Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Jun 2004, p. 14

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14-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 8, 2004 If you have any questions these professionals cari answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Ni:icc "i i c 1c (T 1 'l'! osr f ax feu: 878-49~43 >Halton His ÇSpeech Centre 6 MSiou f M aeMecue SapcecSpeech affu e o pWPoe"nal Coffpan YOur Caring Partners..." Northview Centre, 211 Guelph St., Suite 5, Georgetown (905) 873-8400- www.haitonspeech.com Quesion: As a parent, how can 1 tell if 1 should be concerned about my child's sruttering? Asswer: Stuntering begins gradually in the young chiid. Most children between the ages of 2-5 may become dysfluent as they begin to put aounds, words and sentences together. It is important for parents to recognize the difference between stuttering and the normal hesitancies which ail children will occasionally show. Stuttering is an involuntary repetition. prolongation or blockage of a word or part of a word that a person is trying to, say. Childeen who stutter know what they want to say, yet in spite of ail their efforts, they are unable to say the words smoothly and effortlessly. Normal childhood dysfluency is seen as a child is leamîing to master certain sounds, vocabulary and sentence structures while exposed to social pressures of taiking. As your child ties 10 explain something to you. he/she may come to a point where they are unable t0 find the words they orant to say and may end up gropisg, repeating helptessly and in many cases may give up enîirely. This often bappens orbes children are trytng 10 fusc a neor word or îalking about something which tbey are not familiar witb. If your child tries to do iis when he ix confused. isumied or excied: tf he s afraid tisaS you or someone oi interrupt him; if he is assare ibat you are stot listening or k s ot pleascng you with bis talk. one cdfl usdersîtnd why your cild's speech may flot be smootb. Concern wiîh stuttering becomies evîdeat when the chitd ik overly troublrd about their speech and expresses anxity about tise way tbey talk. If signs of tension orbes speaking are observed, tiis may also identtfy a child who is at rtsk for developing stuttering bebaviors., Most importantly, if tise child begins to, shy away or avotd talking situations because of fear of stuttering. parents should be concerned. Fet free to contact our Centre for information andor as'alabiliîy of videotapes on dysfluency froro our lending library or visit our website t 75 Main St., Ste. 10 f l Milton Medical Buildings 905-878-0800 i Jillian Guant WOadp Cook Cathisas MTovish Ryas Wesr (Hans.) B. sk., RMT RY RUT1kS., RMT Q: What is pseudo-sciaica? A: PsuoSitc or Phiformis Sïndmn is a compression syn- drome of the sciatr nerve, producing symptorns commonly referred to as scianica. The sciair nerve ix the largest nerve in the body and is the main branch of the sciatir plexus. It descends frora the lumbar spine anterior to the pelvis and exils, passîng betoreen thse piriformis muscle and thse loorer pelvts. 'hie nerve tises travels 10 the posterior surface of tise thigh and down tise leg. In some people, thse scîatic serve actually penetrates and passes lhrough tise piriformis muscle belly. 'Mis ix an unusual variant typically requiring corrective surgery. If tight, the piiformis can squeeze tise sciatic serve against tbe pelvis cansing parahesia and pais in Ue buttocks and radîatîng pain down t1k leg mb Uste Uigts and caif. 'Mte pain is usually intermittent witis vaiying inlensities. Presentation is usually in ose leg only and seurological deficits are uncommon. Only if Use syndrome is of losg duraios will tise sciatic serve irritation develop mb Uste tror inflammation of sciatîca. Common causes of pirifonnis syndrome are occupational and postural factors (prolonged sitting) oriicis can sisorten and increase tone unsdie muscle. Injuries to Use sacrofliar joint, gluteais, or lateral rotaîor muscles with subsequent inflammation, haematotna, and scarring can irilate die muscle. Treatment of piriforotîs syndrome involves deep tissue work to the later- ai rotators of the hp, trigger point therapy. and passive stretching. Education wîth respect to postural corrections and a reduction in causative factors wll follow. CMC Nhm MUL-M L8-8 e UaL 10-2 e C96MdSiuiay TImn. Oly 17 Wilson Dr. #12 Connie Francoz PHYSIOTHERAPDISTS (corner of Wilson & Main) 876-1515 Q. l'm net going for a gold maedai, bug t ill want le try tee achieve my personal besn ri amaer sports. Cao yeu uffer some tips? A. Sumnmer is a terifie ime to enjoy outdoer sports and fitness artîilies. Doing t metlinlu our choice of sport and baving fan are important, homexer, eqaally importait is presenting ani njnry. 1Firstly, examine tihe sports yuu like mon. Wttat type uf esercise du tisey provide? Dues tise sport belp tcuild body strenglis or muscle endurance improxe ftexibility, promote co-ordination and balance, or proside a cardiosascatar workuut for your beart and lungs? Tiîis about att of tbe components uff liiuess -aerobic fiîness, flexibittty and strenglis.and panîicîpate tee a canieiy of acisities tisai togetiser iii sifer benefiîs in ail or must uf tise areas tof fitiess. If you are lhinking about cardiosascular enercise or muscle endurance iey sim- mine, malking, roller'btuding or cyctine. Combine ibis mils an exercise for flestbility, balance, co-urdinattun or relaxation ike tennis, badminton or yoga. Remember tisat utd saying "no pain nu gain" ix iasî tisai, an otd saying, a mytis. Today malte pour mollo "rain..don'î strain". Try tu stay siisape tbrougistise inier to essore tisat pour body is ai a ftcess leveltht i tt altoor pou to play sports witisouît nury ail samrmer.('ommit to doing a maro ap and cool down racis tîme pou eserctse or play a sport Remember ibat tf pou are setu to a sport. pou shsuld progress yoursclf gradually in ternus of tise time. iteusitî aud fre- tquent y that you paricipate to recluce voar chances tof inury. ThinS about misecier pour %pocr Sas an> repetitive mosecceuls. endtng. to.stiog or ocher mition that cao cocntcuîe to muscle tratus or lgamectîspraîcs A pisys- totiserapist cax cffer inforcmation o reduce potercliol prubemrs hy assesstng thse btomecisacîcs tof vîsur sport That meaus. hccw sou oy ips mostcg ohm you ltt me5t fMainnjSt.orE.udSuiteor 201,yprMiltonn Plese onact ea <)ffleate 0 uaDive, Somuit l i ÛMARTGAGE John Cavan 905.878.7213 mrigage Cortsua5a, www.strensfreemortgages.ca Variable rate mortgages... Moite over. The Iong-term moflgage is back For tise pasl few pears, Canadias bumeowners sbruggeed off thier tradîttosat preference for securilp and embracedth ie cosl savtng potential of a oariabsle rate morlguge. wbicb bat ils rate pegged lu lthe ianko prime rate tisaI nom stands ai iloric toms, tut isow 10w cas il go? Manp Canadians base coscludedthtiItise rute is usliklely 10 drup mach furtser - making long-term mortgages luais oerp attraction agais. And for xume, lise lunger lise btter. Tise rigisl morlgage, of course, always depensxon yoar persosal finascial situ- ation and pour rtsk lolerasce. Vour morgage broiers jubis cx 0 ielp hou fisd lise isesl salue mitce managcog nosk White bomeomuers ils variable rate mort- gages base dose particularly melins tise pasl few pearx, ilx easy 10 forgel somne of lise hîstorîcul trens. x tbeen 1976 and 1981, rates vient fromt a o"nth oie 11% rasge to0 isghs snlise 21% range. TisaI max a douisliog sftrates in a percsd of snly fise pears. isuse miso locised in1ati 11/% more acfaiallp hle bett s Homeomners miss wîlcessed lise mortgage market onlisose yearx hecume a geseralonof51ris-aserse boyers, asdth ie prefereoce for fced erm murgages domiosteti bsrromîsg hbht for almosl tmeoly pearo. Ties as rateos ept up a sleady pace downwards, lise pretereoce for oger-lerm morgages taded. St why are lhey csmcsg SacS sn fasxbîss White nosose we know ix predicclîg aoy 1981 scenario io morgage rates on lise nest few Yeats, yo're uslikely Su Icoti masy experts miss are predicfiog tisaI rates mut (sotinlue tise long downmsrd trend. There ix tome teste tisaI me are close 10 lise isotom Asdt i lscIle dowsmurd room for rates, lise so-calleti "rits" of tise losg-leror morfgage is effectiselp elîmînated. Aler al, pua are aslitiely 10 sigo a 5-year mortgage lodap and lbeo match tise rates drop 4%/coser tisaI ime. Casadias bomeumners bave an historie oppsrtsaity ltocS is e lomesl rates sn historp. Some bomneomners miss locked sn a very goi rate a fem pears ugo are even miling ta psy an interest penalty 1tocS in a nem longer-teror mort- gage ut todapo rates. Tbere'o laftte guesomork loday about bowmumch tomer rates cas go; me're taIS- isg nom about osly fractions. So for verp ittie nsk,(af tomer rates), you car ienefit fromntishe traduiosal remards et a loeger-term martgage: tiese Scarity otf Snoisg tisaI - miatever bappens 10 tise rate tovirusmeot - pou cas plan ycur paymens untilthtie endi af your term. Jlohn cargo18,9 Cenaeftnt .1M aotgo e elgenoe,mn.5uomoOUp.a 15 Martin St. 905-693-9594su "Providing a Natural Way ro Befter Health and Wellness" Mi laxins Stanley Q: 1r.ceintly tried a dit that Involved protein shakes, and 1 was restulcted frons consumIng bateris, grapes, cnots and alcohol. Neediesa to .ay, It dtdn't last very longi le It rsally nec- etsay 0000go theaa extremes to lose w.Ightf A: Tise answer ta cour question ta mast deflnitely "NO!" Ta avold seacisnaturel fruits and vegetoblea for the rmat of cour litaisa abaurd, and avoiding aicohol for some people neans an end ta their social lices. Sucis extmemes ame NOT necesaanj What yauve juat deacribed slaa temporaey change to your eating habita: a OIET. Ta have true weigiso los euft, and moat lmpoetantly, LASTING RESULTS, cou need ta malte sone ifestyle changes, sot just temporary onsn Thats mhy diets dont morl They oms quicte fia for a long term prablero, and inevitably, tise welght cames back on misen you go back ta cour "normal" eating habita. This tends ta tise"yo-yo" syndrome, where your melght canstantty swings fron higis ta tam ta higis agaln, meecte- lng havoc on yaur metaboisn (sot ta mention tise test of cour body!) Tise true formula for meight losa a everything Sen oderation on a dally basin, Thse changesa tIyau natte ta yaur eatisg sisautd BECOME your nem habits,, mIser tisas a tempomary distraction tram yaur otd eatisg habits, At HerbaI Magie, me undemstand Ibis, and have designed a sensible eating pian that incorporates cour amn grocery store bougist foods. Aicahot, atong miti tise aformentiosed Imuita and vegetabtes, are mast definttety a part of cour prograrof Safe, altt salai herbs are used ta raine metabotic rates and to ease cravings, hetping you 10 develap nem and tauttng eatisg habits. Tmained nutritianat caunseltars are on hand ta provide ose-on-ose guidance and fut support. If meigitt os a sometising you've beens cossidering, give us a cati or stop by. Ait consultations are free mitis na obligation. MWaxin. Stanley ha* a SA. ln Sociology andi en S.S.W. ln Social Wo,*. 8h. ha. wo.*ed rfltheuHonteal Magic program for over aighf Yomraandile a trained nuf flonai counseiilor. 11M intE Mîtn Onto L- 4N 905-878-2341 sEc. MILER ca* e-mail: smiler@miftoncasadtanchampion.eom FLYERS: YOU EITHER LOVE THEM OR HATE THEM.. BUT HERE ARE THE FACTSI Fact 1... We can define your target market withirt Milton or our rural areas, and send flyers out to those homes you wish 10 offer your service. Fact 2... This means that you can distribute as little as 1,000 flyers, or go t0 each of the 17,701 home we deliver 10, Fact 3... At a Coul of only $44 per thousand. you can promote your company in your marketing area at a cosi that is verv affordable for any business, Fact 4... According 10 the Kubas Report marketing research study, over 84% of households surveyed in Milton find flyer information sources useful in mak- îng buying decisions. Fact 5... Over 70% of our readers prefer 10 have fly- ers delivered every Tuesday or Friday inserted into The Canadian Champion. Fact 6... If you want 10 enjoy the same response to your advertising message that our numerous regular flyer distribution customers receive, then caîl me. I can help you put together a program that wilI work best for your business or service. Cali your Milton Champion Sales representative p

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