Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Jun 2004, p. 12

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12-The Canadian Champion, Tuosday, June 8, 2004 If you have any questions these profession'als can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Champion Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 E 1a y n eTa n ner & A s s oria te s Elayne M. Tanner B.A, B.S.W., M.S.W., R.S.W., DIP. SOC. ADM. Counselling & PsyChotherapy Milton (905) 854-0801 Elsyne M. Tanner w w.etasolutions.com Q: I amn a mid-sized business owner who would like to take care of my emsployees but can't afford to pay for extensive employee benefits. How do I avoidpayingforfull time employees but getting only part trne performance because of personal issues? A: Business bas 10 bc concerurd witb profits. Alcoholism, stress, anxirîy, depression. marital and family probtets arc jusi a frw reasons for employer absenîrcîste, poor work performance and lowerrd profils. Many compasies pay int employer assistance plans (EAP'sî ibat offer counsellîng, but ike insurance, you pay for cveryonr in the eveni thai lhcy may use the service, but of course. masy do nul. As a mid-sized business owner, ibis makes tbe cositif counsclling prohibitive and ibose wbo do take advanîagr of the service frrqurnîly do 001 gel adequair coverage or carc. Elaynr Tanner & Associates allows ibose employces wito nerd counselling îu benefit, and the compasy docs not pay on speccfor employer', wbo do nul nerd service ai ibis ime. In Iis way the employer cao reccîve more bours of guidance ai nu greaîcr cosi 10 you. You detennine your maximum budget for this tenefit and usage draws frîîm ibat amouni. You do oui pay for anyting ibati snu nor sd. Confîdenîialîîy is complrîely mainlaincd. Staff training cas also be very affordable cvcn for smatl groups. Wr cas provîde custom designcd courses on a wide vanieiy of lopîrs Ibai strengthrn employer moral and motivaîr tbcm 10 work lu tbe best of Ibrir abliîy. Programmes sncb as self-esteem building, stress management. or communication skîlls are jus( a few of Ibose tai me cas provide. Employer issues sîcal producîîviiy dollars from your business and Ibis can be remedird in a tîmcly and cos( efficient manner. Employers arr apprecialive of employers wbo care about thete and will work more efficirnîly for you in rctumn. "HELPING YOU HELP YOURSELF" Marilyn J. Samuels, LL.B. I~~i Lawyer 11084 Fifth Line, Milton Ph. 905854-4942 Fax: 905-854-5211 Marilyn J. Samueis Q. I think I need a Iawyer but 1 don't know how to pick the right one. What should I be Iooking for? A. Choosing the righî lawyer is crilical 10 your success. You wanî 10 have a good working relationship with him or her. Ask questions. Find out about their qualifications and experience. Find oui if you are comfortable wiîh the lawyer's personaliîy. Do you feel comfortabie wilh the dcgree of communication, attitude, approach, candor and commilment 10 your case? Remember that you gel wht you pay for - be sure you pick the rigbî lawyer for the righî job or in the long mun il may end up cosîing you a lot more than you bargained for. Dont be afraid t0 ask about fees - whaî is the hourly rate? Are you corufortable with Ibis hourly rate - knowing that al lime spent on your file for telephone raIls, ernails, reviewing letters, faxes, drafling letters will aIl te rharged aI Ibis hourly rate. Ask your lawyer for periodic updaîes of the charges beîng înrurred on your file. Ask for deîailed interiru bills whirh set oui how much work is bcing donc and by whom, so that you cao keep track of whaî you are spcnding. Use your ime with your lawyer wisely. Save up aIl of your questions for meetings or one phone cal] and reduce the number of phone calîs about single minor maîlers. Make notes of whaî you wanî 10 ask your lawyer and have your thoughîs organized before you raIl him or her. Be organized and provide aIl information requested in a îimely fashion. Remember you have conîrol over the cosl of your case. Be reasonable in the position you take concrming a seuîlement. You wilI pay for any reasonable or difficult positions you take. For further information cali Marilyn Samuels at 905-85~44942 r GREG J. LAWRENCE B. se., D. CH. FOOT SPECIALIST / CHI ROPODIST 350 Main St. E., L ft> 'I Milton, Ontario, L9T 1 P6 (905) 878-6479 1 A Princesa Anne Dr., Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4W4 Grog J. Lawrence (905) 702-1611 B.S. .C. Membr of the Ontario Society of Chlropodlsto end lTe Ontario College 0f Chiropodiaota Q. How do 1 know when 1 need new running shoes and what shouid 1 look for? A. Failing to replace worn shoes is a major cause of injuries. Estimates vary, as do individuals, as 10 when is the best lime Ici replace your running shors. The usual estimates place the mileage at somewhere between 350 and 550 miles. This means thai many indivîduals sbould bc replacng their shocs before they show major wear. In spite of the lack of werar the shoe will be gradually losing ils sbock absorption capacity as well as possibly starting te, ose some of its stabiliy. Put your sboes on the table and look from the back of the sboe 10 the beel. If the counter of the shoe is tiltrd in or bulges over the inner part of your shor, you migbî be one who excessis'ely pronates. If thîs s so, you may look for a shor wiv.b more sîability or replace your shoc a bit sooner nexi lime. If you shor tilts 10 the oulsîde, you may have a hîgh arched foot, ibis în some cases cas lead 10 ankle spraîns and also increased transmission of forces 10 the leg and back. Looking ai lthe top of your shoe, you should note if you cas see te oulline of your tocs în lte upper or rîiter your large or steall tbe on eîîber sîdc. If you do and have dîscomfon iin ibese areas or have bad a -black toc" you sbould consîder wîder or longer shors or bot wîder and longer. If you have a flexible and pronaîrd foot, you mighî do better with a board lasted shoc. But lookîng for a good coanier and a shoc titat is rigîd until te point wbere your tocs atiacit is as casier empînical way 10 find a good shoe.This offers resîsiance 10 torsion and initibits pronaton. Slip lasîrd shocs arc frcqucnîly good for bigit acched fret. Combînaton lasird shors arc supposed 10 offcr the besi of bot worlds; sîabîlîy in te rear foot asd flcxibilîy in te forcfooi. If you bave asy furtiter questions rcgarding footwcar feel free 10 gîve us a caîl or cal a store with knowledgeablc sales staff sucit as Feci lu Motion iterc in Georgetown. Iot.iMa k I Open 10 midnight, 7 da suek m u Towne Dental Group ~ Carrnage Square, 265 CAin St. E. DAW Mark Cross Milton Mail - 55 Ontario St. - 905-878-4492 ROSS BSc. DODS. (905) 876-11881...---- Ever heard of Bill Dorîman? Hes ttc dentîsî on ttc hît televîsion sertes Exîreme Makeover. I was aI his seminar a couple of wceks ago at the Ontario Dental Association spring convention. Il was an inîereitîing day. For starters, bis relebrity siatus meani thai lhey bad 10 cloue the doors 10 the room a baf tour before the seminar starird berause so many people wanted 10 hear (and sec) him. Some were waiîing îQ bave ibeir piclures taken with tim. He said tat when ttc creators of Exireme Makeover initialîy approarhcd biru, their interesi was solcly in biru whiîening tceth. He bold tem tat if Ibis was ail ttey were interested in, îhcy were missing ttc point. Dentisîs have ttc abiliiy tb do so mort more 10 enhance ttc smile. How truc! Hit office is ttc firsi stop for candidates for ttc show because a beautiful smile is s0 crucial for a successfuî transformation. He then stowcd us how te created ttc "smile makeover" for several of ttc people fcatured in Exireme Makeover. Wtat I find ecriting is ttc interesi and desire our patients are showing for an împrovcd smilc. Ih uscd 10 te thai people thougtt of Marathon Man and Little Stop of Horrors when thcy îhoughî of ttc dentisi. Now more and more il's a beautiful and hcalthy omile. Thanks, Bill, for your pant in changing peoples perception of dental treaiment!1 How to be Safe in the Sun this Suminer As te summer approahes, masi Of lis are ansious ta rsh ituside and enjay somne sunsine. esprciaily aller a tongtand caid inier. Hirsever. beurre you pur an your bating suit and rssh ouldoars titere are scierai ibîngs yau sbauid kaow abotni bw 10 proteci bath yoursrll and your fani>tfram tbe hartefut effeits aifte son. Sunscreen Chemicai suusc reens prateui sou tram te sun's iarinful rays by absoritng tem. and itus presrnlingtem tram damaging yaur skiîx A vasi seectîot fsun-cae praducîs are availabie ta yau. Here are scierai îbîngs ta keep in mind witen sclecting a sunscreen: (il SPF. sPF stands for Sun Prtectian FacIar ls a salue used ta raie te efficacy af te sunscreru. The igiter te SPF te langer te indîsîdual mili ibe praiecird. Thase wîlh far skîu. miot an paariy and bute easily. shauid use sunscreen mitti an SPF af ai teasit 15 (il) Broad Sperirum Be sure ta use a broaudspecimum sunscreen whicb iii prateci yau tram UVA and UVB rays. (ii) Wîîier-Resisant or Waterproaof Sunscreens tai are waier-resistant ar materpraaf preveut sunscreen fraontiteing masited amay by imeat and mater, Waerreststani sunscreens praecut far 40 minutes lunte mater miîe materpraaf sunsureons praîrci far 80 miaules. Tîps for Appling Sunsereen. -Appty te sunscreru liiteraity, and dant farget abouat yaur lips. cars,.aeck and any itaid spots. Apply sunsurea ait easi 20 minutes pnaor ta son expasure Re.appiy ai ieast ever ma ba urs and fallamîng swmmmug ar enerrise Remember ta ue sunscreen rien an cody days. as up ta 80% af te sua's rays pruetrate stauds. -Wbrn using bath sunscreen and inseci repelieni sîmaltaneausiy. te sunscreru sitauid hc ipplirdfitrsi. Oiher Meihumis of Prutection: Reduce suitexpasure itîeen 000 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Wear sugasses and a itat Sek stade Avaîd sun expasure mithlie UV iodes is maderate ta bîgit $e-QMF1 NTERIORS IU ~ I oCarnet. Vînyl oCeramics - Hardwood Paint oWallcoverings Showroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL GeraIdIne Hesketh 845 "St. I. Millm es ,8.7S.4280 Think of Casties.... ..Now cottages, what cornes to mind? Charm and history? WeIl put this effect into a floor, now make it in an engineered hardwood. Names such as oak armangac or cassis wire bntshed 5" planks tudor, elizabethian, thatched cottage, the choice is yours. The added benefits to an engineered over 3/4" wood is its versatility allowing you to instail it in any area of your home! Especially wait for it. Yes the basement even over radiant heat. The design options are endless under the pool table. Incorporate it into a bar with brass rails. For that really english pub. Great with the kids and dog too. Due to it's authenticity, definitely a plus to any room and will enhance kitchens bringing character and charmn into your home. Remember also that this product is definitely NOT a laminate floor but TRUE hardwood. So don't be faint of heart and turn your home into a castie. The drawbridge is always down at Comfi. 1

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