors currently make anywhere from $37,410 10 $42,247, while house keeping staff eam $13.28 per hour. Tise siselter employees have been work- ing witisouî a contract since Decemiser 3 1, 2003. Ms Stewart's letter stated it would coat Halton Women's Place about $15.000 more per year 10 seule tise strike. "In previous collective agreements, staff settled for mucis less tisan tise cost of living. These female workers, who support other abused women and tiseir children, are tisemselves vicîims of economic injustice and unfairness." Halton Women's Place executive direc- tor Cheryl Taylor said tise shelter's lawyer is going 10 mccl with a union representa- tive soon 10 organize negotialion meetings. -We're conlinuing to negotiate and altempt Io reacis a collective agreement," sise said. "At this ime, we isaven't reached an agreement." Despite tise strike, tise siselters remain open for residenîs wiso need ils services. The Canadian Champmon, Tuasday. June 8, 2004-0 wsll be in Iicir eleimt Satudy locomiotive pulls up aItihe Milton GO Üain Smtiato ibe 1930 C stern 10ofomo- ive wll be m Milron t Snbou1 11:45 a.m. to 1.-4 p.m., glving people a close-up look at a piece of hlatoy beforeait mes on, 10 FSeridenta Who waNt a clos- e[ look aI die &trand a xdWO to malte a day of itftickets cm be purchased to ri&d lteGO u"ln tive. Torontos Union Station to tise Mfilton station anddmtita ck to Union Staion. liete ramt rida to Milon takes two battr. It wiH leave front Union Station at 10 amiAftetrits stop et MJMon nt aot 1:45 p*, aGO train wifltake passesi- gmi back to Union station. It will arive in Tooto at about 2:45 p.m lIte even au sta ce1ebrmte0G Canadlan l>aciic Railway to ben- Canada's only national, non- Prtoesl*ftont tcket sales itIl cachoeS$00 foranly offour. TItay're available abrough 'flketaiaster at wwwtdvketma- ter-Ca. distincUive ladies fu,ýhionis I Complete selection of machine-washable mix and match co-ordinates. Available in 100% cotton or 65% - 35% polyester- cotton blend. Sizes 8 to 20 (your choice of many fashion colours). A&NNUAL KORETFrancic SA&LE FOR BEST)FF MANY MORE IN-STORE SPECIALS SHO EALY OR ESTSELECTION e ALL SALES FINAL OPSUNA 25P MILTON MAL 55 Ontario St. 878-1414 HOPEDALE MAL Rebecca St., OakviIle 465-3499 BURLINGTON MAL Guelph Lune 634-3882 Also in Aurora, Guelph & Kitchener1