26-"The'Carndian Championi, Tuesday June 8, 2004 MILTON HYDRO DMSRIUTiON SNC. le Financiai Analyst This position repoirt s t se Vice Presisent, Finance. Key Oulies acu is e eivable e iing, eceipls. collections,. decoulli iiciiiiiileiiiî,an construction deposit maintenance for the varlous divisions ut Mlton Hydro. -Preparation of inancial staiements for aftiiate companles, *Preparation of account analyses and wafor biling analyses; "-Assistance with annual budget and year-end preparatlons; " Assissnce with roguiatory filings;. Ad-hoc inancial proiects; " Other duties as sssigned. Applicans for tdiiposition shnuld have te fowsing q"Uaficationsi * A university degree or colege diploma in a relafed discipline and/or a CMA or CGA designafion or scfively pursuing an sccredlfed sccounfing designa- fion; - Af iest tmo yeara of sccounfing expeience required; ufilify esperienco wouid be an assef; " Gooti analytcal and communication skils; " Sfrong inferpersonal skils; " Demonstrates organizafional andi trouble shoofing skiiis; " Proicient in the use of Microsoft Excel and Word; " Abiiity f0 prioitize snd muft-fask; abililfy f0 work fogether witfteiiow emptoyees f0 achieve departroanfai goals in a heiptul and professionai max- ner; -An excellent safefy and sattndance record. Please mal, fax or cmoS] your reseme by Friday, june 18, 2004 tun Mary-Jo Cortwm, VP, Finance Milton Hydro Dstrbution Inc. 55 Ttsompaon Road Mîton, ON L9T 6P7 Fa - 905-76-2044 Emnît - 5ccouning@mltonhydrocom ffe tbauh aff appticanis for fheir interest asd culvise tbal oslfy Cose selected for an interwiew wWU be comtacledt Mihon Lumber Yard Has F/T positions for AZ Drivers For local deiveries f0 Construction sites. No tarpa. No handbombing. Cuit. (905) 693-9663 Est 225 MILTON CHAMPION CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT coTBRÏVER aM a al.M M111118wh sMn subile and PIssas#-mail isume ad alalablidy AtGyasomw in u persan 705Dunte yfton. CHEPOE CAUSMOLEA Automotiv DetalUCWean.Up Person Rosponteible individual wth excelent driving histo- ry Applicant muestfia energetil wifh the wfing- nasa fa do a variefy aof taslns. Fulltime position. Apply fa: Brent Richardson, Sales Manager RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE Hwy #25 S, af Darry Rd., Mifon 905-878-2393 LA-Z-BxKAWAY A FREE CELL MarktUNti s Desgne PoItIns r~rr~o~OLTl0S .Necessary. Full trainir uear xp.antiiitt air Sales Team ix suppoîi of our'i Homu Dusign If you have over five years o! experiencein N emaktg ýýîiv1c "ý o tIf ill1 i ýj I 1 t ýi l d oppoiltiity tb urin yut i rkulnliti i taiethfii tib ifîsay be tio ujob for y ou. The dufles involve working dlrectly with Our clients and Our In Horna Designers boti in our showrooms andtin clients homes, Yu will neeti excellent communication skils, a flexible schedule, reli- able fransportation anti a desire f0 learn. Thîsi position is a prerequi- site fo becoming a fulliimeln Home Designer in our stores. If you have these atributes we want f0 hear f rom you. Do flot worry about sending ln a resume or portfolio right now. Just cmli Charlilsat L905-789-5M0 Ext. 150 ta apply The Burlingion PostlQaliville Beaver, a division of Metroiand Pubishing and Ditributing ttd., is accepting resumes for tehposiion of ADVERTORIAL WRITER This contracf position wili be for a 6-month matemnify leave, wifh the possibility of ain extension fa 12 months. Reporting te the Special Features Editor, the Advertoiiai Writor ix responstie for edi- tonsal content and layosi of in-paper festares, as well as any special publication creat- ed bythe =dion PostOakviile Beaver. The ideal . eaili have strong writing and editoral siilis with a proficiency in McootWord anrd OuattcXpress. A worfsnp knowledge of Pftotoshop a ailso required.*' Familiarity witft Macinitosh-based plaffors es mandatory. Thio position requires a par- oonable individual with excellent organizationai skîlis and the ability f0 manage maid- pie lattis in a deadliine-driven envirooment. The ability f0 worti wiit minimal supervi- sion, as well as in a team environmient is essenitial. The candidate must own a reliabie vehicle as soei driving wili be required. Please tax or mail resumnes by June fi, 2004: Marijana Prica, Special Features Editor c/o Burington Pont, 5040 Mainway DrUnit #1, Buringon ON L7L 7G5 Fax: 905-632-1121 mpica@hatonsearch.com No tuiuphone cals piease. Wu thank atl aplicants for appying, hoviever, only those seected for an interview wit hoe contacteti. Faciity B Operator, Arenas l Under te direction of the Fscility Supervisor, you witt perform maintenance and other W operational duties for the safe operation of com-muoity centre licilities, including sonna - operations. Tb tiis end, you munet bc mechanically inclined, able to operanie ice-resurfacing cquipment, ansd have a practicat tnowtedge of the carpentry, mechanacal and lectrical disciplines. Yosa possens current Fit Aid, CPR and WHMIS training, as well as thse abiiny 10 work with minimal suevsion, and effectively converse ffiti thse public. A high school diploma is especne4 n is Csos B Refrigeration certification,St=oonr Engineers 4th Clans certification or equivaient. A Certifird Ice Technician designation is preferred. This position requires s valid driver's licence, and thse millingnesa b work shifts, including some weekends. TIse sticcessfsul applicant wili bc paid in accordance with te rate as specified in the Collective Agreement between tise Town of Halton Hiua and CUPE Local 73. Wr offer a highly professional, progressive and su r .Iv work environment. To fbe an integrai part of our growing community, please send àd1 ailed resuane including references ) and a cover letter in your own bandwriting, quesng Poudng #M518, by 430 pm., Fridi% i june 25, 2004, to: Me. Jacqueine Boutes, Manager of Humas Remmoue, Toun of Halton - Hâl, 1 Hiltn Hile Drive, Hilton Hile, Ontcrio, L7G 5G2. Fu: "95-973-1431. We tbank ali/thuîe nbu app/y, but sssùr tbat un/y ibose app/icants seete'fr an intert4w ili/b contacted Perna/ infurmatoun s ru//eied undser the autbunsty of the Maipa/lret, 2001 (S. 0. 200)1, r. 25), and sud/ be ued tu se/et a candidate. We are an Equal qepun-tsnity Emp/uyer. a An EXRINO oo luiiy Has Openedpl We are ktokig bx an ASSISTANT MANAGER, F(U & PART-THME POSTONS A Hav«~s 50 MariaitDrites1Mlin. We Off« CWÇ68M mtiw wages,bss libls hosand anopportaiy for car adva-omn Pleme e"aliyeur ceame to De"htdeashaiep. 2450Cmm.er Or fax tn. (905) 878-7733 BLUE BEACON TRUCK WASH to nom hirirsg fulIl ime andîart lime 4 pm - 12pm and 8-4 ful¶time The auccesuful applicaxsss must ha flexible, highly motiv:ated ablesîr work the weekends. Your motivational skills could erm you an average hourty wsge of between 1f0.00 and 'f 6.00/hr with a fisse pay of 18.00/hr. Please appty in persoos at 40 Chiahotan Drive No phsone catis please 1/rei we warrlto1 meut you. V/e are Iookiog 10 fMI fhe following position for WoodstocK, Ont. OUT-BOUND DOCK MANAGER This position requires an individual thaf cao worlrio a fast past environment in order f0 Ihandie the time constraints and pressures that cames alang witft arrivai and departure limes J ofthie P&D and fine hatal units. We are seeking an individual that is a dynamnic leader who has the knowiedge and expedence ta not only ensure thle job is dane, but ta teach the trade 0f cross dakng freight. You need ta possess the fallowing skils and experience: *5 years in a lead-hand/supervisor raie *Excellent geographicai knowledge 0f Canada and GTA. *Handling of Dangerous Gaods *Forkiift experience *Excel lent communication and computer skils, witfi a cao-do appraach and exoep- tional leadership abiliies. Pléme forward yau resumne ta: Lsdillo"~bllneLca or Fax: 1«954670-3815 SALES An ozoilicorser opportunlty sawalls yoa. A ccountemps is adivision of Robert Half International, the world's leader in specialized financial stafflng, wift- over 325 offices. We are looking for accounting and finance professionaîs to utilize their experience and industry-specific SIS ta develop new business, establish strong client relationships, and recruit and place similar accounting and finance professionals. Join us for a rewarding sales career with a solid base salary, lucrative bonus program, and an outstanding benefits package, which includes stock options. For an immediate and confidential interview, please email your resume 10: danlolle. hombon@rhi.com 5575 North Service Road, Suite 103 Burington, ON L7L 6M1 fax: 905-319-2095 - *iiHa ua a i.- c go.ji- 4cIZE studonts welcome, Cail 905-844-1025 Cor interview. WMU s sseei fesmnned ecyek =2ts IN PARTNERSHIP WITH bus excelet«spoflmni.slsad.d wiâhpotwttial in Mis.. Avattable positions incfude Machin. Oporatssand Asamubla . $11-$12/hour e AIl shifts are available Oifit yo u itesed75bu te ad or would fikefs receive more information, please contact HCR today. 141M-1MM16a *Fm ( 416) M-72U www.hcr.ca <» GERRUE WAnunusiPEM (1W) We are a reced indusb leader intbfe electrical distri- bution business sînce 1957 We art csrrenffy seeking an indîvidual foi sur Buringttn Central Wareltosse. Duties wiii inctade order picking, sttipping, receieing, forlfi. Preisss shipping / varebosse erriecetogetier with excellent comnpter, urganizational and csmntnication skilis are required. We tUfer lob secunity, vages cotntrnen- ssrate with esperience, fllI beneft package and coninuai training. If you are interested in ioiting sur dynamic and grswing compatiy, please torward your resune: EAI HR@ errecomr-l FAX 9"561 -3221 MRELCTICMAEU R 4104 South Service Road, Burlinglon Ont. L7L 4X5 Aten: HRWarehouse O n/y t/rose selected for interview w/il ha contacted w 1